Sold To The Werewolf: A Wolf Shifter Biker Romantic Suspense (2 page)

BOOK: Sold To The Werewolf: A Wolf Shifter Biker Romantic Suspense
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ane and Dodie
sat in the front of her trailer, a cheap table and umbrella protecting them from the sun, and watched Charlie climbing onto the bus. A trailer, she was living in a trailer. With her little brother. Jane wanted to hang her head in shame.

“You know, when I was little I always dreamed about having one of those houses on the right side of the Bayou. One of those giant contraptions on stilts made of cypress with lots of windows. I’d marry a blonde god, with a compassionate nature, a partner, who supported me in all things as we produced the requisite number of children and went to church functions or something. You know, that cookie cutter life that the women on this side dream about but never quite comes true?” She looked over at Dodie as she sipped her coffee.

“I know, Cher. Some of us get it on this side, we manage to cross over the Bayou, but not all of us. I won’t be going to that side any time soon.” Dodie was a lesbian, which wasn’t a problem, but there weren’t many in our small town. She’d avoided college and worked as a care assistant for an elderly man. She was good at her job and planned to go to nursing school but hadn’t done so yet. She insisted she’d give Mr. Cavalier her time until it was his time then she’d go to school.

“I don’t know what to do. Apparently I’ve wasted my time with this degree. I only have a few more months then I have to start paying back those loans I took out.” Jane mused. “I’m just going to have to take whatever comes along. That $800 is gone now.”

“There’s always welfare, Cher.” Dodie advised, not looking at Jane.

“I’m going to get what I can for Charlie, at least the medical part. I don’t know about the rest of it. I don’t know if I could ever walk out the door again if I had to get welfare.” Jane had her pride, after all.

“Honey, you think some of those women on that side of the Bayou don’t go shopping until it’s late so their friends won’t see their EBT cards? It’s part of life now, sometimes you got to take the hand that’s offered you, like it or not.” Dodie said sternly but with care. “Welfare isn’t nothing to be ashamed of, as long as you don’t make it a way of life. You need help, take it.”

Jane agreed but it still stung. She’d grown up poor, with that stigma. Even though they’d worn school uniforms, the kids had still somehow known her uniforms were either secondhand or cheap. Jane couldn’t tell the difference but the other kids could. She didn’t want that for Charlie.

“Maybe something will turn up soon.” Jane said, going back in for more coffee. “You got us a place to live, after all, that’s our own.”

Jane saw Dodie smile as she took the other woman’s coffee cup to refill it. The trailer was old, probably early 80s, Jane still didn’t know, and had a smell of old carpet and cigarettes long since burned away. The walls were still standing though and the plumbing worked. Best of all, it was only $200 a month and sat on a private lot. She didn’t have nosy neighbors or a nagging landlord to deal with. The property owner was a friend of Dodie’s that lived in the northern part of Louisiana now. Jane just sent the money to them online and that was that.

Now she just needed a job. The online fundraiser had only raised enough to keep Jane and Charlie fed. Jane guessed orphaned children, especially when one of them was grown, just didn’t raise much interest now. She took the cups back outside after refilling them and sat down next to Dodie.

“There is one place I know of. It’s a little rough, a biker bar, but a friend of mine works over there and she comes home with stacks of money.” Dodie finally said after a long silence.

“A bar? Would that mean I have to dress like a tramp and show my tits to strange men?” Jane quipped jokingly.

“Oh no, you dress however you want to and you have to take the upper hand with those people. But you’d make enough for the bills.” Dodie said, not looking at her friend.

“Where is it?” Jane finally asked after her own silence.

“I’ll take you over at lunchtime if you want.”

“I have to, don’t I? If nothing else it will tide us over until I can find something I won’t have to get groped at.” Jane sighed deeply and put her pride away. It was for Charlie.

ane got
the job and started working that same night. Charlie went over to Dodie’s house, the two planned a night of video games and car racing movies. Jane was just glad to have someone she trusted to take care of her little brother while she worked. Dodie worked in the mornings usually and she’d insisted on keeping Charlie for nothing. Jane couldn’t beat that deal but planned on offering her friend a nice dinner when she could afford to take her out.

Jane pulled into the gravel driveway of the worn down building with plywood over the windows. It was a little ways out of town and most people didn’t even know it existed. The paint on the wooden structure looked as though one too many hurricanes had passed without it being repainted and Jane wasn’t sure but she thought the building had been white. A small sign over the top of the door proclaimed it to be Tommy T’s Place but other than that there was no light, no beer signs, or anything else to give it away as a bar. Only a long line of motorcycles and pickup trucks gave away the fact that people were inside the place. The thumping sound of music was also a clue but not many paid attention to it.

Jane took a deep breath, reminding herself that Charlie was at home, in need of new shoes for gym class, and they were low on groceries. She told herself this was only temporary, not forever. Taking one more deep breath she took the key out of the engine and opened the door.

Jane got out of her car and slung her handbag over her shoulder. Pulling her cutoff denim shorts a little lower on her thighs she wished she’d worn something besides the black tank top she had on. She’d tried to dress to match the women she’d seen in the bar but this wasn’t normal attire. This is what she’d wear to fishing or something. You couldn’t show up to a bar in a suit, though, could you, she told herself.

Squaring her shoulders, her long hair loose around her shoulders, Jane walked into the place and flinched as the powerful speakers blasted her with a deep bass of a classic rock song. She knew she was going to need something for a headache within the hour. She looked around the place as the door closed behind her. Burly, bearded men in black leather played pool at the six tables setup on one side of the bar, others sat at tables talking or at the bar staring into their drinks quietly. Jane saw the man that had hired her earlier that day and walked behind the bar.

“Right, until you get your license, which is needed in the state of Louisiana to serve liquor, you’re just going to have to watch. We’ll send you tomorrow for that license. Tonight, just watch and you can take orders to the kitchen.” The bar served a few snacks, nothing complicated, and Tony, the owner, gave her the menu.

“Look that over for now, learn what we have, what we don’t have, and watch.” Tony, a man well over six feet tall with light brown skin and gentle brown eyes, should have been scary but he wasn’t, he was rather gentle in fact. He’d handed her the menu and Jane looked it over as instructed. “Any questions?”

“Yeah, why’s it called Tommy’s if your name is Tony?” Jane asked, a perplexed look making her beautiful heart shaped face look cuter than it already was.

“Beautiful and observant!” Tony cried with a laugh. “Tommy was my dad, I inherited the bar from him.”

“Oh, cool!” Jane said as she shook her head. “That’s great!”

Tony went off to take an order and Jane spent the night taking orders for drinks and food. None of the men bothered her but they tipped well and Jane was trying not to go digging in her pockets to count her tips when a tall man walked in that caught her attention. In fact, everyone in the bar turned to look at him before going back to whatever they were doing, but at a quieter level.

“Who’s he?” Jane asked Tony as the owner walked by for a beer in another cooler.

“That’s Zare. Leave him to me tonight.” Tony said looking put out.

“Alright.” Jane agreed but watched the man.

Powerfully built with long black hair pulled back into a bun, the man had a powerful physique that his tight t-shirt and jeans displayed perfectly. He was a handsome fellow whose mere presence drew your attention. Black motorcycle boots made his steps heavy and Jane could have sworn she felt the steps in the floor as he went to an empty table, a vibration that went straight up her legs to places best not thought about. Jane couldn’t look away from the man and as he sat down his gaze caught Jane’s.

Were his eyes black? Holy shit! Jane took a step back, the powerful man exuding something that drew Jane to him, even though he was far from the type of man she’d want. Her blonde god or a poetic Shelly type with curly light brown hair and sensitive eyes. Nope this mountain of manmeat was hard, his eyes even harder. She wanted the kind of guy this man ate for lunch. She looked away, telling herself he wasn’t for her. But something intrigued her and she kept catching herself looking at him throughout the night. Jane watched as the few women in the bar flocked around the man and Jane tried not to feel a spark of jealousy when he invited some of them to sit down with him over the coming days.

He never invited her to sit with him, only gave his order and went back to whatever he’d been doing. That was fine with Jane, she was afraid of saying something stupid to the incredibly sexy man anyway. The days turned into a week and Jane was left on her own at last, a license in hand and a book with recipes on the bar. She’d gone from dropping orders and bottles to a fairly decent waitress over the first days and was learning how to deal with the patrons of the bar as the bartender. Jane did a lot of observing in the first couple of weeks, keeping her head down and not making any waves with anyone, including the other staff members. She saw some of the other women disappearing in the back with a man every now and then, only to come back with the man adjusting his pants. Jane didn’t ask, she knew what was going on.

Her observations showed her this wasn’t a place she wanted to still be working at a year from now. Zare might be sexy as sin and filling her dreams at night but he wasn’t the kind of man she wanted. He was the head of a biker gang, for goodness sake! Jane felt out of place with him, with the other brash and brazen bar staff. She wasn’t loud, she wasn’t overtly sexual, she was just herself, and that often meant quiet.

She brought home enough in tips to keep her and Charlie going but she’d still signed him up for Louisiana’s version of Medicaid and they lived on a thin wire between being broke and not being broke. That’s when fate stepped in again to kick Jane in the teeth once more.

Her car had been giving her problems for the last few days now and when she left work that evening it wouldn’t start at all. Business hadn’t been so great that night and now her car wouldn’t start. Her tips would pay the rent but that was it, there was no money for a tow or car repairs, or even to call someone out to see if a jump would start the damned car. She’d call Dodie but that meant getting Charlie out and it was after one in the morning. She hung her head on the steering wheel, her arms cushioning her face and tried not to cry as a tap came at her window.

She looked up to see Zare standing there.

“Need some help?”

That’s when a desperate plan formed in her brain, a plan to keep her and Charlie ticking over. She gave an inviting smile and rolled the window down.

“I think I might. My car won’t start and I’m all but broke. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about cars would you?” She asked, leaving the smile in place.

“Oh, a thing or two yeah, Cher. Crank it, let’s see what it's doing.”

She turned the key and nothing happened at all. It didn’t even click.

“Ah, your battery is dead, Cher. That’s not going to be a cheap replacement.” He looked pained for a moment.

I’d sworn I wasn’t going to do this, that I was above this, but I knew where this was headed and I didn’t step away. Part of that was just plain old attraction, some of it was curiosity, but a lot of it was desperation. Jane stepped out of the car, letting Zare get a good look down the slinky top she had on, a silky red number cut low.

“I don’t suppose you could help me out?” She asked, letting her hand reach out to trail down his chest.

He looked stunned for a moment, then for a fleeting moment disappointed, before his face went back to its usual blank mask.

“I think I might, you got a place in mind?” He asked, his voice stony.

Jane stepped back, learning against the car.

“Have you?” Her nerves made her voice shake but she held her head high, defying her own fear and the emotions she tried not to identify as shame as he took her hand.


e led
her to the back of the bar, to a porch where the bar held barbecues on the long summer weekends, to an outdoor couch with cushions. Jane looked around and saw there was nobody around, they were totally alone. She wanted to back out, she wanted to run to the road and just start walking home, trusting that the money would show up somewhere, but part of her wanted to do this.

A part of her that had never taken a real risk in high school or college wanted her to finally break free and do something just for herself. Jane didn’t know if she was just trying to convince herself to do this or not but suddenly she wanted to be naked with this man and do some of the things she’d experimented with in college. She’d had sex before, but never like this, never so brazenly or for money. She’d had sex with her college boyfriend, furtive couplings in her dorm room late at night, but not very often and not very satisfactorily. He’d said she wasn’t very good at it and she believed him. Now she was about to do it for money, she decided she’d try some of the things she’d seen in some of the adult movies she’d snuck and watched late at night.

Jane felt her hand, warm in his, and chewed at her bottom lip for a moment. What was she about to do? Her sanity tried to return for a moment but she smothered it down, focusing on his full lips instead. They were almost hidden in his neatly trimmed beard and moustache, but she could see them when he talked or smile. A lush red color and smooth looking, his lips had drawn her attention a lot too.

Zare sat her on the couch and sat down beside of her. She felt him beside of her but had no idea what to say to him. What do you say to a man you’re about to fuck for money? Nice night?

She took a deep breath and Zare must have guessed she had no clue what she was doing because he pulled her around, pulling her to his chest as his lips came down to hers. It wasn’t a rough movement, it was actually quite romantic in a way, and Jane smiled, relief filling her. He wasn’t going to be rough with her.

She felt her pulse skyrocket when his lips grazed hers, the rough hair of his moustache and beard tickling her face as she sought out his lips. Then they were together and she inhaled deeply, smelling the scotch he’d been drinking earlier on his breath. It gave her a warm feeling that soon pooled low in her stomach. Jane finished twisting and straddled the man, leaning down to kiss him once more.

He was a very good kisser, tantalizing her with his teasing tongue as his hands went up to her waist, to the flirty black and red skirt she wore. It barely covered her bottom but Dodie had insisted it would bring her more tips. That hadn’t worked tonight but she had a feeling the two dollars she’d paid for it in a charity shop would turn out to be a good investment.

“I’ve been watching this skirt all night, floating around that pert ass of yours. I was hoping you’d bend over and flash me your panties but you didn’t.” He rasped out before he pressed his lips back to hers.

Jane felt a power in that moment, a control she hadn’t felt before. He’d wanted to see her panties, watched her all night waiting for it. She felt a sexual thrill knowing that and giggled. Her giggle turned into a moan, however, when he thrust up between her thighs, his erection pressing into her. Oh that wasn’t playing at all.

Jane pressed down into him and moved back to look into his eyes. They were black. She thought maybe they were just dark brown or blue but they were actually black. She could see the orbs clearly in the moonlight. She’d never seen black eyes before but his were beautiful depths of hidden emotions. Jane let her body take over then and stopped thinking, determined to make the most of this.

She leaned back, pressing her barely covered breasts into his face. She wasn’t a tiny girl and her breasts matched her body. Zare stared at her for a heartbeat and then his large hands moved up her back and around to cup her globes. His thumbs stroked over the area where her nipples were and she felt his touch even through the padding that hid her nipples from view.

Jane felt her back arch even more and longed to feel his lips on the tight tips, wondering if his facial hair would tickle or arouse her even more. She soon found out as he undid the buttons of the top and moved the cups of her black bra out of the way. Zare pushed her breasts together and used his tongue to moisten the tips before sucking both into his mouth. She felt his straight white teeth scraping the buds and Jane moaned loudly, a bolt of pleasure zinging right down to the dark area between her legs.

She felt Zare thrust up into her heat once more, and thought she’d explode there and then. Fifteen minutes ago she’d had no idea this is where she would be but she wouldn’t change where she was for anything. There was a magnetism about the man, something that drew her and made her want to throw caution to the wind. He’d barely started to touch her and she was already near something she’d never experienced with a man before. On her own but never with a man.

Jane rotated her hips, pressing into Zare as he dragged his lips across her nipples, pulling them taut before letting them go. Jane moaned in protest but he went right back to them, his teeth rasping at the tender flesh once more. She wasn’t sure which was better, his teeth scraping her nipples or his lips sucking them. She didn’t care particularly; she was just enjoying riding the hard length of flesh pressing into her tender flesh below.

Zare started to suckle at her once more, his lips and teeth working together, and Jane’s breaths soon turned into pants as she writhed on him. Her breath stopped when she heard a deep growl low in his chest, a sound of satisfaction and pride, an encouragement that tipped her over the edge of sanity and deep into a place of pulsing pleasure and strokes of red lights.

She held on to Zare’s shoulders as her body convulsed, her pleasure unlike anything she’d ever felt before. She ignored the throbbing red light as some weird manifestation of squeezing her eyes shut, unimportant when she was coming so hard, she felt as though her body was turning inside out.

are stared
up into the younger woman’s face. He knew she was young but old enough to work in a bar so old enough for sex. He’d watched her over the days, going from a fumbling newbie to a more in control bartender and waitress. She’d caught his eye, not just because she was beautiful but because she seemed so innocent. She didn’t seem like the kind of girl who’d come to work in a place like this bar. She belonged in some lawyer’s office, not behind a bar.

He’d developed a soft spot for the quiet woman and a fascination with her. All those times she thought he hadn’t seen her watching him he’d known. He’d felt her gaze and a part of him had yearned for her. But she wasn’t the rough and tumble kind he was used to. Maybe she was exactly what he needed at the moment.

When he’d seen her in her car on the verge of tears he’d wanted to help her. Her face when she’d looked out at him had torn at his heart. She was such a good girl, she avoided the alcohol on hand, she side-stepped the pills and drugs offered to her, and he’d never once seen her going in the back with a man as the other women did. She was a good girl, she didn’t belong here. That didn’t stop him from wanting her in his bed.

When she’d made her offer Zare had felt disappointment, a pain in his chest, but he wasn’t about to turn the opportunity down. She’d filled his dreams, even when he’d taken another woman home with him, and he wasn’t going to pass up what she offered. Part of him told him to turn it down, to just give her the money he could easily afford to give away, but he couldn’t. He needed to touch her. To taste her.

Now she was coming apart in his arms and he watched as a red mist flowed from his skin to hers, marking her invisibly with his stamp. Zare watched, fascinated as his wolf claimed the girl, the woman, in his arms. He didn’t know this could happen but he knew what it was. He was a wolf shifter after all, weird shit happened. And his wolf had just claimed a woman. Whether he’d planned it or not, she was in fact what he’d been looking for.

Zare kept his thoughts to himself, as usual, letting the woman in his arms have her moment of pleasure. He ached to be inside of her though and wondered if she’d let him. He didn’t have a condom with him. He knew he couldn’t give her anything, he was a wolf shifter, they were immune to human diseases, but she didn’t know that.

He could feel her moist heat even through the denim of his jeans and her panties. He let his head fall back as her sighs and moans turned to heavy breathing and her body stopped vibrating in his arms. The night was cool but a fine sheen of sweat gleamed on her skin as his hands rubbed down her back, soothing her as she came down.

Then she moved, kneeling up to pull at his jeans, tugging down the zipper as she pushed at his pants. His cock sprang free, hard and thick, the long length pulsing in her hand. Zare’s gaze flew to her face, a question in his eyes as she sank down onto him, ignoring his face. Her moan of pleasure as deep, guttural, something he’d not heard from a woman before. She’d truly given herself over to this moment.

Zare stopped thinking when he felt her bare labia opening for him, the panties somehow disappearing as she sank slickly down his shaft. He’d wanted her desperately, dreamed about her, wanted to know what she’d feel like clamped around him. The reality was far better than the fantasy. They moved together and quickly Jane was pulsing around him once more, her inner muscles milking him hard as she came apart in his arms once more. Zare let his own restraint go and joined her, the silken moist heat of her pussy far too much pleasure to ignore.

Zare gave a short shout as his body exploded, his cock pulsing inside of Jane as his fluids left his body, filling her deep and hard. Jane’s body was still pulsing around him, her cries peaking once more as he filled her and Zare knew this was not going to be the last time, even if she did ask for money.

He held her as their bodies calmed, kissing her hair and her face as her breathing evened out. He offered to drive her home if she was ready to go and she accepted. She didn’t ask for a dime as she got off of the bike and walked into the house, a slight wobble to her knees. Zare smiled a smile of pride and happiness. She’d do just fine.

ane woke
the next morning in a daze. She hadn’t been able to ask him for money, the experience had just been too good to ruin with dirty talk of money. She’d find a way, even if she had to walk to work. She needn’t have worried because her car was in her driveway when she got up, the keys in the seat. She went out with a huge smile on her face and found the car started right up. Zare had taken care of it then. She hid her smile as she went back into the house. She didn’t know what any of this meant but she kind of liked it. Even if Zare wasn’t the yuppie she’d always dreamed of.

Jane told herself not to jump the gun as she looked down at the single red rose she’d found in the passenger seat and walked through her home to wake up Charlie. She was still in a haze of happiness as she sat on the little boy’s bed and stroked his hair to wake him gently. He was covered from head to toe with a light blue comforter and Jane leaned down to kiss his head as he came awake.

“Come on, little brother. Time to wake up.” She teased him, laughing as he pushed her away. Then he groaned. "What’s the matter lovey?”

“I don’t feel good, sis. I really don’t.” He stayed on his side, facing the wall. Charlie was getting to that age where fake tummy aches came along with a more independent nature but this morning Charlie didn’t push her away and he wasn’t the type to fake being ill, he liked school and being with his friends. Especially since their parents died, he’d been really good about going to school without complaint.

Jane reached down to his forehead and finally noticed how warm he felt. She sat up in the bed, concern her most immediate response.

“What else is wrong, Charlie?” She asked, not sure what to do for him yet. Maybe he just had a bug?

“My arm hurts. It hurts real bad.” He said pitifully.

“Can you sit up for me?” She prompted, still stroking his hair.

She saw his cheeks were rosy but his short sleeved pajama top didn’t reveal why his arm was hurting. She couldn’t see anything but Charlie wasn’t a complainer. He was ill if he said he was ill. She hugged him then told him to get dressed and she’d take him to see the doctor. Jane was very glad in that moment that she’d signed him up for LA Chip and that Zare had fixed her car.

She drove him in to the doctor, Jane’s own pediatrician, who took one look at the child and told her to get him to the hospital.

“But what’s wrong with him?” She asked, panicking.

“I don’t know for sure but let’s just eliminate a few things. I can’t do the tests here but they can at the hospital. I’ll call ahead and get it arranged. Go on now, take him on over.” The doctor, a gentle, knowledgeable man, set her at east but Jane still worried. What was wrong with Charlie?

BOOK: Sold To The Werewolf: A Wolf Shifter Biker Romantic Suspense
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