Read Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3) Online

Authors: K. T. Fisher,Ava Manello

Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3) (10 page)

BOOK: Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3)
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I stop dead in my tracks, staring at the bed. Great. Now I’m going to have to change the sheets before we go to bed, no way am I sleeping in that.


“Stop panicking about the mess, and get in the shower woman.” Gabe laughs; he knows how much I hate mess.


I watch as he disappears into the bathroom, thinking that I should relax about the bed. He did give me two orgasms after all. Smiling I follow him, watching his sexy body as he stretches to turn on the shower. His muscles move and tighten, making my mouth water. All of a sudden, I’m hungry for him again. The bathroom steams up as he looks back at me, winking as he washes himself. Fuck me! The sight of his delicious body covered in tattoos, and dripping in water is a sight every woman should see. But he’s mine, and I’m not sharing. I’m going to go take advantage of what’s mine. I follow him into the shower, determined to return the pleasure he just gave me, and if I’m lucky, perhaps add a third orgasm to the mix.  Stuff the sheets.  I’ll wash them tomorrow.


Chapter Thirteen



I woke up this morning feeling quite emotional. I can’t believe that my baby girl is three years old today.  Where has the time gone?


I look over at her sitting at the breakfast table, and smile. 
She has no idea of the nightmare the rest of us have lived through, the dangers our lives were in only a short while ago.  She’s a happy, normal toddler, and I’m beyond grateful for that.


Gabe strolls up, planting a fat kiss on her forehead. “Happy birthday, Princess.”


He picks her up and sits down with her on his knee.  The sight makes my heart melt. His hair is still damp from the shower, he’s wearing a white v-neck t-shirt and jeans that hug his ass.  Elizabeth is still wearing her pajamas. She’s too excited that it’s her birthday to get dressed yet.  They look so good together, as though we’ve always been a family.  I smile and move over to the table with the pancakes I’ve made for her birthday treat.


Gabe puts one on her plate and reaches for the maple syrup, but is quickly stopped by Elizabeth’s high-pitched shriek. “No, Daddy!” She admonishes. “I has chocowate and cweam on my pancakes.” 


Just the mention of that combination has me blushing deep to my roots. She’s not the only person who likes to eat chocolate and cream together. I open the refrigerator and find that we’ve run out, again.  I’ll have to pop to the store before the party this afternoon anyway.


“I’m sorry darling, we’ve run out. Why not try maple syrup like Daddy?” I offer.


Gabe raises a questioning eyebrow at me.  It’s not my bloody fault. He’s the one who’s used it all.  The recycling bin is almost full of empty sauce bottles and the washing machine has been on constantly this past week, washing sheets. I can’t complain. I’ve had lots of orgasms thanks to Gabe’s interest in making me his bedtime dessert.


Elizabeth is about to complain, but Gabe distracts her. “You looking forward to your party, princess?” 


She nods eagerly.  Most of the club is coming over this afternoon to help us celebrate. I’m taking Elizabeth to the store this morning so the guys can come over and build her surprise in the yard.  Gabe’s bought her a top of the range swing set, along with half the toy store, judging by the pile of presents waiting to be opened in the lounge. I didn’t know he’d bought some of them. He carried them into the living room, a huge smile on his face. “I couldn’t help it, babe, I wanna spoil our Princess.”


Returning to the present, I laugh at the sight of Gabe. He’s a sticky mess by the time he’s finished helping Elizabeth with her breakfast.  I should have told him not to bother getting a shower first.  I know what she’s like when she has pancakes. One of the reasons pancakes are only for special occasions. I clean the kitchen whilst he takes care of Elizabeth and himself. When they’re both clean, we lead Elizabeth in to the living room. She shrieks when she sees the huge pile of wrapped gifts that were previously hidden from her view by the sofa.


“Calm down.” I try and stop her ripping into them all at the same time.  She’s too excited to listen to me though. Gabe sits down on the floor beside her and helps. They take each present one at a time, and Gabe teases her by turning them up and down, and shaking them, trying to guess the contents.


Pretty soon there’s a bag full of discarded paper, and Elizabeth’s sitting in the middle of a huge pile of toys and clothes.  This is just the stuff from Gabe and I.  I dread to think how spoiled our princess will be by the end of the day.


She rips open her last present; it’s one of Gabe’s surprises so I have no clue what’s inside. When Elizabeth reveals it, she squeals in delight. Still in her pajamas, she proudly slips on miniature leather cut.


“Look Mummy, I’m look like Daddy!” She spins around, dancing in delight. The word Princess is spelled out across the back in sparkling rhinestones.


My heart is full of love as I watch the two of them playing together on the floor, before sneaking off for my shower.




The yard is bursting with our guests.  There’s the shriek of happy children from the swing set, the murmur of contented bikers who’ve filled their bellies with barbecue and beer, and the high-pitched laughter of the old ladies.  This is my home.  I never thought I’d have a home like this.  It’s even got the white picket fence Gabe joked about.  I feel like I’m living a dream these days.


I look around me at the people assembled here. I’m pleasantly surprised to see that the president of Carnal MC and his old lady are here with their son.  I know not to count my blessings too soon, but I feel as though we’re finally in the calm after the storm.  The last few months were brutal. I hope to never live through anything like that again.  This birthday party has come at just the right time.


I turn when I hear Elizabeth scream out a greeting in joy.  That means either Danni or Cowboy have arrived. They’re her two favorite people at the moment.  Sure enough, I watch Elizabeth race across the yard as fast as her little legs will carry her.  She nearly trips over her chubby legs, displaying a typical three year old’s lack of coordination. She manages to make it though, crashing into Danni’s legs, almost knocking her over.  Danni doesn’t even notice, she lifts her high over her own head and swings her around in greeting.


“Now then birthday girl, did you miss me?” She laughs.  I don’t know what it is about Danni, but everyone loves her.  She’s so quiet she seems to almost disappear beside Justice, who definitely never looks comfortable around the young children.  He quickly excuses himself, heading over to where Gabe and Prez are talking to Carnal’s president. I make my way over to Danni.


“I’m sorry Danni, I tried to slow her down but she got to you before I could.” Danni just smiles at my words.  She loves spending time with Elizabeth, and the feelings mutual. As far as my daughter is concerned, Danni’s like a fun older sister. Elizabeth is frantically trying to drag Danni over to the swing set so she can show it off.


“That’s okay, Eve. Looks like I’d best go with madam here and see what all the fuss is about.” She smiles warmly.  “Catch you later?” She calls back over her shoulder as she’s dragged off. 


“Definitely.” I shout in reply.  The kids are all having a sleepover at Sue’s tonight, allowing the grown-ups an opportunity to enjoy the party until late into the night.




I watch from the safety of my hiding place.  I feel sick that they’re partying and enjoying life when mine has been destroyed. 


I see my sister and Scalp talking to Severed’s president and a burning hate fills my gut.  They look so friendly together. Carnal and Severed are supposed to be enemies, not best fucking friends! Satan would never have allowed that. He despised Severed MC.


I look around and see that they’re all there.  The brunette has just arrived with the big biker that they call Justice.  The blonde bitch that’s with the biker from the tattoo shop is here as well.  And then there’s Eve.  She’s the one that started all this shit. If it weren’t for her I would still have Satan in my life. I make my decision.  It has to be one of these three biker bitches. They’re the most popular women in the club by far.  I quickly discounted Teresa. She’s Prez’s wife, and is too much of a whiny bitch.  Her death wouldn’t hurt the whole club as much as one of the others.  And it’s the whole club that I want to suffer.


I look over to the swing set where the children are playing and I gasp out loud.  My son is there. He’s playing with Eve’s little brat and the brunette.  I almost run from my hiding place and snatch him away, but I don’t.  I need to carry out my plan, and then I can go for him. I’m going to take him away from this as soon as I can.  He’s going to look at me and call me mom, show me the affection my sister currently gets.  I don’t care how much she loves him, nor that she’s my sister.  That bitch took my son away from me, and I’ll kill her if she gets in my way.  Nothing, and no one is going to stop my plans now.



Scalp’s wife wanders over to me. I must admit to being a little surprised when Gabe told me he'd invited her and her husband to the party, but I guess it’s a good thing.  It’s a sign that the relationship between the two clubs is healing.  Elizabeth certainly seems to be having fun playing with their little boy. I smile as I watch them play together, that little boy sure is a handsome devil, almost how I imagine Gabe would have looked at his age.


“Thank you so much for inviting us, Eve.  You have a beautiful home.” Her smile is so genuine. I instantly warm to her.


“You’re welcome, Maggie.” I look back at the guys. “I guess they’re talking work then? I did tell them this was a party, but it seems they can’t help themselves.”  I laugh. Maggie nods, a pensive look on her face.  “What’s wrong?” I ask.


“Does Angel ever talk about club business with you?” She questions.


“Never.” I quickly reply. “He made it pretty clear that club business was nothing to do with me when we first got together.  To be fair, I think most of the time I’m better off not knowing.” I laugh.


“Yeah.” Maggie says. She still looks pensive about something though. “Ignore me, it’s probably nothing.  I just overheard something as I was walking away that got me thinking is all.”


“What about?” She has my interest piqued now.


“It’s nothing really, I’m sure.  Has Angel mentioned a letter to you? A threat about Satan perhaps?” Just the mention of his name causes me to blanch.  I feel a cold shiver run through me.  Is that man going to continue to haunt us from his grave?


I try to calm myself before answering. “
He hasn’t said anything to me.  Do you want me to ask him?” 


Maggie shakes her head vehemently. “No.  I can see how just mentioning his name has upset you.  Ignore me.  I must have misheard.  That’ll teach me to eavesdrop.” She tries to laugh it off, but it doesn’t quite work.  There’s still that look in her eyes that she can’t mask.  “Any chance I can get a tour of this gorgeous home of yours?”


I love showing my home off, so decide to let it go. After all the hard work Gabe put in fixing up the place, I’m really proud of our home.  I show her into the kitchen where Diane and Sue are whipping up yet more snacks for everyone.


“I told you two to leave it for now.” I laugh.  They’re never happier than when they’re feeding the guys though, so I leave them to it.  I’m just heading over to the lounge when Diane catches my attention.


“Hey Eve.” She’s smirking at me, a mischievous glint in her eye. “I took the recycling out for you.  Wanna tell us about your fetish for chocolate sauce then?”


Oh shit.  I can tell from the look on Diane’s face she knows exactly why there are so many empty chocolate sauce bottles out there. From the grin on Maggie and Diane’s faces they can guess as well. 


“I… ah… I’m.” I can’t get any words out.


“You cheeky bugger.” Sue laughs.  “You didn’t mention that on our night out.”


Diane joins in. “I think that’s probably what inspired her, am I right?” She asks. I blush even more, confirming Diane’s suspicions.  I suddenly remember that Maggie is standing at the side of me.


“Don’t fret yourself, Eve.” She giggles. “Your secret’s safe with me, although personally I prefer toffee sauce.”


We’re all giggling when Gabe walks in.


“Hey babe, is it time for dessert yet?” He looks around us in confusion.


That does it; all four of us women break out in hysterical laughter. Gabe holds his hand up in surrender and starts to back out of the room. “I don’t know what the fuck I just walked in on, but I think now would be a good time to leave. Crazy ass chicks.” He mutters.


Gabe heads out of the back door as Diane and Sue approach me, a look of intent in their eyes.  They pull Maggie and me further into the lounge where we all sit down.  Sue passes out the bottles of beer she brought with her.


“Come on then Eve. Spill.” Taking a large swig of my drink for courage I try and work out how little I can get away with telling them. 


Over the next hour or so we swap stories, the guys leaving us alone.  I suspect the sound of the cackling laughter we’re all coming out with has scared them off.  Thanks to Maggie’s input I now have a couple of new things I want to try with Gabe.  And with Elizabeth sleeping over at Sue’s tonight, I might just get chance to put them into practice.


BOOK: Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3)
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