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Authors: Willow Madison

True Nature (7 page)

BOOK: True Nature
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I kiss her face, lips, neck, continuing to gently stroke her clit with only one finger, barely inside her. When I feel her pussy lips tighten, I don't want to wait any longer. I force my hard cock inside her in one rough push. She lets out a high pitched moan.

I stay deep inside her, not moving, feeling her depth trying to take all of me, her hips pushing down into the bed, away from me.

"No...stay still." She stops moving, her fingers digging into my back, nails scraping. I push harder into her. "Does that hurt?"

"No," it's barely a breath out of her, "a little."

"Squeeze me." Her eyes pop open at this. I grin at her. "Go on."

She closes her eyes again and gently bites my chest as her pussy firms around my cock. "Good girl." I pull out quickly and push in again harder. Her moan is louder, her head thrown back against the pillow. I thrust several times just as hard, my breathing matching hers.

Slowing down again, I feel her hips grinding into mine, trying to push me faster. "I said stay still!" I stop thrusting with my cock just inside her lips. Her eyes pop open, again. Her look almost makes me cum...surprise, fear...and shame. I grab her hands and hold them down above her head, still not re-entering her.

"Can you stay still, Lucy?" I kiss her nose. I'm holding back as long as I can.

"Yes...yes," her answer is more a plead, a moan. I enter her as hard as I can, her breath catches her scream turning it into a strangled moan. My body slaps hers faster. We climax together, as I collapse on top of her. 

It takes awhile for our breathing to even out, staying in rythme. I slide off to her side, keeping my arm draped across her stomach, hand caressing her tit gently. She slowly opens her eyes.

Chapter 9 HER

My pussy is still pulsing under the weight of him. When he moves off, the air feels too cool and I can feel my nipples hardening, his touch helping.

I still can't believe I'm in bed with him! It's been over eight months since my last time, as Tracy keeps reminding me. Well, she won't worry about me re-virginizing now! I press my legs together...hell, I'm actually sore.

I open my eyes and am surprised to see it's still light out. Who has first-time mind-blowing sex in the middle of the day?! I turn my head towards him and return his smile.

His teeth are so perfect, his lips a deeper shade of red now, his forehead still glistening from sex. I could stare into his eyes all day...Oh, God...I think I'm having dreamy love thoughts already!

"Are you thirsty?" He moves to get out of bed. His back muscles stretch and tense, his arms popping out in detail. I pull the sheet up to cover myself.

"Yes...please." I can't look away as he stands, his ass two perfectly hard cantaloupes, his legs lean and lightly covered in soft brown hair. I blush seeing nail marks on one of his shoulders.

He walks around the bed and picks up his boxers. I look down so he doesn't catch me staring. He goes over to a tall dresser and takes out two t-shirts. He puts one on and tosses the other onto the bed at my feet. "Put this on."

I sit up after he leaves the room. Getting out of bed, I pull the t-shirt over my head appreciating that it reaches to my knees. I also retrieve my undies from the floor and head into the attached bathroom.

This place is amazing. The bathroom is a sea of marble...floor, walls, counters, a shower stall the size of my whole bathroom, a tub I could swim in. I find the toilet behind it's own door. Yep, I am definitely sore...and my face is going to hurt if I don't stop smiling.

He didn't come back into the bedroom, so I slowly walk out into the hallway. I can hear him moving around and follow the noise around the corner. His kitchen looks out into the open dining and living room, an all black and stainless steel place. He's opening a bottle of champagne as I enter. The pop startles me and I laugh.

"We're celebrating! Grab those glasses." He points to a countertop and I follow him out to the sofa with two flutes.

Tucking my legs under myself, covering my knees with his shirt, I lift a glass for him to pour. "You are so beautiful!" He wetly kisses my mouth, handing the glass back.

I've always hated how easily I blush. "Thank you."

From the hallway, I can hear my phone ringing, the tone getting louder. I jump up and race over to my purse, thinking it might be my parents. I answer without looking at the callerid.


"Hey!" It's Tracy. "How was your big date with Billy the Bullet? Was he faster than a speeding...bullet?!" She's laughing at her own joke. Oh, God...I have her on speaker. I quickly switch this off.

"Um...Trace...I'm going to have to call you back later." I turn towards the mirror. I'm beat red now. I turn quickly away.

"Oh! Is he there? I want details later!"

"Yeah...ok...I'll call you when I'm home."

"You slut! I'm proud of you." She laughs before hanging up.

Setting my phone down, I wait before walking back into the living room. Max isn't sitting on the sofa. I look around and see him standing on the patio again. Maybe he didn't hear that?

Picking up the other glass of champagne, I walk out there. "Sorry about that. I thought it might be my folks...they're driving in and said they might arrive early."

"But it wasn't your parents." So he did hear. His look is distant and dark, brows shading his light eyes, his voice harsher.

"No...that was Tracy." I feel warm and red all over suddenly.

"I gathered that." He takes a slow sip of wine, not taking his eyes off of me. "So who's Billy? The guy who called earlier?"

I take a sip and swallow loudly. "Um...yeah...I had plans for a bike ride today..." I'm not really sure what to say after that.

"Is he someone you're seeing?" His voice is so low and steady, it's almost hypnotic.

"Um...not really...I just met him...friend of a friend sorta thing..." I'm really uncomfortable now, I drop his gaze and take another sip, turning towards the view.

He stands behind me like earlier, pressing me into the low wall. He pulls me towards him with his arm around my chest, holding my left shoulder. I can feel his heart beating against my back. "I know this may be too soon to have this conversation, Lucy." He takes a deep breath, my body moving with his. "But I want you to know that you're special. I haven't felt this in a long I feel about you. I think we could have something very special if you're willing to give it a chance."

I'm floored. Speechless. He is definitely more direct than any other guy I've ever known. I turn around to face him and am surprised at how stern his face looks, jaw set, eyes piercing. "I really like you too, Max." It sounds so lame, but I'm uncertain of saying anything else. That feeling in my stomach has returned...the lust.

He lifts my chin with one finger up to him. "I want you all to myself."

I just blink in response, unable to think of what to say. We did just sleep together...but, we hardly know each other. "You hardly know me."

"And I want the chance for us to get to know each other without...distractions." His finger continues holding my head up.

"You aren't seeing other women?" I try for an accusatory tone, but fall short, I can hear the hope in my voice.

"Not since I met you."

" made it sound like you date around alot."

He takes my hand and leads me over to a u-shaped sectional in the middle of the terrace. He pulls me onto his lap. His left arm rests behind me, his right hand goes under my shirt and holds my hip. The intimacy of his touch and this conversation continue to make me squirm.

His fingers squeeze into my hip a little more. "My last serious relationship was about five years ago. I've dated a lot of women since then." He pauses to smile, to take the sting out of his words. "But I haven't truly cared about anyone. A date was just a woman to take to an event or spend a little time one that I've truly been myself with. Does that make sense to you?"


"And I see in you...someone I want to spend alot of time with...that I want to be myself with you." He says this like it holds a different meaning for him, a significance I'm not getting. His eyes staring for an answer in mine.

"What do you yourself? How are you different with me?" I brush a wave away from his eyes, staring into the stark green.

"I have how it should be between us." The confused look on my face must have been enough for him to continue trying to explain. "I want more from you, so I'm willing to put in more effort to have you. That's how it's different with you...for me."

"I...I...I really like you, too, Max." I falter in trying to match his honesty. "And I haven't been this excited about a guy in a long time too.  My last real boyfriend was two years ago, so I don't jump into relationships...or bed...with just anyone." I finish with a small laugh, trying to lighten our talk.

"Good. I don't think you'll believe this...but I do know you, Lucy...I believe I know the real you...the one you may hide from others, but not from me... the one you showed me last night."

I blush at he does remember everything we said too. "So...what...after only a couple of want to be exclusively dating?" This whole conversation seems surreal...isn't it usually the girl who pushes for commitment?!

"Yes." I wait for him to say more, but he just keeps holding my gaze.

"Oh." I have no idea what to say.

"Stop thinking so much...and just tell me how you feel." His crooked grin is in place again. My back relaxes at seeing this.

"I'd like to see where this goes with us, too."

"Good." He lightly slaps the side of my butt and hip. "Then it's settled. No more friends of friends, sorta seeing other guys."

"...And no meaningless dates with other girls for you?" I poke his chest.

He pulls me into a kiss in answer. His hand moves up to my nipple, giving it a tweak, then pressing with his thumb. I can feel his cock hardening at my side. I squirm against him and move so I can put my hand between us. Through his boxers, I rub the top of his cock, illiciting a moan from us both.

He startles me by picking me up and heading inside. I feel very light in his arms, his broad shoulders anchors for me to hold onto. He tickles my side, making me laugh and move around, but he doesn't drop me.

Just as we're entering his bedroom, my phone rings from the hallway. He puts me down quickly and turns before I can get through the doorway. He looks at the callerid before handing me the phone, "You're's your Mom." His look is unreadable as he walks back into his bedroom, but my stomach responds to him again.

"Hi, Mom." I'm distracted thinking about what Max meant by lucky. Mom is going on about their trip so far, and how they'll be at my place for dinner. "Ok, great. There's some nice places around me that I think Dad will like."

I hang up and decide to turn my phone off.

Chapter 9 HIM

I head into the bathroom and start a shower. Bracing my arms on the counter, I stare closely at myself in the mirror. I need to slow down...but every part of me wants to push forward. Maybe it's better this way. I waited months before talking to Natalie about my expectations and that definitely didn't go over well then.  And girlfriends before Nat didn't work out any better...I wasn't sure about what I wanted enough to be clear with them.

But with Lucy, I want to have a very clear start, to be clear on what we have together. So no matter how much I fear pushing her away, I need to be true to myself on what I want...what I demand. I grin at this. She's already shown a readiness to please, to listen, an attentiveness...last night she was hard to leave. I just need to see how far she's willing to go when she’s thinking clearly.

I can hear her in the bedroom again. I step into the doorway, "Come here." Watching her walk towards me, I'm on my way to hard again. One foot in front of the other like a dancer, her arms crossed in front pushing the shirt up to reveal more tanned and toned legs, her tits perky sitting on her arms. But it's the look on her face that has my cock hard. A blending of desire, uncertainty, and shyness.

I put my arms around her, crossing at her back. "So are your folks in town already?"

She puts her arms around me too. "Not yet..they'll be here for an early dinner though. I should probably get going...need to clean my place more before my Mom gets here and starts doing it herself."

"You need to get cleaned up too...I could help with that."  I pull her towards the bathroom, where the shower is steaming behind glass doors.

"Well...I do need to shower today..." She smiles and I let go of her. I pull her shirt over her head and follow with mine. She waits till I drop my boxers before removing her thong.  I lead her into the shower, blinded for a second by the steam.

She moves to the back wall, I press a button and several sprayers turn on. She laughs as we're pelted with warm water from all angles, her hands up, pushing the water away. I press another button, and the water is directed through two rainheads in the ceiling. I'm under one, she's under another.

I signal with my index finger out for her to come to me. She slowly comes into focus in the steam, legs moving one in front of the other again. Standing under the rainhead, the water cascades over her, flattening her curls against her head, shoulders, chest; her tits shining, nipples perky. I kiss her mouth, water rivers between us, pushing it away with my tongue as it fills even the small spaces between our lips.

I reach down, my hand following the contour of her stomach and soft hairy mound to her pussy. Her legs spread for me quickly, wanting. I look at her...eyes closed, head leaning back slightly, forehead in the water, arms clutching my shoulders to her. Her mouth opens willingly for my tongue. I kiss her hard, pushing my fingers into her harder, crushing her clit. Her gasps take in a little water, but I don't stop for her small coughs. She's gasping again with my fingers in and out, pressing deep into her.

I pull my fingers away, and she lets out a pleading little moan...wanting more, fingers digging into me. Her eyes open.

I shove her hard against the tiled wall, away from the water now. She gasps, but her arms are up for my embrace, pressing against her tits, leaving tile indentations in her back and ass.

I lift her quickly, rubbing her raw against the tile, her arms clutching around my head, her legs snaking around my middle. My cock finds her pussy and stops. Just the head inside.

She bucks against me, trying to get me inside more.

I wait till she stops moving, before shoving deep inside her. Her screaming moan right next to my ear, the water muffling the volume, but not the pain mixed with pleasure.

"You want more?" I stay deeply pressed inside her, pinning her against the tile, water running down my back.

She digs her fingernails into my shoulders, the hot water stinging now. "Yes...please!" A moan, a plea, an animal growl to match my own.

I hold her against the tile and fuck her hard. My cock slamming up into her, my knees shaking when we finally come together, her head smashed next to my mine, arms squeezing my neck, my fingers digging into her.

I wait until her arms loosen before letting her legs down. She sways a little, and pushes aside her hair plastered by water to her forehead. "I think I'm dizzy."

"You're welcome." I laugh as she slaps my one shoulder, but I don't let her go until I'm sure she can stand alone.

I grab a bar of soap and suds up my chest and underarms, watching her watch me. I pass her the soap and look on as she does the same, passing it back to me. We take turns washing, until I turn her around and rub her back with warm sudsy water, feeling the contour of her muscles, tensing and relaxing with my massage. Her moan is soft and long.

I hand her the soap and turn around, she runs her hands up and down my back, even lightly going over my ass before applying pressure to my sore shoulder muscles. I moan too.

I turn around, "Hand me the shampoo." She reaches and puts some in her hand, then gliding them over my fingers. "Turn around again." I put my soapy fingers in her hair and massage, pull, and rub her head into a sudsy ball. "I love your hair!"

She laughs, an echo in the enclosed space only slightly softened by the water. "I hope you have conditioner too...otherwise you're gonna have to love frizz!"

I slap her butt lightly. "Conditioners over there," I point over her shoulder to another bottle. She does the same, rubbing a small amount off onto my fingers, and stays facing me. I finger comb this through her tangled mop. The action pulling her face backwards for me to see more, causing her to frown and groan in pain slightly. I kiss her lips each time her head is thrown back. She responds each time, her fingers still loosely around my waist, tongue darting around mine, eyes half closed. Damn...she's beautiful!


"I want to meet your parents."

"Hmm...not sure that's such a good idea..." She's hesitating at the door, still scrunching her hair dry with her fingers. "My folks are only in town for a day or two...and I don't know if I can spring a new guy on them just like that."

"I'm not just a guy, Lucy. And since your parents don't live around here, I'd like them to meet me...wouldn't you?" This is a perfect opportunity to push her a little.

" bout I tell them about you tonight over dinner and you can meet us for breakfast tomorrow?"

"Perfect." I open the door and take the elevator down with her, holding her close the whole time. "I called Jeff to give you a ride home."

"I thought it was his day off?"

"He doesn't mind the extra hours." She reaches for the door and I push her hand away. "A lady lets a gentleman open doors for her."

old fashioned!" She laughs. "Thank you." 

Our kiss lingers as Jeff waits by the car door. "Thank you for such a nice day!" She's almost whispering even though no one is near.

"Thank you." One last kiss. "Call me after dinner tonight...I want to make sure you are home safe." She kisses my nose and says she will call. That's my good girl.

BOOK: True Nature
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