Read Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3) Online

Authors: K. T. Fisher,Ava Manello

Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3)
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Chapter Three

I walk into the tattoo shop for my appointment. I’m nervous as hell, but I can’t let it show.  It’s not like this is the first time I’ve had ink.  I’ve got tattoos everywhere, my thigh, chest and a full sleeve on my left arm.  This tattoo though means something to me, more than the other work that I’ve had done. This tattoo is to remember the man I’ve loved and lost.  I’m nervous because heading into this tattoo shop is heading onto the turf of the club that killed him.  Not that they even know I exist.  But they will.  Very soon they’ll understand.  They killed my man.  Now they have to answer to me.


I need to find out as much as I can about the club.  I want them to lose someone they all love. To feel the pain I feel every day waking, and knowing he’s not there any more.  No one knows I exist.  That’s going to make my job a lot easier that’s for sure.


The blonde on reception smiles as she greets me. Has she even got any ink on her? How the fuck did someone as vanilla as her end up working here? Probably by sleeping with some member of the club, or more than one.


“Hi,” she smiles. “Are you Rachel?” Does she want a medal for working out who I am as I arrive at the same time as a female customer is due? Fucking moron.  I’ve spent so long around club whores and criminal bikers I think I’ve lost the skills to communicate with anyone outside of that.  I’ve no interest in it either. I grunt my reply and take a seat on the red and black leather sofa.  It looks like a bordello in here, all black leather and red curtains and swags.  Makes me feel at home.


She must have communicated with the back room somehow as Joe soon appears.  He’s done all my work so far.  He’s not a part of the club, but he could be my way in.


“Hi Rachel, looking forward to this one today. That’s some cool artwork you’ve chosen.” He grins at me as I follow him back to the room.


I smile when he shows me the transfer before he applies it to my lower back.  It’s a huge skull; it’s not a girly, pretty skull. It’s mean looking and realistic, just how I want it. Large dark orbs with jagged bones where the eyes and nose would be.  Gritted teeth in a strong jaw.   There’s a double oval frame around it, with small four pronged crowns rimming the frame.  It’s based on an old mirror I saw in an antique shop one time.  Around the very edge, Joe persuaded me to add some feathers and leaves just to soften the impact a little.  It’s a much more fitting tribute now rather than just looking like a skull in a photo frame.


Because there’s a slight curve to my spine Joe asks me to sit back to front on a high stool in front of him, it will keep the skin tighter, making the end result look better.  I straddle the stool, placing my arms on the padded backrest.  I remove my shirt, sitting there in just my bra and shorts. Joe’s not much for small talk, he just likes to concentrate on his work, which is fine by me.  He reaches for the remote control, upping the volume on the music filtering through the speaker system.  Picking up his tattoo gun he starts work, and for the next few hours I lose myself remembering the man I am getting inked for.


The first time I met Satan was at a party in the Carnal MC clubhouse. It was one of many, but this one was special to me. It was the night I was going to finally have Satan. As always when he walked in he looked fucking hot and I desperately wanted him to choose me.  I was just one of many club whores that night, all wanting some Carnal dick inside of us. Gathering up my courage, I sidled up to him, drawing my long painted nail down his bare chest.  He looked so fuckable in his tight leather laced up trousers and black leather cut. His bare tattooed chest on show for me to drool over.


“What can I do for you tonight?” I purred in what I thought was my most seductive voice. It usually makes any man drool at my feet and gets me anything I want, but as I knew already, Satan was no ordinary man.


He turned and looked me up and down. There was no lust on his face, just clinical appraisal. The way his eyes addressed me, didn’t make me feel sexy or desired at all.


“I suppose you’ll do.  For now.” He added.  Way to go Satan.


Make a woman feel wanted why don’t you.  Of course I kept my mouth shut, I wasn’t stupid.  Satan had a reputation as a great fuck, but a cruel man. A deadly, evil man. The last whore who opened her mouth to him was found dead in the woods a few days later, the tell tale ‘S’ scored into her chest. Even with that knowledge, I knew that I wanted him. The
chance of a great fuck outweighing the possibility of being killed.


In the middle of the clubhouse, Satan opened his trousers and pulled out his impressive cock. The sight of it had me wet in an instant. He was pierced and huge, with veins pulsing down his length. We were in a room full of people but he ignored them all. Only interested in his own pleasure. “On your knees. If you suck me off and do a good job of it I might just fuck you on a bed, if not I’ll fuck you on that table over there.” He gestured to the pool table.  So fucking cliché, but right now I really didn’t care. He sounded harsh, but this is what he was famous for amongst the Carnal whores. Only the bravest girls approached Satan, and I couldn’t wait for my turn. Call me crazy, but I was craving him.


I must have done a passable job at sucking his dick because he took me to his room and fucked me all night long.  His reputation didn’t do him justice.  He was the best fuck I’ve ever had. No man since has matched up, and I doubt they ever will.  He was also the most selfish man I’ve ever slept with.  The more he ignored my needs, and the more he hurt me, the better it was.  I guess I’m one sick and twisted puppy to have taken so much pleasure from it. But who cares?


That was six years ago.  Six long, lonely years where I was nothing more than an occasional thought.  It was probably safer that way. Too many of his conquests ended up dead. Satan played dangerously, the more pain he inflicted the harder he got.  Sometimes he got so lost in what he was doing he’d go too far.  The tattoo on my chest is testament to that. Joe had to do some pretty intense cover work to cover up the scars from all the knife work Satan inflicted on me that night.


Despite the scars, that night left me with another permanent reminder of Satan.  One he never knew about. If he had, I’d be dead.  I’m the mother of Satan’s son.  His blue eyes and blonde hair a daily reminder of the only man I ever loved.  The only person who knows he exists is my sister, and she’s sworn to secrecy.  I needed her help to get away and hide the pregnancy. She told everyone I’d gone away to work in a strip club. They believed it.  Why wouldn’t they? To them I was nothing more than a whore.  I still am.  It was just coincidence I came back at the same time she adopted her cousin’s little boy.


All I ever wanted was to tell Satan the truth, for him to make me his old lady, to acknowledge his son.  To be the woman who was Satan’s and gave him a child to raise to take over his reign. It was never going to happen.  There was something broken in Satan.  Perhaps he knew that as anyone he got pregnant was forced into an abortion, or ended up dead if they refused.  Perhaps he was scared that any child he fathered would inherit the broken part of him.


Satan hardly looked at me when I came back. Five lonely years I waited, desperate for him to notice me.  It never happened. There was nearly always younger, prettier pussy on offer.  I was nothing to him, just an occasional fuck if there was no one else to satisfy his needs.  But I never stopped loving him.  And now, I’m going to exact revenge for him.  I can’t believe that his own club turned their back on him, and helped betray him.  I’ll make them suffer as well. But first I’ve got my sights set on Severed MC.  I’m going to hurt them. I’m going to make them bleed.  And the best part of it is, none of them know I exist.  This is going to be so easy, and I cannot wait.


I’m drawn back to the moment when Joe taps me on the shoulder. “All done. You want to see it?” I pass him my mobile phone back so he can take a picture.  Fucking hell, that looks awesome.  I’ve spent the last few hours that it took for the tattoo to be done, remembering the man I’ve lost.  Now I’ve got a permanent reminder of him on my back.  The shading is incredible.  The eye sockets have a real depth to them.  It’s almost a 3D effect.  The warm glow of the tattoo on my back is almost as good as the warm feeling I have in my heart remembering him.



Chapter Four

I’d had my eye on Danni ever since my sister introduced her as her friend. As soon as I saw her I knew I wanted her.  And with arrogant confidence I knew I’d have her under me. A week later I did. As I got to know Danni, I noticed something about her that stirred the dominant part of me. Danni had a submissive side to her whether she knew it or not. Being the man that I am, I wanted to control her. To rule both her mind and body in the bedroom.


For a year we shared hot sex, right under my sister
’s nose. Holly and I shared a house, but she never guessed. That is until she found us together in bed one night. It serves her right for not knocking on doors, but there we were, naked and mid fuck. Danni’s legs spread wide and tied to the bed for me to take my pleasure. Unfortunately, Holly didn’t like it. We argued about it all night long, but she refused to listen to Danni. She’d lost Holly’s trust for lying to her about me for so long.  She also thought Danni wasn’t safe with me, that my sexual preferences were sick and twisted. It destroyed their friendship when Danni chose me.


Losing her best friend that night was too hard on Danni, so she moved back to her hometown of Severed.  I’d visit her every few weeks using the excuse I was off to visit my uncle Bill, the President of Severed MC.  A few months later he offered me the opportunity to patch in. Holly wasn’t happy about me moving away, but I wanted to be a member of the charter my uncle was running. Maybe a gorgeous little brunette played a part in that as well, but whatever.  Holly was old enough to take care of herself now.  I’d been looking after her since Mum died.  It was time for me to have my own life.


I kept telling myself that Prez and the MC were the real reason for relocating, but the second night I was there I tracked down Danni.  When she opened the door she was wearing these cute little shorts and a crop top that reminded me what I was missing. Without words I pushed her back into her tiny home, slamming the door shut behind me. The submissive part of her craved me, surrendering to me straight away.


Since that night we’ve spent a lot of time together, in and out of bed.  We’re not a couple, but I don’t want any other man touching what I’ve claimed as mine and she understands that.  I’ve never promised her exclusivity though.  I know I’ve got double standards.




I’m sitting in the clubhouse bar, a club whore on my lap, when I spot Danni walking in with Ice. I push the whore off me none too gently, and wait for her. Danni stands out like a sore thumb next to the whores, she shouldn’t belong in a place like this, but she does. The old ladies and girlfriends all like her and their men treat her like a sister. The guys greet her affectionately as she passes them, making her way over to me.


As soon as she’s within reach I grab for her, pulling her close. “This is a nice surprise.  I didn’t think I was seeing you tonight?”  Danni works at the bar in town as a waitress. 


I sniff her neck and my dick stirs, Danni is my weakness. She giggles in response and I rain kisses down her neck.


“I wanted to see you so I swapped my shift, is that okay?” She looks up to me, her eyes full of need. I stand quickly, raising my hand to her cheek, caressing her smooth skin.


“Follow me.”


Spinning on my heels I march us towards my room. As I pass through the main area, I spot Prez walking up to me.


“Justice. Got a minute?”


“No,” I quickly answer, but he obviously wants to talk.


He stops in front of me and I can feel Danni hovering behind me. I can’t ignore my uncle, not only is he a huge tank of a man, he’s my President. I have to show him respect.


“Got a call from your sister.” I groan, looking towards to ceiling. “Why ain’t you answering her calls?”


“I haven’t had time.” That’s a lie. I have had time but the truth is I’m a little scared to hear what she has to say. Holly has probably heard about that pathetic ex-boyfriend of hers and she’ll know it was me. Of course it was me.


Prez grunts. “That’s my niece boy, you make sure you ring her when you’re done playing.”


He sends Danni a wink before leaving us alone. Without looking back I continue to walk to my room, knowing that she’ll be following.


We reach my room and I hold the door open for her. One last gentlemanly gesture before I let loose the dominant side of me.


Danni is standing, waiting for me in the middle of the room. I walk towards her slowly, reaching out to stroke her hair when I’m close enough.


“Undress.” I command. I watch with eager eyes as she starts to remove her dress. When she gets down to her underwear I decide I want her to go slower. “Slow down.” I bark at her. As before, she does as I say without question.


Danni’s trust in me is absolute. I watch as she slowly sways her ass side to side as she wiggles out of her thong. When she bends over and steps out of it I can see the swollen lips of her pussy. I groan out loud, appreciating the view.

Once she’s perfectly naked I move my eyes up and down her, taking her in.  Her body is stunning. She’s slim, yet has slight curves in all the right places. Long brunette hair that falls down her back, per
fect for me to grab a fistful of and yank when I’m fucking her from behind.


I want her to touch me. “Undress me now.” I move to sit on the bed, and she walks over to me. As she gently undresses me, her fingers cause goose bumps on my skin. She takes care when she removes my leather cut, respectfully placing it over the back of a chair.


When she pulls down my boxers, I see her licking her lips as my cock bounces free.


“You like my cock?”


“Yes.” She answers, her voice thick with sex. Her eyes never leaving my dick.

I lay back on the bed. “Suck it.”


Her mouth latches onto my cock and she sucks me deep into her throat. Danni moans as she tastes me, sending vibrations along my length. I hiss as she goes deeper, my cock hitting the back of her throat. Fuck, Danni knows how to suck like a pro.


I feel my climax building as she takes care of me. “Stop.” I order, but she doesn’t. Fuck she’s going to make me come. I don’t want to finish in her mouth.


“Danni, stop.” I warn.


She releases my cock from her mouth with a loud popping sound, before moving to sit on her knees at the side of the bed. I get up and walk around behind her.


“You ignored me, Danni. Bend over the bed now.” As she bends over the mattress I get a view of her glorious backside.


I softly caress the globes of her ass, before bringing my hand down on it, hard. The sound of the sharp slap echoes in the room. Her back arches as she takes the pain. I give her nine more. When her ass is all red and sexy I lick her raised skin. Feeling the heat on my tongue.  Her pussy is soaking; she really gets off on being smacked.


“Turn around.”


When she turns she can see that I have a condom in my hand. I see a slight smirk on her face and I hold mine back. I know she likes what comes next.


“Cover me baby.”


She scoots closer on her knees and takes the foil packet from my grip, tearing it open. Fuck she looks sexy when she does that. I watch Danni place the condom onto my swollen tip, then with her skillful mouth, cover my cock with it. Told you she has a talented mouth.


“Lay down on the bed.”


As Danni goes to lie on the bed I collect the rope. When she sees what I have, her eyes sparkle with mischief. She stretches out her arms and legs, already assuming the position for me.


I tie her wrists and ankles to the bedposts before standing to get a better view of her. I walk to the bottom of the bed and stop when I see her pussy. It’s glistening with her arousal. I crave the taste of her. Dropping to my knees I can already smell her. I don’t bother with kisses or gentleness.  I just dive right in, feasting on her like I’m a starved man. Danni’s moans fill the silence and she starts to wriggle around on the bed.


“Don’t move.” Immediately she stops moving. She’s such an obedient little thing.


Having had enough of licking her pussy, I stand and crawl over her. Her eyes are full of lust as she watches me. I sink into her slowly, inch by inch.


BOOK: Severed Justice (Severed MC Book 3)
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