Read A Major Attraction Online

Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Fated, #Desires, #Good, #to, #Go

A Major Attraction (8 page)

BOOK: A Major Attraction
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“I know I can’t. Get me off, baby. Then I can be easy with you later. I want to make your first time so good.”

Knowing how hard she made him, how desperate he was for her touch, turned her on like nothing could. She’d never had a man desire her so much or treat her like a queen in so many ways.

“Oh fuck, yeah. That’s it.” His cock felt slick and hot against her hand.

Squeezing her thighs around his talented fingers, she couldn’t help riding him while fisting his cock the way he liked it.

“I’m going to fuck your ass. Gonna own all of you, to do what I’ve been dreaming about for months.”

That was another thing. To know she’d been in his fantasies when she’d been dreaming about him, a man so masculine and attractive he turned heads. It boggled the mind. His words penetrated as he grew more frantic. Her own desperation surged as well, his pressure on her clit almost unbearable without him inside her.

“I love it when you tell me what you’re going to do to me.” She grazed his sac and stroked him from root to tip, gripping hard. She wished he’d bend her over and take her now, to sate her needs. Frustrated and close to coming, she whispered, “Just like I’m holding your cock, getting you ready to come for me. Like I did the other night, when I blew you and swallowed that sweet cum down my throat.”

He kissed her hard on the mouth, tensing as he jetted all over her hand. His kisses moved down her throat to her neck, and he sucked hard as he continued to spend.

“That’s it. Come for me. All over me.”

He’d stopped rubbing her clit when he’d come, and he slowly withdrew his hand. “Livie. Oh God, baby. That was so good. Just what I needed so we can do you right,” he groaned. “Now you’re primed to go off when I’m in that tight ass. You hungry for it?”

“I was close to coming,” she admitted. “I love watching you go over.” She pulled her hand from his jeans and stared at the moisture there.

“Taste me,” he murmured, his gaze glued to his seed. When she sucked her finger clean, he picked her up in his arms and kissed her until she couldn’t think.

After carrying her up the stairs, he set her down and stripped them both until they wore nothing but each other. Wrapped in his embrace, she took a moment to realize he’d grown hard again.


“I know. Just the thought of you gets me hard. And feeling how wet you are.” He moaned. “I wanted you to come, but it’ll be better if you’re on edge. I gotta say, taking your ass has become an obsession for me.”


“So I’m a throwback. There’s something sexy about being the first. Not that I don’t love everything else we’ve done.”

She chuckled. “You don’t have to look so panicked that I’m taking that the wrong way.” She paused. “Believe it or not, it’s special to me, too. And the thought of you taking me there is really turning me on.” She’d had a few fantasies in the past, when a boyfriend had touched her ass accidentally. Fluttery feelings of pleasure made her want to try more, but her boyfriends had never been into it. She’d shelved her desire, until now.

Kyle let out a breath. “I’m glad you want it. Because I can’t wait to be inside you. I want you so crazed you’re begging for it. For

He led her to the bed and propped her up on her hands and knees. Leaving her for a moment, he returned with some lube and a condom.

“I’ll use this to grease up. Don’t worry, I’ll take it slow. Anytime it’s too much, tell me.” He smiled, his grin devious as he rolled on the condom. “Tell me, that is, if you can still think after I’m through with you.”

He joined her on the bed and moved behind her, making her shiver with nerves. But instead of immediately taking her, he nudged her knees farther apart.

“Bow your back and lift your hips.”

She did as ordered, surprised when, instead of him putting himself inside her, he slid under her, on his back, with his head between her knees, and pulled her hips down to him. Then her pussy was over his face, and he opened his mouth…

The feel of his breath on her exposed sex froze her with pleasure. When he used her juices to smooth the way for his pinkie into her ass, she automatically clenched her thighs around his head. The small touch of his finger felt extremely intimate, and better than she would have imagined.

The dual penetration, of his finger and tongue, stimulated every nerve ending she possessed and had her pressing for more. Almost with a life of their own, her hips pressed down, her ass pushing over his finger and urging for deeper penetration.

His gritty voice rumbled against her clit, and she found herself perilously close to orgasm. “That’s it, baby, take it. Push against my finger, and it’ll be easier to take.”

His pinkie shoved harder, and she did as he said, relaxing once he pushed past her sphincter. When he began thrusting in and out of her anus, his tongue mimicking the action on her clit, she couldn’t stop from crying out. “Yes, Kyle. Oh yeah, more.
So good.

“That’s what I want to hear. Because I’m so ready for you. I want you over the top. I want you ready for my cock.”

His mouth returned to her clit, but he removed his finger. With a long lick, he left her sex and scooted out from under her. He rose behind her on the bed and pulled her up on her hands and knees. After a moment where she heard him fiddling with the condom and lube, the wet brush of his cock against her ass made her twitch. She pushed back until the tip of his cockhead entered her anus.

“Christ, Livie, take it easy. You’re making it really hard to remember this is your first time.” He panted, his excitement increasing her own.

She couldn’t help it. She needed him now, all of him. “Please, Kyle.”

“Hold on.”

Something cold and slick eased around her hole then inside. That pinkie felt bigger, yet it slid without hurting because he moved slowly. And he used a lot of lube. After a few moments of moving in and out of her, she wanted to feel more.


“Shit. I know. Okay, push out when I push in.”

He removed his finger, and something broader moved into her. Pain warred with the pleasure of his passage, but he moved his cock with slow, deliberate measure. Easing into her in the smallest degrees, stroking her hips and feathering a touch over her clit, exciting her to feel more.

She lost how much time passed, focused on him stretching her, filling that place that had never known a man’s touch before. He took his time, and when he’d finally seated himself in as far as he could go, the incredible fullness within her had her lightheaded with pleasure.

“I’m going to move a little, baby.” He sounded as if he’d run a marathon. “You with me?”

His obvious desire added to her frustration. She wanted him to fuck her, to push in and out with rough force, but she also felt stretched and wanted him to go easy.

The slow pressure of his fingers on her clit jolted her into moving, and they both groaned when he slid out of her a fraction.

“That’s it,” he crooned. “I’m going to start moving, and before you know it, you’re going to be crying out my name.”

“Dream on,” she challenged, panting, and glanced over her shoulder. The carnal grin on his face had her catching her breath. Then he moved, and all thought fled as sensation overwhelmed her.

At first painful, the slow thrusts burned into a path of pleasure. Before long she was moving with him, eager for harder, deeper thrusts. The pressure of his finger on her clit only exacerbated her need. As he’d predicted, she cried out his name. Her need so acute, her body caught between the fullness in her ass and the tingling climax building in her clit, she felt surrounded by him. Possessed. So incredibly tied to him in so many ways, and more than physically.

“Fuck me.” Kyle groaned. “You’re perfect. So ready for my cum, aren’t you, Livie?”

“Yes,” she hissed, grinding against his fingers. He shifted his hand, bringing more pressure. His cock thrust into her ass again, and rapture lit her from the inside out.

” She spasmed and clenched and climaxed. Bearing down, she felt him within her, so thick and hot as he buried himself inside her again and again.

“Oh fuck. Livie. Yeah.” He tensed and groaned as he jerked inside her and pinched her clit, stimulating her into another orgasm that took all her energy just to keep her upright. She felt like one big, throbbing nerve ending when she finally came down off her high.

Kyle bent over her, still joined, and pressed his front to her back, hugging her tightly. “Damn. I don’t think I’ve ever come so hard.”

Still trying to catch her breath, she weakly nodded.

“Stay right here. I’ll take care of you.” He slowly withdrew, and she felt no pain, only a loss of fullness that she immediately wanted back. He left the bed and returned, sans the condom, with a warm washcloth and towel. After he’d cleaned her up, he tossed the cloths aside and eased her under the covers, where he spooned her. “Sweet dreams, baby.”

“You too,” she said on a yawn, suddenly exhausted.


Chapter Seven



Friday evening, Olivia exhaled with relief when her last customer left the shop. She wished for the fifth time that day that she’d traveled with Kyle to Georgia. She still couldn’t get over the mind-numbing, heart-warming experience from the previous night.

Unfortunately, reality had intruded. Kyle had only so much time off, and he needed transportation. He’d returned his rental car, flown out of the airport this morning, and wouldn’t be back until Monday evening.

To stop the restlessness that plagued her, she threw herself into her job.

But work didn’t satisfy her as it once had, and the realization scared her. Olivia had to remind herself of her five-year plan. “Expansion,” she said aloud, hearing it echo in the empty store.

Maria, of course, gave her no quarter. Every morning for the past week she’d teased and prodded Olivia to admit her growing feelings for Kyle, which of course Olivia couldn’t acknowledge to her sister-in-law. Heck, she could barely accept it herself. It took a lot of discipline not to text the man every five seconds. And she felt empty, like half a person with Kyle no longer next to her.

“Get over it, drama queen. He’s only gone for a few days. Geez.”

Olivia’s forced, bright-eyed expression this morning hadn’t fooled anyone either, least of all herself.

“You’re going to come to your senses sooner or later,” Maria had said, shaking her head. “It took me one week to see how perfect I was for your brother.”

“Hmm, as I recall, you and Mike dated for a year before you married.”

“Well.” Maria had huffed. “It took some convincing to make him see the light, but I’m stubborn to a fault. I can only hope Kyle is as well.”

Kyle seemed stubborn enough. He also seemed loving, amazing, handsome, loyal…

Olivia sighed, left her office, and finished cleaning the shop. She double-checked everything before locking the door behind her. The waning moon illuminated her path home, and she entered the empty house with a heavy heart.

“I am so pathetic.” She collapsed onto the couch. “I’m in the early stages of obsession, that’s all.”

“Oh really?” a male voice asked from the front door, scaring the crap out of her.

She clutched her racing heart. “Gimme a break, Mike.” She groaned, staring at her oldest brother through the screened door. “Your wife is bad enough.”

“Don’t I know it.” He let himself inside then closed the door behind him, shuffled into the kitchen, and returned with two bottles of beer. Handing her one, he studied her carefully. “So I hear you’ve got a new roommate.”

“What did Maria tell you?”

“That I would like your new roomie. Something about him being a Marine’s Marine?”

“Great.” She’d known her loudmouthed friend wouldn’t be able to keep a secret for more than a few days. “I’m surprised she lasted as long as she did.”

He chuckled. “Actually, Maria told me last Wednesday. I did you the courtesy of waiting for you to tell me.” He stared at her. “I’m still waiting.”

“I’m a grown woman, Mike. I can live with a man if I want to.”

“Really?” He quirked his brows, looking just like their father, and she squirmed, knowing it was bound to get worse. “Then you have no problem bringing him to dinner tomorrow night at Mom and Dad’s.”

A dare, one she’d accept if she could. And there she went missing Kyle again. She cleared her throat. “Actually, I do have a problem with that. He’s not here.”

“Obviously. What? Terrified we’ll eat him alive?” He grinned, but his eyes looked mean.

“Kyle can take care of himself.” Of that she had no doubt. He had an easy confidence and commanding presence that bespoke inner strength.

“Then why won’t you bring him to dinner?”

“He’s not
, Michael.” Boy, did he irritate her. Just as when they’d been younger, Mike tried to order her around, compensating for their father’s long absences. Their seven-year age difference didn’t help matters.

“Fine.” Mike took a long swig of beer. “Bring him next week. Unless you have something to hide?” He taunted her, one minute acting like her father, the next like her irritating oldest brother.

“Fine. I will.” She took a hefty swig of beer and choked.

He patted her on the back, ignoring the fulminating glare she sent him, and continued to sit with her until she wanted to scream.

“What else do you want?” she asked through clenched teeth.

He laughed. “I bet Maria twenty bucks I could irritate the piss out of you within five minutes. I should have bet her more.”

Olivia muttered under her breath and drank some more. Then, seeing the humor in the situation, she invited him to stay for some late-night TV.

He joined her and left hours later, successfully keeping her mind off Kyle. Until she settled into bed—Kyle’s bed—and couldn’t help thinking about her lover.

She rolled in the sheets. They smelled like him. Since they made it a game to hop from his bed to hers every other night, both rooms had been well used.

This infatuation with Kyle is getting out of hand
. She knew it, but she couldn’t seem to help it. Kyle and she clicked.

BOOK: A Major Attraction
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