Read That Man 2 Online

Authors: Nelle L’Amour

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

That Man 2 (14 page)

BOOK: That Man 2
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Jesus Christ. She was tight. So fucking tight. Taking it slow, I slid my cock deep inside her. My eyes stayed glued on her face. Clenching her eyes, she chewed down on her lip and squeaked out a groan. Fuck. I was ripping her apart. And then, her muscles relaxed. I glided easily inside her, her drenched walls making it almost effortless. I began to pound her and quickly got into a rhythm. She was sexual and responsive. With breathy moans and groans, she met my thrusts, and as our pace picked up, I gripped her sweet, smooth ass. Sweat laced her svelte body, and an intoxicating scent—a delicious blend of sex and cherry vanilla—filled the air we breathed. I inhaled her like cocaine. She was a drug I couldn’t get enough of, a drug that made me high with lust and desire. I’d never been so turned on.

Her breathing became ragged. I could feel her falling apart at the seams. I knew she was close to coming, and she confirmed it with one gasping word: “Yes.” Fuck, I loved that word. With one final deep thrust and a pinch of her clit, I brought her to her climax. As my tiger roared out my name, I watched her chest flush, her eyes gush tears, and her body shudder. It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. And then I juddered in her sea of waves with the most explosive orgasm I’d ever had in my life. To my surprise, I could go again. And wanted to madly.

Before I could make another move, she broke free of me. Where the hell was she going? I’d just begun. My eyes stayed fixed on her as she crouched down to pick up her sparkly green dress sprawled by my feet. Standing up, she stepped into it and shimmied it up her perfect little body. I felt bereft as I watched her preened pussy and her sweet breasts with their dainty puckered nipples disappear behind the fabric. She silently struggled with the back zipper.

I came to the rescue. But before I inched up the zipper, I studied her back. I loved everything about it—her creamy porcelain skin, her sculpted shoulder blades, the gentle slope of her spinal cord, and above all, those two little dimples at her tailbone. I longed to dip my tongue into those sexy indents after trailing kisses down every step of her spine and then tear off her dress. My still semi-erect cock hardened at the thought of having her naked in my arms again. Of fucking her in this position, from the back, until she roared one more time with ecstasy. I’d never had to beg for sex; I didn’t even know how. All I knew how to do was fuck girls into submission and usually
begged for it.

She never got the chance to slip on her panties. Unable to control myself, I lived out my fantasy and laved my tongue down her spine. Her bony discs made me feel like I was skiing over mogels. It was as thrilling as an extreme sport. Halfway down, my cock jumped up. Fuck. I was getting another erotic high.

“Please, Blake,” she moaned, flexing her hips and arching her head back. The tip of her ponytail tickled my throat.

“Please what?” I growled against her neck.

“Please take me.”

Not a chance in hell.

“All of me,” she breathed out.

Way to go, Blakemeister!
I didn’t expect her to make it so easy—to beg for me. In an instant, I shoved down her dress and rubbed my cock against her backside until it was as hard as it needed to be. I spread her legs, and then gripping her hips, I slid my rigid length between them. She moaned with blissful pleasure as the tip of my cock powered back into her. A groan escaped my throat. Man, she was still soaking wet and so fucking hot. Wrapping one arm around her slender waist and the hand of the other around a tender breast, I hammered her. Finding my rhythm, her hips rocked back and forth with mine with every deep, mighty thrust. I could feel her heat radiating. I moved the hand kneading her exquisite tit to her dripping wet pussy. My fingers caressed the slick, silky folds and then made their way to her swollen clit. They pressed hard against it, running circles around it.

“Oh God. Oh God. Oh God,” she repeatedly cried out. Whimpers quickly replaced words.

“Oh, baby, you feel so fucking good; so tight and warm,” I breathed in her ear. My mouth stayed there, showering her neck with hot kisses. God, she tasted good. So, so good.

“Oh, Blake!” she moaned.

I loved when she said my name. “Are you close to coming again?”

“So close,” she panted out.

I rubbed her clit harder and pounded into her forcefully. The sound of my flesh slapping against hers joined her chorus of harsh breaths and whimpers.

“So, so, close.” Her rasp was just above a whisper. A desperate whisper.

On the next thrust, she broke loose once more, coming around me in spades of screams and spasms. Her body went limp, and I held her firmly so she wouldn’t crumple as my own mind-blowing climax met hers with another powerful thrust. We stayed locked in that position as we rode our orgasms out.

“Oh, tiger, that was fucking amazing,” I breathed into her ear while caressing her soaking wet pussy. Her folds still hypersensitive to my touch, I felt her shudder yet again against me.

Only one word tumbled out of her mouth. “More.”


After another round of mind-blowing sex—this time on the floor—we were spent. Both of us now naked to the bone, we sat against a padded wall catching our breaths. Jen’s ponytail had come loose. Her dark shoulder-length waves cascaded over my green velvet jacket. I’d placed it over her shoulders like a cape. Her knees were curled up with her arms folded around them. There was something so sexy about seeing her in this position and wrapped up in my way too big jacket.

Victory. My cock was one happy camper. And so was I. Dickwick was gone and now she was mine. I slung an arm around her as she rested her chin on her knees. God, she was adorable. My invincible cock stirred. Could I take her one more time? Make her a record?

The luxurious bed in my fuck pad was tempting, but she didn’t belong there. It was where I’d fucked all my hook-ups and watched them come in the mirror across from it. Jennifer was not a hook-up. She was something more. Someone special. The first woman I wanted to bring home. To fuck in my real bed, hold in my arms, and wake up to in the morning. A sharp pang of remorse stabbed at me. I squeezed my eyes. Shit. I shouldn’t have fucked her here. Someone special deserved somewhere special.

I nuzzled her neck and then whispered in her ear, “Come on, beautiful. Let’s get out of here. Come home with me.” In my heart, I hoped it wasn’t too late to make amends.

She bit down on her lip and shook her head. Her expression went from tortured ecstasy to a mixture of confusion and despair. Tears spilled from her eyes.

With my other hand, I tilted up her chin. “What’s the matter, tiger?”

She turned and faced me. Her pained eyes searched mine. Yup. It was too late. I’d fucked up. My heart drummed as her sweet lips parted.

“This is all wrong. You’re my boss.”

“So what?” This was not the response I expected from her.

“Blake, it’s just a onetime thing. A fluke. I’m vulnerable. You got me on the rebound.”

“What are you trying to say?” My voice was a desperate rasp.

“Let’s forget this ever happened.”

“Tiger, how can you say that?”

“I just got out of one of bad relationship. I don’t need to start another—especially with my boss.”

“It doesn’t have to be a relationship. We can just be discreet fuck buddies.” My voice sunk with desperation. Hers rose with rage.

“Oh? You mean, I could be one of your hook-ups like Kitty-Kat or whatever her name is? I. Don’t. Think. So.” She paused and then her voice turned to ice. “Blake, I need to get dressed.”

Fuck. Why did I say that? How could I be so goddamn stupid? So goddamn desperate? “Jennifer, I didn’t mean it that way. Honestly.”

“My father says words can’t be taken back. So, if you’ll please excuse me, I’d like to leave.”

I rested my chin on the top of her head and held her firmly. “Don’t go,” I begged. “Please don’t go.”

“Blake, please. I need to get dressed and go home.”

Squirming, she broke free of me and shrugged off my jacket. She slid across the padded wall and stood up. Hurriedly, she threw on her dress. She didn’t even bother with her panties.

My emotions in a jumble, I leapt to my feet. “Fine. Then I’ll take you home.” Maybe I could get her into
bed. It didn’t have to be mine. I needed to prove to her she was more than a casual lay. I gripped her arm, holding her back.

She jerked away. Tears swam down her cheeks. “Mr. Burns, please. Don’t touch me. I’ve made up my mind.” Before I could say another word, she fled. The door to my fuck pad slammed shut behind her.

Defeated, I slumped down against the wall. Shitballs. I wasn’t expecting this. I was positive with Dickwick out of her life, she’d be all mine. Especially after learning I was
man she’d kissed in that game of Truth or Dare. I’d had the whole night planned out, from the mistletoe to the morning after. Grandma had even helped. I buried my head between my knees.

Jesus. How could I have been so wrong? She wasn’t ready for another relationship. And I’d said some stupid, stupid things. Mr. Hook-Up had no idea how to handle a relationship. I was a player. I left women; they never left me. Until now.

Jennifer McCoy was gone with the wind. Maybe I’d shown her what it was like to be kissed—and fucked—by someone who knew how, but that wasn’t enough. I sure hadn’t lined up my cherries. I’d made a total mess of tonight. I reached for her panties—a souvenir of our encounter—and sniffed them. A glimmer of hope lifted me out of my misery. After all, tomorrow was another day.

Chapter 17


y alarm clock went off at exactly six fifteen. There was actually no need to set it. I didn’t sleep a wink. How could I? I kept replaying what had happened at the office Christmas party. My mind was a whirlwind of chaos. Caused by two opposing forces—lust and remorse.

Holy, holy fuck. It was all too much. All too unbelievable. Blake Burns was
man I’d kissed at my engagement dinner. My boss!
man whose kiss I couldn’t forget. And now I’d fucked him. Not once. Not twice. But three times. And after the first time, I’d begged for it and even torn off his clothes.

Blake had fucked my brains out. Fucked me senseless. I’d never had an orgasm from intercourse before, let alone three in a row, each one sending me over the edge. Blake Burns had brought me to a place I’d never been. And all through my sleepless night, I’d relived the moments of our mind-blowing sex. Over and over. Coming against the wall, my legs wrapped around him. Coming in his arms, taking me from behind. Coming on my knees, falling with him to the floor. Our hands, our mouths, our tongues everywhere. I couldn’t get enough of his magnificent body. Or his magnificent cock.

As my breathing wound down after the third time, a soupçon of sense had crept back into my head. What I’d done was wrong. But what he’d done was more wrong. He’d taken advantage of me in my vulnerable state. And I’d succumbed. Why? Because he was beautiful? Because his kiss sent me orbiting? Because he’d given me one mind-blowing orgasm after another? Because he was
man I’d dreamt about incessantly ever since our first passionate kiss?

A tangle of emotions swirled around in my head. The bottom line: I couldn’t have a relationship with my boss. I had a career at stake. It had to end before it began. And then he’d made it so easy for me. How could I be so blind? He wanted me to be just another one of his hook-ups. A convenient fuck with no strings attached. Reality had thrown an axe at me, but I didn’t expect my heart to bleed.

Now, I had to face him. My boss. Thank God, it was the last day of work before my Christmas break. Tomorrow, I was flying home to spend the holidays with my parents. Though I dreaded breaking the news to them that I’d broken up with Bradley, who was supposed to have flown home with me, I looked forward to getting away. I needed time away from Los Angeles and, above all from Blake, to clear my head. Hopefully, by the time I got back, what’d happened last night would be just a vague memory. Something I could call a moment of weakness. A stupid, regrettable mistake.

I dragged myself out of bed, showered, and got dressed. Every ordinary task was an effort. It wasn’t easy concentrating. I was preoccupied with how to deal with my boss. And I was throbbing in the place where his cock, his hands, and his mouth had been. I was an emotional and physical wreck.

Libby was already in the kitchen, and coffee was made. I helped myself to a mug full. I needed a caffeine fix desperately.

“Where did you disappear to last night?” she asked. She was seated at the counter, sipping her coffee over the
LA Times.

“Restroom,” I lied, after taking a sip of the steamy brew. I wasn’t ready to tell Libby about what had happened with Blake last night. I was too hurt and confused.

Ms. Inquisitive’s rust-colored brows furrowed. “Why so long?”

“I must have eaten something bad or maybe my breakup with Bradley fucked with my stomach.” The truth: Blake Burns tasted delicious, and Bradley was the last person on my mind while my boss fucked my brains out.

BOOK: That Man 2
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