Sold To The Werewolf: A Wolf Shifter Biker Romantic Suspense (7 page)

BOOK: Sold To The Werewolf: A Wolf Shifter Biker Romantic Suspense
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! Jane wake up! Zare’s here! We’re going home!” Charlie bounced on Jane’s bed the next morning in happiness but Jane had spent a restless night and buried her head under the covers.

“Go back to bed, child. Sissy needs her beauty rest.” Her voice was muffled by the pillow.

“No, come on. Let’s pack and go home. Hurry!” Charlie tickled Jane’s ribs and she couldn’t resist him anymore.

She pulled the boy to her and hugged him close.

“You’re a terror, do you know that?” She kissed his head as she spoke, covering his face until he giggled and pulled away.

“I know but I want to go home now, Jane. It’s nice enough here but I miss Zare and Louisiana. I want to go home.” He settled in her arms and looked up at the ceiling.

“That’s what you really want?” She inquired, suddenly serious.

“Yes. When I get better I want to explore the swamp and learn to go out crawfishing, and to paint. I want to learn to paint the Bayou and the wildlife. And I want to do all of that with you and Zare.” He looked into his sister’s eyes, so like his own, and smiled sadly at her. “And you need Zare, Jane. He makes you smile so much. You haven’t smiled like you smile when he’s around since we left Louisiana. You need to smile like that more often and only Zare can do that.”

Jane thought about his words for a moment then pushed him away.

“Alright then, sport, go get your things packed. Let me get dressed and then we’ll get ready to go home.”

Jane talked with Zare and they made plans to leave. They left the house around midday after Jane called the landlord and they packed up the cars. Zare promised her car would be brought back to Louisiana, along with the things she wanted to bring back that were too big or bulky to get on the plane. Then they were on the plane, speeding back to their home. Jane hoped it was the beginning of a new life. One that would have to be hidden for a little while but hopefully not for long. She needed more than a hidden life and Charlie deserved more than that. Looking over at Zare she hoped he kept his promise to keep them safe.

Jane fell asleep on the plane, somehow slept through Zare carrying her out of the plane and to the car, through the car ride home, and then into the house stealthily. It was late and the house was quiet. Jane only woke up when she felt Zare letting her down onto the bed. Jane wrapped her arms around his neck and tried to pull him close, the sensation of his body pressed to hers far too tempting.

“No, you need to be sure about that, Jane. You’re still asleep.” He murmured the words against her ear, his voice shaking as he spoke.

“No, stay.” She urged, wrapping her legs around his waist as she moved her head to capture his lips.

She felt him relax against her body as her tongue prodded his lips and her hands pulled at the buttoned shirt he wore. She wanted nothing more in that moment than to feel his skin and when she found his warm flesh she moaned into his now open mouth. Their tongues tangled as he pressed into her, making her crave him even more.

With a sudden fierceness Zare moved, pulling her pants away as he slid his hand between her thighs, needing to touch her, to be inside of her even if it was only his fingers that got that privilege. They moved together as his fingers fucked her, his tongue teasing hers in a copycat rhythm of his fingers buried in her hot depths.

Jane broke away, her panting breaths now evident as she begged for more. Zare moved away and they each tore at their own clothes as weeks of pent up sexual frustration forced them to act quickly. Jane finished first and climbed onto Zare’s lap, his pants gone but his shirt only unbuttoned. She didn’t care as she sank onto his hard cock, filling herself with the long length of his thick member.

“Fuck yes!” She cried out as he stretched her depths, opening her wide for his invasion.

Her legs wrapped around his silky waist, their bodies joined tightly together as he bit into her neck and her breasts rasped against his chest hair. Zare held her hips as she rode him, letting her set the pace she needed. He was only happy to be inside of her, to be surrounded with her smooth skin and intoxicating scent once more. He could feel the pleasure building, working to a breaking point that he wouldn’t let loose, not until Jane had found her own moment.

They clung together, sitting up in the bed, closer somehow than they’d ever been before as Jane moved away to stare into his eyes. Zare gasped as he watched her hazel eyes start to turn a bright yellow as her pleasure grew and her breath started to come in tiny gasps. He saw them flare into a darker shade of yellow suddenly and felt her contracting around his hardness. He lost sight of her eyes as she threw her head back in a quiet moan of drawn out pleasure.

Zare felt a powerful wave of love washing over him as he realized she truly was his mate for life now and let himself go, flooding her with his passion as they echoed their pleasure in low moans. He held her as her movements stilled, his arousal still hard within her. He didn’t know how that could be but decided to take advantage of it.

He moved Jane, flipping her around so quickly it made her giggle, and found her wetness once more. He slowly slid into her, watching as her eyes closed for a moment as she took in the sensation of his entry. When she opened them once more Zare saw their yellow irises and smiled down at her. She obviously didn’t know yet but he’d tell her later. For now he wanted to lose himself in her once more.

When they were done he carried Jane into the bathroom and washed her in the shower. Jane still wasn’t done, however, and knelt in the spraying hot water to take him in her hand. She tasted him, clean from the shower, and sucked the head of his cock into her mouth. Zare groaned and fell back against the shower. He braced himself as he leaned into her once more, hoping she’d take him deeper into her mouth.

Jane didn’t disappoint and sucked him deep down her throat, swallowing him until he felt her throat muscles massaging him. He gasped and tried not to move, wanting to let her take her time, direct what happened.

Jane felt a sense of power over him as he moaned, and even whimpered, as she sucked him, and licked him. Her tongue played along his long length, discovering every ride of his flesh once more. She loved sucking his cock and she’d missed the feel of the springy flesh of the head against her teeth. She nipped at it now and moaned in pleasure as his fingers dug into her wet hair.

With the spray of the shower pelting her face Jane went back to sucking her husband off, using her hand to masturbate him as she fucked him with her face. Her speed increased and his legs turned to stone, his stomach trembling as his pleasure grew.

“Jane, I’m going to come! I can’t stop it.” He ground out as she bore down on him once more, wanting him to come between her lips. She wanted to feel his hot cum in her throat, wanted to feel him pulsing against her teeth. She wanted to eat her shifter mate's seed as she sucked him deep.

Zare let her take his first few shots in her mouth but pulled away, wanting to come against her lips, to see it dripping from her mouth. He held his cock against her chin, pointing at her lips as his body jerked with each shot. Soon her lips were covered in his sperm and he smiled down into her challenging yellow eyes.

“I don’t think I can do that again tonight.” He said, exhaustion taking its toll.

“Oh, we can have a nap but I haven’t fucked you properly for weeks now baby. You’re only getting a nap!” Jane teased him as she stood up from the shower floor and wrapped herself in a towel. “I’m not nearly finished with you yet.”

Zare hoped he could keep up and staggered into the bedroom with her, hoping for a few hours before she woke him up for another round.

hey came
out of their bedroom two days later and Jane found Charlie sitting on the couch, looking terrified and sick. Jane went to him immediately and felt his forehead. His skin was flushed and he felt warm.

“What’s wrong baby boy?” She asked him.

“I’m scared, Jane. The lymph nodes under my arms are swollen again and they hurt.”

Jane felt a piercing pang of terror slice through her chest. She hugged him close and realized she could smell something odd from his skin, a sick smell that made her stomach turn.

“Zare!” She called out as loud as she dared, two fears now plaguing her, why could she smell Charlie’s sickness and why was he ill again?

Zare came out and knew what was up the moment he spotted Charlie and Jane’s terrified faces. It was time to have a talk with them.

“Jane, Charlie, we all know what’s happening here. Unfortunately I suspect this is going to keep happening. I can smell the cancer in him now too. I assume you can as well Jane?” He sat down in a chair opposite them and looked at his wife.

“Yes! Why can I smell it?” She had an idea why but wanted his confirmation.

“The baby. Sometimes human women can be turned by their unborn children. Our child will be a shifter and her blood is mixing with yours. That’s turned you.” He watched her face but saw only relief there.

“Well, that makes sense. So I’ll be like you now?”

“Yes, and I’ll teach you how to control it, what you need to do to survive, everything that goes along with it. Right now, it’s important that we sort out young Charlie here.” Zare looked at the boy pointedly.

“What do you mean? Change him? Charlie, do you know what that means?” Jane looked down at the young boy and knew it was a decision only he could make.

“Will I ever get sick again?” That was his first question. His only question.

“No, not like humans do. You’ll never catch a human disease, or spread one, but there are some things that can make you ill. They’re all things found far away from America though and we can go over those later. Right now I need to know what you want to do.”

“How long will we live?” Jane interrupted.

“I’m in my 70s.” Zare paused as they gasped and looked at him with new eyes. “We can live to be over 100 years old, some have lived beyond 300.”

That took a moment for them to absorb but Zare saw Charlie grin before he spoke once more.

“I want to be like you.” Just that quickly the boy made up his mind. He wanted far more out of life than what he was promised at the moment and Zare offered him that life. He decided to take it with both hands.

“Let me see your wrist.”

Charlie held out his hand and Zare used a clean knife to make a small nick in the boys flesh. He did the same with his own wrist and held it to the child’s. That easily, Charlie went from being a very ill little boy to one that was rapidly healing.

Jane was amazed to see the flush leaving Charlie’s skin and a healthy glow replace it. Within an hour the boy was tearing around the apartment full of energy he hadn’t had in months.

“Does this mean we’re stronger too?” Charlie asked excitedly as he ran around the apartment once more.

“Yes, you’ll be stronger than others your age.”

“Awesome!” The boy called out as he finally settled on the couch, the burst of energy now under control. “I can help protect Jane then.”

Charlie’s somber words sobered them all up and they looked at each other. Their trials weren’t over yet. One major hurdle had just been passed but there were still more to get through before they could all breath easily.

Zare moved over to Jane and leaned into her ear to whisper to her.

“Oh, about the birth of the baby. A lot of human and wolf mothers find the birth of their children far unlike the birth of human children. Some even find it incredibly pleasurable.”

Jane looked at him in shock but then smiled. This being a shifter thing was going to take some getting used to.


he hidden apartment
was starting to chafe with the confinement of Charlie and Jane as months went by and the threat didn’t abate. People had reacted with disbelief at the revelation of the shifter world but were now starting to accept the news as fact. This didn’t stop The Faction wanting to take out Zare as the Alpha, nor did it alleviate the threat to Jane as his wife.

Zare provided for the pair well but the months flowed past, Jane’s pregnancy growing daily, until she became moody and short with everybody in the hidden apartment with her. Poor Charlie couldn’t escape the apartment so found ways to try to amuse her or distract her from her anger over being confined.

“Are you sure we aren’t tigers, Zare?” Charlie whispered to Zare one day.

“Quite sure, Charlie, why?” Zare put down his tablet for a moment and looked at Charlie curiously.

“Because Jane’s like a caged tiger, prowling around her cage.” Charlie looked over at his sister, pacing between her bedroom and the living room. They both felt their eyes widen as Jane actually growled.

“Hm. Luckily, I think tonight will be the last night of your confinement. She’s at the end of her rope.”

“Really? We can go outside soon?” Charlie’s excitement was evident in the huge grin that showcased one crooked tooth in a row of straight ones.

Zare laughed and ruffled the boy’s hair. “Yes, I do believe you can. I’ll be gone for the night but I’ll be back tomorrow. Let me talk to your sister.”

Charlie ran into his room to read a comic book while Zare talked with Jane.

“Be very careful, darling.” She murmured as she cradled his head to her chest. “Take them out, but be careful.”

A year ago those words would have never passed her lips. But that was before an attempted rape, an abduction and beating, murder, and months of hiding. The reality was those people were never going to leave them in peace, leave the world in peace. They had to be dealt with.

Zare hugged his wife and left the concealment of his apartment. Many of the family and staff assumed Zare spent so much time confined in his bedroom because his wife had left him and he hadn’t quite got over it. Others wondered about his disappearances but none dared disturb him when he was in his private domain. He slipped through the secret door into his room and changed his clothing, preparing for the battle to come.

He and the clan were determined to change their world, just as much as they’d changed the human world. This mission was going through with the help of several government agencies, and the illegal trade he and the family were part of had stopped. Zare no longer had to provide for hundreds of family members in hiding. They could now go out and work so there was no reason to keep up the illegal activities to provide for them. Zare was, in fact, working with the authorities to break up the supply chain.

An hour later, Zare, some of his crew, and the government task force crew were in place around a house in Houma, Louisiana, waiting to see if the leader of The Faction was in the house.

It had been agreed that none of the conspirators were going to leave the house alive. There weren’t any children in the house, they’d already confirmed that, so the house was going to be demolished, the people inside obliterated. In exchange for the government cooperation Zare and his crew got out of the drug trade and turned over their contacts in Mexico.

Zare heard a faint purr, a sound not out of place in the swamp but at that pitch, it was the signal to move in and start placing the charges. Zare would have preferred taking out his enemies with his own hands but he was determined that none of the conspirators would escape. He wanted this over and done with. The fear ended tonight!

Setting the charge on one of the pylons under the house Zare stepped away stealthily, back to the cover of the cypress trees. He could see moving shadows swooping back to their spots in the swamp as he finished the countdown in his head. Brent’s mother and her followers were living their last moments. A small twinge of guilt pierced at Zare’s heart but he stomped it down with the image of Jane when he’d pulled her out of the room, her face broken, her body bruised, her spirit cowed. Never again.

Zare whistled low and quiet as he continued the count in his head. He reached the end of the cycle and held his breath, waiting for the moment when his world changed. The night was suddenly lit by orange flames and the shaking violence of combusting explosives.

“Fucking hell. Nobody’s getting out of that alive!” Zare spoke to himself as the house was turned into splinters of wood and tiny shards of glass. Satisfaction made him hum deep in his chest. He identified the feeling as happiness.

Zare hung around long enough to ensure that all of the conspirators were somehow accounted for then went home. It was time to bring his wife and her brother out into the light, even if that was only moonlight for the moment.

He walked into the apartment and saw his wife asleep on the couch. He went into Charlie’s room and saw the boy sitting on his bed, drawing a rather complicated pattern called a zentangle, and moved to get his attention.

“It’s done?” Charlie asked, his young eyes far more solemn than they should be.

“Let’s go outside, Charlie.” Zare said with happiness and a sense of pride.

They went to the living room together and woke Jane on the couch. The months of enforced quiet and soberness were apparent as Jane and Charlie walked out quietly, not speaking, as they left the house and walked into the night.

Jane held her face up to the moonlight, inhaling the fresh scent of swamp as the wind blew gently over her body.

“Oh my. I thought I’d never feel that again.” Jane placed her hand on her stomach as she enjoyed the simple peace of being outside.

“I’m sorry it took so long Jane. But it’s over now. Never again will you have to hide in those rooms.” Zare promised.

“Oh, I don’t know, Zare. It’s the perfect place to escape to isn’t it?” She turned to him with a smile, her world now finally something near perfect.

“I suppose it is. Want to walk?” He looked at her with some concern, her pregnancy couldn’t go on much longer and he didn’t want to harm her or tire her out.

“That would be perfect, Zare.” She took his arm and they walked along the driveway then down to the edge of the river. She sat on a chair on the dock and looked out over the river. Charlie’s high-pitched squeal of joy as he ran along the riverbank made her heart melt. He was healthy now, a bit pale from being inside, but he was absolutely healthy now. Perfectly healthy. “Perfect.”

hree days
later Jane presented Arielle Loralai Mallack to the world, a beautiful little girl with her father’s black eyes and her mother’s beautiful grin. Jane stared down at her daughter in the bed beside her and was glad she’d chosen a home birth. She was in her home, with her family and friends, and she didn’t have to listen to machines beeping.

She shifted as Dodie came in, and knocked over a dusty leather book from her nightstand. Dodie bent to pick the volume up and looked at it curiously.

“What’s this?” She asked putting the volume back on the nightstand.

“It’s Zare’s great-grandmother’s diary. She was one of the Casket Girls, the girls brought over from France as brides for the men in Louisiana. I found it just before I left the apartment. It’s really enlightening and reveals some of Zare’s family history.”

“Wow! That is awesome! So shifter, huh? And you’re one now?” Dodie asked, looking at Jane to ensure her friend was truly happy with her life.

“Yes. You keep dating that cousin of Zare’s and you might be as well.” Jane said, her eyes sparkling with a cheeky grin.

“You never know, huh? So much has happened this year, Jane. It’s crazy, isn’t it?” Dodie asked, sitting on the edge of the bed to pick up Jane’s daughter.

“I almost lost hope, Dodie, I really did. You got me through the roughest part. Then Zare came along and the world just exploded. But yeah. The world is good now, for me at least.”

“I’m glad I could be there for you. So, about this pleasure during birth thing?” Dodie giggled and looked at Jane with teasing glee.

“Seriously, you have to experience that, Dodie! It is the most incredible thing in the world.” Jane giggled too, her cheeks turning red.

“Is it sexual?” Dodie asked, curious.

“Not really, it’s just the most pleasurable, peaceful, and joyous moment of your life. I’ve heard horror stories about human birth and some really great stories about how awesome it is, but I wouldn’t change my experience for anything.

“Perfect, was it?” Dodie cooed at Arielle as Jane watched them with satisfaction.

“Like most things lately, it was downright perfect.”

The End

BOOK: Sold To The Werewolf: A Wolf Shifter Biker Romantic Suspense
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