Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga) (31 page)

BOOK: Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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He’d confirmed her suspicions. Tears formed in her eyes and she bowed her head to keep him from noticing. Her pregnancy had turned her into a boiling pot of emotions. She’d have to control herself around him until she found the right moment to tell him about the baby.

Edmund kissed her neck again, and a shiver ran through her. It’d been much too long. His kisses trailed up to her ear and he nibbled on the lobe. Pleasure bubbled inside her, but she didn’t want to enjoy the moment. Not now. Yet, this was their wedding night. It was her duty to give in to him.

Inwardly she groaned. Why did she think of making love as a duty?

Closing her eyes, she recalled the night when Edmund had been a different man, when he’d loved her like she’d always dreamed. She wanted that man back. She wanted to surrender her desires and let passion control her. She didn’t want to think anymore...just feel.

Would it be so bad if she allowed him to make love to her? After all, they were married.

“Megan, my darling, you are too stiff.”

Edmund stroked her shoulder and slid his hand to her neck. The pad of his thumb traced the skin on her throat with such tenderness it sent goose bumps dancing over her body. His hands bracketed her face and tilted it up. She looked into his intoxicating eyes. Desire, wanting, and excitement, were evident in his expression through his glassy stare. It had always been since that first day in the woodsman’s cottage.

Her heart picked up rhythm. She’d been attracted to him since she first laid eyes on him, too. And his touch had always made her body melt.

Edmund leaned in and kissed her lips, pulling her bottom lip gently in his mouth. She didn’t push him away, but participated in the kiss. Gradually, her body relaxed and melted against him.

How she had missed this. Missed his touch; his kiss; his wild passion. But making love to him would involve her heart. It was nigh impossible to keep from loving him. Yet, she feared he would never return her feelings.

Her breath caught when an idea formed in her mind. What if she
him fall in love with her? What if she poured out her love and drowned him with passion? He’d have to love her. And, if she told him about the baby...would it make her goal better or worse?

Men wanted heirs, didn’t they?

With her decision firmly in check, she forged forth with her plan. She’d make him love her.

* * * *

“Edmund? However did you find a place so soon?”

Edmund took Megan’s hand, his smile widening while pulling her into the two-story house. When she looked upon the red and gold decorations and the deep green and blue used in the curtains, she let out a gasp. Vaulted ceilings and a curved staircase in the middle of the hallway opened the space up, making it look larger. It resembled Jake’s mother’s house with the expensive furnishings.

“I rose with the sun to seek out our house. Your friend, Mr. Williams helped.”

Her eyes widened. “Jake?”

“Yes. He told me of a man who had lost all his money to gambling.” Edmund chuckled. “Reminded me of your father.”

She refused to talk about her father right now. “So this is the man’s house?”

“Yes. The man was eager to sell all he had, even down to the last dish. I gave him more than he asked, and he turned over the title and key. It’s ours now.”

“I must say, Edmund, you did a wonderful job establishing us in a house of wealth. This place is indeed magnificent.”

“I have already hired a few men to help us move in.”

She chuckled. “But Edmund, Bertha and I only packed a few trunks when we left England.”

He shrugged. “That’s all right. The men needed work, anyhow. I might even hire them to work in my goldmine.” He tugged on her arm. “Come, let me show you the rest of the house. I think you’re going to adore the bedroom. The bed is as large as the one you had back home.” Slipping his arm around her waist, he pulled her close. “I think we will get plenty of use out of that.”

He kissed her on the lips then stepped away. Keeping her hand cradled in his, he led the way to the other rooms on the first floor. Her heart lightened. Edmund certainly knew how to keep her living the lifestyle she was accustomed to. But she would have been just as content living by the schoolhouse, as long as she knew he loved her.

When they climbed the stairs, she anticipated seeing the bedroom. Perhaps they’d try out the bed this very afternoon? Last night – their wedding night – had been heaven. Edmund was so gentle with her…so loving it nearly shattered her defenses. Perhaps he was beginning to fall in love with her.

Before reaching the top of the stairs, a sharp pain sliced through her abdomen. Taken unaware, she let out a soft sob and clutched her stomach as she stopped.

Edmund looked down at her, his forehead creased. “Is there something amiss?”

The pain disappeared. She took a deep breath and straightened. “No, of course not. I think I’m just hungry.”

He laughed and squeezed her hand. “We will get something to eat later. I promise.”

She climbed two more steps and the pain grabbed her stomach again, bending her over this time. She clutched her abdomen, now hard as a rock.
Something is definitely wrong!
Losing her balance, she fell back against the railing. Edmund’s quick arm shot out and grabbed her, keeping her from tumbling down the stairs.

“Megan, what’s wrong?” Edmund’s voice rose in panic. He knelt in front of her and cupped her face in his hands. “Blazes, woman, your face is white.”

“Edmund, I don’t feel well,” she mumbled. Her breathing turned irregular. She gritted her teeth, trying to hold in the sharp pains. “Edmund, I need a physician.

Cursing, he picked her up and hurried to the bedroom. She didn’t take notice of what was in her new room, just concentrated on the caring man by her side. He yanked down the blankets and laid her on the bed. Sitting beside her, he swiped his hand over her forehead.

“You’re feverish.”

She nodded. “I do feel hot all over.” Another pain tugged in her stomach and she cried out, curling in a ball.

“Megan, what’s wrong with your stomach?”

“Oh, Edmund. Please hurry and fetch a physician. I think I’m losing our baby.”

He jumped off the bed as if it were on fire. His expression laced with surprise quickly turned into a scowl. “Our baby? You’re carrying our baby?”

“Please, Edmund, hurry or I may not be carrying it at all.”

Pushing his fingers through his hair, he swore then turned and hurried out of the bedroom. This wasn’t the way she’d planned to tell him. She’d hurt him. It was obvious from his stunned expression and stiff back. But she’d have to worry about that later. Right now she needed to do all she could to keep her baby.

Another painful rip tore through her body and liquid gushed out between her legs. “
,” she cried. “Please, no!” She buried her face in the pillow and poured out her anguish. If she lost the baby, she feared she would lose Edmund, too.



Chapter Nineteen


Edmund paced the floor in the hallway outside the bedroom while the physician attended Megan. A million thoughts swam through his head, but none of them made sense. She must have known about the baby, but for how long? And when was she going to tell him? If he hadn’t come to California, would she had written him and let him know of his impending fatherhood?

He growled and hit his fist against the nearest wall. Just down the hall from him, Mayor Williams jumped from the chair by the bedroom and turned toward him.

“Mr. Knight, is there something I can do for you? Would you like me to fix you a drink?”

Edmund shook his head. “I’m just grateful for the use of your mother’s physician. Since I’m new to town, I didn’t know where to turn.”

Mr. Williams smiled. “I’m happy to be of assistance.”

Staring at the younger man, Edmund’s confusion took on a different turn and he couldn’t stop from speaking his mind. “Mr. Williams? May I ask you a question?”


“Did you know about my wife’s pregnancy?”

Jake’s face glowed a reddish hue, giving away his answer before he spoke. Edmund hardened his jaw.

Jake nodded. “ be perfectly honest...”

“Mr. Williams.” Edmund held up a hand to stop him. “That’s all right. I had already suspected.”

The younger man’s Adam’s apple jerked before he spoke. “It was only by accident. Your wife didn’t tell me. In fact, I wouldn’t have known if my mother didn’t see the signs first.”

Edmund narrowed his eyes. “What are you saying?”

“Before the carriage accident, Megan and I were at my mother’s house for supper.”

“Yes, I’m aware of that.”

“Well, your wife had a fainting spell and my mother summoned her physician to examine Megan. Mother suspected, but it wasn’t until the physician confirmed that we knew for certain.”

Edmund nodded and clenched his teeth to keep any angry words from leaving his mouth. It didn’t matter. The fact still remained...Megan knew and didn’t tell him. He raked his finger through his hair and turned, walking the hallway again. When he passed Jake, the man touched his arm, stopping him. Edmund glared into the younger man’s eyes.

“Mr. Knight, if she had thought you were alive, she would have moved heaven and earth to inform you of your fatherhood. By the way she talked about you, I could tell she missed you greatly.”

Edmund fisted his hands by his side. “That’s reassuring,” he bit out.

Jake’s eyes stayed on Edmund, then narrowed. The pain knocking at the base of Edmund’s skull intensified.
Does he know I’m his half-brother?

The other man cleared his throat. “Forgive me for asking, but have we met before?”

Uncomfortable, Edmund took a step back. “No. I don’t believe so.”

“You look familiar to me. You remind me of someone.”

Edmund forced a laugh. “I assure you, we have never met.”

Jake’s eyebrows drew together. “The other day, when you assisted right after those thieves attacked, your wife said the name Edmund. Is that you?”


The other man sucked in his breath, his face losing color moment by moment.

Edmund’s heart hammered against his ribs.
Jake suspects!
Edmund quickly brushed away the thought. There was no way the younger man could know. His mother wasn’t even aware, according to Phillip anyway.

The bedroom door opened. The physician walked out, closing his medical bag. Edmund hurried to the older man.

“Is she all right?” Edmund’s voice squeaked, tight with concern.

The older man nodded, pulling shut the bedroom door. “Your wife is resting peacefully now.”

“And...” He swallowed hard. “The baby?”

The physician shook his head. “She miscarried. I’m truly sorry, Mr. Knight. I believe the buggy accident she had with Mr. Williams was what started it.”

Edmund’s chest tightened and he couldn’t breathe. He wanted to hit something, someone, but knew Jake wasn’t the reason his wife miscarried. Tears threatened his eyes, so he blinked away the liquid. “I appreciate your help, doctor. Let me walk you to the door.”

Edmund led the way, hurrying the old man down the stairs and outside. The moment he closed the door, he turned and marched into his study and slammed the door.
This cannot be happening!

Since meeting Megan, his world seemed brighter, full of life, and he had a reason to keep going. She made him happy. She fulfilled his every dream. Yet now animosity burned through him like an active volcano. He just couldn’t forgive her for not telling him about the baby sooner.

His heart clenched. Plain and simple, she hadn’t wanted him. She’d left him in England because she didn’t love him.

Letting his anger guide him, he walked to the stocked liquor cabinet and poured a glass of whiskey.
The more the better.
He didn’t want to think about talking to his wife, not until his anger subsided.

With drink in hand, he slid into his chair and gazed out the window. His chest ached with an unknown feeling. He loved her, but she hadn’t loved him enough to tell him. How could he live without her love now? How could he go on? Life just wouldn’t be worth living without her in it.

* * * *

Megan stared blankly at the bedroom window, sitting on the chair facing the wall. Behind her, Bertha busied herself in straightening up the bedroom. Megan left her maid to her duties, not in the mood to converse.

Megan’s heart wrenched with remorse. After the physician left her bedchambers yesterday and delivered the distressing news to Edmund, he’d stormed downstairs and into his study. She hadn’t seen him since.

A tear slid down her cheek and she brushed it with her finger. It didn’t matter to Edmund if she was in bed crying over the loss of their child. Nor did it matter she wanted her husband by her side, comforting her. Jake had visited with her briefly, but Megan didn’t want anyone but her husband. Apparently, he didn’t want her.

BOOK: Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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