The Heartbreaker Series: Books 1-3 (8 page)

BOOK: The Heartbreaker Series: Books 1-3
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“Like what you see?” he asks.

I nod my head and watch as he lines his cock up with my pussy and slowly begins to push it inside of me. When he’s halfway in, he hooks his elbows under my knees and spreads my legs wide. I feel exposed and wish it were darker out. I don’t want him to stare at my imperfections, but the only thing I see in his eyes is hunger.

He pulls almost all the way out of me and then thrusts back in. He’s buried to the hilt and we both groan. My pussy grips his dick. He leans forward and I reach up with my mouth until our lips touch. I moan because I can taste myself on his tongue. He nips and licks at my lips before thrusting his tongue into my mouth. My tongue duels with his as his cock shuttles in and out at a punishing pace.

“Your pussy is so tight, baby. One of these days, I’m gonna fuck that pretty mouth of yours,” Gabe says against my lips.

I start coming and babbling incoherently. “Oh fuck, oh God!” I cry. He hammers into me even harder. My tits are bouncing with his punishing thrusts. Soon, when he’s as deep as he can get inside of me, he holds himself rigid. He comes with a shout and I can feel it, even with the condom between us.

When he’s done, he collapses on top of me. I wrap my legs around his hips and wrap my arms around his neck. He breathes heavily against my neck before kissing me behind my ear.

I don’t know how long we lie here, but it’s not nearly long enough. I whimper as he pulls his softening cock out of me. He tells me he’ll be right back and I watch his fine, naked ass walk out my door to the bathroom. I hear the toilet flush. Then he walks back into my room. He is certainly a fine specimen.

I watch him come to me and crawl into my bed. I’m relieved. I thought, for sure, he was going to get dressed and leave. He pulls me on top of his body like he did the other day. I snuggle into him and, before I know it, I’m drifting off to sleep.




Jill and I are walking through the department store as she helps me pick out outfits for my new job. I can’t believe, in just a week, I’ll be doing what Jill inspired me to do. I’m excited but nervous. I want nothing more than to help children the same way Jill helped us.

I’m thumbing through some blouses when Jill pokes me in my side. I turn to smile at my friend and she’s eyeing me with a strange look on her face.


She breaks out into a smile. “Even though it’s weird because you’re my best friend and I’m related to him, I’m so happy for you.” I look at her with what I’m sure is a confused smile. “Gabe is crazy about you.”

“What are you talking about? He is not.” I won’t admit that I haven’t stopped thinking about him since the other night. We’ve talked a lot on the phone, but I haven’t seen him in days. I worry that I’m becoming too attached to him. I know I am. I want the feel of his hands on my body. I want his teeth on my skin and his dick in my pussy.

“Oh my God! You’re totally blushing right now. Jazz, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you blush like that.”

I turn away and walk to the other side of the women’s section.

“I wasn’t trying to be mean or anything. I was just teasing you. You know I wouldn’t hurt you.”

I smile at her. “Oh, I know. I just—I just don’t know what the hell I’m doing. He’s really great and I like spending time with him, but he’s intimidating and he’s a lot older than me too. What if I’m just a phase? I fall for him and then he breaks my heart.” I don’t want to talk about Gabe anymore. “Can we change the subject? How are you feeling?”

She bites her lips and looks down. “Okay. I haven’t gotten sick anymore, but I still am trying to get my strength back. I’m going to the doctor next week. I’m thinking it’s my blood sugar. I haven’t had to check it in so long that my strips expired and they don’t sell that brand anymore. They’re already planning a big blood workup, so I have to fast. Oh joy!” she mutters sarcastically.

“Make sure you let them know how sick you’ve been. Now, let’s shop.”

After thumbing through racks upon racks of clothes for over two hours, I found enough tops and bottoms to create eight different looks. I’ve spent more time in the dressing room than I care to ever spend again. I’m just not a shopper. Jill’s the shop-’til-you-drop girl. This shopping trip is going to put a sizable dent in my bank account, but it’s necessary.

Jill helps me carry everything out to the register. As the saleswoman rings up each item, I try not to look at the total as it gets bigger and bigger. When she rings up the last item, I grab my wallet, but Jill stops me.

“You forgot to grab the thigh highs you wanted. Go grab them quickly and I’ll wait here.”

I nod and walk as fast as I can to the socks and hosiery section. I pick up the box of thigh highs I want and make my way back to the register. When I get back, I see Jill carrying all of the bags. I toss the thigh highs on the counter.

“What are you doing? I still have to pay for those,” I say to Jill.

She starts walking toward the door. I’m so confused right now. What’s she doing? Are we shoplifters now? “Jill, seriously! Have you lost your mind? I have to pay for those.”

Finally, when we’re outside the store, she stops and turns to face me. “Don’t be mad, but I might have mentioned to my brother that we were shopping for work clothes for you. He may have handed me his debit card and he may have told me to pay for whatever you needed.”

I’m shocked. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know why he’d do something like that, but I intend to find out. I know where I’m going as soon as I drop Jill off.

“Well, I’ll have to thank him.” We climb inside my car. “Why would he do something like that?”

Twenty minutes later, I pull up at Jill’s place and drop her off. I don’t bother calling or texting him. I just drive straight to Gabe’s house.

When I pull in his driveway, I’m again intimidated by the size of his home. The place is huge but beautiful. I climb out of the car, make my way up the steps, and ring the doorbell. I almost turn and leave when the door opens. I can’t help but drink in the sight of him. He’s in basketball shorts and no shirt. His hair is pulled back and he’s all sweaty. I start to second-guess my coming here until he smiles that sexy smile at me.

He steps back and I enter and try not to stare at his sweaty body. I’m going to ignore the urge to lick the sweat off his chest. I stop in his living room, but I don’t sit down. When he enters the room, I take a deep breath and stutter, “Why did you pay for my clothes? I have money.”

“I’m sure you do have money. I wasn’t implying you didn’t. I just wanted to get you a graduation gift.”

He walks away from me and goes to the kitchen. I hear him tinkering around and get pissed. I stomp in the kitchen after him.

“You can’t just say that and walk away. Why would you spend that kind of money on me? You hardly know me.” I don’t get it. “Oh, and thank you. I’ll be paying you back.”

He stalks toward me and I stare dumbly at his chest. He stops right in front of me. “For one, you’re welcome. You can try to pay me back, but I won’t take it. Two, it’s my money and I wanted to do something for you. I like you, Jasmine. I want to get to know you better.” He cups the back of my neck. “I’ve told you I feel this pull toward you and we’re going to see where this goes.”

“You are really freaking bossy. You know that, right?” He pulls me toward him, kisses my lips, and then lets me go.

“I’m going to jump in the shower. Grab a drink and sit out by the pool. I’ll take you to dinner.”

Seconds later, I hear his footsteps on the stairs. There’s no sense in denying the fact that I want to stay because I do. I grab a beer from his refrigerator, grab my sunglasses, and head out to the pool. I slip off my sandals and stick my feet in the water, sighing happily.

I stare across the pool and see a couple of butterflies flying around what looks to be a Japanese aster. The orange and black butterflies stand out amongst the white flowers. I take a sip of my beer, savoring the slight taste of lime on my tongue. I don’t drink beer a lot, but when I do, it’s usually Bud Light Lime.

I kick my legs in the water and watch the water splash around. I take another healthy swallow. Gabe walks toward me in khaki shorts and a t-shirt that is stretched tight across his wide chest. He sits down next to me, grabs my beer, and drinks half of it down. I stare at his Adam’s apple and watch as it bobs up and down.

He stands up and holds his hand out to me. I grab my sandals and get up. “So, where are we going?” I ask as we walk into the house.

“There’s a great little bar and grill. I’m hungry for a burger and fries and a beer.”

We walk through his kitchen and out a door I didn’t notice the last time I was here. It leads to what appears to be a mudroom with another door that leads to the garage.

He opens the passenger door for me and I slip inside. As soon as he climbs in, I’m overcome by the scent of him. His scent is so intoxicating, my body kicks into overdrive. As we pull out of his driveway, it hits me that he didn’t even ask me if I wanted to come. I just followed him like a puppy.

A short time later, we pull into the parking lot of Slugger’s Bar & Grill. It looks old and rundown, but there are lots of cars and trucks in the parking lot. Gabe parks the car, but before he can open the door for me, I climb out.

He wraps an arm around my shoulders and leads me inside the surprisingly busy bar. I’ve never seen a bar this packed on a Tuesday—except if St. Patrick’s Day or Cinco de Mayo fell on one. We grab two empty seats at the bar.

“Two cheeseburger baskets, fries, and then Bud Lights?” he asks me.

“Yeah, that sounds really good.”

The bartender comes over to us. She’s an older woman with bleached out hair and too much makeup. Of course, she immediately starts giving Gabe goo-goo eyes. “Hey, handsome. What can I get ya?”

She leans forward, exposing her cleavage, and I can’t help the snort that escapes my mouth. The woman is completely ignoring me, and Gabe is trying not to laugh.

have the cheeseburger baskets with fries and two Bud Lights.”

Her eyes flick to mine. She doesn’t look thrilled to see me sitting here. She walks away and I look at Gabe. “You know she’s going to spit in my food, don’t you?”

She returns with our beers and then walks away. Gabe is still standing and moves between my legs. My cheeks heat up with him so close. I expect him to try making out with me, but instead he asks me if I’m ready to start my job.

“I am. I’m nervous too. I just don’t want to disappoint Jill. I mean, if it wasn’t for her, I don’t even know if I’d have a job yet.” I look deep into his eyes. “You know your sister’s amazing, right?”

Gabe kisses my forehead. “Thank you for saying that. She is amazing. She is so much like our mom. She has such a big heart, but sometimes it’s too big. I worry about her getting hurt.”

Why does he have to be so sweet? What can’t he be this huge dick who thinks his shit doesn’t stink?

“So, what exactly do you do?” I ask him. “You’ve never really said and Jill just said you’re in real estate.”

“I’m in real estate, in a sense. I buy properties, businesses, or homes and I flip them and sell them for profit. I have my own contractors I have agreements with, and supply companies too. Luckily, I saved wisely when I signed with the NFL and I was able to build my business slowly. I have a partner in California.”

Our food arrives. He sits down next to me and I realize just how hungry I am. We’re both silent as we dig into our food. I don’t know what it is about bar food that makes it taste so damn good. I take a drink of my beer and can’t help but think that I’m going to have to hit the gym to work off this burger.

By the time we both finish, the place has filled up. It must be a hangout spot for construction workers because a lot of the guys are wearing t-shirts advertising various construction companies. Gabe pulls his phone out of his pocket and looks down at it and back up at me.

“I’ve got to take this. I’ll be right back.” He leans forward and kisses my forehead. I watch him walk away and admire his body. Most guys I know have flat asses, but not him. I just want to bite it.

I shake my head and turn back to finish my beer. I’m drinking the last bit down when I feel a body right behind me. I turn my head and immediately see that it isn’t Gabe. “Could you back up just a little bit?” He’s totally in my space and I hate it.

“What’s your name, darlin’? I’m Rick.” He smirks at me like I should be impressed or happy he’s speaking to me.

I slip off of my stool. I’m about the same height as this guy, but he’s certainly bigger than I am. “Sorry, I’m not interested. I’m here with someone.” I try to scoot past him, but he stops me with his arm.

“Oh, come on. Come have a drink with me.” He tries to wrap his arm around me, but I stop him.

“Listen, asshole. I don’t want to have a drink with you. Stop touching me and leave me the fuck alone or you’re gonna be sorry.”

I try to sound stern, but I feel like I’m failing miserably. I turn to leave and see Gabe storming toward us. Before I blink, the dude is pressed up against the bar with Gabe’s hand squeezing his throat.

“You touch her again and I break your fucking arm.” He lets go of the guy, throws money on the counter, and we leave.

BOOK: The Heartbreaker Series: Books 1-3
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