Read The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) Online

Authors: Kathy Coopmans

Tags: #General Fiction

The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4) (8 page)

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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“How long are we staying here?” she tries to boldly ask. Up till now, her voice has been strong, and now even though she’s still trying to be, there is no denying the shakiness in her tone.

“A few days. Does that bother you, Anna? Knowing you’re here in a room with me by yourself?” I prod, silently praying she says what I want her to say. I would gladly stay here forever, swear to Christ I would, if it were to seal the safety of her and those we both care about.

Fuck. How the hell I even got those words out of my mouth is beyond me. My goddamn palms are sweaty. I’m just as nervous as she is. My stare just as determined.

“No. I’m not afraid of being alone with you, Dilan. I’m afraid of my feelings for you. They haven’t changed at all.” Now, she’s confident. She doesn’t even have to speak; her eyes are speaking for her. I choose my next words carefully. I have a damn good idea the same thing is running through her beautiful head as it is through mine. Where does this leave her and me? Will I run from her again? Hell, no. I’m not running anymore. I need her. I care about her, trust her, and want her. I need a yes from her. One word is all it will take.

“Can I ask you a question?” I raise my brow to challenge her, let her know I’m serious.

“Of course,” she replies.

“When you asked me if I overheard you telling Deidre how you felt about me, is all of that still true? Do you still feel the same? Do you still want me, Anna? Do you still want me to kiss you? To touch you?” I slowly walk her way. For months, she’s lived inside my head and soul. I’m claiming her. She’s already claimed me.

Her eyes follow me until I break between the small wall separating the bathroom and the doorway. Her eyes are right there when I step under and through the entrance to the bathroom. They’re still on me when I stop just inches from her. Her breath catches. Her chest moves up and down. Frantically. Rapidly.

“That was five questions,” she says smugly.

“Well, then I want five answers, Anna,” I challenge once again. I move in closer. My hands are craving to dig into her hair. My mouth is aching to touch hers. She steps back until her sexy little ass is up against the counter. I have no answer to why my nerves are gone. Maybe because I know this is right. I’ve wanted this for so long, never thinking I could have it. What I’ve wanted is right here in front of me, and fuck me if it doesn’t feel like it was meant to be.

“Yes to all five, but…” she whispers.

“But what, Anna?” I bring my hand up, brushing my fingers down her cheek until I’m cupping her chin in my hand. She shivers and Christ, if that one shiver doesn’t make whatever last bit of nerves evaporate into the thick, sexual severity in this room.

“I need to know how you feel about me?” Her voice is wobbly.

I coil my other hand around her waist, dip my head down to within a mere fraction of hers. I don’t speak. Instead, I brush my lips across hers delicately. She gasps, her mouth opening slightly. And I take what I’ve been dying to taste. I’m not going to fuck this kiss up with her. No goddamn way.

My tongue sweeps out to taste her bottom lip. It’s sweet, innocent like I know she is. I crash then. Shatter. My tongue touches the tip of hers, and that’s all it takes for me to dive in and taste her pure, little mouth. Our tongues collide. I see the beauty that lies beyond in her eyes until she closes them and her arms go up and around my neck. She pulls me in as close as she can get me, breathing in the same air as me. And Christ, I take her mouth in a ravishing tangle of lips and tongue. Circling. Consuming. Communicating how I feel about her. She’s more than a dream come true. She is every damn thing I’ve ever wanted. I let go of her chin, tangle my hand in her hair, and lift her up onto the vanity with my other hand. I kiss her until I can’t see straight. I taste her until she’s all I ever want to taste again. I can’t stop. My tongue explores her mouth. Every bit of it. I’m relishing and demolishing at the same time.

I need more of her. I drop my mouth from hers, my breathing uncontrollable. Her moaning shoots straight to my dick.

I trail up her neck to behind her ear with my lips. Slowly. Deliberate to drive her wild. Starting behind her ear, I move back downward. I tip her head back by tugging on her hair. Her neck is begging for my mouth. It’s intoxicating when I get there. I suck and nibble until she’s damn near panting under my touch.

“Oh, thank god,” she moans.

“I’m thanking god right now for bringing you back to me, Anna.” I bury my head in her hair and sniff, not giving a shit if I sound or look like an asshole. I’ve smelled nothing but skank for the past few hours, never thinking I would have the opportunity again to smell Anna. Again, I savor. Her smell is appealing, unique, and comforting.

“I have nothing to compare that kiss to, but if anyone asks me to tell them about my first kiss, I’m going to tell them it was indescribable. I’ve dreamed for so long of you kissing me.” I close my eyes, thanking god once again for her not kissing anyone since I’ve been gone.

“Christ, Anna. I’ve missed you so much. I wouldn’t be able to describe it either. So let’s not. It’s our first of many things. I promise,” I murmur into her hair. I can’t seem to let her go; that and I don’t want to. She breaks away from me first, her dainty hands tugging on my hair to untangle me from within hers.

Her eyes are meaningful when they catch mine, showcasing another question. She’s timid at first, struggling to release whatever it is she wants to ask. She can ask me whatever she wants. I’m here for the long haul. I plan on never leaving her again. I wait, feasting on her beauty until she speaks, her question nearly knocking me on my ass.

“I want a man whose heart belongs to me, Dilan. I can’t share him with anyone else. I may look like my mom, but I’m not built like her. I want him to only want me. That’s one of the reasons why I’ve waited to give myself to anyone. Please, don’t hurt me again. Like you, I’m loyal. I will never betray you. I’ll also do everything I can to help you bring down those who wronged you.” She’s damn near breathless by the time she releases all I’ve known to be true about her. Her words zapped right to my chest.

She doesn’t have an ounce of pity for the things I’ve been through. It’s sincerity I see. It’s truth and honestly, if I weren’t already captivated by her, I fucking would be now. And now I get it, one of the reasons why Cain, Roan, and Aidan have fallen for their women. They’re just as strong as we are, if not stronger. They have to be to live lives like we do, to walk hand in hand with us. To stand by our sides. It’s been hell for me these past few years. Worse even, if that’s possible. However, with her by my side, knowing she’ll be there, waiting and wanting, I’m confident and compelled to set my demons free, so I can be the man she sees in me. She will stay out of this though. These people are not amateurs who play well with each other. Fuck, they don’t play with anyone. But that’s a talk for another time. This night is ours, and I plan on spending it finding out what desires Anna has. What her skin feels like up against mine. I want her primed, ready, and begging me to do things to her beautiful body she has only dreamed about.

“I belong to you, Anna. I need you to understand that. I have since the first time I met you. Like I said before, this revenge I have is something I have to do. I need it, but I need you more. I don’t think I realized that until just now. There might be hurt, pain, and even anger, but my sweet Anna, I will never betray you. First of many things, baby.” I brush my lips across hers. Fuck, she is like a delicate flower that once it blooms, its scent is strong. Sweet, yet strong behind the way it blossoms, showing it’s not delicate at all. It’s strong. A wildflower.

“I know we have many things to talk about. But not tonight. I have a fire out there, and we’re stuck in this room for a few days. I want to hold you, to touch you, to kiss you, and I want you to tell me when you’re ready for more.” I nod to the other room. I’ve never had a damn passionate bone in my body for a woman. I’m not a dick to them; I’ve just hadn’t found the right one. Until six months ago when a petite blonde walked into my life. Now I want it all. I want to give her everything. Even my heart, that for the first time in years I feel beating so hard, it feels like it’s dancing inside of my chest.

“I’m ready for more, Dilan. It’s you who needs to catch up. I’ve been standing across that finish line for six months, hoping you would cross over it. Now that you have, I say let’s start running this race together. Winning a race is never rewarding unless you have someone to share it with.” Shit. She’s wise.

“My sweet Anna. You may wish you never said that. I’ve caught up, baby. In fact, now that I have, you’re about to be spun around, facing me while I take full advantage of tumbling you to the ground, spreading those legs wide, and drinking every bit of you. I’ve been thirsty for months.” Her eyes flare. She gulps. It’s insanely sexy. She’s aroused. Her smell annihilates my senses. Fuck, I need to taste her.

I take hold of her hand, her words replaying in my head about catching up. I’m not going to take her tonight. Not with all that’s been said and done today. When I do, it will be a day when it’s all about us. When I can focus on her. I am going to play though, taste more of her, watch her completely lose it with my touch. I am going to worship, adore, and watch her fall apart under my hands. My mouth. My fingers.

I also know what I want, and I want that damn sweatshirt off of her. Dropping my hand from hers once we’ve walked out to the other room and stand in front of the fire, I place both of them on her waist and tug her into me. The flames from the fire are mirrored in the intensity of her heated gaze. Fuck. She is going to have me coming undone.

“Take off your sweatshirt,” I say at the same time I begin to undo the buttons of my shirt. She doesn’t hesitate at all. Her fingers grab hold of the hem, and she slowly lifts it over her head. My dick gets harder when her flawless, mouthwatering skin exposes itself. Her stomach ripples. Sweet Jesus, when she pulls it over her head and drops it on the floor, my fingers stop moving. I take her in. I haven’t been with a woman in eight months, and not a single one of them before her compare. This is a first for me as well as for her, the desire to please a woman. To let her know she’s wanted in more ways than I can describe. She’s right about our kiss being indescribable. Everything about the relationship we’re beginning to build fits into that one word.

She steps into me and places her hands over mine, shocking me when she undoes the rest of the buttons herself. Her hands run up my stomach until she has my shirt off and I let it drop to the floor.

“Do you remember hearing me say how I wanted to lick these tattoos?” Her head dips to the center of my chest, where she runs her tongue right down the middle of my chest piece. Her touch alone reaches me somewhere deep. I feel alive. Her movements stop right above the scar from being shot on the right side of my stomach. Her fingers replace her mouth. The scar is visible. Cut through my tattooed scripture. “Does it still hurt?” She peaks up from where she is bent at the knees. “Not anymore,” I say truthfully. “What about this one?” Standing, she kisses the one on my left shoulder. “No.” Our eyes exchange memories of that dreadful night. I don’t want to discuss it with her. It’s over. I’m here. She’s here. That’s all that matters. When this beautiful woman leans forward and kisses the scar on my shoulder, then bends at her waist, kissing the other scar again, that snug ass taunts me. That’s all it takes for me to lose control.

Grabbing her by her waist, I hoist her up, turn and take the few steps to the bed, then toss her on top of it. My body crashes down on hers. The fire illuminates her bright smile. That smile needs to come off of her lips. I want her panting and moaning underneath me. I take her mouth, entangling it with mine. No more savoring. I need to devour.

She moans into my mouth, while I let out an animalistic growl. My limit is passed, buried in the goddamn snow. Anna Drexler never gave up on me; she’s forgiven me. I’m going to show her that waiting for me was so worth it.





Oh my god. I’m gasping. My breathing is becoming quicker, harder, and I suddenly have the urge to come. If I’m this wet, this aroused by kissing, I cannot imagine what having him inside of me will do. Or his hands on me. He has me on my back. The warmth of his skin against mine has my head fuzzy. My mind is dangling. My pussy is burning with flames scorching higher than the one in the fireplace, spreading throughout my entire body.

There is no denying he wants me. I could tell the way he held me in the bathroom. And I definitely can tell by how hard he is. God, I want him.

I don’t care if this isn’t a first for him. He’s here with me now, told me I am his and he is mine. Everything from here on out will be the first for both of us, because we’re doing it together.

“I need to touch you, Anna. Taste you everywhere.” Those powerful, sensual lips of his linger above mine. I’m dazed, and yet I want to scream for him to do whatever he wants. I hesitate, figuring out what to say, while I try to read his thoughts. I really wish I could speak. I would tell him to fuck me senseless. Dilan won’t though. He’s too gentle. At least for now. I’m destined to fall apart. To let him swallow me whole. To learn from him. To please him.

His head lifts and he smirks down at me. Sexually. Wanting. Needing. “As long as I can touch and taste back,” I say. I may have pulled that out of my ass. I’m not sure, but when he grinds his heavy dick into me, I have my answer.

I’m tugged upward. Strong hands come around my back, unclasping my bra. It falls in between us. I’m not nervous at all. Not one damn bit. I’ve waited way too long for his touch, and now that I have it and him, I’m giving, taking, and never letting this memory go.

“Fuck, Anna, these breasts were always a mystery to me. The way they would peak out of the top of your tank top. The way I would look at them, dream about them, wondering if they would fit perfectly in my hands.” Those are his words to me when he travels down from my face to my breasts. Erotically.

His large hands palm them both. He groans then discards my bra. My back arches when he flicks my nipples, releases them, and brings one arm around my lower back to support me. I may be saying something, I’m not sure, when his mouth wraps around one of my nipples and sucks it hard into his mouth. I know my hands shoot up into his hair, drawing him closer. He sucks more of me in. Then bites gently before he moves over and repeats the same thing on the other nipple.

BOOK: The Deliverance of Dilan (The Syndicate #4)
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