Read The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) Online

Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #General Fiction

The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) (20 page)

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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Assaulted by warmth the minute I step into the plane, I make my way to one of the four empty seats and sit down, not saying a word. Dread casts its shadow over me. I’m leaving my life here. My mom, the man I love. Aidan. My entire family. The dam inside my body breaks. Placing my hands over my face, I start to cry. This is far worse than I expected. The not knowing if I will see them again. The pain and suffering they will go through. Will they find me? How much can one person handle? How much is it going to take before I break?

I lift my head when I hear the door close, the latch of the plane securing it in place. His smell is potent, his cologne giving him an air of authority. It’s spicy. I hate it. I want Dilan’s smell. Natural. Intoxicating. Manly.

“Anna.” He towers over me.

“What?” I breathe out rapidly. “I do know how to treat a lady. I will prove it to you once you get over the fact you are never going home. Once you realize you’re mine now. And once you learn to care for me like I do for you. I apologize for you being cold. That was rude of me. I’m not oblivious to the fact this is difficult for you. Your world is shattered. You’ve been taken against your will. And I know you hate me. I don’t blame you. However, life will be easier for you, if you learn to deal with it. The things I said about taking you against your will I said out of anger. I knew you would make the right choice, to lose your freedom to spare the lives of your family. That’s one of the reasons I’m drawn to you. You’re giving, Anna. You have me entranced. You may never understand why.” He takes a short gasp of air. My mind is bouncing all over the damn place from his brisk words.

“Buckle up, please.” He stands back up. Then he reaches into a compartment above me, retrieving a blanket, and gently places it in my lap.

“We’re all set,” he says to who I assume is the pilot when he pushes a button on the seat beside him. He’s moved to the couch now. I buckle up and turn my face away from him, listening to the gentle hum of the plane while watching the pitch blackness outside, the slight glow from the plane’s shadows as we pick up speed and the plane lifts into the air.

All the lights from greater New York are right there. So close and yet out of my reach.





“How’s Grace?” Aidan strides over to my car and helps me retrieve the duffle bags out of my trunk.

“Not good, man.” I slam my trunk shut and pick up the other bag. These motherfuckers are heavier than shit. The entire drive over here I beat myself up for not bringing them inside with me. During the wedding, I had no clue that the past few days would be the best days of my life. Now, I wish like fucking hell I would have had these inside with me.

They wouldn’t have done me a damn bit of good, though, not when we were ambushed like fucking immature beginners. Everyone had a gun on them. We always do. Like an asshole, I left mine in the glovebox of my car during the wedding. Then shit went down, and I lost myself in Anna. Never thought twice about it. Fucking stupid.

“Let me guess, she blames you.” He grabs the door to the warehouse, swinging it wide open. I walk through first with his big ass frame trailing behind me.

“She does. I’m not taking it personally. Anna’s her daughter. She has every right to strike out at me.”

I turn around the minute he reaches for my arm, halting me to stop.

“We will get them back. All of them.” He positions himself directly in front of me. “I know we will, but I’m so sick of this fucking shit, of men who are too weak to take us on. Fucking pussies go after our women. They deserve every goddamn thing they’re about to get.” He laughs, which has me smiling for the first time in hours.

“Hey. How you holding up?” Roan asks when Cain and him step into the building, followed by just about every damn guy I know. Dozens trail in behind them. All in black, carrying weapons. Looks of purpose, power, and the same pissed-off attitude I have on their faces.

“I’m good. The girls?” Cain shakes his head, a frown creasing across his forehead. “Not good. I hated leaving Calla. When they all pulled away from the hotel, I fucking wanted to kill more than I’ve ever wanted to before for putting her and everyone else through hell. I’m fucking ready.”

I press on with Roan and Aidan, even though guilt seems to try and claw its way through my veins, slithering like a snake after you chop its damn head off. Yeah. I’ve killed a few live slimy snakes in my lifetime. Now it’s time to kill the human kind. They possess the same slimy skin as those reptiles. I hate fucking snakes.

Out of all the women, it doesn’t surprise me at all when Roan drones on about how strong and in control Alina is. That woman’s honeymoon was destroyed and her mother is kidnapped, and here she is taking care of everyone else.

“I know focusing on everyone else is her way of keeping her mind busy. She never ceases to amaze me.” I look down at my bag as I toss it on the table, persistent to get this shit over with. I want my girl back. The desire to tell her how I feel is strong as I listen to these guys carry on about their wives and children. More men join in until Ivan draws our attention by demanding us to join him alongside my uncle where they stand at the end of a long table.

“We have some smart women on our hands. It seems both Anna and Cecily have their phones. Unless this is a trap, they’ve taken them to New Jersey, which obviously means they are not at his house.” He pauses slightly before lifting his gaze to me. There’s something pleading in his eyes, both his and my uncle’s, as they gaze down to the end of the table where I’m standing, my arms firmly planted across my chest. Whatever the fuck it is, it isn’t good. I can tell by the way they both hesitate, as if they’re trying to convey what they need to say through their eyes. I sure as fuck am not a goddamn mind reader. I’m ready to share that little tidbit of information when my uncle speaks up.

“We lost Anna’s trail about sixty miles east of Newark. Our sources tell us they have no doubt we lost her, because she’s in the air. He has her.”

My hands close into fists, and I slam them down on the table. I am hunched forward, daring anyone to say a word. The urge to punch something, to gut anything, is raging through me like an angry bull trapped in a space too small for his body.

“Do we know where he took her, dad? And for god’s sake, are your resources sure? Jesus Christ!” Roan speaks up. I can’t fucking talk. God knows what he will do to her. He is an animal. Only cares about himself and the need to fucking destroy me. For what? I have no goddamn clue.

Christ. I used to lie in my cell for hours, trying to figure out what the hell I ever did to that bastard to have him hate me so much, to make it his life’s mission to kill me. The only thing I could come up with always led me back to Royal. But why the hell would they come after me? I mean, fuck, I’m glad they came after me instead of Roan. I would protect him with my life, and he would do the same for me. But fuck me, why her? He’s fucking obsessed with her. Any sane person knows an obsession to another human can be dangerous. I know her, there is no way she would have left with him unless she was forced to.

“We’re working on tracking the plane. There isn’t a damn thing we can do until they find it. It’s not an easy task. It takes time. I promise you every source both Ivan and I have is doing everything to track down Anna. What we need to do right now is find the other women and kill anyone who stands in our way.” At that exact second, John’s phone rings. The knotted cords in his neck relax when he looks at it. The room is quiet when he answers.

“Cecily.” The apprehension in the way he bellows out her name has every single man in this room on high alert. Hearts pounding. Guts wrenching. Waiting.

“Jesus, Charlotte. Slow the fuck down.” He pulls the phone from his ear and pushes a button. Her frenzied voice is loud through the speaker of his phone.

“Where’s Cecily?” John asks. It’s one of the first times I’ve seen this man look distraught. His chest is heaving up and down. “She’s hurt, but she’s coherent. In fact, she’s bitching up a damn storm, demanding for them to let her go. I’m assuming you’re all together, so I’m not going to keep you. It’s Anna we need to find. Cecily said she kept drifting in and out of consciousness, but she swears she heard someone mention Columbia. You have to find them.” I see Ivan’s chest expand at what I assume is relief at hearing his wife’s voice.

I stare at a blank spot on the wall. This is an absolute mind fuck. All I heard is he took her. My first reaction is to hop on a damn plane and get to Columbia. To find her before he destroys her or worse. I shake the possibility of him laying a finger on her out of my mind. Listening to Charlotte rattle on about the things he did to both Cecily and Anna, I feel sick when I hear her tell him in a pained voice how Anna bargained with him, sacrificed herself in agreement for him to let the others go. God, she’s brave. She made a deal with the devil to save those she loves. I should be proud of her, but knowing the man he is, I know he’ll hold her to that promise. We have to get to her before he takes what he wants from her. Or worse yet, kills her. There is no way she won’t fight him if he tries to… I won’t allow my mind to go there.

“I’m on my way. Do you want to speak with Ivan?” I hear him say before he hands the phone to Ivan, who silences it then places it up to his ear.

“We’ll find her, Dilan. Cain, you come with me.” John moves his gaze from me to him.

“You got it,” he responds.

“He beat the shit out Cecily. Left the three of them alongside a goddamn road. You find that motherfucker and you kill him.” Ivan narrows his eyes. He’s rigid. Cold.

“What about Jazmin? Where the fuck is she?” I look to Roan. His piercing glare is angered. His pupils turn black when he asks.

“Not with them. I assume she’s home. Kill her too. Slice her fucking throat. I don’t care how you kill her, just do it.” One final glance at his furious eyes sets a fire under my ass.

“Ivan. I’m going with my son. It would make me feel better if you went with John, took a few more men with you in case this is some sort of sick trap he has up his sleeve. We leave nothing unturned. He’s unpredictable. Unstable. I want this shit over with now. I’ll call the hospital from the car and speak to my wife. Grab every damn weapon you can. Let’s get the fuck out of here and kill that bitch before she finds out what the hell her brother has done. He’s betrayed her, I know he has. She’ll find him if we don’t get to her first,” my uncle says. His words are determined. Strong. I snatch my already prepared bag off the table, ready to go, while men remove rifles and ammunition out of boxes and shelves.

Ivan, John, and my uncle talk in hushed whispers at the end of the table. It seems we’re all on the same page, ready to face what lies ahead. Most of these men have killed more times than I’m aware of. They know the drill, what to do. I hope this cunt is unprepared for her life to end.

“Dilan, Aidan, Roan.” John gestures with his hand for us to join them. Without acknowledging them, we move to stand beside them and listen to what they have to say. My breathing becomes uneven when John turns his attention to Roan.

“I’ve taught you everything I know. You were trained to kill. Use it. Kill every goddamn one of them. Be smart.” He pats him on the back. They waste no time in leaving. The door is slamming shut behind them.

“We can handle this, dad. You should go with them. Stay with mom,” Roan speaks firm.

“Your mom is fine. If she weren’t, I would know and I would go to her. This is just as much my fight as it is all of yours. She knows this. Now, let’s go.” His voice is confident, brief, and direct.

“I’m calling Alina to fill her in,” Roan states as we climb into the back of one of the Suburbans. Hell, there must be five or six of them pulling out of the warehouse, heading for the private estate in Lloyd Harbor. Christ. It’s over an hour’s drive to reach his damn mansion. Thank fuck it’s nestled back in the woods, far enough away that the neighbors won’t hear a damn thing.

I stare out the window, vaguely hearing both Aidan and Roan talk to their women, while my uncle sits up front, waiting to be connected to my aunt. I’m not envious like I was before. I’m glad they have it. Found it. Feel it. It makes my blood boil and my teeth grind that some fucker thinks he’s going to take away what I found and feel with Anna. Rage. I see rage. My insides roar like a motherfucker.

Grabbing my phone out of my coat pocket, I stare at the photo of Anna I took while she was sleeping peacefully after we made love. A smile is spread across her angelic face. She looks peaceful. “Hang in there, Anna,” I whisper. My finger traces over her delicate features. She’s one tough woman. If I weren’t positive that I loved her before this, I’m damn sure of it now. She was born to be part of this family. Born to fight. Born to survive. She’ll come through, I’m sure of it.

“Fuck,” Roan cuts out. I lean forward from the backseat, wondering what the fuck is wrong now. “What?” Aidan and I say at the same time. “Alina is calling a doctor for Grace. She’s hysterical. They’re going to have to sedate her.”

“Jesus Christ.” Aidan looks from me to Roan. The stress from all of this is wearing heavy on our minds. “It’s probably the best for her to be knocked out, especially when she finds out where he’s taking her.” My uncle turns around from the passenger seat in the front.

“They’re not telling her,” Roan remarks.

“Good call. You find anything out?” I ask, hoping he understands my meaning. I want to know where Anna is, goddamn it. There’s no damn way they can make it in a what I presume is a private plane all the way to Columbia. They have to stop somewhere to refuel or some shit. Hell, I don’t fucking know. There has to be a damn way to stop them.

“Making the call now. You three good to shoot and kill on demand?”

“Hell, yes,” we all say in unison.

“Good. Let me see what I can find out.”

I lean back in my seat and watch the city flash by. My palms start to sweat. None of us have killed a human before. We’ve come close several times. Especially Roan. He damn near killed his brother. The man who’s half responsible for this shit. I know he would have finished it off if my uncle and John hadn’t reached him when they did.

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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