Seduced By The Bad Boy Sheikh: A Royal Billionaire Bad Boy Romance (3 page)

BOOK: Seduced By The Bad Boy Sheikh: A Royal Billionaire Bad Boy Romance
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hat fucking asshole

That’s all that went through my mind as I slammed his door shut and stalked outside to look again at the devastation that Aziz had caused. Most people, when they plan on coming over, they get a cab from the airport and then knock on people’s doors. But Sheikh Asshole? No, that’s too
him. He has to fucking skydive out of God knows what and crash into the one above ground pool that existed on the block that Billy and his friends could have used.

I stepped outside. Most of the water had already been drunk up by the hungry and parched ground. The cement was wet, and the remains of the pool sat like a hulking, broken alien spacecraft – crash landed onto the planet.

Kind of like Aziz, crash landed into the world the rest of us lived in from his place high up in the clouds.

“Billy, be careful!” I yelled out. Already I could see Billy and his friends peering into the pool, trying to climb through certain parts, as if explorers in a cave. Their minds began to wander and invent games to play with the misshapen object. I had seen Billy raise up his middle finger upwards, to where Aziz’ room was earlier. I hadn’t berated him, but I felt a pang of sorrow for the little pudgy kid – someone had come out of nowhere and broken his toy.

I would never admit it to anybody, but I had asked Mother several times to be able to dispose of the above-ground pool and replace it with one built into the ground. She had never relented. What, did we want to all of a sudden flaunt our wealth and live better than the neighbors? Funny stuff, coming from the woman who was now working for the Sultan of Qumar.

I wondered now if Aziz was the right excuse to be able to finally get rid of this hulking container of water and replace it with something a bit nicer.

My thoughts were interrupted when my phone started ringing.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Ah, Miss Natalie,” I heard the distinct off-English voice on the other end of the line. “This is Hamid calling from Sheikh Aziz’s retinue. I just wanted to let you know that the Sheikh is, uhmm, on his way…”

I didn’t let the man finish. “Yeah, Hamid, he’s arrived already. Made quite the entrance.”

There was a pause. “That’s what I was afraid of. I trust everyone is all right?”

“As alright as they’re ever going to be around Sheikh Asshole.”

There was a sigh on the other end as he took in my words. “I take it the arrival was less than ecstatically received.” When I didn’t answer, anger holding my tongue, he continued. “I’ll be at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel for the remainder of his stay along with members of his retinue, and shall drop by time to time. If you need anything at all yourself, I wanted to let you know to please avail yourself of my services.”

Great. The Sheikh’s cleanup guy was commiserating with me. I thanked him and he told me he’d already contacted Aziz and would most likely be over tomorrow morning before hanging up. I sighed and looked over at Billy – he and his friends really had nothing to be afraid of – they were more than capable of playing in the broken pool. It was sagging downwards as well – its wooden beams now broken and unable to create a structure. I’d deal with it in the evening, or when Hamid came by tomorrow morning to clean up whatever else Sheikh Trouble may have done.

My mind wandered over to the Sheikh. Try as much as I wanted, I couldn’t get his remarkable body out of my mind. Those gorgeous muscles. Those deep, piercing, mysterious eyes. That shock of stubble – so rugged and dangerous. Those tattoos – whatever reason he had got them for made him look so amazingly dangerous. I could feel my panties get a bit wet just thinking about those big, strong, muscular arms, those pecs and those abs.

Unlike Billy, I couldn’t help myself and noticed his skydiving suit as he had emerged from the broken pool. I saw how it clung to his tight body. The muscles were good enough and got everybody’s attention – but my eyes had darted downwards – to the bulge that existed between his legs. I shuddered at the thought of what appeared to be an unreasonably large cock. God, it had to be at least eight inches.

Imagining that large cock pumping into me with those powerful legs, rippling with muscles was enough to make me blush and send shivers of pleasure up and down my spine.

Get a grip on yourself, girl. He’s an asshole! Plus he’s royalty. You’re nothing to him!

I had to get my mind off of Aziz if I was going to be able to share the same roof with him.

I took my portable easel and canvas and paint kit and went upstairs, leaving Billy and his friends to continue to explore the ruins of the once beloved pool.

I went to the balcony and put everything down. I could hear the Sheikh down the hall, talking to Hamid. He was ensuring him that everything had happened with great success. If ‘great success’ meant the disruption of several lives, that statement was spot on.

I saw Aziz exit through the back patio to survey the damage he had created and angrily got my mind off thoughts of his body. I had kept my virginity for the last two decades and change by focusing on the important things in life – not on immediate pleasures – and I wasn’t going to toss it all away for a spoiled royal.

I angrily began throwing paint onto the canvas, letting my unconscious mind take over the formation of the paint into pictures.

I saw Billy turn around and look at Aziz as the latter set foot onto the grass. Despite his earlier anger, it seemed Billy looked at Aziz with fear this time around.

“Please don’t break the rest of it!” he wailed, afraid that Aziz had come to finish the job that he had started.

This seemed to take Aziz aback.

“Hey, young master,” he said, crouching down to Billy’s level. From my vantage point, my heart skipped. Aziz looked, with his rippling back muscles, like a crouching tiger, able to unleash vast quantities of violence at a moment’s notice. Yet he kept it perfectly in check, as he engaged in a conversation with a pudgy little kid. “Sorry about your little pool, there.”

Billy turned towards him, not believing what was coming out of Aziz’ mouth.

“How about I make it up to you and your friends?” Aziz asked.

Billy didn’t know what to say and waited patiently to listen to Aziz finish the rest of his offer. My ears paid attention as well, ready to step in if I needed to. The last thing I needed was for Sheikh Sex to take a toddler and his friends to a bar or strip club.

“I’ll get you guys a real pool,” Aziz began. “They’ll come by to start building it tonight or this afternoon.”

Billy remained silent. Aziz seeing he needed more, continued. “In the meantime, who likes pizza and ice cream?”

Billy’s eyes sparked. “Me!” he said in chorus with his friends who had come to listen to Aziz’ peace offering.

“Great. I’ll ask my man to order us some pizza and a tub of ice cream for you gents,” Aziz said to them. They began to nod in unison. I smiled to myself. When the kids asked me for snacks, I generally only had some carrots and celery sticks - it was the healthier option – but I was okay to let the rules slide for one afternoon.

“So you’ll get a brand new pool with a…” Aziz trailed off, waiting for Billy and the others to give their preferences. I put my brushes down and went to the railing of the balcony to listen in to the conversation happening below me, my heart fluttering a bit at what I was hearing.

“A slip-n-slide!” shouted one.

“A diving board!” shouted another.

“A waterfall!” Billy exclaimed.

“Okay, okay, let’s see a pool, with a slip-n-slide, a diving board, and a waterfall. Let’s toss in some water jets too, huh? For some water wars?” Aziz asked.

“Yeah!!” the kids shouted. “Water wars!”

Aziz stood pulled out his phone and I saw him dial a speed dial. “Hey Hamid, how’s it going mate?” he asked by way of greeting. “Listen, I have some young subjects here who are rightly peeved at me and I need you to send over five large pepperoni…” Aziz looked over at the kids and I could see him count the kids, including Billy. “Make that six large pepperoni pies and get me some soda and a gallon of vanilla ice cream.”

The kids cheered, dancing around Aziz. “And find me a contractor. Tell him to come survey Natalie’s house. We want to replace the pool with either concrete or fiberglass and have it in-ground.” The kids looked in awe at Aziz. “We want a slip-n-slide coming down ten feet, a diving board, a waterfall, and two or three water jets around the pool for some water wars.”

I smiled when I saw the look of adoration replace the look of pure hatred that I had seen earlier on Billy’s face. Sheikh Asshole was now transformed into Sheikh Rescue.

“They’ll be over in an hour? Sounds perfect, mate. Listen, find me something to drink too, will you, this place is drier than an old hooker’s….” Aziz looked around at the children all looking to him and cleared his throat. “Never mind. Just get me something to take the edge off, will you?”

Satisfied with his response, he hung up. He got back into a crouch and looked straight at Billy. “Billy, my man, I’m sorry for wrecking your pool. But I can try to make it up to you by getting you a much newer one. I hope you’ll forgive me?” Aziz stuck out his hand and Billy, after a moment’s hesitation took it. The two shook and I smiled to myself.

“Now, who likes guns and maybe one day wants to go to a shooting range?” Aziz asked.

At the moment, the kids would have been ready to follow Aziz to the depths of Hell had he asked them to. Buying a pool was one thing. Having kids go shooting guns with someone asking his personal manservant to bring him whiskey was completely another, in my mind. I couldn’t allow this.

The problem was I was leaning so far over the railing and when I took a step back quickly, I tripped in my haste. The railing was only waist high, and with nothing to catch myself, my upper body did a pivot and I went over the railing, falling to the ground.

Oh please, this cannot be happening to me! I’m falling off the balcony and I’m going to die looking like an idiot!

My brain began to panic and I grabbed for something – anything. I couldn’t find anything to stop my fall and it all started happening faster than I could comprehend.

The world started looking upside down to me and the ground began to rush up against me. In a split second I realized I was heading down and my head would make contact with the concrete in maybe two or three seconds, if that.

I don’t know where I found the time to scream. Or if I had already been screaming since I had first fallen. I didn’t know if anyone could hear me. I closed my eyes, seeing the concrete of the patio coming up. I knew it was over for me and this was it. They were either going to be scraping me off or I was going to be paralyzed.

And then I felt the ground and realized I was no longer moving. My eyes were shut, as if closing them would keep away the pain that was going to be coursing through my body. I wondered if I was dead.

I couldn’t move.

Why can’t I move my arms or legs?!

Something squeezed my whole body and I told myself that I should probably open my eyes. Wondering what I’d find, a second later, I opened my eyes and saw the sky. I looked around in panic, fear of where I was now replacing the fear of impact.

I looked to my left side. I was in the air and could see the ground below me. I began to look to my right side, and saw Aziz looking down at me – his face in a smirk. I looked around. He was holding me in his big arms, smiling as if I was weightless.

Did Aziz just catch me?

“Seems you had quite a fall there, love,” Aziz said with a smirk. “Looks like I must have really swept you off your feet, huh?”


ometimes I'm a really
soft guy. I can't fight it, really. So how else to repay the young tribe of kids if not with a brand new swimming pool? It was working too - hate had been replaced with adoration, however misplaced.

Then I noticed something from the corner of my eye - a shadow moving too fast, a blur of colors. My heart pumped adrenaline into my veins and I no longer was in a quiet and peaceful suburban corner of America. I was somewhere far away, somewhere that still haunted me. I turned on my heels as fast as lightning, and ran all the distance between the yard and the house in two wide steps. I didn't really know what I was doing, I was acting on instinct alone. When I noticed Natalie's body leaning over the balcony and falling, my arms were already extended to catch her.

My heart skipped a beat as she tumbled down, her head pointed straight at the floor. I didn't even have time to mouth an honest-to-God "fuck" - I opened my legs wide, let the weight of my body fall on my knees and allowed my reflexes to take control of my arms.

She fell in my arms like a rock and I exhaled sharply. A fraction of a second later and she would have hit the concrete face first. I could already envision a broken neck or worse. I gritted my teeth and breathed out once more, trying to make all the adrenaline vanish. Soon I was almost back to my normal self, Natalie's wide eyes fixed on mine.

I smirked at her and, with a wink, let my usual charm shine through.

"Seems you had quite a fall there, love. Looks like I must have really swept you off your feet, huh?"

She was speechless at first - and no wonder, after such a close brush with death - but then bit down her lower lip and mouthed a scared but heartfelt "thank you." I let her down easily, noticing how she was shaking, more adrenaline than she could handle still running through her body.

"Hey. Sit down," I told her, grabbing her hand and pushing her to the floor. Her knees buckled under her weight and she fell like a crumpled plastic bag. I kneeled in front of her, my eyes on her. "It's alright. I got you."

She closed her eyes and ran trembling fingers through her hair, breathing in and out at a steadier pace. When she opened her eyes there was a hint of a smile on her face.

"You're still an asshole," she whispered at me.

"And you're beautiful," I said, smiling at her and getting up on my feet.

She blinked in surprise. I smiled. “Had I known what kind of body you had, love, I would have come calling long ago.”

What the hell was I thinking? Complimenting a young woman who had been forced to host me against her will? And brazenly complimenting her on her body!

"See? Asshole." I gave her my hand and, taking it, she lifted herself up from the floor.

I shrugged at her words and winked at her once more, feeling the rush of adrenaline slowly dying on my body. I had jumped from an airplane and crash landed in a disastrous way and, still, that felt like nothing compared to when I saw her almost tumble down to her death. Instinct had taken over, and that wasn't really a pleasant feeling. Sure, it got the job done... But reacting like that, on instinct alone, brought a few unpleasant memories.

Still, it had been worth it. Having her on my arms felt right, somehow. She felt so small against my chest and, in that moment, almost frail. I couldn't help but feel a deeper craving inside of me as the gentle curves of her body rested perfectly in my arms, her whole body so damn close to me.

With one more thin smile, Natalie turned on her heels and went inside the house, probably to calm herself down with a bit more of privacy. I stared as she walked inside, her hips swaying and calling to me... There was a fire that was starting to burn inside of me, and that wasn't good. I needed to deal with that fast - I mentally prescribed myself some aged scotch and women of questionable reputation.
Doctor's orders
, I told myself.

I was becoming somewhat lost in a whirlpool of thoughts that involved something very indecent when I felt someone tugging at my pants. I looked down and there he was - little chubby Billy, looking at me as if I had flown down from the heavens with a cape on my back.

"That was... amazing," he said, his eyes almost sparkling with adoration.

"Not really, kid..." I said, absent-mindedly, the feeling of Natalie's body on my arms still lingering, hooking itself deep and refusing to go away.

"What? It was, like... I don't know... You moved so fast!" Billy kept going on and on, struggling to get the words out as he was too excited to do so.

"Thanks. But I’m no hero, kid."

* * *

down to my boxers and lay down in the mattress, looking at the ceiling of the tiny room, my feet brushing against the wooden bar at the edge of the bed. My head was starting to hurt. I was too damn sober, and I needed a drink. Badly. But my body was too bruised and battered, and so sleep had taken priority over drinking.

Still, lying there, I found sleep hard to come. Even though my body seemed like it had been run over by a tank, I still couldn't shut down. Maybe it was because of a general lack of women and drink but… Oh, who was I kidding? Those thoughts of Natalie kept assailing me, crawling inside my head like the nasty little fuckers that they were and planting indecent images there.

I mean, she was untouchable. The daughter of the Press Secretary. It probably wasn't right to picture her naked body over and over again, imagining the smoothness of her skin under my fingertips, her parted lips aching for my mouth... And knowing that she was somewhere in the house, alone in her own bed… Crap, I was going insane and if I didn't stop that train of thought soon I'd be sporting a hard on so massive I'd pass out from lack of blood.

Too late. My 10-inch cock was already thinking of Natalie and it had risen up, tenting the sheets like the fucking Eiffel Tower. I couldn’t help myself and I began to stroke it, thoughts of my naked host’s eyes looking at me – her innocent yet sultry eyes. Before I knew it, I was gasping and shot out my fucking load. All over the fucking sheets.

A fucking geyser of cum imagining someone’s eyes. That’s gotta be a new fucking low.

I didn’t know how I’d explain having to do laundry tomorrow – the day after I got in. But tired and spent, my brain shut down. Sleep came and I drifted off to a world built on fountains of whisky and a multitude of perhaps too eager women. I was ready to stay in that dream for as long as necessary when I was pulled out from it by the sound of heavy machinery and deep voices.

"What the fuck...?" I rolled out of bed and, barely able to open my eyes, stepped out to the balcony, the sun sucker-punching me right in the face. Below me, on the yard, men ran around carrying shovels and measurement instruments. A heavy hydraulic excavator rolled over the concrete, growling as it went, ready to bury its huge shovel and start digging.

The goddamn pool. I had already forgotten about it.

"We got here as soon as we could, Mr. Aziz!" A man waved his yellow helmet at me, all smiles. Fuck, sometimes I wondered if I should measure my words more carefully. I probably shouldn't have given a hefty monetary incentive to the contractors so that they'd prioritize Natalie's new pool over their other projects... But what was done was done, and I had promised it to the kids. Lack of sleep wouldn’t kill me anyway, even though there was a heavy pounding inside my head.

As if to make matters worse, my cellphone started ringing, the Hamid name occupying the whole screen. Well, there was no running from it - it was time to face the real world. I picked up the cellphone and yawned into it.


"Good morning, Mr. Aziz! I'll take it that you've had a good night?"

"A good night, Hamid? I don't know about you, but spending the night sober doesn’t really make it good on my book."

"That actually sounds excellent, sir!" Hamid chirped on, not giving two damns about my suffering. "I’m calling to inform you that I’ve sent someone over with new clothes. Casual attire and, of course, some clothes for you to wear to work."

I surely was still sleeping, for it seemed I had heard the word

"Work? What work?"

"Oh, you'll start today working at Qumari Oil. As your father ordered."

I remembered now how father had said that I would be working as well – much as commoners did. He mentioned something about working at Qumari Oil – the state owned oil company that belonged to our family. Doing public relations and the such.

“I see,” I said. “As a supervisor of men, right? Ready to lead them to public relations battles?” I asked.

“No, sire,” Hamid replied.

“Will I be leading the organization?” I asked. “I’d need some experience first, don’t you think?”

Hamid sighed. “You won’t be leading the organization, either sire.”

I was fucking stumped. “Well then, what exactly will I be doing?”

Hamid looked at me as if he felt sorry for me. “You’ll be setting up and clearing for events as part of the moving crew. A helping hand.”

"Oh, come on. You gotta be kidding, Hamid."

“Not at all, sir.”

I sighed, already seeing how my father thought getting a common job amongst the lowest of the low was the perfect way for me to take a break from, well, being me, and develop some character, as he so often put it.

“You’ll be setting up the bar for private events.”

Well, at least he had the decency to put me to work in a bar.

* * *

he next three
weeks passed in a haze. The event space was quite upscale and the private parties that the company hosted were filled with important people that I would have talked to, had I not been in the back unloading boxes in the storage room and taking inventory. I had a feeling that Bill, the manager, was keeping me out of sight - he probably didn’t want me going crazy and starting a riot during an event. That was a sensible thing to do, but even though I could empathize with the guy, that didn’t make me like him.

He was a short balding man in his fifties with a paunch that stretched out his incomprehensibly extra slim shirts, and he was always barking orders at the wait staff while he ambled from table to table sweet talking to guests. He got on my nerves pretty easily, but I had to hand it to him - the guy kept the team and the grueling pace of the events that the company held running smoothly and without a hitch. Whether it was a reception, gala, or fundraiser, Bill knew exactly what needed to be done.

What he didn’t know was that he could keep me out of sight… But he couldn’t keep me out of the booze. I had to spend a lot of hours on a room packed to the ceiling with endless cases of alcohol, so I always made sure I got my fill. I kept it under control, though, and so far, I had managed to avoid crashing a party and grabbing the first two hot blondes I saw and taking them back to the house with me. Actually, I hadn’t grabbed any woman – hot or not since I had gotten to the States.

I didn’t know what my father would do if he saw I wasn’t learning my lesson (whatever it was) and I was in no mood to find out. Out of sight, out of mind.

And, to be honest, it wasn’t that bad. I was busy during the afternoons and nights, and when I got home after breaking down the party and ensuring that everything was ready for the next event I was either too tired or too drunk to think about Natalie.

Unless I saw her. Then all bets were off as I scanned her hot body.

Yeah, she was becoming a problem.

The first few days I didn’t think too much of it and just attributed my wild imagination to a lack of sex. But, damn, every time I saw her around the house I had to stop and stare. Sure, I won’t lie - I was appreciating every curve of her body and my eyes always lingered a bit too much on her perfect ass… But there was something more too. I loved how simple she looked, how normal. She wasn’t a narcissistic Duchess, a pop-star or an actress. Sure, her mother made enough money now that she could afford a life of luxury, but she didn’t look like it or like any of the girls I used to take back to the palace (whenever I bothered enough to do that, I mean). She just looked perfect in her normalcy, more beautiful than all the other women put together…

BOOK: Seduced By The Bad Boy Sheikh: A Royal Billionaire Bad Boy Romance
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