Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga) (14 page)

BOOK: Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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Without knocking, her father opened the door and stepped inside. His deep scowl displayed his irritation.
Edmund had come.
Why else would her father appear so upset?

“Do you know who was at the door?” he demanded, crossing his arms over his chest.

Her heart knocked crazily against her ribs. “No, Father.”

“It was Lord Crestwood.”

Her pulse eased. “Lord Crestwood? Is he all right? Did he say how the emergency at home had gone?”

“No, but he did say one thing that confused me.”


“Sometime during this evening, while in your company, he discovered the two of you would not suit.”

She gaped and almost laughed out loud. She bit her lip, trying to appear perplexed in front of her father. “I don’t understand.”

With a huff, he rolled his eyes heavenward. “What did you do, Megan? From what Lord Crestwood suggested, I get the impression he wasn’t pleased with your actions.”

? I did nothing improper. He was the one who quit our box so he could meet his mistress—” She stopped herself before saying more, but by the wide-eyed look her father gave her, she realized he had understood.

“His mistress? Why do you think that?”

Letting out a heavy sigh, she sank to her bed. “Because, the woman was sitting across the way from us with another man. I could see how disturbed Lord Crestwood was, and during the intermission, he left us to go to the other woman’s box. Not long afterward, Mother and I received a note stating his apologies, informing us of an emergency at home in which he had to attend.” She massaged the back of her neck. “Now tell me, Father, what conclusion would you have come to from those events?”

His jaw hardened. He’d always hated when she was correct.

“Well, I’m having a difficult time believing the men in this town want to back out of this contest. After all, the prize is the goldmine.”

The wrenching pain in her heart made her catch a quick breath. “But Father, I thought
was the prize.”

“Most men don’t think of marriage in that sense, my dear. Unfortunately, the men who are competing for your hand are really after the gold.”

She lowered her head. “But why are you so upset? I thought you had taken Lord Crestwood off the list once Mother and I returned home.”

He waved his hand through the air. “It doesn’t matter now. In the future, will you please try to encourage your suitors? So far the top two eligible men – whom your mother and I thought would make a suitable husband for you – have graciously backed out. We only have two more weeks before my meddlesome mother will be pushing Lord
on us. Neither of us wants that to happen.”

She shook her head. “You are correct.”

“Good, then don’t disappoint me again.” He stormed out of her room, slamming the door behind him.

Leaning forward on the bed, she pressed her head against the bedpost and squeezed her eyes closed, halting the tears threatening to fall. Edmund’s words echoed through her mind.
Do not let your parents’ mistakes become your own. You have to choose your own future. Are you going to follow your parents’ plan and marry a nobleman and then live the rest of your life in misery? Or are you going to marry a man for love and live happily ever after?

She grumbled and flopped back on the bed. Why was life so confusing? And why did Edmund’s words ring true?

The light tinkling sound at her window pulled her out of her thoughts, and she straightened. Was it her imagination or did somebody just throw a pebble at her window? She waited to hear it again, and when she did, her heart plummeted to her lap. Edmund! It must be him.

Should she let him in? If she didn’t, he’d certainly go to the front door. And if she thought her father was upset now…

She hurried to the window and opened the shutters. Since there was no fog tonight, the full moon lit the garden. Edmund stood beneath the canopied tree grinning wide as he looked up at her.

She scowled. “Go away.”

“I fear I cannot, my sweet. Your passion has lured me to your side yet again this evening.”

“How very unfortunate for you. Now go get drunk or something.”

“Therein lies the problem. I’m drunk on your beauty.”

Irritated, she shook her head. “Please, go away.”

“Let me come to your room. You are only on the second landing. I could climb the tree and jump to your window.”

“Don’t be absurd. You couldn’t do that without breaking a leg or cracking your head wide open.”

He chuckled, the rich sound sending shooting waves of pleasure throughout her body. She cursed her weakness again.

“I would gladly break a limb to show my devotion for you.”

“You have certainly lost leave of your senses, Mr. Knight.”

Ignoring her pleading, he climbed the tree and scooted out on a limb durable enough to hold his strength.

“How did you know which room was mine?” she asked.

“I saw your shadow from the window.”

He teetered on the limb and she held her breath, hoping he wouldn’t fall. Once he was within reach, she stretched her arms out to help him in. Tugging with all her might, she pulled him into the room, and they both crashed to the floor with a heavy thud.

As she fell, he landed on her but braced his hands as so not to crush her. Together, they laughed. The position they were sprawled in was certainly indecent, but at this moment, she didn’t care. The laughter slowed as his face relaxed, his gray eyes turned heated. His fingers lifted and swiped away a fallen lock of hair over her brow.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered and lowered his mouth to hers.

She opened for his taking, hoping the kiss would be as passionate as he’d given before, but heavy footsteps on the stairs warned her of trouble. He rolled off her.

“Quickly, Edmund, under the bed.”

Jumping to her feet, she turned and pulled the shutters closed. The moment she latched them, her door swung open and her father stood with fire glinting in his eyes.

“What the devil was that noise?”

She glanced around the room and noticed the chair that had fallen when she had pulled Edmund through the window. “I knocked over the chair.” She shrugged. “I’m terribly clumsy tonight. Most certainly it’s due to my horrid headache from this evening’s disastrous events.”

Megan held her breath, waiting for her father’s reaction. He nodded, backed out of the room and closed the door. She let out a gush of air from her lungs.

Edmund peeked from under her bed. “Can I come out now?”

“I should wring your neck.” She squatted beside him as he crawled out. She slapped his shoulder. “You have put me in tremendous danger. Are you aware of that?”

“I like living precariously.”

“Well, I do not, so I would like you to leave posthaste.”

He stood and brushed his trousers. She walked to the window to put some space between them. Her emotions fluctuated when he was near, but she couldn’t let it happen. Being in her room with him was too risky.

“Edmund, you truly must leave.”

“But I just arrived.” He glanced around the room, then to her bed. His smile widened before he launched himself in the air, landing right in the middle of the mattress with a bounce. He patted the space next to him. “Come join me.”

“Edmund,” she warned, pursing her lips and giving him a scowl. “You are being impossible.”

He chuckled. “That’s the only way to be.” He lay back, crossing his arms in back of his head for support. “You have a very comfortable bed. At least I can say your parents saw to a small portion of your luxury.”

“You cannot stay. As you can clearly see, I’m getting ready for bed. I’m even wearing my bed wrap, for heaven’s sake.”

“If you want me to leave, you will have to physically remove me from this bed.” He snuggled his body into the quilt. “In fact, this is so cozy, I might remain the entire night.”

Her heart hammered from the idea, but she couldn’t let it happen. She rushed to the bed and grabbed his leg. “Then I will pull you off myself.”

She yanked with all her might, but his strength overpowered her. He reached down and imprisoned her wrists, and with a small tug, pulled her up until she lay on top of his body. His arms wrapped around her, keeping her against him.

“Umm…I rather like this position.”

Even though her struggles were for naught, she wouldn’t give in to temptation. Yet, she could no sooner move off him then she could move the clouds in the sky.

“Does your door have a lock?” he asked.

“Yes,” she whispered, her gaze fastened to his mouth, wishing, hoping, and anticipating its pleasure when it met with hers.

“Should you go lock it?”

She shook her head. “I do not…want to…move.”

He chuckled. “I don’t want you to move, either, but I also don’t want your father coming in and seeing us like this. Unless—”

During his pause, her mind ran wild.
Unless that’s what I really want.

Was it what she wanted? If her father caught them in this compromising situation, she’d certainly be married to Edmund Knight before the week was through.

She played with the idea, and the more she thought about it, she actually liked it. No more of her father’s silly contest. No more would she feel discouraged when her father accused her of causing another suitor to drop out of the race. And no more threats of being kicked out of the house by dear old
. Edmund was wealthy and would pay handsomely.

The question was, did she really want to marry Edmund? He hadn’t asked her. In fact, while in the hunter’s cottage, he told her right out he wasn’t in the marriage market. What if…what if her father caught them together? Her father would certainly force Edmund to marry her.

She grinned. “We will not be disturbed. My parents will retire to their bed chambers momentarily.”

“What about your maid?”

“I have dismissed her for the evening.”

“Won’t you need her to help to finish dressing for bed?”

“I have dressed myself before.”

The corners of his mouth lifted. “I could help you.”

“I know.”

His gaze moved over her face then came to rest on her lips. “Megan? Why aren’t you fighting me any longer?”

“I have grown weary of fighting you.”

“You are surrendering, then?”

She nodded. “It’s hard not to think about you and want to be with you, Edmund. I have yearned for your nearness ever since the time at the woodsman’s cottage.”

His brows lifted. “You want me even though I’m untitled and you know your father will not approve?”

“I want you
you are untitled and my father will not approve.” She leaned down and pressed her lips to his for a brief kiss, then withdrew. “One of the things I find fascinating about you is how different you are from the other men of the realm. You don’t have their arrogance, and I like that. You’re not boring, but alive with adventure. I like that, too. I also like that you don’t live the way someone else wants you to live. You take control over your life, which is quite refreshing, I might add.”

Rolling them on the bed, he loomed over her. His finger traced her chin. “What are you saying, my sweet?”

“I think you know, Edmund.”

He shook his head. “Why have you changed your mind all of a sudden? Not more than ten minutes ago you were demanding I leave.”

“I cannot fight you any longer. My body surrenders to your touch, and I’m tired of fighting my mind when my heart tells me I should let you into my life.” She pushed her fingers through his hair. His eyes closed and he snuggled the side of his face to her hand.

“Don’t you want me now that I have admitted defeat?” she asked. “Was I only someone you desired because you couldn’t have me?”

His eyes snapped open, and she waited for his response. The deep expression on his face warned her to remain quiet as he pondered her question. She held her breath, hoping he would say the right thing.

* * * *

Edmund silently repeated her question.
Do I desire her because I cannot have her?
It made perfect sense, yet there was something about her that lured him from the very beginning. Although his main purpose was to get back his goldmine, Megan was a different treasure; something he wanted almost as much as his gold.

He grinned. “I do desire you, my sweet, but it’s not because I cannot have you.” Taking hold of her hand, he kissed each finger. “I want you, Megan. I will always want you.”

Continuing the seduction, he trailed his lips down her wrist and left feathery light kisses on her delicate skin. Before he could do more, she surprised him by taking hold of his head and bringing it to hers. She met his mouth in a hungry, passionate kiss. He savored the rising warmth of her response. The hesitant intrusion of her tongue encouraged him, and he brought her full against him. His embrace tightened, and the kiss intensified for a long, blissful moment.

His clever student caught on immediately.
She was wonderful
How could he go another day without this? He couldn’t. He wouldn’t. Something needed to be done today to guarantee this passionate woman would always be his.

BOOK: Charmed By Knight (The Fielding Brothers Saga)
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