Read Saving Sarah Online

Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour, #need data still, #PolyAmour

Saving Sarah (5 page)

BOOK: Saving Sarah
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Sarah tried to hide the shock caused by his statement, but she couldn’t. She literally pushed him out of the door. Gavin stood there waiting with grocery bags in one hand.

“I heard yelling. Are you all right?”

She looked toward Devon and stepped back into her apartment. “I’m fine. As you can tell, I’m not dressed. I woke up late. Why don’t you come in while I get some clothes on?” She turned to Devon. “You can explain things
. I’ll call you. Do not come by again without me knowing.”

He laughed and turned to Gavin. “Houston, is it? I was Waco, but not anymore. Watch yourself. If you so much as brush your teeth against her skin, I’ll be there to tear you apart.”

Sarah looked back and forth between them, completely puzzled. The rage coming from both men only increased her own anger. “What in the hell are you talking about, Devon?”

Gavin’s body relaxed. He smiled and ran his free palm along her cheek. “I’ll let Sarah choose before I go that far. But, for your information, I’ve already cleared things with Marcos, and Ayden said he’d be glad to have me. So, it looks like I’m a permanent resident of this little island town, too.”

Devon growled, making Sarah jump. “Someone better explain things to me because I have no idea what in the hell you both are talking about. And what’s Ayden have to do with this? Are you
here for the wedding?”

“Yes,” Gavin said quietly. “But I’m not going back afterward. I’m staying.”

Before she could say anything one of the neighbors walked by, gawking at her appearance. Sarah could feel her cheeks burn from embarrassment. “I’m getting dressed, dammit. Gavin, come inside. Devon, we’ll talk later.”

Without even waiting, Sarah turned around and walked quickly to her room. She threw on the first pair of jeans she could find and grabbed a red and black flannel shirt. It wasn’t anywhere near flattering, but from the looks of things, Gavin planned to cook. She might as well show him how she looked when she wasn’t out. That’s what dating was all about, wasn’t it? It was two people trying to impress the other, while all the time pretending to be what the other person likes. Not her, not this time. She’d be herself, and it was take it or leave it.

“Sorry about you walking up on that,” she said, coming into the kitchen. “I thought he was you. If it wouldn’t have been for the phone ringing, I’d probably still be asleep.”

He smiled, removing the contents from the bag. “Well, then, who do I have to thank for waking Sleeping Beauty?”

Sarah immediately tensed. He stopped and stepped closer to her. “This person makes you feel uncomfortable? Who was it?”

“How do you know he makes me uncomfortable?”

Gavin cupped her cheeks, staring deeply into her eyes. “I can feel how stressed this person makes you feel. I know it sounds weird. Call me sensitive, or whatever, but I don’t want to have to hide it from you. I can feel other people’s emotions. At least, for the last few years, anyway.”

She felt a little shocked but knew he was telling the truth. As odd as it seemed to her, she believed him. “His name is Tom. I met him a while back. He’s become a pest, so to speak.”

“No, it’s more than that.” He studied her face. “Have you called the police?”

Sarah laughed it off, pulling back from his reach. “No, of course not. He’ll get the picture.”

Gavin took a step closer filling in the distance she put between them. “Don’t always trust everyone you meet. There are some bad people out there. Not everyone
gets the picture
, as you like to put it. Just be careful. If you want me to tell him to stop, I will.”

She nodded and watched him walk back to the food. For the first time, she felt scared of Tom. Before it was just an annoyance, but Gavin’s warnings had somehow sunk in. She recalled his words earlier on the phone.

“Gavin…never mind.”

“No, tell me. You wanted to say something. Do you want me to talk to him?”

“Maybe you should if he calls again. He said something that I didn’t really catch until now.”

He looked over at her curiously. “Like what?”

“He said he saw what happened this morning between the three of us. I really think he was watching.”

Gavin’s hand froze on the package of pasta. “He’s watching you?” She didn’t miss anger that flared across his features. “Is this the first time he’s mentioned doing something like this?”

Closing her eyes, Sarah thought over everything he ever said, which wasn’t much. “Yes, I believe so. Mainly, there’s just silence, but this morning I actually addressed him. He answered back. When I threatened to call the police, he hung up on me.”

“Well, maybe you scared him, but I do want the phone next time there’s a number you don’t recognize.”

She nodded and walked over, handing him a pot. Quietly, they stood side by side while they put the spaghetti to boil and the sauce to cook. It felt strange for her to be doing this with anyone. Especially, someone she just met. But something about Gavin made her feel at ease. She instantly had trusted him. A part of her wanted to say fuck the food, and just go to the bedroom, but something stopped her from doing so.

“I don’t think us watching the water is going to make it boil any faster,” he said laughing

She turned toward him and smiled. “I think you may be right. Sorry, I’m just not used to this. I’m not sure what to do.”

He pulled her into his arms. “You don’t have to do anything. Did I mention how beautiful you look, by the way? I like you dressed like this. I’m glad I decided we should stay in instead of going out somewhere. Sarah, there’s something I need to tell you about myself, and I’m not really sure how you’re going to take it.”

Questions filled her mind, but she wasn’t sure what he needed to confess. They had just met each other.

“What is it?”

Gently, he pulled her to sit down at the table. She watched him trace the wood with his fingertip while he shifted in the chair. “Sarah, when I say this, you have to trust me, okay?”

“All right,” she said uneasily.

“I got into town last night and drove straight to the bar. I don’t know why, but I had this need to go there. I’ve never even heard of that place, but when I saw you, I knew you were the reason. With my kind, it’s like that. We show up or go places for reasons unknown to us. Everything revolves around the pull.”

“Your kind? You mean intuitives, people who are sensitive like you?”

She watched him open his mouth and then close it. “I don’t want to lie to you. No, not sensitives. I am one of those, but that’s not what I meant. I think this conversation isn’t ready to happen yet. Let’s just forget the last part. Just know that my intentions are genuine. I plan on sticking around. That’s what I meant to say. Plus, you should know I have a daughter. She lives with her mother, but I do get her on occasion.”

Her mouth dropped open in surprise. “Really? Thank you for telling me. What’s her name?”

“Annabelle. She’s five.” He pulled out a picture from his wallet and handed it to her. Blonde ringlets surrounded her beautiful face. Sarah couldn’t help but smile. If she would have had a daughter, would she look like this? Would she have her blonde hair or Devon’s dark hair? She handed the picture back to him.

“She’s beautiful.”

He smiled. “Thank you, yes, yes she is. And, completely spoiled, thanks to me.”

They both laughed together until Gavin turned serious. “I do plan to live in this town, Sarah. How do you feel about that?”

She smiled, but still couldn’t shake weird vibe she received from the riddles he spoke of earlier. “I want you to stick around. I feel something, this trust or closeness to you that I can’t explain. It’s weird. I’ve never felt this connected to anyone besides…” Her smile disappeared.

“That guy, Devon, was it?”

“Yes, Devon. He used to make me feel this way.”

Gavin stared at her awhile and grabbed her hand. “Does he still? I mean, you two obviously share something to have such emotions toward each other, but do you feel a pull toward him? All I get from you when you’re together is pain and confusion.”

“Gavin…” Sarah took a deep breath, trying not to get too expressive. “Devon and I were together all through high school. At the end of our senior year, I got pregnant.” Shit, she really hadn’t wanted to get into this conversation yet, but if she wanted to keep him, she needed to be truthful, even if it was a lot sooner than she would have liked. “When I was three months along, I lost the baby. For reasons he still hasn’t explained, he left me the next day.” She took a ragged breath. “I loved him with everything I had, and he broke my heart. So, now that you know, you can understand how I’m not sure how I feel about him anymore.”

“I see.”

He was so quiet she wasn’t sure what he could possibly be thinking. She wouldn’t blame him for running out and never looking back. Not very many men would want to mix themselves up with the drama that was establishing itself in her life. Of course, not many people would even be having this conversation on the first freaking date.

“If you want to leave, I understand.”

He looked up so quickly she had to blink twice to see if she’d seen correctly. “Sarah, I’m not going anywhere. I’m sorry you thought the worst. I was just thinking about what I should do about Devon. He seems just as determined to be in your life as I am. You have to see that.”

“No, he just wants to clear his conscience. After that, I’ll probably never hear from him again.”

Rich laughter made her jump. “Don’t be so sure of that. He’s alph…he’s used to being in control. He won’t back down easily.”

Sarah stood and walked to the stove. She didn’t agree with Gavin, but she didn’t feel like arguing. She stirred the sauce while her mind played over the events of the last twenty-four hours. Damn, what had she got herself into?

Chapter 6

Dinner was delightful while Sarah and Gavin shared random stories, but everything felt off. They cleaned up the kitchen as Sarah went through her thoughts. Too many memories she wanted to share had Devon in them, and she sure as hell didn’t want to mention her adventures during Bets. It felt weird having to pause to think about something else to say.

Arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her body into Gavin’s. His breath against her neck caused heat to pulse through her body. Slowly, she turned around in his arms to look at him.

“Did you enjoy dinner?” His forehead rested against hers as he closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. She noticed he seemed to do that a lot.

“Yes. I had a great time.”

Soft lips pressed into hers, and his taste exploded inside her mouth. Before she knew it, she was clutching to him, breathless. The hardness of his cock pressed into her stomach. She loved that feeling. Knowing how much he wanted her gave her the control she loved.

“I think I should go. I don’t want you to think this is why I opted for us to stay here.”

For reasons Sarah couldn’t fathom, she gripped to him tightly. “Don’t leave. Stay the night with me. I don’t think this is the only reason you’re here. I just…” She trailed off, shocked by the way she was acting. This wasn’t like her. Where was the independent woman who didn’t need a man?

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. If you want to leave, I understand.” She stepped back. A feeling of being physically torn caused her heart to ache, just like with Devon. A part of her didn’t want him to leave, ever. It was too much, too soon.

“It’s not that I want to leave. I just think, for now, it’ll be better. If you want, we can do this tomorrow. That is, if you don’t have other plans.”

She looked up. “No, no plans. Same time?”

“Sounds great.” He kissed her lips softly and then walked to the door. She was half tempted to drag his ass back and lock them both in.

BOOK: Saving Sarah
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