Read True Nature Online

Authors: Willow Madison

True Nature (3 page)

BOOK: True Nature
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Chapter 4 HIM

She has no idea the effect she has on the men that have tried to catch her eye, several turning to check her out as they've walked by. Her full attention is on me. Good girl. She fidgets and looks like she’s holding onto the rail for security. Can’t help but smile…wouldn’t mind feeling that grip.

My right hand naturally goes to the small of her back, my left arm out directing her up the stairs. “Sorry for leaving you. That was part of the work I needed to take care of tonight.” Her hips roll nicely just below my hand as she climbs the steps.

o who are you? The world's most famous bartender?” She’s looking sideways at me, small laugh.

“No…I'm not a bartender anymore,” a little laughter in my voice too. “I'm a lawyer. But I don't even do much with that anymore. This was a favor for my dad. The Standosh family has been clients of the firm for a long time.”

Entering a large chandeliered room, I point out Robbie running over to a plastic surgeon sculpted woman, explaining that he’s trying to get a quick divorce to remarry even quicker, the latest society page scandal to hit the family. “It’ll probably get messy. But that’s not my problem. My favor only goes as far as delivering some papers for signatures.” 

A waitress with a tray of champagne circulates nearby. Taking two glasses, “Cheers…to our first date.” She takes a little too big a gulp, her cheeks blooming with a flush.  

“So why were you behind the bar last night then?”

“I'm part owner of the club, one of the silent partners with Lincoln Park Entertainment group. One of the guys has been out for family problems and I said I'd help. I tended bar through undergrad, so it was fun for me….and I got to meet you.”

Sheepishly, her head down, grin appearing, disappearing, “Sorry for jumping to conclusions earlier.”

“Oh, you mean mistaking me for a drug dealer? No problem,” I move my hand up her back, feeling her smooth skin where the dress stops, I give a small squeeze to her shoulder, my fingers reaching down her chest. She's so tiny. “Glad to know you’re such a good girl.”

“I’m not a prude or anything, just don’t want to be on a date with a dealer, thankyouverymuch.” She clinks my glass again even though hers is empty. Need to slow her down.

“My favor also extends to hand holding a few people tonight, but I’ll get that part over with as quickly as possible.” I spot my friends at a low lounge table and walk over. 

One of the guys gets up, “My man, Max, glad you could make it.” One of the girls sitting looks Lucy up and down, and snottily says, “I thought you were bringing Nicole again. I liked Nicole.”

I ignore her and introduce Lucy to everyone at once...Dan and Becca, Mike and Stephie. Mike quickly adds, “Don’t mind Stephie, she hasn’t had enough to drink to be nice yet.” She glares at him and leaves the table. Good, I never saw what he liked about that loudmouth anyway.

“Lucy, I have to finish shaking a few hands. Do mind waiting here for just a few minutes?”

She doesn’t hesitate, “Sure…no problem,” and sits in the now empty seat.

I don’t go far from the table before I see one of the men I need to schmooze. I can overhear Becca complimenting Lucy’s shoes and asking “How’d you meet Max?”

“Last night at a bar,” is Lucy’s blunt answer.

Dan cracks up, "That's Max." Becca doesn’t say anything more.

“So how do you all know each other?” I can see Lucy in a reflection from a mirror over the bar, she keeps looking my way.

Dan answers for them, “From law school. Well, Max, Mike, Stephie and I went to Northwestern together; Becca’s been my ball and chain for about as long.”

Becca slaps his shoulder, “See if I ball you tonight.” Lucy laughs with them, a high and sweet sound that matches her voice. My friends go back to talking quickly and without Lucy. She gets up from the table, but I can’t hear what she mumbles. I'm saying only the minimum to the two older men next to me, hiding my concentration on Lucy.

She beelines for a group a few feet away. I can no longer see her in reflection, so I move for a more direct sightline of her. A girl squeals loudly and grabs Lucy in a bear hug, clearly a little unsteady…must be tipsy already. She introduces the guy who has his hand on her ass. The guy goes to grab Lucy around her hips too.

The heat in my stomach is instant. But Lucy turns and steps away, putting her hands out in protection. The move causes her to twist her foot a little, catching herself on a chair back. He continues to reach out and touch her arm, though.

I excuse myself from the two men. Taking long strides, my right hand in a tight fist, I am quickly by her side. She backs into my chest as she’s turning further away from the the guy and girl. I put my arm around her back, holding her left arm gently, closing my other hand around her right arm to steady her. I force a smile through a clenched jaw, eyes steely, silently challenging this asshole to try to touch her again. 

"Oh, Max, there you are…are you all done? Christine, it was nice seeing you…” She trails off as I allow her to turn us both away, walking back towards the table of my friends.

I stop her halfway and turn her to face me, reluctantly releasing her arms, the hold had pushed her tits out nicely. “Friends of yours?”

She lightly laughs, “Not really. Just someone I recognized in this crowd.”

“He seemed friendly,” I try to keep my voice from sounding too gruff.  She nervously laughs a little more.

“Are you all right?...I saw you twist your foot there,” Taking advantage of the opportunity to look down her tiny frame, my hands itching to wrap around her waist tightly.

“I'm was nothing...just not used to such high heels,” she pats my chest.

“Didn’t like the way that guy grabbed you.”

“No, it’s fine….he's just not somebody I know really...just a drunk idiot,” she answers like I had asked a question.

“l shook enough hands…no need to stay longer. Let's go before the auction starts,” or I lose my cool with another guy hitting on you. My hand in place on her lower back again, we walk towards the doors.  I gotta keep my temper tonight, don't want to scare her off.

Jeff is waiting for us. He opens the door for her. Lucy gives him a big smile, clearly she's not used to this treatment. It feels natural to hold her hand in mine again, our fingers intertwined.  Brushing my thumb lightly across her knuckles, the smallness of her causing a strain to my cock. Watching her legs open ever so slightly, the movement causing the smell of her perfume to linger in the air a little longer, isn't helping either.  I resist the urge to adjust my pants, but don't look away from her smooth, glowing legs as they close again and rub against each other slightly.

“Who’s Nicole…your ex?”

That Stephie; Mike really needs to keep her on a leash. I explain that she's just a friend of sorts, “I have alot of events throughout the year, from my connection with the LPE Group as well as the law firm. Nicole was never my girlfriend but she did look great at these black-ties.” Lucy gives a small frown to this, but says no more. A little jealousy showing maybe? Good. We’re like-minded then on that note.

Chapter 4 HER

At the restaurant, everyone seems to know him. Well, he did say this was one of his favorite places. The hostess treated him like a returning king though. Our waitress starts to hand us thick menus, but is interrupted by a squat, round man with a white jacket and red cheeks.  He is exclaiming in an Italian accent that “Mr. Max doesn’t need a menu,” double cheek kissing Max who has stood again.  “I have the finest Fiorentina steak just for you…and your bellisima lady,” the chef kisses my hand. I'm hiding a bigger smile when the chef pats Max on his shoulder and adds, "I'm glad you finally bring a date here!"

"Thanks, Paulo.” Max makes a little small talk, the chef kind of hard for me to follow with his thick accent though. As Paulo walks away, Max orders a bottle of wine and salads for us. It dawns on me when the waitress returns with the wine that he didn’t ask what I’d like to order. Well, I don't have a menu anyway.

“You were at the beach earlier?” he asks while pouring more wine into our glasses.

“Yeah, it’s become my standard Sunday routine since the weather’s been so nice.” He has this way of looking so intensely at me, almost uncomfortable, almost…too hot. I find myself looking down at my hand in my lap to avoid fidgeting under his scrutiny.

“That’s nice. Almost every morning I jog the path around the lake, but usually before the crowds kick in. I love the beach, but can’t stand the crowds anymore.” And now I can’t get the image of him sweaty and jogging shirtless out of my head. Down girl, damn…think of the hairy monkey!  I almost laugh out loud.

"What’s so funny?” He’s smiling and leaning in a little.

“Oh nothing…I’m just…not that athletic is all. I admire anyone who has the determination to stick to a workout routine, though,” I try to recover.

“Maybe you’re not properly motivated is all,” his crooked grin distracting me again. I’m just starting to feel the effects of the wine when the waitress thankfully brings over some bread and salads.

“I play beach volleyball sometimes. My friend, Tracy...she was with me last night...she’s really good. I just try to avoid getting hit by the ball or making too many mistakes,” starting the conversation back up.

“Was she the redhead from last night?”

“Yeah,” and I realize that I’m a little irked that he remembers her, he didn’t even say anything to her, “she and Laura are my best friends. We work together…well, for the same company…they’re in the marketing department and I’m in HR,” I babble to avoid hearing him say more about Tracy first. Surprisingly, he doesn’t ask more about what I do for a living, the standard first date "20 questions" sort of thing.

"Did you grow up around here?" Instead, he changes the subject.

"Yeah...I'm from a small town in Indiana, more corn that people. How bout you?" I smile at his hand covering mine on the table.

"I'm from here. Lived most of my life in a high-rise near the lake. More El tracks than corn." He laughs at me.

"I liked being from a small town, but I don't think I could ever live in one again." I try to take small sips of the wine...between the champagne earlier and not enough food, I am feeling the effects too quickly.

He keeps moving his hand to touch me in small ways, only briefly though...brushing hair off my shoulder, rubbing my fingers holding the wine stem on the table, feeding me a small tomato when he saw I really liked them. For some reason, I don't mind all his touching...maybe because he doesn't linger?

"Not even when you have kids?" He's looking intensely through me again.

How odd he is. "Maybe then." Most guys woudn't dream of bringing up having kids on a first date! I smile back at him. I have to ask what I've been dying to know. " old are you?"

He laughs at my abrupt change of subject. "I'm 35."  He leans forward. "And you, young old are you?" His eyes are crinkling at me.

"26." I like our age difference...I actually thought he was a little younger than that. I tend to date guys older than me. "Ever been married?" A few guys I've dated have been divorced...and bitter, dating too soon after a tough breakup.

"Not yet." He's still crinkly-smiling at me. He is odd.

The giant steak arrives, and our conversation turns to the meal and food likes and dislikes in general.


"Thank you for dinner. It was delicious!" We're heading towards the car, his driver is leaning against it a few feet away. Max suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me around to the side of the building, just out of reach of the street light. "Hey..." but I'm silenced by his right hand cupping my chin and ear, his left hand flattening against my ribs as he gently pushes me back against the wall.

I can feel the brick pressing into my naked upper back, cold and rough. His kiss is slow, tender...firm. His lips are warm, tongue smooth and flat, filling my mouth...I can't even feel my own tongue...taking my breath away with his. He continues pressing, but moves his face inches away. "Ready to go home?" Crooked grin again, twinkle in his eyes now.

I can barely get out a breathy, "Yes."


The night air is cooler. Hard to believe next week will be the Fourth. As I'm opening my gate, my left hand feels chilled after the enveloping warmth of his hand in the car again. "I'll be right back, Jeff." Phew...he's not thinking that he's coming in. Many a second date has been refused after an awkward goodnight at the first one.

I've never been able to have a one-night stand, despite Tracy's attempts to make them happen on my behalf. And a guy who tries too quickly to get inside my pants, just isn't the guy for me. Ya gotta work to earn that privilege. I'm laughing silently to myself.

His hand on my lower back again...amazing how quickly I've gotten used to his face, back, arms, hands.  I'm smiling as I turn towards him with my key in my hand. He surprises me by taking the key and inserting it in the lock and opening it slightly. But he doesn't step near the door.

"You should lock the deadbolt, too," his jaw a little more set.

"Tell my landlord. It sticks on me too often."

The stern look deepens a little, but he changes the subject, "I hope you had a nice night tonight."

"I had a great time." Kiss me, kiss me, kiss me! "Did
have fun?!" I ask a little challengingly, chin tilting up.

He takes my chin in between his thumb and fingers, tilting my head back a little more. My lips are already parting as he bends down. Gently, slowly, firmly...just like the first kiss. The warmth of his breath fills my mouth, making me more lightheaded. He's still holding my chin when we stop kissing, our faces inches apart. He looks back and forth between my eyes before letting go.

"I'd like to see you again...soon."

"I'd like that too," I answer a little too quickly, my voice extra high.

"Good. Wednesday. We can meet downtown around 6:30."

"Oh...Sorry...I have plans Wednesday..." I trail off, a dark look drifting across his eyes. "Another night this week...Thursday maybe?" I try for up-beat to chase the look completely away.

He smiles but his eyes don't pick up the message, still darker, "Ok. Thursday then. 6:30. The corner grille on Chestnut and Michigan." He kisses my nose before turning away. 

He takes two of the steps down towards my gate before turning around, "You were beautiful tonight. Thank you again for such a nice time, Lucy." I can feel my cheeks burning. Hopefully he can't see how much affect his words have on me in the poor lighting.

"Thank you, too," a smile clearly in my voice. I turn quickly and shut the door. Sighing and giggling at the same time as I turn on a light. I wait till I see the car pull away before closing my blinds.

BOOK: True Nature
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