The Badge Bunnies series: Ride-Along (3 page)

BOOK: The Badge Bunnies series: Ride-Along
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“I had to pull Beth off my cock before she went any further with that mouth of hers,” Jase continued. “She didn't want to stop, but I promised her she wouldn't be sorry.”

“Did you return the favor for all that pleasure she gave you?”

Laci tried to make the question sound as casual as she could, but it was hard to keep the excitement out of her voice. She desperately wanted Jase to say he’d licked Beth’s pussy. She could just imagine Jase's head buried between the woman’s thighs, his sensuous mouth glistening with her juices. The rhythmic pulsing between her legs made her squeeze her legs together. 

Jase slanted her a look over his shoulder. “Who's telling this story, me or you?”

Laci held up her hands. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. Please go on. What happened next?”

He grinned. “I returned the favor.”

Grant chuckled. “So you could cool off.”

“There was that,” Jase agreed.

That was music to Laci's ears. She appreciated a man who knew how to hold himself back so the woman got off, too.

“Well, don’t stop there and leave us hanging,” Grant said.

It was Jase’s turn to laugh. “I put her up the kitchen table, then sat down on a chair between her legs.” He glanced at Grant. “I don’t know if you've ever tried that position, but it's a really great way to lick pussy. Got to be the most comfortable way I've ever done it.”

“Can't say that I have.” Grant’s gaze locked with Laci’s in the mirror. “Maybe I'll try it sometime.”

Laci felt her face heat. So much for not being the type who blushed easily. But how could she not, especially since she was already picturing Grant trying it out on her. If there was a kitchen table in the vicinity she would have been on it with her legs in the air getting her pussy devoured like a pie at the county fair.

Her breath came fast and hard, and she took a moment to gather herself. She shifted her gaze to the other cop. “Tell me, Jase. Are you good at licking pussy?”

The question was out before the thought formed fully in her head. Had she just really asked that? That had to be the most forward thing ever to come out of her mouth.

“You don’t have to answer that,” she said quickly. “You haven’t been read your rights or anything. No need to incriminate yourself.”

Jase let out a deep, sexy chuckle. “I think I waived my right to remain silent a while ago. And to answer your question, I think I lick pussy very well. Beth seemed to think so at least—if her screams were any indication.”

That was the answer she’d expected, of course. But still, the way Jase looked at her while he said it was enough to speed up the pulsing between her legs. She bet she was getting wet down there. Who could blame her? Picturing Jase's handsome face nestled between her thighs would get any woman going. If the two cops weren't sitting so close, she'd have her hands down her panties.

“I'm a little surprised the cops didn't show up, actually,” Jase went on. “Beth was really loud. She begged me to stop and take her right then and there on the table top. But considering the amazing blowjob she gave me, I wasn’t going to stop licking her clit until she came all over my face.”

Laci couldn’t find enough breath to ask if Beth did. She already knew the answer was a resounding yes.

“Were you right?” Grant sent a glance his partner’s way. “Did you come unglued when you finally slid in her pussy?”

Apparently Jase had never told Grant the story. That was kinda surprising. Maybe Jase wasn't the type to brag about his sexual conquests in front of other men. She was glad he didn't have a problem doing it in front of her.

“Oh, yeah.” Jase closed his eyes, smiling at the memory. “When she got those legs wrapped around me, I thought I was in heaven. Tight, wet and hot.”

“You did her right there on the table?” Grant asked.

“Damn straight. Almost broke the thing, we went at it so hard. When we came, I think my groans drowned out her screams. Well, maybe not. But you get the idea.”

The car got quiet after that.  The way a bedroom did after a couple had a good, hard orgasm together.

“Did you spend the night?” Laci wondered aloud.

“Yeah. Barely made it to work on time the next morning. Beth has quite the…appetite.”

“Was it just a one-time thing, or do you two still get together?”

Laci told herself she was merely being a good reporter and following up on her initial question. Yeah, right.

“We hook up occasionally. If she's interested.”

“You’re okay with that?”

“Sure.” Jase glanced over his shoulder. “That's the important thing to remember about badge bunnies. Most of them aren't looking for a commitment. They're out to have some fun with a guy they’re attracted to.”

“One who just happens to wear a uniform,” Grant added.

The idea of a fling with a hunky cop like them—no strings attached—sent a thrill through Laci, and she bit her lip to stifle a moan. When she finally got herself together, she discovered Grant studying her in the mirror again, a half questioning, half amused look in his dark eyes.

“I've heard about Jase's first run-in with a badge bunny. How about you, Grant? Care to share your first experience?”

“What makes you think I've ever hooked up with a badge bunny?”

“Reporter’s intuition.”

Grant only chuckled.

Jase snorted. “There might not be any concrete evidence, but you have a reputation for getting some serious bunny action, my man. Don't try and tell me you haven't been with more than your share of willing badge bunnies.”

“Maybe,” Grant admitted. “I sure as hell don't talk about it, though. And I wouldn't now, if it wasn't for the fact that it's Laci who wants to know and not you. But since I can't talk on an empty stomach, how about we put my story on hold until after we grab something to eat?”

“Sounds good to me.” Jase looked back at Laci. “You okay with that? Our treat.”

Laci would much rather have put lunch on hold and heard about Grant’s sex life, but sometimes you had to go along to get along. Or in this case, agree to let two hot cops take you to lunch in order to hear about their sex lives.

She smiled. “Sure.”


Chapter Three


Grant turned right at the next street and pulled into a parking lot of an old-fashioned looking diner. A little worse for wear on the outside, it was the kind of restaurant she’d drive past without looking twice, but since Grant made a beeline for the place, she assumed they must eat there often. She’d take their word for it that the food was good.

The hostess confirmed Laci’s hunch about the two cops frequenting the diner. The moment they walked in, the gray-haired woman warmly greeted them by name and showed them to a booth by the window.

Laci ordered unsweetened iced tea, then excused herself to use the bathroom. The moment she was in the stall, she pushed down her jeans and panties and slipped her hand between her legs. Her pussy hummed beneath her fingers. She caught her lower lip in her teeth to stifle a moan as she made little circles on her clit. She was so excited. It wouldn’t take long to make herself come.

But just then the bathroom door opened. Her fingers stilled. She couldn't risk diddling her clit with someone just outside the stall. No matter how hard she tried to be quiet, she’d almost certainly moan a little when she came—she had a habit of doing that. She didn't want someone banging on the stall door, wondering if she was okay.

She quickly used the facilities, then went outside to wash her hands and freshen her make-up. To say her cheeks were a little flushed was an understatement. She was just putting on some powder when the other stall opened and the woman she’d heard earlier stepped out to wash her hands.

“Hi,” the woman said.

Laci smiled politely as she took out her lip gloss. 

The woman dried her hands on a paper towel. “I couldn't help but notice the two cops who came in with you. Are you with them?”

Was that her way of asking if Laci was in their custody or something? “Yeah. We just stopped for lunch.”

The woman laughed and shook her head. “No. I mean, are you

The emphasis on the word
could only men one thing—she was in the presence of a real-life badge bunny. Or maybe a wannabe. A feeling of possessiveness suddenly came over Laci.

She lifted her chin. “Yes, I'm with them.”

“Both of them?”

Okay, that caught Laci off guard. Mostly because she hadn't given that aspect of the group dynamic any thought. Of course, she'd been thinking of what it would be like to have sex with Jase and Grant, but the idea of both of them together? It hadn't even entered her mind.

The woman eyed her curiously, as if she was wondering if there were going to be any leftovers for her.

The same possessiveness Laci felt earlier took over again. “Yes, both of them.”

The words came out more firmly than she’d intended. Laci cringed inwardly. It’d be her luck she’d violated some badge-bunny code and the woman would go ape-crap on her for being greedy.

But the woman only smiled. “You go, girl!”

Giving Laci a wink, the woman tossed her used paper towel in the trash, then turned and walked out.

Laci looked at the her reflection in the mirror above the sinks and saw that she was smiling. What the heck was that about? The fact that another woman thought she was getting it from two hot cops, or that she was actually entertaining such a thought?

She still didn't have an answer to that question when she left the restroom and walked back to the booth. Grant was scanning the menu. Jase was nowhere to be seen. She slipped in the opposite side of the booth from Grant and picked up her menu. It looked like pretty standard diner fare. She was about to ask Grant for a recommendation when Jase slid into the seat beside her. The booth wasn't the largest to begin with, and with one hunky cop next to her and the other sitting opposite her, it felt even smaller. Not that she was complaining. She rather liked the way Jase's muscular thigh pressed against hers while Grant positioned one of his legs carefully between hers. It was like being in the middle of a delectable cop sandwich. Which of course got her thinking about having sex with both men—at the same time.

And yeah, that made reading the menu difficult beyond belief. When the waitress showed up to ask what they wanted, she forced her gaze back to menu and picked the first thing she saw.

“A turkey sandwich on whole wheat, please. No mayo.”

The woman scribbled on her pad, then looked at the two men. “The usual?”

The usual turned out to be typical guy food—burgers and fries. Which, Laci had to admit, looked delicious. If she knew both men better she would have asked for a bite. Or at least pilfered a fry off their plates. If she did, would they consider it a crime and slap cuffs on her? She could only hope.

While they ate, Laci did a much better job of keeping focused. Or tried to at least. But it was tough. Having two guys this attractive packed so close to her was distracting as hell. She was hormoning like a teenager. As the men chatted about their chosen profession, she had to keep reminding herself to nod and throw in the occasional word or two.

But while she was attracted as hell to both men, she wasn’t a two-cop-bagging badge bunny. There was no way she could ever go through with something like that. Besides, the purpose of the ride-along was to get an in-depth look at a day in the life of a police officer.

“Okay,” she said as she sipped her iced tea. “You’ve both told me what you like best about being cops. What’s the worst part of the job?”

She half expected them to make a joke about the lousy hours again, so she was surprised when their expressions turned serious.

“The stupid and completely preventable deaths caused by drunk drivers.” Grant pushed his empty plate away. “Showing up at a scene and finding out a guy is so intoxicated he can’t see straight much less drive a car, and that he killed someone because he was too proud or too stubborn or just too damn stupid to get a ride is hard to deal with.”

Beside her, Jase nodded. “I’ll agree with that. Then there’s the domestic violence calls we get. Sometimes at the same address. You arrest the asshole husband or boyfriend because the wife or girlfriend has bruises, but then by the time you get the guy to the station, the woman refuses to press charges. I understand why some of the women feel they’re trapped in the relationship, but it's still hard to see it over and over.”

As she finished her sandwich, the two men told her stories that were heart wrenching enough to make her want to cry, and yet they saw these things happen almost every day. It pushed her respect for police officers—and these two in particular—up another notch.

“So, how was everything?”

Laci looked up to see their waitress standing by their table, a huge smile on her motherly face.

Jase flashed her a grin. “Wonderful, as always.”

He was right. The turkey sandwich had been delicious. She might just have to come back here for lunch again. Of course, the company she was in could have a little something to do with how good the food tasted. Laci smiled as Jase and Grant listened intently as the woman told them about her grandchildren. Laci had already figured out the two men were passionate about their work, but more than that, they really cared about the people they kept safe. It wouldn't be difficult to imagine how a person could become hardened to all the pain and violence Jase and Grant saw so much of on a daily basis, but they weren’t. Instead they put themselves out there day after day, trying to make a difference.

As they left the diner, however, her mind turned to thoughts of sex once again. Except now random imagines of her sleeping with either Jase or Grant had been replaced with her doing it with both of them at the same time.

Jase took over driving, which left Grant free to tell his badge bunny story. Laci patiently—or maybe not so patiently—waited for him to start, but he merely gazed out the window. Damn.

“You going to share your badge bunny story or what?” Jase asked.

Grant glanced at his partner, then at Laci. “You really want to hear about it, huh?”

BOOK: The Badge Bunnies series: Ride-Along
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