Seduced By The Bad Boy Sheikh: A Royal Billionaire Bad Boy Romance (5 page)

BOOK: Seduced By The Bad Boy Sheikh: A Royal Billionaire Bad Boy Romance
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ucking hell
, wasn’t I allowed a moment’s rest?

My plan was perfect: finish the event as loaded on booze as I could get and then head somewhere with a hot piece of ass for some indecent action. It had been one fucking month playing platonic house with my gorgeous host. I was going to go crazy. And have no sheets left. But, no, I wasn’t allowed that: Natalie had to stroll through and accept the invitation I had given her and ruin it. It was already hard to take her out of my mind when she wasn’t around… When she was, it was just impossible. And to top it all off, she looked amazing. She had decided to wear a short black skirt that revealed her perfect slender legs, and a black tank top that fit to her body in a way that was enough to make me salivate.

Of course, the moment she saw me she had to do a beeline straight to the counter. I tried my best to keep my cool and played the charming Sheikh for her friends, even going as far as throwing a kiss in the back of the hand of one of her friends.

I went to the back of the bar under the pretence of getting some drinks, but all I really needed was to catch my breath and rearrange my thoughts.
Natalie, untouchable. Disowning. Let it go, Aziz, you let it fucking go.

As I mixed Natalie and her friends a pretty tame combination of whisky and coke, I was already cursing under my breath the moment Bill had pulled me out from the storage room and had me pouring drinks. Drinks in hand, I made my way back to where the girls stood. There was no use in complaining, I had to face the music.

My eyes immediately darted to a hand firmly nestled on Natalie’s lower back. My heart kicked against my chest, as if I had been stabbed there with a needle. But then I saw the look on her face: wide eyes that met mine, her lips a straight line of terror. By instinct I looked around, seeing three more guys circling Natalie and her friends like a pack of hyenas.

I slammed the drinks against the counter, drawing the attention of the guy that was all over her. He looked me at with spite in his eyes, as if I was interrupting whatever he thought he was doing. I could already see by the look on his eyes that there were a few drinks more than recommended on his system.

“Something wrong, ladies?” I asked, my eyes not leaving the damn creep.

“Mind your fucking business, Mustafa,” he almost spit at me, squinting his eyes in a manner that I guess he believed to be menacing.

“My company party, my fucking business,” I whispered in his direction, placing both my hands on the counter and leaning in his direction. “Now leave the ladies alone.”

He let go of Natalie and took a step towards the counter. I could already smell beer on his breath, and his posture told me that he wouldn’t let the matter drop easily.

“Or what, sand-nigger?” he said, grinning at me as a challenge.

Moving quickly, I grabbed him by the collar and pulled him into me. His eyes widened in surprise, and I took my mouth to his ear. “You don’t wanna know,” I whispered.

He took his hands to my chest and pushed me back, spilling the four drinks all over the counter. The guy wouldn’t let go, and I was in no mood for a fight. Security was nowhere in sight, so I just jumped the counter and approached him. He was almost as tall as me, and he looked like he packed some serious muscle under his shirt. Perfect, a roided-out drunk asshole looking for a fight - my days was going downhill fast.

“Alright. I’m going to ask you to leave,” I looked over his shoulder and pointed with my head. “You and your friends.”

He squinted his eyes at me, as if he was truly seeing me for the first me. Then it dawned on him.

“I know you…” he said, that drunken grin reappearing on his face. “You’re that rich Middle Eastern playboy Shekih, aren’t you? So you think you can just come here and boss us around, uh? Well, welcome to fucking America, Osama. You think you own the world, but you’re nothing but shit. Fuck off now or I’ll wipe the floor with you, camel jockey.”

He wasn’t backing down. I sighed, ready to put his neck in an arm-lock and drag his ass outside. I took one step forward but Natalie jumped between us, arms outstretched.

“No, please…” she started. “There’s no need for this kind of --”

And then the fucking bastard signed his death sentence. He raised his hand and slapped Natalie hard, knocking her out to the floor. “Stay out of the fucking way, bitch,” he said, her blood on the back of his hand.

I saw red.

One fast step forward and I buried my fist in his face, feeling the small bones in his nose shattering. He fell to the floor, clutching his face and kicking wildly with his legs, blood everywhere. I turned on my heels as I sensed someone approaching - by the corner of my eyes I saw one guy with his arm raised in the air, a glass aimed at the back of my head. I stepped to the side, catching him off balance, and planted a knee right in his stomach. He bent over and fell to the ground, fighting for air.

One of the bastards came behind me and tried to grab me, holding me steady for his friend to punch me. I threw my head back, ramming it hard against his nose as I kicked the other guy, sending him back. I grabbed the arm of the closest guy and, with a fast turn of my hips, made him roll over my back and sent him flying to the floor.

I noticed something flashing in the hands of the guy I had kicked and jumped back by instinct as he lunged at me. When he went by me, failing his attack, I saw the contour of a blade; I twisted my whole body and grabbed him mid-lunge, one hand holding him by the back of his neck as the other held his wrist tightly. I kicked his shins hard, throwing him off balance, and pushed him to the ground. His face met the floor with a sickening wet sound and he finally stayed put.

I looked around, readying myself for the next guy that tried to take a swing at me, but there was no one else. The whole crowd was staring at me and, aside from the low key music, silence was the theme. My nails were buried deep in the palm of my hand and I breathed out, trying to calm myself. For a moment I was back in Afghanistan, going down a cramped hallway and seeing everything unfold through the scope of my M4A1 assault rifle. I had reacted by sheer instinct, taking them down one by one as if they were goddamn insurgents. I just hoped they were still alive.

Three of the guys were crying in pain, trashing on the floor as if they were fishes pulled out from the ocean. But one of them wasn’t moving - I kneeled by his side and checked his pulse. Thankfully, he was still with the living. Sure, the guy was a damn idiot, but he didn’t deserve to die.

I gritted my teeth, knowing too damn well that I had been too close to the edge. It was almost pure luck that I hadn’t killed the four of them. I could have handled them calmly, but as soon as the guy hit Natalie… I lost it, I just did. And that raging beast that lived inside me since Afghanistan rattled its cage and begged for its freedom. I didn’t know how I had managed to keep it at bay.

I took my cell phone out of my pocket and dialled 911, calling for an ambulance. The police were probably coming as well, but I was in no mood to be interrogated. In fact, I was in no mood for anything. The whole place seemed to be closing in on me, and I was finding it hard to breathe.

I had to get out of there.

But first there was still something I had to do. I looked around the crowd and, spotting Natalie, went to her. She seemed terrified and there was a small cut on her lip but, aside from that, she seemed alright. I was ready to turn around and leave the place when I realized I simply couldn’t do it - not with Natalie still there. I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her with me across the bar, the crowd parting to let us pass.

I could spot a few guys filming me with their raised cell phones. The tabloids would go absolutely insane over this, probably painting the whole situation as one crazy and probably criminal antic from the drunk Qumari Sheikh. I didn’t give a fuck.

Already in the parking lot, I stopped and looked at Natalie. She still seemed shocked by everything; I rested my hand against her cheek, feeling her warm skin under my fingers.

“Hey, you okay, love?” I whispered, her beautiful eyes sinking their hooks on me. She simply nodded and I noticed she was shaking, her skin prickled. I took my jacket and placed it over her shoulders. “It’s alright, I’m here.”

“Just take me home,” she whispered, leaning into me and resting her head against my chest. I held her tight, feeling the rise and fall of her chest and savouring every moment of it.

I took her by the hand and guided her towards the spot where I had parked my motorbike. I lifted the seat and removed my helmet from its place. “Take this,” I told her as I lowered it over her head. It looked comical on her, and it was probably a bit big for her, but it would do on the ride home.

“Where’s yours?”

“That’s mine. You can take it. I don’t need it... “

“Are you sure?” She asked, anxious to go home but still not wanting to break the rules.

“Yeah, love, it’s fine. It’s not that far anyway.”

Natalie simply nodded in agreement, and I hopped on the bike. She climbed on the back clumsily, and I revved up the engine as I waited for her to be settled. Breathing in deeply as she laced me with her arms, my heart kicked as the palms of her hands pressed against my stomach. I wasn’t sure if all the adrenaline that still coursed through my body was due to the fight or to her being so close to me.

Either way, I needed the open road. I could feel my mind cooling down as the harsh wind beat against my face, lashing at me as I cut through the night fast. I could feel the growl of the engine between my legs, Natalie's body tightly pressed against mine, the vastness of the open road unfolding before me… It was a perfect moment, more perfect than everything that had happened for a long, long time.

I wished for it to never end, for the road to stretch under me for endless miles. But good things always come to an end, and soon I was halting to a stop behind Natalie’s house. She hopped off the bike and took the helmet off as I killed the engine, a strange sadness taking over me as the silence of the night embraced us both.

“Thank you, Aziz,” Natalie said, looking into my eyes and almost making my heart stop. I could see she still wasn’t herself, and I found myself hoping that she wasn’t scared of me. I had beaten four grown men into a pulp - that’s usually not something that most women appreciate, as it’s probably revealing of some darker nature lurking deep beneath the surface. And the worst of it was that it was true. There was a beast full of rage inside me, and it relished every time I set it free. It pained me that Natalie had to see it.

“Don’t worry ‘bout it, love. Just try and get some sleep. I…” I stopped for a while, lost in her eyes. “I’ll stay outside just a bit, to gather my thoughts.”

She nodded, whispering me good night and leaving me in the dark, alone with my memories of long ago. It seemed that they had chased me from Qumar to the other side of the ocean.

I sighed - there was no escaping the past. Much in the same way that there seemed to be no escape from Natalie - the moment the drunk asshole hit her, I lost all control. There was no denying it, I cared for her way more than I should.

Fuck, I wanted her bad.


on the edge of my bed, my heart still galloping inside my chest. What the hell had happened? How had a night supposed to be a regular one turned into a complete and utter mess? I was only out for a drink or two and, before I knew it, I had dragged Aziz into a damn fight. I couldn’t help but relive that moment, my heart tightening each time I recalled the look in his face. He didn’t seem like a playboy sheikh in that moment… Instead, he looked like someone you certainly wouldn’t want to mess with. It was scary but, in a way, knowing that he had done it to protect me… I had to admit that, even though it was scary, it was also endearing in a dangerous way.

Aziz had remained calm even when the other guy had been confrontational - only when he hit me did Aziz unleash that dark and violent side of him. I didn’t exactly enjoy seeing him like that, but feeling his protectiveness towards me had been… good. In my life, I had never felt like that. It was somewhat weird to think of it but, in the ride back home, my arms firmly embracing Aziz as he drove, I knew he would always be there for me.

I knew that he cared.

Damn, he had fought and won just to save me. And I couldn’t help but think that he looked as handsome as ever when doing so. Every time I thought of that hard look on his face it was almost impossible to not picture how his body would look naked, how his lips would taste when brushing against mine.

Before I knew it, I had already stood up and gotten out of the room.
What the hell are you doing, Natalie?
my consciousness screamed at me. I didn’t know what I was doing, not at all. All I knew was that I needed to see him just one more time before sleep.
Yes, I just need to make sure he is okay
, I lied to myself.

I stopped in front of his door and rapped my knuckles against it. He didn’t answer but I couldn’t turn back. I grabbed the doorknob and turned it, simply standing there as the door swung open.

Aziz was sitting on his bed, looking straight at me. I stood there like an idiot, not knowing what to say.

“Are you alright?” he finally said, getting up from the bed and walking towards me.

“Yes, I… I, uh, I just wanted to see you,” I half-whispered, botching the phrase,
I just wanted to see if you’re alright
. He said nothing, simply staring into my eyes and making it almost impossible to focus on whatever I wanted to say.

“Natalie. Go to your room, please,” he said, almost making my heart stop.


“I just can’t control myself with you around,” he admitted, a hard edge to his voice. He really meant it.

“And what if I don’t want you to control yourself?” The words were out of me before I could think of what I was truly saying.

“Natalie… Since the moment I’ve arrived here that I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ve wanted you since the start, and now more than ever. I can’t think of anything else than taking you to that bed behind me and fucking you senselessly.”

Maybe I should have slapped him, or just turn on my heels and go to my room.

“Do it”, I whispered, losing myself in his eyes.

“You have ten seconds to get out of here, Natalie, or else I will really do it.”

Once more, he had given me a chance. To turn and run, to escape. But no - all I did was stay there, letting the seconds fly by me and wishing time would go faster.



I realized how much I wanted him.



I wasn't going anywhere.



Who cared about the social ladder.



He was insanely gorgeous. And not who I expected him to be.


This was taking too long.



He was on me in an instant, grabbing my wrists and pinning me against the wall. His face was just a few inches away from mine, and I could feel how he was struggling to control his desire. In truth, I was struggling way harder than him.

I felt his sweet breath on me, his lips ordering for me to kiss him… There was a fire in me, and I had no idea on how to control it. To be honest, I didn’t want to control it - I wanted it to take control of me, I wanted to surrender to Aziz. For the first time in my life I was craving for a man to take me, the desire that ran through me so overwhelming that I knew there would be no escape.

He’s you’re a royal Sheikh, Natalie
, an insistent voice said in the back of my mind. But I was way past caring - what if Aziz was royalty and from a different world? It was just in name, after all, being a Sheikh and being a Californian. Was it that big of an issue if I wasn’t royalty? Even if it was, I couldn’t care less. All that mattered was having his body close, pressed against mine…

He leaned into me, eyes locked on mine, grabbing both my arms over my head. His lips were an inch away from mine but still he didn’t kiss me - he held there, looking into me as if he knew there was no going back after that kiss. I felt it too, and that was why I needed it.

“Aziz…” I whispered under my breath, aching for his touch. Our lips brushed then, the sweetest hold of lust and pleasure flooding my mind. I closed my eyes, kissing him back, the tip of my tongue brushing against his wet lips. He opened his mouth and slid his tongue against mine, one of his hands letting go of my wrist and resting on my hip, pressing me against the wall. As I felt his long fingers on my waist a warmness spread through me, its focus between my thighs - I was wet… Very, very wet. And I couldn’t help but wish his hand wasn’t on my thigh but between my legs instead, pressing against that maddening electricity that made me pulse with desire.

I had never felt something like it - it was a desire so strong, so fierce, that now I understood how some women could make the rashest decisions… I was just glad it was Aziz there with me. It was somewhat embarrassing that I had never done it before, but there with him it didn’t seem to matter. Somehow I knew that with him it would be alright… I was ready. For the first time in my life I had no doubts whatsoever - I knew what I wanted, and I wouldn’t let go until I had it.

Aziz ran one hand through my hair, grabbing at the root and making me throw my head back against the wall, baring my neck to his mouth. He lay his lips against my skin, making it prickle, a fierce shiver going up my spine. Oh, if there was a Heaven, I was in it.

I let out a slight moan as he kissed my neck and jawline, both his hands now lying firmly on my hips. I felt his fingers travelling over my waistline, and soon they were fumbling with the zipper on the side of my skirt. As he pulled it down, I could feel my mind about to explode - I fought against the impulse to throw him back on the bed, undress in a hurry and jump on top of him. But I wasn’t about to ruin the moment, so I let him push it all the way down as slowly as he wanted to. And slowly he went, his fingers descending at the same patient rhythm that he kissed my neck with.

My hands were on his back and under the rough fabric of his shirt, my fingertips running all over his muscled back, feeling the shape and contour of his muscles as he moved. Could he be any more perfect? I doubted it. Aziz was perfection itself, everything in his body a careful sculpture of what a man should be. But I wasn’t wet and insane with desire because of his body… No, he was more than a perfect face and body - there was something about Aziz that drew me to him, much in the same way a moth is drawn to a flame. He was wild and out of control, but behind his smirk and careless ways I could see something more, something that he held back at all cost. I wasn't sure what it was, but a craving inside of me demanded that I should know it, that I should be by his side and learn the truth of who he was. He was the complete package - an irresistible soul hiding in a perfect body.

It was impossible to not be nervous - I had never been with a man and, from all the horror stories my friends would tell me, a first time was never something to write home about. Drunken mishaps, lots of pain, way too much regret… That was the norm. Yet, Aziz’ lips all over me, I couldn’t see anything wrong with the picture I was in. In fact, everything seemed as perfect as I could have imagined it. I was nervous, yes, but there was no uncertainty in me. The moment he had pinned me against the wall all that had vanished away like a fragile cloud on a summer day.

The back of my head hit the wall as he pressed the palm of his hand over my thong, his fingers right over my pussy making me burn with desire. His touch was firm and yet gentle at the same time - much like Aziz, it was a mixture of contradicting features which as a whole made it simply irresistible. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to lay in bed and allow him to take me in whatever way he wanted.

“I want you so bad,” he whispered against my ear, the truth of it almost too much too bear. I wanted to tell him that I wanted him more, that I needed him, that I wanted him to make me his, but all I could manage to do was bury my fingernails in his skin and thrust my hips forward, my pussy pressing against hard against his fingers.

I took my hands to his shirt and pulled on it viciously, making the buttons pop out one by one rapidly, immediately pressing the open palm of my hands against his toned chest and ripped abs. I felt the slow rise of his muscles under my fingers, savouring each bend and curve as if those would be my last moments on Earth.

Letting go of my hips, he grabbed the hem of my tank top and, as I raised my arms, pulled it over my head. His hands darted to my breasts, cupping them eagerly over my black lace bra. He squeezed them gently, my hard nipples struggling against the fabric and yearning to be let free. As if he could hear my thoughts, he pushed down the cup of the bra over my right nipple and, leaning into me, lay his lips over it, sucking softly. I could feel my nipple hardening even more inside his mouth as he lapped with his tongue against it, tracing slow and seductive circles.

As he sucked, his hands went to my back and, finding the clasp of my bra, he undid it, pushing it down my arms. I shivered, the cool air in the room caressing my breasts. In an instant his mouth went from my right nipple to my left one, his lips wrapping themselves around it with care and, at the same time, with a kind of passionate fury. I grabbed his hair, holding his head in place as he kissed my nipples one at a time, his long gentle fingers squeezing at my breasts.

I bit my lower lip harshly, allowing a pleasure so new and intense to run through me like the first flames of a bonfire. If I was already feeling like that I couldn’t imagine how it would be like to have him inside of me… especially because, from what I’d seen, he seemed to be everything but average. I knew I should be somewhat afraid, but there wasn’t a trace of it in me. There was excitement, curiosity and unbridled desire - but no fear. Still, I felt the urge to tell him I had never been with anyone else.

“Aziz… I… I’ve never been with anyone,” I said softly against his hear. He stopped kissing my breasts and, pulling out, rested his hands on my hips and looked straight into my eyes.

“Never?” he asked, genuine wonder flickering behind his eyes.

“Never,” I nodded.

He smiled at me. Not his usual grin or smirk - a smile. An honest to goodness smile. In it I saw care and gentleness, something all the tabloids around the world had never cared to see in him. He said nothing, but in that smile there were all the words I needed to hear.

He grabbed me by the hand and took me to the bed; I sat there, looking up at him expectantly. He leaned in, climbing on top of me, and lay his lips against mine. We kissed gently, our tongues dancing around each other as his body pressed down on mine.

“I need it to be you…” The words escaped my lips even before I knew it. It was a confession, a deJasminetion of desire and… love? “I want you to be my first.”

“I will, Natalie. I will,” and with that he grabbed at my skirt, pulling it down my legs. For a second I felt exposed, lying in bed wearing only in my black thong, my naked body there for him to see. But all that vanished as I noticed the look in his eyes - in his face there was lust and desire, yes, but there was also appreciation and kindness.

Aziz started kissing down my neck, his lips travelling down and over my breasts, resting for a second on each of my nipples. Then he kept going, carefully kissing every inch of my body as he travelled down my belly to the hem of my thong. He grabbed at the fabric with his teeth, slowly pulling it down my legs and revealing my pussy. I pressed my legs together by instinct as he did it; it was embarrassing to reveal my naked body for the first time in my life. But I relaxed then as he kissed his way back up my legs and thighs, all the way over to my lips.

Looking into his eyes, I let my fingers fall down his chest and I started unbuttoning his jeans. I could already feel a hard and firm shape brushing against my knuckles, and that made swallow hard.

It’s happening, it’s really happening,
I repeated over and over again inside my mind. When the last button came undone, his cock straining against his boxer briefs and touching my fingers, I almost feared my heart would burst - he was huge! Now, I didn’t really have someone to compare him to but, judging by all the stories I had heard from friends and by the furtive glances I had thrown at random guy’s crotches, there was no other term I would categorize him with: Aziz was frighteningly huge.

For a fraction of a second I thought it would be impossible for him to fit in me… There was just no way it could happen. But his lips on mine, his skin’s warmness spreading through my body, all that became nothing more than a silly concern. It would happen, and it would be as perfect as I had ever wanted it to be.

I curled my fingers around the massive shape and started stroking it up and down, unsure if what I was doing was pleasant enough. It probably was, judging by the almost savage way he started to kiss me. I kept doing it harder and harder as I felt his breathing grow deeper and then, when he least expected it, I grabbed his boxers and pulled them down, his massive cock springing free in an almost menacing way. I darted for it with both hands, feeling it pulse against my fingers. God, I wanted nothing more than to feel that sweet thickness buried deep inside of me. Just holding it in my hands was almost too much… I didn’t know how I could survive having him in me, but I needed it as badly as I needed to breathe. No, damn it, I needed it more than I had ever needed to breath.

BOOK: Seduced By The Bad Boy Sheikh: A Royal Billionaire Bad Boy Romance
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