The Badge Bunnies series: Ride-Along (10 page)

BOOK: The Badge Bunnies series: Ride-Along
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She grunted with every thrust, unable to help herself. It wasn't a very ladylike sound, but she'd learned a while ago that a good ass fuck had little to do with being ladylike. It was all about the pure, unadulterated pleasure of taking all a man had to give—and loving it. Her whole body felt like melting from the sensations spreading out from her little rosebud. And she knew it was only going to get better.

Good anal was an out-of-this-world kind of experience for her, but when she lucked into the rare encounter that entered into the singular category of great anal—like the kind she was getting right then—well that just took her somewhere else entirely. Heaven, maybe?

It wasn't like she was having an orgasm exactly—or at least not the Merriam-Webster dictionary kind of way. While her clit and pussy were screaming right then—and would have been doing more than that if her hands hadn't been cuffed—she wasn't experiencing a climax. 

She'd always had a hard time describing exactly what it was like to her girlfriends—the ones who’d never consider letting a man put his cock in there. Maybe because there weren’t any words that could do it justice. When she was getting it in the bottom, it was like every pleasure receptor in her ass had been turned up to the max and vibrated nonstop for the duration of the fuck. The sensations would climb and peak to unbelievable levels if her lover sped up, but even when he took it nice and slow, it still felt incredible. Overwhelming. Magical. Awe-inspiring. The list of descriptive adjectives went on and on.

She sometimes laughingly called it an assgasm, but that wasn’t really the right word. She only used it because her friends seemed to think in terms of achieving orgasm. But an orgasm—at least the clitoral or pussy kind—essentially meant a build-up of pleasure that reached a peak, then crashed over. There was certainly nothing wrong with that, and she sure as hell wasn't knocking the half dozen orgasms she'd already had that night. When she got it good in the bottom, though, the pleasure grew almost as intense as what she felt during an orgasm—and then stayed there. It was like being held in the middle of an orgasm for minutes instead of seconds—if a guy could survive her tight ass that long.

She hoped Grant could.

He held her hips in those big hands and plundered her ass like he was made for it while she moaned, groaned, grunted, sobbed, begged and in general, lapped it up like honey. Pleasure took her past the point of babbling, and she figured speaking in tongues was right around the corner.

“Hey, partner.” Jase’s voice sounded far away even though he was still standing beside the bed. “Hope you don't mind the interruption, but I think it's time I get back in the game.”


She couldn't believe it when Grant slowed his thrusts. How could he do that? She swore he'd been on the verge of coming.

“Your timing sucks,” Grant said dryly. “But as long as I'm back in Laci's ass ASAP, I won't complain too much.”

Laci didn't even have a chance to comprehend exactly what that sentence implied before Grant was out of her bottom and Jase was uncuffing her from the headboard.

“Wh-what are you doing?” she stuttered. 

Jase didn’t answer, but just tossed the cuffs on the floor as he climbed on the bed with her and Grant. Without a word, he nudged her aside and lay down on his back in the center of her bed.

. Now she knew where this was going. Naughty, naughty.

She didn't need any urging from Jase as she straddled his hips and slipped his condom-sheathed cock into her pussy. She sank down on him and wiggled a bit, seating his shaft fully in her core. Mmm, he felt even better inside her in this position. It definitely helped that she could grind her clit against him this way.

Jase grabbed her ass and held her in place as Grant pushed her shoulders forward. She ended up face to face with Jase—not a bad place to be—who was smiling at her in a seriously devious way. Her breasts pressed against the hard planes of his rock-hard chest as he pulled her close to nibble on her lower lip.

She was barely aware of Jase spreading her ass cheeks wide for his partner. Damn, they worked really well together. She wondered if they’d fibbed when they said they'd never tag-teamed a girl before.

Her heart beat so hard it practically echoed off the walls. Getting it in the mouth and pussy at the same time was one thing, but this kind of double penetration was on a whole different level.

She’d secretly dreamed about this a hundred times in the privacy of her bedroom or shower—even while she was having sex with a guy. To make the fantasy more real, she’d slide her fingers in her pussy while a guy took her ass, pretending she was getting it from two guys at the same time. But this wasn't simply going to be a fantasy—this was for real. Her body belonged to these two cops. She knew it with a certainty unlike anything she'd ever known.

She suddenly found it hard to breathe as Grant's cockhead once again pushed past the tight muscles of her anus. Could she really take two men at once this way? What if she couldn't? What if she ruined the whole thing?

Before she had a chance to open her mouth and voice her concerns—which would have been difficult with Jase nibbling on her lips—Grant's cock was already halfway up her bottom. He kept his perfect ass-fucking penis still, letting her get used to the overwhelming sensation of having two cocks in her at the same time.

Overwhelming was such an cliché word, and in this case, totally inadequate for the situation. Grant was only halfway inside her butt and she already felt completely full, as if there weren’t any corners or cervices left in her body that needed filling. Jase hadn't even started moving, and yet she felt the familiar twinges along the edges of her pussy lips that came before an orgasm.

Sandwiched between both of them was like being enveloped in a warm, living blanket of pleasure. She would have given anything if they could have all just stayed right where they were for the rest of the night.

Then Grant shoved his cock the rest of the way in her ass, and she discovered her earlier assessment had missed the mark by a mile.

Grant's strong arms came down to rest on either side of her body, his weight pinning her against Jase's chest even tighter than before, but she didn't care. If they squeezed all the breath from her, she wouldn't have cared. She was wrapped in heavenly masculinity that made her feel more like a woman than anything in her life ever had.

As Grant started pumping slowly in and out of her ass, she buried her face in Jase’s neck and held on for dear life, afraid she might float away on the torrent of sensations coursing through her if she didn't.

Every thrust from Grant shoved her further down on Jase's cock. Having two perfect shafts in her at the same time was so intense she couldn't even scream. All she could do was wonder how she would survive this. She'd heard of death by chocolate, but death by ménage?

Despite all the weight pressing down on him, Jase somehow found a way to thrust up into her pussy. Unbelievably, the two men started a  rhythm, sometimes alternating their thrusts, sometimes doing it together. Her orgasm didn't raise up to claim her with any slow, inexorable tide this time. It simply crashed over her like a tidal wave. She didn’t have a climax. She drowned in it.

Then she did scream—one long, drawn out keening that didn't do justice to what she was feeling all the way down to her soul.

At some point, she sank her teeth into Jase's neck as the two men plummeted her body over and over. Some tiny part of her that was still aware took note of their grunts and frantic thrusts, and she knew they were coming with her.

Her climax went on and on long after theirs did, but the two men kept moving inside her even after they had finished, coaxing every ounce of pleasure from her exhausted body they could.

She didn’t remember either man pulling out—her pussy and ass continued to clench and spasm with post-sex tremors long after the fact. She closed her eyes and lie there, out of it for what seemed like a very long time.

Two pairs of warm lips trailing kisses up and down her body finally brought her back. She sighed. God, that felt wonderful. Maybe they'd do that until she fell asleep. But when lips finally touched hers, she realized she was being lazy and kissed whoever it was back. She opened her eyes when he lifted his head to see that it was Grant.

He grinned down at her. “Welcome back.”

“Thought you were heading to la-la land there for a while,” Jase said.

She laughed. “I thought so, too. You guys were almost too much for me. I've never had sex that good in my life. It has to be illegal to have that many orgasms.”

“Shhh,” Grant whispered. “Don't tell anyone, we might get in trouble.”

Laci winked at them. “I won't tell if you don't.”

Jase pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “How does it feel to be a fully certified badge bunny?”

She pushed herself up on her elbows, conscious for the first time of the sheen of sweat that covered her body. It was like she'd worked out for an hour. A badge bunny workout. She almost giggled at the thought.

She smiled. “It feels damn good.”

“Was it everything you hoped it would be?” Grant asked.

She leaned over to kiss him, then Jase.

“If it had been more, I don't think I would have lived through it.” She chewed on her lower lip, hesitating. “There is one more thing you could do for me, though.”

“Name it,” Jase said.

“Promise me that this won't be the only time you two treat me to a night of pleasure like this.” She looked from one man to the other. “It was beyond amazing, but I think I’d die if you told me it was only a one-time-only thing. I've gotten a taste for it now.”

They both grinned at that.

Grant slid his hand up her thigh. “You don't have to worry about that. Now that we've gotten a taste of you, you're one badge bunny neither one of us are going to let get away.”

The words sent a quiver through her. That was a relief. And to think she’d almost been too shy to admit how crazy she was about them. Which was silly, considering what she’d just done with them.

“So,” she said hopefully. “Does that mean we can get together again soon?”

Jase gave her a positively roguish grin. “Who said we're done tonight?”

She blinked. Was he serious? “I’m not sure I can handle any more tonight.”

Grant leaned over and picked up something off the floor. It was the handcuffs. He let them swing back and forth from one finger. “I don't think you understand, babe. He who has the cuffs makes the rules, and I have the cuffs.”

Jase chuckled, bending to nibble on her neck. “There's a good little badge bunny.”

A tremor passed through her pussy even as her nipples tightened. That wasn't possible—she'd been fucked to the point of exhaustion already. But as Grant leaned down to trail kisses along her thigh, her body trembled more. Good heavens, she was getting aroused again.

Jase reached across her to take the manacles from Grant. Laci watched with interest as he attached one of the cuffs to her right wrist.

His blue eyes met hers. “Remember when I said we’d use a second pair of handcuffs on you if you were bad?”

She didn’t really remember. It was difficult to think because Grant had slid between her legs and was starting to do interesting things with his tongue, but she nodded anyway.

Jase flashed her that wicked smile of his again. “Are you a bad girl, Laci?”

The conversation they’d had earlier about the second pair of handcuffs suddenly came back to her, along with all sorts of possibilities. She stifled a moan. “Yes, Officer. I’m a very bad girl.”

Jase’s grin broadened. “Grant,” he said in a voice that sent shivers all over her body. “Get your cuffs.”



Read on for a sexy excerpt from HANDS-ON TRAINING, the fifth book in Paige Tyler’s Badge Bunnies Series!


Available soon!








Hands-On Training

Copyright © 2012 by Paige Tyler



“You seemed comfortable handling the weapon when it was unloaded,” Blake said. “It wasn't until you got on the firing line with a loaded weapon that you started having a problem, so I think we should start there.”

Trista groaned inwardly. The possibility of romance was dropping by the second here. Blake seriously thought she wanted a firearms lesson. She sighed. Might as well get something out of this.

She glanced at him as she picked up her pistol. “Should I just start shooting at the target?”

“Let's work on your stance first and get you comfortable with the weapon. Then we'll do some shooting.”

Trista turned to face the target—feet together, pistol held in both hands with arms fully extended at shoulder height. ‘’Like this?”

“Not quite.” Blake lifted his hand, then stopped. “Do you mind if I touch you? It's easier to show you than to tell you.”

Now you're talking.

“Go ahead.” She had to fight to keep the grin off her face as she slanted him a look. “If you think it will help.”

Her pulse quickened as Blake went around to stand in back of her. Without a word, he placed his boot in between her feet, gently nudging them apart. When she automatically spread her legs, he slipped one of his between her thighs to widen her stance.

Damn, she'd wanted Blake between her legs, but this wasn't what she'd had in mind. Not that she was complaining. Right now, she’d take him any way she could get him.

He wrapped his arms around her and clasped her hands in his. She felt tiny in his embrace, and it was all she could do not to moan as the hard planes of his chest pressed against her back. She knew he was only demonstrating the proper stance to help her shoot better, but at the moment, all she really cared about was how the contours of his body fit hers.

“See how much more stable you are in this position?” Blake’s voice was right next to her ear. “Wider is always better.”

She couldn't agree more. “I see that now.”

Unable to help herself, she pushed her ass back until she brushed against something firm and unyielding. Yeah, she was pretty sure it wasn't his belt buckle.

BOOK: The Badge Bunnies series: Ride-Along
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