The Fighter Pilot's Baby: A BWWM Military Pregnancy Romance (3 page)

BOOK: The Fighter Pilot's Baby: A BWWM Military Pregnancy Romance
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Jay!” Bianca exclaimed, flashing Alex a look as she answered
the phone.

Alex was already
buttoning up his pants and buckling his belt. He had never been more
annoyed with his friend than at this moment. Sure, it probably wasn’t
a smart idea to have sex in a hospital waiting room while your
friends were having a baby, it was tacky even, but tell that to his
still throbbing cock. He took a deep breath and turned towards
Bianca. She looked even more beautiful than the first time he saw
her. Her wild curls were tousled from their encounter and her clothes
were crooked, but her chocolate brown skin seemed to be glowing from
the inside out. Alex felt like she looked, never had he been so
attracted, or felt such a spark with another person. Smoothing his
too long hair back from his forehead, Alex walked toward her, a
questioning look on his face, as she talked to Jay. Finally she hung
up, her expression unreadable.

happened?” Alex asked, concern knitting his brows. He felt like
an ass for even thinking about sex when his friend was having an

“Andrea had to
have a c-section. Little Jason Romero Jr. refused to come out on his
own,” she answered, worry lining her face.

“Is everything
alright?” Alex wondered, Bianca looked like she was going to

She nodded, her face
crumbling with tears, “I’m sorry. Yes. They are both
fine. I was just so worried when I first heard Jay say that she had a
c-section. I’m so relieved they are both okay.” They were
happy tears.

Alex exhaled, his
unease receding. Jay was like a brother to him and he would have been
devastated if something had happened to Jay’s wife and newborn
son. He watched Bianca’s reflection in the window when she
turned away from him as she began to cry. She scrubbed at her face to
remove the tears and blew her nose. His heart wanted him to go to her
and pull her to him but his brain told him to wait it out, that she
needed her privacy. Finally she turned, her expression saying she
wanted to forget about her momentary break down, so instead of asking
if she was alright, Alex starting talking about sports.


Bianca stared at
Alex with confusion, why was he talking about baseball? Not wanting
to interrupt his strange tirade she began to gather he purse and
headed to the door. Her need to see Andrea and make sure she was okay
was unbearable. Alex followed, his explanation of the Phillies
batting average trailing off.

“Where are you
going?” He asked, following behind her as she exited the room.

“To see
Andrea,” Bianca stated, she thought her intentions were

“Oh, I’m
not sure she’d want me in there after such a private event.
I’ll wait down here for you and then I’ll walk you out.”
Alex said, hanging back.

Bianca nodded,
feeling a bit awkward with him all of a sudden. It was almost as if
the moment they shared earlier had made them into teenagers. With a
last look at Alex, Bianca turned and ambled down the hall towards the
elevators. Once inside she hit the button for the fourth floor and
waited, thinking about Alex again. She really liked him. A lot. She
hoped that strange moment in the hospital waiting room didn’t
ruin it for them. Wanting to kick herself, she frowned. How could she
be dumb enough to almost have sex in a hospital waiting room! How
tacky! What if he thought she was a slut who had sex with men she
just met in public? Bianca groaned in embarrassment and put her face
in her hands. She had to fix this somehow before it was too late.


Twenty minutes later
Bianca descended in the same elevator she rode up in, a smile on her
face. Even though newborn babies were all scrunched up, they were so
darn cute. Warmth and happiness settled over her at the prospect of
having her own children someday and she was absolutely giddy by the
time the elevator reached the ground floor. The doors slid open and
revealed Alex standing on the other side. Bianca smiled widely at

“How are
they?” Alex queried, his face lighting up with a smile to match
hers. He looked damn sexy when he smiled.

“Great. Andrea
is considerably sore but the baby is just so stinking cute. I could
have held him all night.” Bianca mused, her mind conjuring up
images of holding and cuddling her own baby.

Alex chuckled, “Well
I’m glad everything is well. We had quite a scare earlier.”

They fell into step
with one another, heading towards the exit. Alex was so close she
could smell his scent; soap, leather and male. It made her want to
lean into him, but she resisted, remembering her earlier folly.
Bianca hoped he didn’t think she was easy.

Once in the parking
lot, Bianca directed Alex to where she parked her old Nissan Maxima
and they walked in silence. She couldn’t stop thinking about
what had happened and while she regretted the where and how soon, she
didn’t regret what had happened. She hoped Alex felt the same.

“This is me,”
Bianca pointed out, stopping by her driver’s side door.

Alex moved with her,
pausing in front of her, close enough that if she reached out she
could touch him. Her breathing quickened, memories of the way he felt
under her hands, his warm hard body coming to life as she caressed
him, made Bianca’s sex throb with need.

She knew she should
say something to break the awkward silence. Before she could come up
with something Alex spoke, “I would like to see you again.
Maybe have that date we talked about at the airfield.” He
wondered, leaning in even closer to her.

Bianca thought he
was going to kiss her and her heart began to pound in her chest, but
all he did was place a chaste peck to her forehead. Moderately
disappointed, Bianca smiled at him and without thinking, placed her
hand on his forearm. A shiver of excitement coursed through her as
their skin connected and Bianca looked up and met his eyes. He had
felt it too. The sexual tension was so thick surrounding them it was
like a living thing. Despite the cool, late summer air, Bianca’s
skin felt like it was on fire.

“I, uh…”
Her voice trailed off. She didn’t know what to say. She liked
him and she wanted to see him again but this was all too intense. She
wasn’t sure if getting caught up in a relationship, or whatever
it was, this quickly with this much passion was such a good idea.
Alex looked at her expectantly so she finished.

sorry, Alex,” His face fell. “I like you and I really
enjoyed the time we spent together but this is all moving so fast.
Can we talk again in a few days after we’ve had some space from
one another to think? I’d hate to get caught up too quickly and
ruin a good thing.”

was looking at her with confusion. Maybe she made a mistake. No, this
was what she needed to do. Bianca had a history of jumping into
relationships too quickly and ultimately being hurt because she
thought there was more to it than there really was. She needed the
time to make sure she wasn’t making another mistake. Wanting to
get married and have children was always on her mind, especially
since she just turned thirty, and making sure she wasn’t
getting caught up in passion, but was with someone who would last,
was important to her.

I can respect that,” Alex finally mumbled, and with a nod of
goodbye he turned and walked away from her.

hoped she was making the right decision.


Alex walked to his
car, bewilderment marring his face. Bianca was right about them
moving quickly, he had only met her earlier in the day and he already
was picturing a future with her. But what was wrong with that if what
they had worked? Alex dated a lot of women and never felt after three
months what he felt for Bianca in one day. That had to mean
something. Shaking his head, he unlocked the door to his SUV and
climbed in, turning over the engine.

The whole way home
he pondered her request. He’d give her a few days but he missed
her already and it had only been twenty minutes. How was he going to
make it for three days? Alex knew he was foolish to fall hard for a
woman he barely knew but there was something about her that he just
couldn’t get out of his mind. Three days, then she would be
his; he’d make sure of that.


Bianca walked around
in a funk for three days. How could she miss someone so much that she
just met? She was being ridiculous. Glancing at her reflection in the
mirror she patted her hair, the natural curls framing her heart
shaped face. Today was her first day back to work and she didn’t
want to be late or make a bad impression because she was hoping they
would hire her as a full time teacher when she had finished her
classes. She loved being a teacher’s aide for the kindergarten
class but it would be so much nicer to have her own class and make
lessons. Two more classes of student teaching left and she would be a
teacher. One last pat of her hair and she was ready. Snatching her
bag and purse from the counter as she walked by, Bianca made her way
out the door with a lot of time to spare. She hated being late, it
gave her anxiety.

in the car, she began to think about Alex again, driving on autopilot
to the school she had been a teacher’s assistant at for four
years. Why was she torturing herself by staying away from him? That’s
right, self preservation. Too many times had she been burned by
jumping into a relationship too soon.
this feels so different,
she thought as
she pulled into a parking spot behind the school. Sighing, Bianca
looked out over the playground where the little ones were having
morning recess. It was more of a way for the parents to drop off and
the kids to burn some energy before they had to be inside all day.
The school was tiny, kindergarten through third grade with only one
classroom for each grade, but she loved the school and the faculty
and didn’t want to be anywhere else. Bianca waved at the
kindergarten teacher she worked with, Mrs. Jensen, as she approached
the school.

“Good morning,
Bianca,” She called, wrangling children into a line.

“Good morning,
Mrs. Jensen,” Bianca responded, the woman was old enough to be
her grandmother and Bianca felt strange calling her by her first

The old woman
smiled, patting her bluish gray helmet of curls as she hurried the
children inside. Bianca’s heels clacked on the concrete as she
made her way around the front of the school. She didn’t have to
wear heels to be a teacher’s assistant but it made her feel
more professional. The front office was abuzz as Bianca entered the
building. The school secretary was signing kids in late already and
taking parent packets while the children talked noisily, catching up
with friends they missed all summer. Bianca waved at them and signed
in, then hurried down the hall to her classroom. When she entered the
room, Mrs. Jensen was gathering the kids around the carpet for the
announcements and prayer. Bianca slipped into the small back room
that Mrs. Jensen used for an office and locked her purse and bag
inside of the closet. She smiled broadly at the little faces that
greeted her when she took her place on the carpet next to Mrs.
Jensen. Their eyes were wide with wonder, excitement and some fear at
their first full day of school as ‘big kids’. Bianca just
loved teaching kindergarten and even though it was a lot of work she
enjoyed every minute of it.

After announcements
and the pledge, Bianca began to set up the first activity while Mrs.
Jensen herded the children to the tables. She set out paint and
aprons and began to pour it into the cups set into the six easels at
the back of the room. Needing more red paint, Bianca walked back to
the closet where her purse was stored, hoping there was a second
bottle. Mrs. Jensen was notorious for ordering supplies too late and
they went without certain colors for months at a time in previous
classes. Just as she was about to close the closet after locating and
retrieving the paint, Bianca’s phone rang. Normally she
wouldn’t answer her phone at work, but she was expecting a call
from her doctor sometime this week with test results. Figuring that
was likely the call she set the paint down on the floor and answered
her phone.

She answered, hoping it was the doctor with her results.

For several months
Bianca was having issues with her reproductive health. She would miss
periods, have them for a long time or they would be so bad she had to
call off from work due to cramping and excessive bleeding. Something
was wrong and she had the desire to figure it out now so that having
children wasn’t an obstacle later.

“Hello, is
this Bianca Mason?” The person asked.

“Yes. What can
I help you with?” Bianca wondered, getting nervous.

“This is
Amanda calling from Dr. Gabriel’s office. I have some test
results for you but the doctor would prefer for you to come in person
to discuss everything and your options.” The woman explained
without pausing or taking a breath.

“Um, okay. I’m
at work now but I’ll see if I can get off a bit earlier for the
appointment.” Bianca’s heart sank. This was not a good

She talked with the
nurse for a bit longer, making an appointment for late afternoon and
hung up. Her heart was aching at the possibility that it was really
bad news and she had cancer or something terrible. Unable to focus on
work, Bianca floated through the morning with her head in the
proverbial clouds. After over pouring juice in two of the children’s
cups at lunch time Mrs. Jensen spoke up.

“Bianca, dear,
what’s wrong?” She asked, resting her hand on Bianca’s
forearm in a motherly fashion.

Bianca forced a
smile, “I’m a bit distracted. I’m sorry. I have an
important doctor’s appointment this afternoon and I’m a
bit shook up about it.” She responded, her throat getting

BOOK: The Fighter Pilot's Baby: A BWWM Military Pregnancy Romance
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