Read That Man 2 Online

Authors: Nelle L’Amour

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic

That Man 2 (12 page)

BOOK: That Man 2
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Once settled in my office, I kicked up my legs on my desk and thumbed through the latest
Hollywood Reporter
to distract myself. On the last page dedicated to Hollywood happenings, there was a photo of me and Kitty-Kat or whatever the fuck her name was at Jaime Zander’s art gallery opening. We were standing in front of
The Kiss,
the painting Jennifer adored. My pouty hook-up in her low-cut halter gown was sucking up to the camera. I looked rather solemn. The photo was taken just after shithead Dickwick yanked Jennifer away from me. Hopefully, that wouldn’t be happening again any time soon. My heart pulsed with anticipation. If
Operation Dickwick
was a success, Jennifer could be mine. All mine.

At the sound of a shuffle, I looked up and saw her. Dressed head to toe in black, she was back to wearing her glasses. But beneath the lenses, I could see her eyes were bloodshot and puffy. And she looked paler than usual. I had to refrain from smiling. All good signs. My eyes traveled down to her hands. Damn. She was holding a stack of books I’d asked her to option, making it impossible to see if she was wearing her ring. The tower of books extended from her waist to her chin. Definitely an overload. As she slumped toward me (another good sign, but maybe she was just weighted down by the books). I bid her good morning. When she lifted her chin to acknowledge me, the top book slipped off the pile. In an effort to save it, she panicked, and in an instant, all the books went flying to the floor. I heard her mumble “shit” under her breath as she fell to her knees to retrieve them. Mr. Chivalrous—yours truly—jumped up to help her, and in a nano second, I was squatting beside her. My eyes zeroed in on her left hand. It was shaking. But the ring was GONE! Mission accomplished!

“I’m sorry,” she said in a small, trembling voice as she re-stacked the books. “Thanks for helping.”

I was so close to her I could smell the sweet cherry vanilla scent of her hair and hear her heart thudding. Ahh! Music to my ears. The sound of a broken heart.

I added a couple of books to the heap. “You don’t seem your normal self today, Jennifer.”

She sighed. I looked straight at her; she was so close I could taste her. Her eyes were watering.

“I’m fine,” she replied as a tear spilled onto the cover of the top book.

I lifted her glasses onto her head. The tears were freely falling down her cheeks. With the pads of my thumb, I brushed them away. Truthfully, I longed to kiss them away.

“You’re not fine. Did something bad happen?”

“I broke up with my fiancé,” she blurted. The forlorn look on her face got to me. I almost felt sorry for her. Sympathy was edging out my sense of victory.

“What happened?”

“He was cheating on me. With his hygienist.”

“The blond one with the big tits?”

“Yeah, that one.”

“That’s awful. Do you want to take the day off?”
Hello, Mr. Nice Guy.

Blinking back tears, she shook her head. “Thanks, Blake, but no. I think work will keep my mind off things. And I’ve got a lot on my plate. I want to review the focus group findings with Libby and start optioning these erotic romances. Plus, there’s the staff meeting.”

She stacked the last book on the pile and awkwardly tried to gather up the bundle. “Let me help you.” I offered. My fingers brushed against hers as I grabbed the top half of the stack and stood up. She followed suit with the rest of the books and thanked me again.

“Where would you like the books?” she sniffled, her pools of green burning a hole right through me.

“On my desk would be just fine.” I led the way, and we set the two piles side by side next to my computer. She caught sight of the photo in
The Hollywood Reporter,
and her breath hitched in her throat. She bit down on her lip and her eyelids fluttered.

“Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” I asked.

She nodded, still staring at the photo. “I think about that night a lot.”

“I do too.” Of how much I wanted her in my arms and her lips back on mine. Now that dream could be a reality. Dickwick was out of her life.

She pivoted on her heel. “Well, I’d better get back to my office. I want to prepare for the staff meeting. Oh, and I almost forgot. Thank you for that cactus plant. I got it this morning.”

“Just a little token of my appreciation.”
Of my affection.
We exchanged small smiles.

As I headed to my chair and she to the door, she spun around and asked me a question.

“Mr. Burns, one last thing. Do you know a producer by the name of Charles Palmer III?”

I stopped dead in my tracks and swallowed hard. “Very well. But he’s very difficult to connect with. Let me know if you hook up with him. I’d love to meet him.”

Another small smile curled up on her sweet lips. “I will. See you in a bit at the staff meeting.”

“Later,” I retorted and she disappeared.

Right now, I had to figure out my next move with Ms. Jennifer McCoy.

Back in my chair, I stared blankly at the photo in
The Hollywood Reporter
. No more Kitty, Kirstie, Kristie, or Keira. There was only one girl for me. Only one girl I longed to kiss. But how was I going to make her mine? Then like a meteorite, an idea crashed into my brain. I speed-dialed my best bud. Jaime Zander.

Chapter 14


he next couple of days were pure hell. While the mood in the office was festive because of the holidays, I was miserable.

The last thing I wanted to do was go to the company-wide Conquest Broadcasting Christmas Ball. I was still reeling from the aftershock of my breakup with Bradley. Most of my single co-workers were bringing dates. All I had to bring was a broken heart. Worst of all, the party was being held at Greystone Manor, the club where I’d celebrated my short-lived engagement just weeks ago. Hiding in my bed, I threw the covers over my head. From beneath them, I heard my door crack open and footsteps approaching. Libby.

“Come on, girlfriend. Get your ass out of bed and get ready.”

“Do I have to go?” I groaned, one eye peeking out from the duvet.

“The Christmas party will be good for you; you’ve got to get over being a victim.” Dressed in a black velvet mini-dress, Libby admired herself in my mirrored armoire as she clipped some sparkling earrings onto her lobes. “It was a blast last year. Mel Weiner from Finance got drunk and fucked a chair. They had to carry him out.”

Big whoop
. Seeing some fifty-old horny man getting off on an inanimate object was not my idea of fun. I had an excuse.

“I have nothing to wear.” Over the past week, I’d had neither the time nor inclination to shop for a new dress. And I’d forgotten to pick up Chaz’s perfect little black dress from the dry cleaner. While I had several gowns that I’d worn to Bradley’s—scratch that, Dickwick’s—dentist events hanging in my closet, I truthfully wanted to burn them. In fact, maybe that’s what I would do tonight. Yuletide party for one.

“Your fairy godmother has arrived.” At the sound of a familiar cheery, singsong voice, I bolted up to a sitting position. It was Chaz, Libby’s twin brother, dressed in outrageous black leather shorts, a red velvet blazer, and sparkling red high tops. Dangling from his hands were two monstrous Merry Christmas shopping bags with naked Santas dancing on them. He pranced into my room.

“What’s Chaz doing here?” I asked Libby.

date for the Xmas party. No party is a party without Chaz. Last year, he got everyone to do the ‘Hokey Pokey.’” She broke into the juvenile song and dance. “You put you both boobs in. You put your both boobs out. You put your both boobs in, and you shake them all about,” she belted out in her husky off-key voice. Without reserve, she shimmied her C-cup chest, and then we all turned ourselves around as she continued to croon.

Despite my doom and gloom mood, I burst into much needed laughter.

“My lovelies, just consider yourself lucky.” Chaz beamed. “And here are your Christmas presents from yours truly.” He handed us each a bag.

Libby squeed as she removed the contents of hers. “Oh, bro, it’s fabulous! I’m going to change!”

She held up the dress in front of her. It was one sexy number. A bandage-like red sequined strapless dress—custom-made for her curvy little body and wild vermilion hair.

Libby darted out of the bedroom with the dress draped over her arm.

“What are you waiting for, Jenny-Poo?” asked Chaz.

I frowned. “I don’t want to go.”

“Stop it. Nonsense. You’re going as my date. And that’s that. And you’re going to be the belle of the ball. Now, take a look-see at what’s inside the bag.”

Reluctantly, I reached inside the bag. Under layers of sparkly red tissue paper, a combination of silk, tulle, and sequins grazed my fingers. I removed the dress, laid it on the bed in front me, and gawked. It was dazzling. A strapless emerald green confection with a pouf of glittering layers of tulle that reminded me of the sprigs of an evergreen tree. A sparkling tulle wrap accompanied the dress along with a pair of matching green satin pumps.

“Oh my God! It’s beautiful.” There was no doubt in my mind that one day Chaz would be right up there with Marc Jacobs and Michael Kors.

With a wide Cheshire cat grin, Chaz gleefully clapped his fingertips together. “And it’s going to be even more beautiful on you. Now, my Cinderella, get ready before my Jeep transforms into a pumpkin.” He sashayed out of the bedroom.

I had no choice. I was going to the Christmas party. Libby was probably right. It would be good for me. To get out of my misery. To meet new people with the company. And to show my boss that I was a team player. As I stepped into the green dress, an unsettling thought crossed my head—would Blake be there with a date? I shivered. Without a doubt. With one of his blond bimbos.

All dressed up, I suppressed the disquieting thought and took a look at myself in my armoire mirror. I was actually startled. With the way I’d been looking and feeling over the last few days, I seriously didn’t think I could look this good. The dress fit me perfectly with the last layer of tulle grazing my mid thighs. The six-inch heels made my long legs look impossibly longer. With my contacts on, my eyes sparkled green—almost the same shade as the dress. My thick hair was gathered into a high ponytail, and on my ears, two cubic zirconia studs glittered like diamonds. I wrapped the tulle stole around my shoulders. I gave myself a little smile and my reflection smiled back. Cinderella was ready for the ball.

Chapter 15


he Conquest Broadcasting Christmas Ball was already in full swing by the time Libby, Chaz, and I got there. Techno music was blasting and the vast club was packed. It was hard to believe this many people worked for Conquest Broadcasting. In addition to the strobing disco balls, strings of colorful Christmas ornaments and glistening gold stars hung from the ceiling. The effect was dazzling. My eyes darted around the two-level nightclub. People were eating, drinking, socializing, and dancing. I recognized a few of my co-workers from SIN-TV. Even stoic Mrs. Cho was here. She looked fabulous in a gold lamé dress and was a dancing up a storm with an Asian man who must be her husband. Blake Burns, however, was nowhere in sight.

“Let’s go to the bar and get something to drink,” insisted party animal Libby.

“I’ll meet you there,” replied Chaz. “I’m going to the buffet for a bite to eat.” He sashayed away leaving me alone with Libby.

Libby grabbed me by the elbow. “Come on. Let’s go. Have a drink ticket ready.”

The company had issued each employee three drink tickets, a necessary precaution to prevent people from overdrinking. Thinking back to my embarrassing chocolatini spree back in Vegas, that was something I was definitely not going to do.

We wove through the crowd. The bar was packed three people deep.

“This is crazy,” grumbled Libby who wasn’t known for her patience. “I’m gonna check out the buffet and come back later.”

“I’m going to stick it out.” I really needed a drink. Being back at the club where I’d celebrated my engagement and kissed that beautiful stranger was making my stomach bubble with nerves. Moreover, the crowd was making me feel claustrophobic.

I inched closer to the bar. But some rude, aggressive types cut in front of me. From behind me, I heard a warm, familiar voice.

“Well, hello, Jennifer. Are you enjoying your first Conquest Christmas Ball?

I spun around. It was Blake’s father—Saul Bernstein, the head of Conquest Broadcasting. He was wearing an elegant pewter-gray suit and a bright red silk tie. Two recognizable women flanked him. On one side: his stunning wife, Helen, dressed to the nines in an elegant chartreuse silk sheath and a complement of sparkling diamonds, and her platinum hair swept up. On the other side: Blake’s octogenerian grandma, Muriel, in a silver-beaded dress that matched the color of her hair.

I plastered a smile on my face. “Yes, Mr. Bernstein, it’s a lot of fun.”
I just want to go home and crawl into bed.

“You look absolutely lovely, my dear,” breathed Mrs. Bernstein.

“Thank you. You do too.” She smiled graciously and thanked me for the compliment.

, have you seen
chimed in Grandma.

The mention of his name made my stomach turn and my heartbeat quicken.

“No,” I stuttered.

are you? Blind? He’s standing right over there.”

My eyes followed her sweeping hand gesture. My heart skipped a beat. There he was leaning against a doorway close to the table where I had kissed
man. He looked absolutely devastating—clad in a forest green velvet smoking jacket over a crisp white dress shirt and black bowtie, and his hair slicked back. His eyes connected with mine. Every nerve ending in my body flickered. My legs turned to jelly. And then, he signaled with his index finger for me to come over to him. His eyes burned a hole through me from across the room.

“Excuse me,” I stammered, my heart pitter-pattering.

BOOK: That Man 2
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