Read A Major Attraction Online

Authors: Marie Harte

Tags: #Fated, #Desires, #Good, #to, #Go

A Major Attraction (4 page)

BOOK: A Major Attraction
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At the contact, she arched into him, riding unbearably close to orgasm. His touch made her ache, his scent and feel so perfectly attuned to her needs.

“I want you to come,” he said thickly and rubbed her clit with his thumb while his finger thrust in and out of her slick sheath.

“I will.” She groaned. “Right now if you don’t stop.”

“Good. I want you dripping the first time I take you.” The sexy rasp of his voice made its own kind of magic.

“Kyle, please. I want you inside me,” she begged, not caring how desperate she might sound. She felt on fire, her body empty, clenching at his finger that was not enough. As if he sensed her problem, he added another finger and increased the pressure on her clit.

“Come for me first, baby,” he growled, his breathing harsh with desire. “Then I’ll fuck you hard until you come again.”

He kissed her mouth, mirroring with his tongue the actions of his long fingers.

Tense with a building need, Olivia couldn’t bear any more and bucked against him. “
.” She came, creaming his fingers.

He held her tightly, teasing her until she remained shaken, limp, and barely able to stand. She sighed his name, and he removed his fingers, kissing her long and deep.

“Why didn’t you join me?” she asked when she could catch her breath.

He smiled, a savage grin of desire stretched taut. “Baby, if I was any harder, I’d poke a hole right through you.” To prove it, he thrust against her belly. He closed his eyes and immediately stilled. “If I do that again, I’ll probably come. I want you so damn much, but I want to last.” He opened his eyes. “This is only the beginning, Olivia.” His words seemed to convey more than sex. His gaze blazed with emotion before he lowered his lips to hers and stole her will yet again. “Now take off your panties, lie down on the bed, and spread your thighs. We have a lot more to get to before the night is over.”

She eagerly complied, sated yet energized at thoughts of Kyle inside her. She did as he asked, leaning up on her elbows as she waited for him to completely disrobe.

He waited until their gazes met before removing his underwear.

Though she’d seen him last night, he seemed bigger than before. She took in every inch of him, and her mouth went dry. Kyle Waters was seriously hung. Beading with precum, his thick cock was flushed pink, just begging to be touched. The velvet sack that hung beneath was drawn tight, and she knew, as much as he wanted to last, he couldn’t, not looking like that.

She smiled and licked her lips, earning a groan from him. “Kyle, you don’t have to make it last. I came pretty quickly.”

He brought his fingers to his nose and inhaled. “Ah, but you’re so sweet, like honey all over me.”

She shivered, and like that, she wanted him all over again.

He gripped his cock, stroking the slick head. “I’m so full I’ll probably come with the first thrust.”

She spread her thighs wider, amazed at her temerity. Nothing with Kyle seemed too forward or inappropriate. His gaze centered on her clit, and his nostrils flared.

“Take me, Kyle.” She fingered herself. “I’m so wet for you.”

His eyes narrowed to slits, and he licked his lips, watching her fondle the tight bead of her sex, sliding her fingers between her folds. In a blink he was on her, pressing her down into the mattress. The sexy feel of being pinned, of having her nipples brushed by his dense muscle as he jerked to cover her, teasing with that big cock, kept her desire on a knife’s edge.

She moaned when he grazed her clit, desperately needing him inside her.

He slid his erection through her folds and growled deep in his throat. “Damn, baby. I want to make this last, but I have to feel you around me.”

. She sucked in a breath as he penetrated. Even slick with climax, she felt stretched, incredibly filled by his hot, pulsing cock. He inched into her slowly, his teeth clenched and his eyes shut as he pushed forward.

“You are so
.” He thrust balls deep then stopped, breathing hard. “I’m not hurting you, am I?”

“No.” She shifted underneath him, and he slid a fraction deeper. “Oh God, Kyle. You have to move. Come deep inside me,” she whispered and kissed his throat.

He answered with a jerk and a hard thrust. His powerful pumping was at odds with his initial gentleness. Even so, his intense taking aroused her unbearably. The friction of his pelvis against her clit, and his chest against her nipples strained her to orgasm.

She wanted it to all be for him this time, but she couldn’t hold back. “
” She convulsed, sucking him deeper with her orgasm.

“Olivia,” he groaned as he fucked her harder. “Oh, baby, yes, I’m coming.” He suddenly thrust once more then stilled and shuddered as he ground against her.

Knowing he jetted inside her, relishing the same pleasure she’d been given, made everything right. His lashes fanned his cheeks while he tried to regulate his breathing, and his loss of control made her feel powerful.

When he finally opened his eyes and stared down at her, he seemed dazed.

“Fuck, I’m still hard,” he said with amazement. “Olivia, let me…” He started fucking her again, plunging faster, deeper. The movement stretched Olivia wider, a pleasant sensation of fullness before he groaned her name and came a second time. Too sated to do more than hug and stroke him, she eased him through his second climax. The big guy had more than earned it.

After a while he withdrew. “Be right back,” he said on a breath. Kyle left and returned with a damp cloth. After cleaning her up, he joined her on the bed and took her in his arms. “You’re amazing.” He kissed her with a gentleness that brought tears to her eyes.

Startled at the deep emotion suddenly overwhelming her, Olivia closed her eyes and kissed him back, nipping his bottom lip.

“I think you may be right, Kyle.”

“About what?” he answered, sounding drowsy.

She kept it light, focusing on the contentment of the moment. “I think we’re going to be
good roommates.”




Olivia woke the next morning to a stubbly chin grazing her neck. A heavy weight pressed her into the mattress so that her belly kissed the sheets while large fingers prodded her thighs apart.

“Hmm.” She groaned when Kyle pushed inside her, taking advantage of her morning softness. He reached around her hips to tilt her pelvis up, allowing for deeper penetration. Oh wow, like that he hit that special spot inside her. She woke fully to a huge blast of pleasure.

“Yeah, baby, like that.” He thrust in and out, the slow build of desire turning her inside out.

Olivia could do little more than moan, the position allowing for a deeper sense of fullness. Caught in his rhythm, she felt the familiar heat blaze into being. When he reached around her to fondle her clit, the heat exploded into a bonfire.

She pushed back against him, encouraging his domination. His hold on her hips controlled the pace, and from her vantage, she felt like a conquered woman, a fantasy that turned her on even more.

He pounded into her, his cock spearing her with pleasure. The touch of his balls grazing her clit furthered the sensation. It wasn’t long before she tightened and cried out her climax, Kyle following seconds later.

Gasping for breath, she sank into the bed and welcomed his weight, feeling a connection with him that seemed to grow with each intimacy.

“I’m too heavy,” he said in a gravelly voice.

She protested, but he’d already rolled to her side. He turned her to face him, and she could make out his sleep-roughened face in the new dawn streaming through the window.

“Good morning.” She planted a soft kiss on his lips. A tingle of joy rushed through her. Electricity sparked between them, a chemistry that seemed to intensify with each gaze, each kiss.

“Good? No. This is the beginning of a
morning,” he corrected with a teasing grin. He looked past her and sighed. “What time did you say you had to be at work?”

She rolled to face the clock and groaned. “Damn, I’m running late. I have to get ready.”

He released his hold on her, and she darted out of the room and down the hall to the shower. After a rushed soap and shampoo, she toweled off and blew her hair to a damp-dry in record time. Ten minutes later she returned to the bedroom to find the bed empty.

Olivia stared at the mussed bed with bemusement as she dressed and hurried down the stairs to find Kyle waiting for her. “You’re wearing that to work?”

He chuckled. He wore an olive drab T-shirt and sweats, crew socks, and scuffed running shoes, clearly ready for some physical training, or PT as the Marines called it. “I’m on leave for the next thirty days.”

“And you didn’t sleep in?” She would have killed to sleep in. Olivia rarely slept past five a.m. On the Sundays she didn’t work, she spent her mornings in church with her family.

Kyle stretched, showcasing his incredibly fit body, and her mouth watered.

“How can I sleep in? The bed is so lonely,” he said mournfully and winked, giving her a peck on the cheek. “I think I’ll swing by later for a cup of coffee if you don’t mind.”

Mind? After the unbelievable intimacies they’d shared, he thought it might bother her that he wanted to see her again, outside of the bed?

He couldn’t possibly be serious.

“How could I mind? Unless it’s just the coffee you’re interested in.”

He kissed her breathless. “And the muffins, of course.”

Olivia laughed. “Of course.” She felt comfortable with him, even after the night they’d shared. The awkwardness she would have expected after sleeping with a man she barely knew just didn’t exist. Kyle felt like a confidant, a lover she’d known forever. With reluctance, she checked her watch and headed for the door. “I’ll see you later then.”

He followed her to the door and out onto the porch. “Bye.”

She felt his gaze on her back as she walked down the street to work. Still in a daze, she couldn’t believe the strange turn her life had taken.

She had agreed to live with a man she had really just met. Olivia blew out a breath and justified her decision, reminding herself she knew more about him than his name. He cooked like a chef, shared both his home and his hospitality, made love like he’d been born to it, and had the sensitivity—she wouldn’t normally credit to a dominating male—to ask for permission to visit her at her workplace, as if doing so might bother her.

An uncomfortable longing settled in the region of her heart, and she hastily shoved all thoughts of Kyle aside as she entered through the back door of the shop, surprised Maria hadn’t beaten her to work.
Just as well.
Olivia wasn’t ready to openly analyze her feelings for Kyle, and she had no intention of dragging Maria into her emotional quagmire.

Her friend had a heart of gold and the best of intentions, but she also had a way of twisting Olivia’s words. In less time than it took to say “Hello,” Maria would have Olivia and Kyle in love and standing at the altar.

In love. Ha.

As if someone could fall in love that fast. The ache in her heart grew, and she tried to suppress thoughts of Kyle that refused to fade.

As she turned on the lights, started the coffee, and began to prepare the morning’s pastries, she realized a need for caution when dealing with Kyle. The man was dangerous with a capital D.

One night with him and she was well and truly hooked. Not good, not good at all, especially since she had no idea how much longer he might be in North Carolina.

The back door burst open. “Sorry I’m late, but —” Maria broke off and studied her. “Your hair isn’t dry, your slacks don’t match your shirt, and you’re not wearing any makeup. I’m thinking you woke up late, something you never do.” She paused. “Holy shit! You finally got laid!”

Olivia groaned. Just what she didn’t need. The inquisition. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I know I said you needed a good fuck, but I didn’t mean you had to get one so soon.”

Olivia glared at
the mouth that wouldn’t quit
then sighed and turned resignedly to the scones she’d been preparing. There would be no stopping the questions now. Once Maria scented blood, she wouldn’t quit until she had answers.

“Look. It’s no big deal,” Olivia tried to sound casual. As if her last intimate date hadn’t been two years ago.

“No big deal?” Maria stared with her mouth agape. “This from the queen of the desert? Honey, your sex life has been so dry you make a drought look wet.”

“Very funny.” Olivia couldn’t help a small grin. “Quit making fun of me. Put those scones in the oven and make us both a latte. I have a feeling I’m going to need it dealing with you.”

“I’m waiting on the details with baited breath.” Maria smirked and immediately fixed them their coffee. “Okay, Queen of the Desert, now spill it.”


Chapter Four



Kyle finished his four miles in record time and walked around the neighborhood to cool down. Historic Swansboro always relaxed him, made him feel less rigid and less military, despite its proximity to the base.

The house he lived in, the Reginald R. Smith house, had been built in 1901 and still contained the original paned glass upstairs. The house had survived countless hurricanes, wet seasons, and a multitude of owners before he’d bought the place.

. The place had longevity. It was a quality Kyle admired as much as loyalty, two things Becca had been sorely lacking.

Instead of the anger he normally felt when thinking of his conniving ex-girlfriend, relief now filled him. He’d never thought he’d feel this way, but he was glad she’d cheated on him. He should have listened to his gut instincts earlier, before he’d let her into his heart and his bed. But he couldn’t go back and change things, nor would he at this point. Through Becca, he now had a hold on Olivia, at first just a dream, now a fantasy made real.

From the first he’d been captivated. She wasn’t the most beautiful woman he’d ever dated. She didn’t have the best body or even the best job of the women he’d previously been with.

But something about her had intrigued him and still did.

BOOK: A Major Attraction
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