Read Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3) Online

Authors: K. T. Fisher,Ava Manello

Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3) (6 page)

BOOK: Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3)
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Chapter Eight




Unknown to them, I sit and watch as they scurry around the compound. I’m pretty sure that Satan would have chosen this viewing spot as well, it’s perfect. I feel closer to him as I sit here. A breeze lifts my hair and I close my eyes, it’s as if I can feel his hands caress me but that would be wrong. Not that he’s not here, but because Satan was not the kind of guy to caress. He was a man who was dangerous, the kind of man your parents warned you about. He fucked, slapped, cut and killed until he was taken from me. Severed MC
pay for Satan’s death, I just need to work out who will pay the price, and then I need to come up with a how. I want to watch as their life slips away, it needs to be someone they love. Someone who they all care about, that will hurt them all, because I want it to affect the whole club. 


As I watch them while they’re enjoying a hot and sunny day in the yard, I gather that the most popular person is the little girl, Elizabeth. She seems to have all the bikers under her thumb. Her death would hurt the whole club, and from the way she’s clinging to the VP and his old lady, she’s the clubs gorgeous little princess. Killing the girl would tick all of my boxes, but as a mother I can’t bring myself to kill a child. 


For me to be able to pull this off it’s going to have to be one of the women.


I watched the catfight that occurred in the yard earlier. I could have been spotted here in my hiding place from the amount of laughing I did. That blonde bitch from the tattoo shop isn’t very popular from what I can see. Not much of a surprise. The blonde that she was fighting with is an option though, but she’s one tough cookie.  The brunette, who broke them up, along with the guys, could be a possibility. She’s petite enough.  If I catch her by surprise I might be able to get away with it. From the way everyone treated her she looks like the kind of girl who’s popular with both the guys and their women.


The need for revenge is burning hot in my blood, but I’m not a killer. Murder has never entered my thoughts. I’m a whore, plain and simple. Doesn’t matter how harsh it is or how demeaning the word, it’s true. I can’t change that. When I want something, normally I just have to open my legs and use my womanly wiles to get what I want. Using sex as a form of negotiation, is not only my favorite method of persuasion, but always seems to work for me. I know what I’m good at, and I’m not ashamed to admit it. It’s who I am, but now I need to adopt a totally different mindset for what’s to come.  To move out of my comfort zone.


I’m unconsciously playing with the charm bracelet on my wrist.  Each charm has a special meaning to me.  The baby booties represent my son, the only good thing in my life.  The motorbike charm is for Satan.  The handcuffs represent my occupation. No one ever cared enough about me to add to my collection. I’ve had to pay for each charm myself, that and my ink.  My left arm is sleeved in tattoos.  Unlike the one on my back, my arm doesn’t have particular meaning.  My tattoos are more like armor.  Even naked, I’ve still got that layer of tattoos separating me from the men that I sleep with.


I didn’t grow up wanting to be a whore.  I mean who does?


It’s a way of life I found myself forced into after falling for Satan.  I can still remember the first time I set eyes on him. I won’t ever forget. He came into the grocery store where I was shopping one day. From that first moment I knew I was his. I never believed in love at first sight until I saw him. I was hooked and I hadn’t even spoken to him. I followed him, maybe stalking would be a better word.  For weeks I hid in the background, watching and waiting for an opportunity.  It never came.  Whenever our paths did cross he ignored me. That’s just the kind of man he was.  I struggled to come to terms with that.  I couldn’t understand how my body could react so passionately whenever he was in my vicinity, and yet he couldn’t tell.  He was like ice to my fire.  Only, my fire burned cold to him.


I was hanging around outside the Carnal compound one night when one of the bikers invited me in, mistaking me for one of the club whores.  I entered into a world I hadn’t known existed! I saw naked women climbing on top of men in leather, couples having sex and enough drugs to make me high just from watching. It didn’t matter scared I was by my surroundings. If this was where the man I wanted belonged, then I enter into his world.


From that night on, my fate was sealed. I quickly found out it wasn’t an easy life. The life of a club whore is a tough one; you need to have a heart made of stone. I didn’t sleep with Satan for a long time. I did sleep with a lot of other club members though. I was a popular girl in the Carnal clubhouse. I was kept busy, but prayed for the day when Satan would notice me. If sleeping with half of Carnal was the price I had to pay to be closer to Satan, then so be it.


There’s nothing glamorous about being a club whore.  The old ladies despise us.  The men use us.  I’ve never been foolish enough to believe that this was the way to become an old lady, unlike some of the stupid bitches I work with. I knew from the start that Satan wouldn’t take an old lady.  His reputation was one of using and disposing of women, more often than not violently.  But like a moth to a flame I was drawn to him.  Just being in the same room as him was a rush to my system.  While the other bikers would use me and fuck me, I’d imagine it was Satan. I spent a lot of time lost in my imagination. Thinking of the life I craved with him, but I would never get.


I can’t blame my upbringing.  It was fairly normal compared to most.  I had a mother and father, who both worked to pay the bills, leaving my sister Maggie and I alone most of the time.  We weren’t mistreated, but we weren’t overcome with affection either.  Most of the club whores are from broken homes, or they’ve fallen into drug use on the streets.  Satan was the only drug that I needed. 


My sister is slightly older than me, we weren’t close but she felt obligated to keep an eye on me.  That’s how she ended up at the Carnal compound one night. She followed me. She took one look at me, naked and straddling a biker in the main room and she flipped. Maggie wasn’t mistaken for a whore like I had been. No, Maggie has more class than that. She always has had. She’d just finished giving me a piece of her mind, shouting and screaming at me while everyone watched. Her perfectly manicured finger pointing right in my face as Carnal’s president, Scalp walked in. My body tensed in fear for her. Scalp is a large, mean man. He doesn’t take shit from anyone, apart from Satan that is.


Maggie was threatening to to drag me out by my hair, as Scalp looked on. My heart broke a little watching him devour her with his eyes. He had a primal look about him. Scalp spotted something in Maggie that night.  From that moment he pursued her. On the plus side it got her off my ass, for Maggie, the attraction was mutual. It didn’t take him long to claim her. Maggie is his old lady now. How cruel fate can be. Why couldn’t I have had that with Satan? 


Maggie hated my obsession with Satan. She tried to cure me of it, but it was no good. I was hooked on all things Satan. I didn’t care about the blood and the scars, because he gave them to me. I began to think that although never bought me anything or loved me, the scars he gave me were gifts from him and I wore them with pride.


I might have been a whore, but Satan was the only man I slept with without a condom. Maggie was the one who realized I was pregnant, even before I did. Knowing the danger I was in, she shipped me off, found me a place to live, and sent me money. Yes I had my baby, but I wasn’t happy. I missed my life. I missed Satan.


A couple of years later she relented and let me come home.  I was so happy, until she broke my heart.  She took one look at my golden haired angel and claimed him as her own.  Scalp and Maggie adopted my baby boy, telling everyone he was a relative of hers that had lost his mother. I’ve spent the last three years watching him grow up from the sidelines. That almost broke me. I knew that Maggie was right; he’d have a better life with her as his mother.  He’d grow up and be part of the club, he’d have the protection of Scalp and the rest of the bikers, and he’d have a seat at the table one day, maybe even run the club.  What could I offer him? 


Danger and loneliness.


Because I’m a club whore, I don’t even have the privilege of him calling me Auntie.  I’m invisible to him.  Every time I see him, it hurts.  He looks more like me than Satan, but no one has ever made the connection. He’s the only part of Satan I have left, but he doesn’t remember me.  It’s Maggie that he calls mother.


I finger the baby bootie charm on my bracelet, thinking of the future.  When I’ve taken my revenge on Severed I’m going to take my son and move away from here. Somewhere far away, where they’ll never find us.  I’ll tell my son all about his father.  I’ll tell him how his father was murdered. And then, when he’s old enough, he can come back and seek revenge himself.  Severed will pay for what they’ve done for generations to come.



Chapter Nine


Ink dragged me away from everyone in the yard, and into our room. As he held tightly onto my wrist, pulling me in his direction, he was quiet. That scared me. Ink doesn’t do quiet.  That means he’s furious with me. I try to prepare myself for the argument to come.


Closing the door behind us, he folds his arms across his chest and glares at me. I stare right back, until I can’t take anymore. “Are we just going to stand here having a staring competition all day?”


Ink releases his arms and charges over to me. I back myself up against the wall, finding an angry Ink invading my personal space. He’s so close his breath touches my face. I can smell him. I almost allow myself to relax then, because I love that smell, but I can’t. Ink still looks really pissed off.


“What the fuck was that out there?” He roars.


I shrug my shoulders, avoiding eye contact.


“Elle, you’d better fucking answer me!”


Anger bubbles up inside of me. Why the fuck am I getting this shit from him?


Emma came to my home, uninvited I might add. Did he really expect me to just take it? Hell no!


I glare up at Ink. “How about you ask your precious new employee? How the fuck was I supposed to act, when she strolls in here like it’s nothing? I live here. She showed no fucking respect!”


Ink doesn’t say anything. I decide to carry on.


“Teresa told me Emma was in the yard and I ran out there. I was so fucking pissed! This is my home. She shouldn’t be here in my home.  Once I saw her I couldn’t hold it in. I tried, but when she pushed me back, I snapped.” I let out a little laugh. “Bitch gave as good as she got though.”


I rub my jaw where she managed to land a solid punch. She doesn’t look like much of a fighter, but she sure surprised me.


Through my rant, I couldn’t look at Ink. I look back at him now.  What I see confuses me. He doesn’t look pissed anymore. He still looks a little angry, but there’s something else there. If I’m not mistaken, it’s a look of lust.


“You fucking drive me mad woman.” He growls.


“What?” I’m confused.


“I brought you in here to ream you out, but the way you just said all that shit, fucking turned me on.”


My eyes widen, is he serious?


Ink moves in closer. I can feel his hardness. Fuck, he is turned on. What did I say that had that effect on him?


“When you talk about this place being your home, fuck baby it turns me on.”


“Really?” I’m shocked.


Ink growls in my ear, making me shiver. “Fuck, yes. Hearing you staking your claim on me, talking about this shithole being your home, and looking all tough. Shit, Elle. All that makes me want to fuck you so badly right now.”


His words light a fire within me. I return his kiss with equal determination. Ink quickly has my dress over my head, and my underwear ripped away from me. His lips come crashing back down on mine. I moan in bliss. His hands wander over my body, feeling and squeezing. I move my hands on his body. I don’t want to feel all this leather and denim. I want to feel his warm skin. I want my fingers to trace the ridges of his muscles, and to let my hands skim over his beautiful tattoos. I carefully remove his leather cut and his black shirt. I pause to look at him. Fuck me, he’s gorgeous. I surprise Ink when I pick up his leather vest, offering it to him, a silent request for him to put it back on. He does and smiles about it. I think he loves the fact that I want to see him in in all his biker glory.


Sinking to my knees, I undo his belt and then his jeans. Slowly pulling them down his strong thighs. I leave them down at his ankles, smoothing my hands back up his legs. His legs are strong, and sexy as fuck. I grip his boxers and quickly pull them down. I want him on display for me.


When his boxers have joined his jeans round his ankles, I allow myself to look at his glorious cock. It’s mean looking, thick and covered in pulsing veins. I lick up his length, teasing both him and myself. Cupping his heavy balls, I wrap my mouth around his swollen tip, causing Ink to hiss in pleasure.


I sneak a peek up, as I slowly take all of him, including his piercing, into my mouth. Ink has his head leant back against the wall. His teeth are biting down on his bottom lip, as I suck harder and faster. His hands come to rest on my head, grabbing a fist full of hair, as he starts to fuck my mouth without mercy.


Suddenly I’m pulled away from his cock, and lifted. Ink turns us, pushing me back against the wall. He grabs a condom from the drawer. When he’s protected, he positions himself at my entrance. He doesn’t enter me, and I moan in impatience. Ink grabs hold of my face, looking me right in the eye.


“I love you woman.” Then he thrusts his length into me. I gasp not just at his words, but from the pleasure of his cock buried deep inside me as well.


Ink fucks me hard, shoving his dick in and out as though it’s the last time we’ll get to make love. My screams fill the room.  I’m pretty sure the whole clubhouse can hear me. Right now, I don’t give a shit about anyone else. All I care about is making sure Ink keeps on fucking me with his amazing cock. If he stops, I swear to God I will kill him!


It’s not long before Ink’s thrusting gets out of control, that means he’s going to climax. I can feel my own orgasm creeping up on me. “Fuck me. Fuck me, Ink!” I yell loudly.


This makes him growl. Unbelievably he works his cock harder and faster. “I’m gonna come!” I scream.


I bite down on Ink’s shoulder as an intense orgasm overtakes me, spreading through the whole of my body. I hear Ink growl loudly, and then feel the pulsing of his cock as he fills the condom.




That night we lay in bed, snuggled together. My head on Ink’s chest, as his arm gently caresses the base of my back. I think about the words he gifted me with earlier. I lift my head to look at him, his eyes are half closed, but he notices.


We look at each other for a while, until he breaks the silence. “I meant what I said.”


I nod my head. “I know. I love you too.”


I’ve wanted to say those words for a while now, but I was scared he wouldn’t say them back. Ink’s belly moves up and down as he laughs gently.  “I think I already knew that from that fit you pitched outside, babe.”


“I’m sorry, but everything I said is true.” One thing has changed though, from the moment he told me that he loved me, my fears about Emma have faded.


Ink’s face turns serious. “You don’t have anything to worry about, baby. You’re the only for me, I’m not interested in anyone else.” He sighs. “I know you don’t like it, but Emma’s good for the shop. Fuck, I’ve never had so many guys come in and ask about tattoos. They’re just using the shop as an excuse to meet her, but it’s making me money.”


I scrunch up my nose. “Isn’t that a little bit like pimping?”


This causes Ink to shake with laughter. I can’t help my big, wide smile as I watch Ink laugh like a child. I realize my worries are wasted. Ink has beaten his demons; he’s told me he loves me. He no longer has problems with his insecurities about love, and that makes me so happy. I know I’m special to him. My hatred for Emma lessens, only a little though, as she did sleep with my man. At the end of the day she didn’t know Ink was with me. That was all on Ink, and I forgave him. That means I will also need to forgive Emma. It will be hard, but it has to be done.


Ink stops laughing, and grabs onto my face, giving me a panty-melting kiss. “We’re solid, baby.”


Then he makes love to me again, in the way that only Ink can. Hard and kinky, and I love it.


That night, I fall asleep with no worries at all. A huge weight has been lifted from me, and I’m finally able to relax.


BOOK: Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3)
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