Read A Major Attraction Online

Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Fated, #Desires, #Good, #to, #Go

A Major Attraction (7 page)

BOOK: A Major Attraction
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“Olivia.” He gripped her hips tighter while she took him to the back of her throat. “Baby, not too much. I can’t…control myself. Fuck, I’m gonna come soon.” He gasped as her tongue swirled under crown.

Then he pulled her ass down and shoved his face into her pussy. He licked her in earnest, thrusting his fingers deep inside her while he ate her out in a frenzy of hunger.

She sucked harder, and he groaned again, increasing the tempo over her clit. He felt like steel between her lips, and she swallowed the musky fluid seeping from his slit, mingling with the seed he’d already spent. Then she took his balls in her hands and massaged them, not too hard, but firm enough to drive him out of his mind.

He pulled his mouth away and swore. Without pausing, he lifted her from his face and swiveled her around to face him, eye to eye.

“You little witch. You’ve got me so fucking hard.”

“That’s right, baby,” she taunted and raked her nails over his chest, pinching his nipples.

“Fuck.” He didn’t give her a chance to protest—as if she would—and impaled her over his cock in one smooth, hard thrust.

“Oh, God.”

“Shit. Ride me. I need to come inside you.” His eyes were wild, his mouth shiny with her juices, and Olivia had never seen a more arousing sight in her life.

She rode him violently, and his hands on her hips encouraged her to move faster. Olivia caught the rhythm he wanted with pleasure. He eased his hand between them and caught her clit in a pinch.

Olivia cried out and slammed over him, feeling her release nearly there.

“Yes, baby, I’m so close…” Kyle swore, but Olivia had already crested the edge. She clenched him inside her as she came, exulting in feeling full, satisfied, and over her head in lust with him.

He clutched her hips and tensed under her. “I’m coming. Shit, so hard.”

She stared down at him, loving the beauty and torment of that carnal bliss stealing him of all reason. The same way he’d destroyed her.

“Olivia.” He panted and stared at her, his gaze cloudy. He looked scattered, and Olivia felt extraordinarily pleased with herself. He might have reduced her to ashes, but she’d done the same to him.

She ran her fingers over his muscular chest. “Kyle?”

“Give me a minute to unscramble my brain. I can’t think,” he muttered and drew her down to his side.

She laughed and cuddled with him, ignoring the blanket of intimacy that wound tighter around them both.


Chapter Six



“Okay, I can breathe now.” Kyle joked, half-serious. He thought Olivia might have given him a heart attack.
Her taste alone had sent his pulse skyrocketing. But when she’d used her mouth on him… It was a wonder he had a brain cell left in working order.

Her low chuckle sent his pulse racing.

“Tell me about Olivia Cava,” he prodded, not sure if he could survive another round with her just yet. Damn, but the woman had exhausted him.

Another thought followed.
I can’t believe I came in my pants
. He hoped that didn’t make him look like the no-discipline loser he felt like.

“I like your body?” she teased.

He laughed with her. She made him feel good on so many levels. It simultaneously excited and scared him. “How about something nonsexual?”

“Well, I’ve already told you about my shop.”

“Your parents,” he suggested, trying to regain control. “Tell me about your family.”

“Sounds kind of boring. Are you sure?”

“Tell me,” he insisted, needing to know as much about her as he possibly could.

“Well, if you insist. Let’s see… I grew up in a Marine Corps household. My father retired a few years ago, but both my brothers are in the Corps. Mike is married to Maria—my friend at the shop. He’s stationed here. Brad is currently somewhere in the Middle East for the next few months doing things he can’t talk about.” She snorted. “He loves telling me that.”

Kyle smiled. “He’s Intel?” The intelligence community held security clearances that made sharing some information impossible, even with loved ones.

“Worse. He’s Signal Intelligence.”

“Oh, right. Those guys work in the buildings with no windows, doing ‘secret squirrel’ stuff. I have a high clearance, but even I can’t access a quarter of what they work with.”

“Brad is constantly hinting that he can’t talk about things, deliberately piquing my curiosity then shutting me out. He’s such a creep,” she said with affection.

Kyle hugged her tighter, inordinately pleased to learn she came from a military family. With her father and brothers in the Corps, he didn’t feel they’d be an obstacle to his and Olivia’s relationship. A thought lingered. Then why had she been so hesitant about getting involved with a Marine? He wanted to ask but didn’t yet want to know the answer in case it would spoil the mood.

“What about your mother?”

“She’s great.” Olivia spoke with enthusiasm, a clear indication of how much she enjoyed her family. He found her sentiment just one more reason to fall head over heels for her. “She and Dad live in Emerald Isle on the beach. Now that he’s retired, they spend a lot of time traveling, this time for fun.”

“I bet you moved around a lot as a kid,” he ventured.

“Yeah. It was fun, but hard to make friends.” She shrugged. “Now I’m older and right where I want to be.” She pressed a kiss to his chest. “My business has picked up, and in another few years, I’ll expand, maybe into Wilmington or New Bern. Though Wilmington is a college town,” she murmured to herself.

After a moment of silence, where Kyle tried to digest the fact that she didn’t seem amenable to leaving North Carolina any time soon, she nudged him for answers. “What about you? Where’s your family?”

“My brother is in Augusta, Georgia. My mom and dad passed away a few years ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Car accident. Unfortunately, it happens. You deal with it.” But he still missed them, at times like this, immensely. His mother would have known just how to handle a smart businesswoman like Olivia. Mary Waters would have known what to say to sway Olivia to his way of thinking. “Speaking of my brother, I’m flying to Augusta the weekend after next to visit him and retrieve my car. I don’t suppose you’d care to join me?”

“Sorry,” she said, sounding sincere. “I promised my mother I’d help her paint the living room that weekend while Dad’s away on one of his golfing trips.”


Olivia laughed. “Yeah. This way she can paint the room ‘Amber Lady’ without complaint. By the time he comes back, it’ll be too late. Mom was always pretty good about managing Dad that way.”

“They sound like a happy couple.” They reminded him of his parents.

“They are. The years weren’t easy, but they love each other. No matter how often Dad left, Mom kept the family together, waiting for him to return.”

“I take it he traveled often?”

“Yeah. He was Infantry, always gearing up for a deployment. It seemed like he was gone as much as he was home. But he always made good use of the time he was with us, and for that, we love him.”

“But you wished he could have been around more.” Too easily he read the emotion in her voice.

“I do.” She ran a hand over his chest, stroking with gentle motions. “I love my father, don’t get me wrong. But growing up I didn’t see him as much as I’d wanted. Moving every few years, ripping me away from my friends, didn’t help my stability either.”

Kyle felt extremely uncomfortable as she talked. He was in the exact same position as her father had been, at least for the next six years until he retired.

He had to ask. “Is that why you’ve been rejecting every Marine who asked you out? Not interested in a man who ships out for a living?”

“That’s part of it.”

His spirits plummeted. “What’s the other part?”

“I’ve been so focused on my shop for so long, I think I’ve forgotten how to date.”

He didn’t buy that part of her answer at all. “Please. Honey, you had me so hard I would have done anything you asked to make love to you. You haven’t forgotten one damn thing about dating.”

“That’s not dating. That’s sex.” She leaned up on her elbow to look down at him. “So I was that good, hmm?”

He deliberately baited her. “You were okay.” At her narrowed eyes, he laughed. “As if your ego could get any bigger. You’re a popular topic of conversation around town. Everyone with a Y chromosome is dying to go out with you. But I have to hand it to you. You have a reputation as an ice queen, but a nice ice queen. At least you reject them with a smile.”

“I didn’t reject you.” She teased his nipples with a flick of her fingers, and his libido surged.

“No, you didn’t.” He stared up at her, curious. “Why didn’t you?”

She blushed. “I got carried away.”

“It’s my male magnetism, right? I’m so studly you couldn’t resist my charming personality and godlike body?”

“And you say
ego can’t get any bigger.” Her eyes wandered over his chest and zeroed in on his growing erection. “Well, well. Why do I get the feeling the night isn’t over?”

“Because it’s not.” He drew her down for a long, lingering kiss that reawakened his entire body. “We have nothing but time, baby. Let me show you.” And he proceeded to do just that.




The next two weeks passed by in a blur. Olivia worked with her mind on Kyle. She returned each evening to learn more about the sexy man splintering her well-ordered world. They had gone to a movie, strolled down the beach hand in hand, and once eaten at the White Oak Bistro, her favorite local restaurant. Each evening ended the same, with rousing lovemaking that left her breathless and turning her affection for the man into something more. She told herself he’d bewitched her with those mysterious, forest green eyes that blazed with such intensity.

He liked vanilla ice cream but barely tolerated chocolate. Movies with endless sex and violence bored him, but he gave a good plot and characterization a thumbs-up. History might have been his calling had he not joined the Marine Corps. Olivia still chuckled at the thought of the brawny guy decked out in a tweed jacket teaching at UNC.

“What’s so funny?” the object of her affection asked, his hand buried in the bowl of popcorn sitting on her lap.

Tonight they’d agreed to spend the night at home before he left the next day for his brother’s. She didn’t understand her anxiety about his trip. They’d spent the past two weeks together, all but inseparable, learning whatever they could about each other. Yet she still didn’t know nearly as much as she wanted to.

She understood that newness in a relationship could intensify one’s feelings. Hell, she’d thought herself in love with Doug Fine a few years ago until they’d hit their five-month anniversary and she still couldn’t bring herself to make love to him. Then she’d realized they’d merely shared a love of business and books.

Kyle was so different.

Their hands brushed in the bowl, and he stilled, his gaze moving from her eyes to her lips. That quickly, her heart raced, and her panties grew damp. Pure chemistry—a feeling she’d never shared with any other man, which led to her major concern about Kyle. Was she confusing her seemingly unquenchable lust for his body with the love starting to bloom when she looked into his smiling eyes?

“Olivia, can I ask you something?” His gruff voice was laced with carnal need, agitating the butterflies already in her stomach.

Is that my voice that’s so breathy?

“Before me, were there many guys?”

At her surprised look, he cleared his throat and glanced away, only to return to her bemused gaze with an intensity that took her breath away.

“I mean, you’re hotter than hell in bed, but you don’t seem overly experienced. Which I really, really like,” he hastened to say, correctly reading her mortified expression. “I’m not criticizing, baby. Don’t ever think I don’t want you. I just want to know all about you. Every goddamn thing.”

Relieved he found her sexy despite her brief history with the opposite sex, she smiled. “I want you, too.”

“Yes, but… I’m trying to be subtle about this, but we both know that’s not my forte. Honey, I want to take
of you. I love your mouth, and I for damn sure love your pussy.” He grinned at her blush, having earlier admitted how much he loved it when she turned red. “I was thinking tonight we might experiment with a little

Piecing together the puzzle of his words, she squirmed when she suddenly understood. “Oh. You want to, ah…”

“Oh yeah.” His voice was low, his eyes bright, and his erection impossible to miss. “I want your ass. I want you spreading wide for me.”

Considering that most of what she and Kyle had done together had been many of her firsts—multiple orgasms, sixty-nine ending in mutual orgasms, and
oral sex—she knew
first would be as wildly memorable as their other times. Probably more so.

“I trust you.” She exhaled, her limbs suddenly like jelly.

He stood in a rush and took her with him, ignoring the overturned bowl of popcorn now on the floor. “I was so hoping you’d say that.”

Before she could ask if he meant to try it right now, he took one of her buttery fingers in his mouth and sucked it clean. Immediate shocks of lust spiraled throughout her body.


“Let me ease you into it. I promise, the pleasure will far outweigh the pain.”

Never one to endure discomfort, she felt a twinge of anxiety. Kyle whisked the emotion away with another lavish suck of her finger. Before she knew it, she had her hands down his pants and her bared nipple in his mouth as he stoked her into a mass of writhing need.

“That’s it, baby, get me nice and hard.” Kyle unfastened his jeans to give her better access, and then he groaned. “Like I wasn’t steel-hard already.” He pushed against her palm and thrust a hand down her front. He shoved past her jeans and underwear, sliding first one then two fingers deep inside her. “Shit. I love how wet you get. Livie, this is gonna be so good.”

“Kyle, I don’t know if I can wait.” His magic fingers were a little too good when it came to revving her engines.

BOOK: A Major Attraction
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