The Fighter Pilot's Baby: A BWWM Military Pregnancy Romance (8 page)

BOOK: The Fighter Pilot's Baby: A BWWM Military Pregnancy Romance
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Alex muttered, tossing her the towel.

“Three times
not enough for you, soldier?” She asked, toweling her hair dry
before wrapping it around herself.

“I will never
get enough of you, Bianca,” Alex growled, gripping Bianca by
the waist and pulling her to him.

She yelped in
surprise. “You can’t change my mind this morning. I can’t
be late for work.” Bianca said, pushing off of his chest.

blame a guy for trying,” Alex said with a smirk.

Bianca laughed and
strolled into her walk in closet. Alex followed, the smirk remaining.
He clearly planned on watching her dress. It would be torture for
both of them.

you have a plane to catch?” Bianca asked, dropping her towel.

Alex’s eyes
grew wide, the smirk gone. They traveled down her body and back up
again slowly, stopping finally at her eyes. Bianca swallowed hard;
maybe she could be late to work just this once. The way Alex was
looking at her made her whole body heat.

whispered as
he approached her.

“I told you
Bianca, it’s never enough,” His mouth crashed into hers
and his arms circled her waist.

Bianca moaned, her
nakedness next to him being clothed made it even hotter. She could
feel his erection pressing against her bare belly through his jeans.
Her hard nipples brushed against the rough material of his polo shirt
and it sent a zing of pleasure straight between her thighs. In the
back of her mind she knew there wasn’t time for this but she
couldn’t let him go. Her fingers laced through his sandy hair
and she pulled him in closer, deepening the kiss. She wanted more;
she wanted all of it, all of him. A shrill ring sounded in the
bedroom and Bianca came crashing back to reality. It was a work day
and she was going to be late. Reluctantly, she pulled herself away
from Alex. A look of disappointment crossed his face and she was
pretty sure it was mirrored on hers. Who the hell was calling this
early anyway?

sorry. I really have to go.” She said with regret.

“I know. I do
too. I can’t miss this meeting. I need this investor.”
Alex grumbled as he answered the still shrieking phone. Something
like anger passed over his face but was gone instantly.

Bianca wondered if
it was directed at her. She knew he was having a hard time finding
investors for his new business venture. He had to be getting
frustrated. Although she knew about his struggle to find work she
couldn’t shake the feeling that it was about her. That she was
the reason he was so angry. Pushing the thought aside for now so as
not to ruin the time they had before he left, Bianca went about
getting ready for work. It was finally starting to feel like fall in
Philadelphia so she pulled on a pair of black slacks and a long
sleeved white silk blouse. Red flats completed the outfit and when
she emerged from the walk-in, Alex was holding his duffle bag,
dressed and ready to go. The sight of him never ceased to take her
breath away. His dirty blond hair was combed back, but a few strands
managed to slip out and fall over his eye. She approached him and
pushed them away. He smiled, but it didn’t reach his eyes.
There was something distracting him this morning. Bianca told herself
it was nervousness about his meeting.

They walked
downstairs together in silence and each grabbed a travel mug with
coffee and a bagel before heading out the door. Alex stopped beside
her car door just before she climbed in.

see you in a few days,”
said. He looked as if he was going to say something else but instead
leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss on her lips.

Bianca reciprocated,
“I’ll see you soon.” She had the sudden unexpected
urge to tell him she loved him. But it was too soon for that right?

She watched him
amble out of the garage and toss his bag in the backseat of his SUV.
He waved one last time before climbing in and starting the engine.
Bianca didn’t get into her car until he pulled away, the
nagging thought that something was left unsaid between them plaguing
her all the way to work.

Chapter 6

Halfway through the
week Bianca missed Alex. Who was she kidding, halfway through the
first day she missed him, but she tried to stay busy. Between work,
and her college night classes starting back up, she wasn’t home
pining for him as much as she thought. That didn’t mean she
wasn’t thinking about him regularly while going about her day
at school and work. She could still feel those last desperate kisses
they shared the morning he left; the way his clothed body pressed
against her naked one. Just the thought had moisture soaking her
underwear. She couldn’t wait for him to get back.

“Bianca? Did
you hear the question?” Her head popped up off of her hand as
the professor asked her a question.

sorry, what was that?” She asked quietly. Everyone was looking
at her.

Her face heated with
embarrassment at being caught daydreaming about having sex with her
boyfriend by her professor. Not that she knew what Bianca was
thinking, but it was still awkward.

“I asked you
what were the three ways a student could make connections with a
text?” Dr. Reynolds pursed her already small lips until they
were just barely a line.

Bianca sighed. “Text
to self, text to text and text to world,” She recited from

The professor’s
look changed from ticked to mildly surprised. For some reason she
didn’t like Bianca and called on her any chance she could to
try to make her flustered. Unfortunately every time, even when not
ready for the question, Bianca answered correctly.

“Very well,”
She muttered before moving on to something else.

Bianca smiled and
her friend Jeanie, a fellow teacher’s aide from the school
where she was a teacher’s aide, stifled a laugh. With a huff,
the professor finished class. Bianca wasn’t sure what crawled
up her ass and died but she didn’t really care either. She had
more important things to think about. Like Alex’s last kiss, or
her period finally being late. Suppressing a squeal of glee as she
walked from the classroom, Bianca told herself she would take the
pregnancy test as soon as she returned home.

“Where are you
headed?” Jeanie asked, falling into step beside Bianca as she
walked into the parking lot.

home. Between work and classes I am so exhausted,”
answered, stifling a yawn as if to demonstrate.

Jeanie nodded in
agreement. They would graduate the same time and had been taking
classes together from the beginning. “I know what you mean. It
doesn’t help any that Marley isn’t sleeping at night and
since my mom can only help me with her in the evenings I have no
energy left.” Jeanie was raising her eighteen month old
daughter alone and while it seemed hard, Bianca knew Jeanie wouldn’t
change anything about her life at the moment.

“Maybe your
mom will take Marley to the park one afternoon so you can squeeze in
a quick nap?” Bianca wondered.

“I wish. My
mom books it out the door as soon as I get back,” Jeanie said
with anger.

“If you ever
need an extra set of hands…” Bianca started.

Jeanie waved her
off, “It’s alright I’m used to it. But I’ll
keep you in mind if I need an extra babysitter.” She smiled at
Bianca tiredly.

Bianca walked Jeanie
to her car and told her to text when she got home. With a sigh Bianca
flopped into her car. She was exhausted as well. Trying not to make
more of being tired than just working too hard and night classes,
Bianca drove home. Her mind wandered to Alex again. The look on his
face the last time she saw him was imprinted in her mind. He was
upset, possibly angry, about something. But what? Was he angry at
Bianca? No, that couldn’t be right; they hadn’t even
fought before he left. Bianca pulled into her garage and cut the
engine. She snagged her bags from the passenger seat and walked
slowly into the house. There was no rush to get home to an empty
house. That never bothered her before. Before Alex. Now the house
seemed so empty and the company of her cat didn’t cut it. She
longed for Alex to return and hold her. She missed having
conversations while they ate dinner, or snuggling while they watched
a movie on her couch. After only a few weeks, Alex was a big part of
her life. The thought scared her a bit, the worry, or whatever it
was, etched on his face as he left made her fear for their
relationship. Running a hand through her hair, Bianca slinked up the
stairs to her room. She had no appetite this evening and just wanted
a hot shower and a warm bed.

After her shower,
Bianca dressed in one of Alex’s t-shirts that he left in her
closet. She pulled the collar up to her nose and sniffed. It still
smelled like his cologne and natural scent. The smell made Bianca
feel safe and cozy and she climbed into bed, pulling the comforter up
to her chin. As she drifted off she remembered she was supposed to
take the pregnancy test tonight. That would have to wait until


Bianca woke up with
a start, the shrill ring of her phone filling the room. Looking
around she realized it was still dark. Who was calling her so late?
Suddenly worried about friends and family, Bianca snatched her phone
from the night stand. It was Alex.

“Alex? Are you
alright?” She answered; suddenly worried he was in some sort of
trouble in Chicago.

“Bianca, slow
down.” Alex said in a voice full of sleep. “I just wanted
to hear your voice.”

Bianca relaxed back
against the pillows, cradling the phone against her ear. “You
scared me. It’s late,” She said.

“I know, it’s
after three. I missed you and needed to hear your voice.” Alex
said, something in his voice sounded defeated. Bianca suddenly
worried about his health.

working too hard, Alex. Please come home. We’ll figure this
business thing out together,” Bianca pleaded with him.

Alex took a moment
to respond, “I can’t. I have another meeting tomorrow
with a possible investor. I need this to work out. For us.” He
added with a whisper.

Bianca frowned; he
was working so hard because of her? Was that why he looked so angry
the last time she saw him? Fearing he would resent her and their
future child, Bianca questioned if she should go on with this plan.
She knew Alex would be happier reenlisting in the Air Force, but he
was trying to build a civilian career for her and to support the
child they were trying to have. It was all too much for him and was
wearing him down.

“Bianca? Are
you still there?” Alex asked, pulling her from her thoughts.

sorry, Alex. I think I was dozing off,”
lied, unwilling to share her concerns at this time.

let you get some sleep. I miss you. I’ll be home tomorrow

said their goodbyes and Bianca hung up. One last glance at her
bedside clock and she realized it was just after three a.m. Bianca
was suddenly wide awake and after a half hour of tossing and turning
she decided to get up and get ready for work. Friday’s were a
welcome relief but starting it so early would come back to bite her
around one-thirty this afternoon. Sighing, Bianca tossed the
comforter back and climbed from bed. She needed a hot shower and some
coffee, which would wake her right up. Stumbling sleepily into the
bathroom Bianca spotted the pregnancy test she abandoned on the
vanity before her shower last night. She shook her head, not wanting
to deal with the disappointment of a negative
on top of the idea that Alex was working himself to death for her.
Picking up the test and tossing it back into the vanity cabinet,
Bianca started the shower. She stood under the hot spray for a long
time, letting the water rinse away her negative thoughts. A little
voice in the back of her mind told her to let Alex go, he would be
happier without her and her baggage. She didn’t like that voice
and wanted to smack it, but she knew it was probably right. Feeling
the water begin to turn cold, Bianca switched it off and stepped out.
Since she was awake so early she decided to throw on a t-shirt and
sweats and slip downstairs for some coffee and a bagel.

The idea of
breakfast had Bianca’s stomach in knots. She wasn’t sure
what to make of it. Not wanting to kid herself into believing she was
actually pregnant, Bianca chocked it up to anxiety about Alex. She
forced her bagel and coffee down, ignoring the unsettling churning
that her stomach was doing while she dressed for work. Fighting down
nausea, she brushed her teeth. The second the toothbrush hit her
tongue she gagged, barely making it to the toilet before she vomited.
The second attempt left her dry heaving over the toilet for fifteen
minutes. Something was definitely off. Glancing at the clock Bianca
noticed she still had an hour before she had to go into work. The
pregnancy test popped into her mind again. She should just do it and
get it over with. At least then she would know if she had a virus and
couldn’t go to work. The reasoning made sense, especially since
she didn’t want to expose all of her students to a stomach bug.

managing to get her teeth brushed, Bianca yanked open the vanity
cabinet and retrieved the wayward pregnancy test. She looked at it
with trepidation, as if it would jump up and bite her on the face.
With a sigh of resignation, Bianca tore it open and retrieved the
stick. The directions were pretty straight forward; two lines for
pregnant, one for not pregnant. Positioning herself over the toilet,
Bianca took the test, capped it and placed it on the counter. Now
came the waiting. Three minutes would let her know if she was going
to be a mother. Bianca set a timer on her phone and finished getting
ready for work, resisting the urge to peak in the bathroom at the
test. Her timer went off and she jumped, her nerves were shot this
morning. Bianca walked back into the bathroom slowly, afraid she
wouldn’t like what she saw. Squeezing her eyes shut, she
retrieved the test from the counter and forced her eyes to open. She
gasped. There were two lines. Bianca was pregnant.

BOOK: The Fighter Pilot's Baby: A BWWM Military Pregnancy Romance
6.01Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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