The Heartbreaker Series: Books 1-3 (2 page)

BOOK: The Heartbreaker Series: Books 1-3
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“Where the fuck are you taking me? Maybe I’ll just stay here.” He should’ve kept his mouth shut.

“God, I’m sorry. Don’t worry. It’s just kind of a wild place. I hear no one throws it in your face either. People are discreet, but have no problem being free.”

That doesn’t make me feel any better, but I remember Jill’s words from earlier today and know it’s time to cut loose. “Okay, fine, but so help me, if you and Topher ditch me, I’m never talking to you again.”

I breeze past him because I know he’ll lock up for me. As I walk to Jordan’s Toyota Rav4, Topher gives me a thumbs-up. Jordan comes up behind me and opens the back door for me.

My palms begin to sweat as we head toward downtown. When we make it to the warehouse district, I start to get more nervous. There doesn’t seem to be much down here. I know we’re close when, all of a sudden, there are cars everywhere. A line of people dressed to the nines are wrapped around a huge brick building.

We pull behind a row of cars and wait to reach the front of the line so the valet can take the car. Jordan helps me out and I start to walk to the end of the line, but he stops me.

“Come on, we’re on the list,” Jordan says as we follow Topher to a couple of big guys with headsets and clipboards. Topher gives them his name and the three of us are waved through.

“Hi, beautiful,” one of them says as I walk past him. I reply with a shy hello and follow Jordan and Topher into the club. We make our way down a long hallway that is dimly lit with white twinkle lights that look more elegant than tacky. The closer we get to a set of French doors, the more I feel the bass.

Someone on the inside pulls the doors open as we reach them. As we step inside the main room, all I feel is awe.









Chapter Two





The place is gorgeous. It’s all glass, reds, and blacks. Behind the bar is a wall-to-wall mirror. The bar is lined with black, leather stools. Circular couches line the walls. The lights by the couches seem to be dimmer. The place is crowded but not so crowded I feel claustrophobic. The dance floor is in a sunken part of the bar with tables and barstools surrounding it. For people to watch the others dance? Maybe. The DJ booth is on a raised platform and I can see a woman with a faux hawk wearing a pair of headphones and bopping her head to the music.

Jordan grabs me by my forearm and leads me to the bar, where he orders us a bottle of champagne. I raise my brow and look at him. “We’re celebrating your graduation, so shut up.”

I take the glass he hands me and lean toward him. “Thank you.” I hope he realizes I’m thanking him for everything he’s done for me.

We drink down our first glass and then he refills them. We make our way over to a couple of empty bar stools. He stands while Topher and I both take the offered seats. I glance around. There are a few people dancing, but mostly people are huddled in groups, talking, drinking, and dancing where they stand. I love watching the way people interact with each other. Jordan and Topher are in a deep conversation, so I continue to drink my bubbly and people-watch when the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

I let my gaze sweep around the room until I connect with the most intense eyes I’ve ever seen. From where I’m sitting, they look almost black. It appears he’s looking right at me, but I look behind me to make sure. When I turn back, his lip is turned up in the corner.

He’s sitting at the end of the bar. His hair and beard are both dark. His facial hair surrounds lips that are slightly plump. I can’t help watching him as he brings the glass tumbler to his lips, drinking the brown liquid inside. I would love to be that glass right now. I pick up my own glass and take a healthy swallow of my champagne, letting the bubbles tickle my mouth and my throat as it slides down.

I look at mystery man again, but see a beautiful woman talking to him. He gets up to follow her. I get a good look at his body and see he’s tall and muscular. Of course the woman with him is thin and petite. I’m far from it and shouldn’t be surprised that he’s taken. I shake off the disappointment and finish my glass of bubbly. I’m not sure anything would’ve happened anyway.

I turn away when Jordan and Topher start making out at the bar. I want to tell them to get a room, but it’s of no use, so I don’t even bother.

I sit alone, drinking and watching the dance floor. I am bored out of my mind. I have to pee, so I stand up, grab my clutch, and make my way toward a hallway I’m hoping leads to the bathroom. In the last hour we’ve been here, this place has filled up so much that I have to scoot around people who are spread out everywhere.

I let out a sigh of relief when I find the ladies room. Thank goodness there isn’t a line. I use the facilities, wash my hands, and touch up my makeup, praying for the night to end.




I suck back the last of my champagne from the second bottle Jordan ordered. My lips start feeling numb and my vision is slightly hazy. I’m also pissed. Jordan and Topher ditched me twenty minutes ago to go to the ‘bathroom.’ In that time, two men and a woman, all of whom I politely dismissed, have hit on me.

I reach for the champagne bottle but a large hand wraps around it first. My gaze slides up the arm until I reach his face. It’s the guy from earlier. He’s so tall compared to me that I actually feel tiny. He’s so close I can smell him. It’s a warm musky scent that wraps around me like a cloak. I just want to bury my nose in his chest. Instead, I tell him thank you for the refill and turn away from him.

“Why the cold shoulder, sweetheart?” His voice is deep and his breath tickles my ear as he leans close to me. Goose bumps break out all over my body, and my nipples tighten to hard points.

I don’t know where the boldness comes from, but I let my eyes drift up his body until I reach his incredibly handsome and masculine face. “I’m sorry. I don’t do sloppy seconds.”

I get up and try to shoulder past him, but he wraps an arm around my waist and jerks me up against his body.

“Do you care to elaborate?” His voice is smooth, like whiskey, and is making my body burn.

I don’t break eye contact even though he’s very intimidating. “The girl you were with earlier.” He looks confused at first and all I can think is,
Wow. She must’ve been horrible if he already forgot her.

His eyes light up with recognition and he chuckles. “Ahh…Simone. You’re actually more her type. She’s the owner’s assistant and he happens to be my best friend, so she was coming to get me.” He reaches out, tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, and gives me a cocky grin. “So, you noticed. It’s nice to know that you’re interested.”

I try to push away from him. “I never said I was interested in you.” Even though I am relieved that he wasn’t with that woman. His eyes grow darker and more intense as his hand slides down my back until he reaches my ass. The warmth of his palm sends a blast of heat through my body.

I should be disgusted that he thinks he can just touch me like this, but a part of me is thrilled. I decide two can play at this game. My hand slides down his chest to his stomach until I reach his cock. I can feel him lengthen beneath my palm. Something inside me releases, and I apply more pressure. My breathing speeds up and my mouth dries. My nipples become painfully hard.

We’re at some sort of standoff, neither one of us backing down from the other, and when he licks his bottom lip, I swear I get a little wet. I decide, against my own better judgment, to provoke him. I let my hand glide up and down his dick, which now is hard as a rock.

“Oh, I think you’re interested, sweetheart. I bet if I stuck my hand down the front of your shorts, you’d be wet for me.”

My eyes locked with his, I shake my head in denial because I’m not going to admit that I am. His hand slides around my front until he cups my pussy. I know he can feel the wet spot that I know is there. I want to turn away from him, but his eyes are holding mine, causing me to stay right where I am. He rubs his thumb against the seam of my shorts and I want to moan, but I won’t. Instead, I bite my lip…hard.

“I can feel how wet you are. Your pupils just dilated and you want to moan right now,” he whispers against my ear.

I should pull back from him and walk away, but Jordan’s words keep replaying in my head—‘Live a little,’ over and over. I push up onto my toes, squeeze his cock, and press my lips to his. I think I catch him off guard because at first he freezes, but he quickly takes over and deepens the kiss. A moan rips from my throat when his tongue licks at the seam of my lips. I open for him, letting his tongue duel with mine. I taste the whiskey he was drinking on his tongue. His lips are rough, yet soft as he plunders my mouth. I release his cock and grip his shirt.

The whole time he’s fucking my mouth with his tongue, he’s rubbing my pussy through my shorts. What is wrong with me? Why aren’t I stopping him? I know people are everywhere and there’s a good chance they’re watching us, but I can’t bring myself to stop him.

My breasts turn heavy and my pussy begins to tingle. I feel close to coming. His other hand slides into my hair. He grips it tight, keeping me immobile. I whimper as my orgasm rips through me. His grip tightens and his fingers press harder against me.

“Keep coming, baby,” he says against my lips.

My walls clench around the imaginary cock inside of me. My nails dig into his chest. I bite his lip and then lick away the sting as my orgasm starts to slow. With his hand still in my hair, he pulls me slightly away from his lips. “Tell me your name, beautiful.”

I open my mouth to answer him, but all of a sudden I’m shoved into him. He grabs me and pulls me behind him. Two guys are fighting and they must’ve bumped into me. My mystery man’s body is tense, like he’s ready to strike. More guys join in and my guy turns to me and says, “Stay here. Don’t move.”

He’s so much bigger than the guys fighting. I watch as he grabs one of the guys by his shirt, getting in his face. The fighter swings at my guy and my guy punches him so hard, he’s laid out flat. As soon as that happens, all hell breaks loose. Fists are flying everywhere.

Ignoring what mystery man told me, I shake myself out of my post-orgasmic haze and, with a wide berth, make my way around the fighting crowd. As I head toward the double doors, I pull my phone out of my clutch. I call a cab and then send a quick text to my brother.


I’m so fucking pissed at you. I’m going home.


I wait inside the door that leads outside until the cab company texts me that my cab is here. I climb into the cab and give him my address. As the cab drives away from the club, I touch my lips with my fingertips. They’re still tingling, and if I stick my hand in my panties, I’ll find them soaked.

I don’t know why I left. Maybe it’s because no has ever made me feel as out of control as I did earlier. Part of me is also embarrassed that I let some man I didn’t know make me come in the middle of a nightclub. It doesn’t matter. He was so good-looking that he’ll probably be able to hook up with someone else. Being the chicken shit that I am, I’m going home…alone.

A short drive later, I’m home. I strip out of my clothes, wash my face, brush my teeth, and throw my hair in a messy bun when my phone goes off.

I grab it out of my clutch and see a text from my brother.


I’m so sorry! Please don’t be mad at me. I saw you locking lips with the hunk and thought if we left you’d be brave enough to leave with him.


OMG!! So you were just going to leave me there without me even knowing you left? That GUY could’ve been a murderer or a rapist! Don’t come here or call me. I’ll call YOU when I’m ready to talk!


I slam my phone down and ignore it when it goes off again. I love my brother, I really do, but sometimes he just makes poor decisions without any regard to anyone else’s feelings. I leave my phone on the counter, hearing it ring but choosing to ignore it as I go into my room.

I flop on the bed and stare at the ceiling. The phone finally stops ringing. I get back up and change into my nightgown.

I slide under my covers. As my eyes get heavy, my mind wanders to a certain dark-eyed stranger. Where did my boldness come from? Why did it excite me that he was touching me in front of God knows who?

I slide my hand down into my panties, which are still wet from his touch. When I touch my clit, I immediately moan with need as I envision his fingers circling my core. I frantically stroke myself with one hand and pinch and tug at my nipples with the other. My breaths turns to pants as I begin to move toward an orgasm. Suddenly, a simple touch isn’t enough, and I thrust two fingers inside of me and explode.

I cry out and arch my back as the intense high flows through me. My fingers continue pumping in and out as I recall the nameless man doing it to me. I bring myself down slowly. Once the tremors stop, I roll over as shame fills me. To allow a man I didn’t know to touch me intimately and then masturbate while thinking of him leaves a knot deep in my stomach.




As I get ready to go with Jill to her brother’s house, I notice the butterflies taking flight in my stomach. All I know is that they have the same mom, he’s twelve years older than Jill, and he used to play professional football. I guess they’ve had a long distance brother/sister relationship.

I grab my red bikini with white polka dots and slip it on. This morning, I buffed and shaved everything. I don’t want to look like an ogre in front of this guy. I throw a sundress on over it and slip into flip-flops. I’m spritzing myself with a little body spray when I hear Jill’s horn. I pull my hair up into a high ponytail as I head out the door.

As we head down my street, I glance at Jill and can tell something’s up. Her brow is furrowed, her mouth is tight, and she’s holding herself rigid.

“What’s up? You seem tense.”

At first she doesn’t say anything. She just keeps opening and closing her mouth. I sit and wait patiently for her to get out whatever she needs to. I never expected us to become as close as we are, but she’s my best friend. I’d do anything for her.

Jill lets out a breath. “My brother called as I was getting ready to leave. His best friend, Nico, is going to be there. We-We have a h-history that my brother doesn’t know about.”

“Why haven’t you told me about him before? Have I met him?” I’m floored by her confession. Jill has always been very quiet and sweet. She never seemed the type to be secretive, but maybe this is a part of herself she kept private.

She shakes her head at me. “No, you haven’t met him. Just please don’t let on that you know anything, okay?”

Jill says it with such conviction I can’t help but agree.

Ten minutes later, we drive through a neighborhood with huge, expensive homes. There aren’t many because there is a lot of open land. It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anything nicer.

BOOK: The Heartbreaker Series: Books 1-3
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