Read Saving Sarah Online

Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

Tags: #Menage a Trois (m/f/m), #Menage Amour, #need data still, #PolyAmour

Saving Sarah (4 page)

BOOK: Saving Sarah
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Gavin watched the most beautiful woman he’d ever met moan beneath him. He was only supposed to be here long enough for the wedding, but he couldn’t leave now. Not with Sarah being meant for him. Their link was instantaneous and undeniable.

Would she go back to Houston with him? He didn’t think so. There was an aura about her that said she liked to be in control. It wasn’t the colors surrounding her body that he could see, but more the feeling he got from the invisible shield. And, boy, was he going to have his hands full.

One thing he knew for sure, and that was that she’d been hurt, and badly. It didn’t matter. He was determined to heal her, however he could. He knew he couldn’t rush things. It would only push her away, but damn, he couldn’t imagine being away from her for a single moment.

Tightening of her pussy gripped painfully around his cock as her orgasm beckoned. His lips lowered to hers as he continued to thrust. The need to mark her as his overpowered him. But he couldn’t, not yet. If she chose not to be with him, it would torture her. Even now, she’d always feel the pain, but not like she would if they were truly bonded. He couldn’t put the lovely blonde through that, no matter how much pain it brought him.

Sweetness brushed against his tongue as they kissed. He could feel her breathing become labored as she fought against her release. She was so close. He could tell by how she clutched him. With a swift motion, he plunged inside of her, causing her to scream while tremors wracked her body. Unfortunately, it was his undoing. Ecstasy rushed through him as the cum poured from his cock.

Chapter 4

Sarah stood outside of her car while she waved goodbye to Gavin. The sun was just coming up over the city of Corpus Christi. Her Corvette was only one of three cars still in the parking lot of the Martini Bar. She smiled as she watched her car’s twin drive off. After giving her phone number and address to this guy, she felt lighter, happier, than she had in years.

“This could work,” she said, opening her door. “A new beginning.” She threw her purse into the passenger side seat and screamed as hands gripped her hips, pulling her back.

“No, it won’t work.” Devon turned her around to face him. His gray eyes were bloodshot, and he looked tired but still just as angry as when she last saw him.

“What in the hell do you think you’re doing? Were you waiting here all night?”

“We need to talk.”

Sarah pulled her arm out of his grasp. “I think the time for talking is long over. What could we possibly need to discuss now?”

“Why I left.”

Tears began to cloud her vision, but she refused to let them fall. “I think you just summed it up perfectly. You left. You didn’t want to be with me. Your actions proved that.”

“You’re wrong. I’ve always loved you, Sarah. Nothing’s changed that, and nothing ever will.”

“I don’t want to hear this. Why are you doing this to me?”

She scrambled backward. The proximity at which she stood caused the ache in her chest to intensify. How many times had they held each other while he whispered lies of unconditional love? It may have been years ago, but the memories never faded, nor the pain.

“I’m trying to right a wrong. I love you. I had to leave. Not because I wanted to, but because I had no other choice. If I would have taken you with me, you’d have hated me forever.”

“Quit talking in riddles and tell me what the hell was so important that you left me the day after I lost our baby!”

The tears betrayed her and poured down her cheeks. The look of pain on his face only made more fall. She felt torn. A part of her wanted him to comfort her. For him to tell her some outrageous story so she could understand and get over this pain, but she knew what he did was unforgivable. The anger made her want to hurt him as much as he hurt her.

“My father. Well, he died, leaving his responsibilities to me. Those obligations forced me move to Waco. I didn’t want it, but I had to go.”

“What responsibilities or obligations were more important than being with me to mourn our loss?”

The sound of tires screeching in the parking lot caused both of them to turn toward the red Corvette that came flying in. The look Gavin had on his face as he slammed his door and approached held none of the passion she saw earlier. The quickness with which his large frame moved toward them left her stunned.

“What in the hell is going on here?” He quickly pulled Sarah next to his body, protecting her with his arm.

Devon narrowed his eyes, taking a step toward them. He looked menacing, ready to attack her new lover, but Gavin didn’t budge an inch. “I don’t think that’s any of your damn business. How about you get back in that death trap of yours and leave.”

“No, I’m not going anywhere, ever,” Gavin snapped.

Sarah could feel the tension thick in the air. She wasn’t sure what to do or who to side with. As much as she wanted to know what Devon was talking about, she sure as hell didn’t want to be alone with him.

“Gavin, what are you doing here?”

“I wanted to make sure you left safely. I’m glad I came back. Do you want me to follow you home?”

Sarah looked toward Devon. “Yes, we were done here.”

“No, we weren’t. I need to explain.”

“Later. Now’s not that time, Devon. I’m tired, and I want to go home.”

Her ex turned toward the tall blond holding her and glared in his direction. The saying, “if looks could kill,” crossed her mind, but she quickly broke their stare at each other.

“Gavin, let’s go. Devon, I’ll call your mother later. You are staying there, correct?”

“No, I got an apartment until my house is built. But you can call her. She’d love to hear from you. She asks about you all the time.”

“Does she have your number?”

“Yes, she’ll give it to you.”

“All right. I’ll talk to you later.”

She watched Devon hesitantly walk off and get into an oddly familiar looking truck. Gavin remained silent until he was gone. “Do you still want me to follow you home?”

“No, I think I’ll be okay now. Thank you for coming to check on me.”

“It was no problem. I take it you two share a past?”

Sarah could have laughed at that statement.
Did we ever
. As much as she wanted to lie and brush off what her new lover had just seen, she couldn’t lie to him. If she was going to continue to see him, and she had every intention of doing so then she needed to tell the truth. “Yeah, you could say that.”

Gavin pressed his lips against her forehead. “I’m sorry he caused you pain. I’m only a call away if you need anything. I’ll come as quickly as I can.”

“I do…need something,” Sarah whispered, looking up to meet his eyes.

“Anything, just ask.”

With you as dessert.

He laughed, and for some unexplainable reason, her heart felt it. “What time, gorgeous?”

“Early. Six?”

“Six, it is. I’ll see you then.”

Sarah watched as he got in his car and waited for her to leave. She pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward the island while he turned and went into the opposite direction. Throbbing erupted in her head while she fought to keep her eyes on the road. Soon, she’d be home, and she could get some much needed rest before dinner tonight. Just the thought of going on an actual date made her heart thump harder. Oh, how she prayed she was doing the right thing.

Chapter 5

The sound of the phone ringing echoed in the back of Sarah’s mind. Sleepily, she reached for it, clicking it open without looking at whose number was on the outside. “Hello?”

Silence filled the line. “Hello?” Still nothing. “Look, this is getting old. Who in the hell is this? Tom, this is you, isn’t it?”

“Quite a show you put on earlier. Who’s the cowboy? He seemed to melt the ice that surrounds your heart. I’ve never seen you cry before.”

“That’s none of your damn business. If you call me again, I’m calling the cops.”

The line disconnected, and Sarah looked toward her clock. She had to blink twice to make sure she read the time right. “Five fifty!” With her adrenaline pumping, her legs almost gave out the moment her feet hit the ground.

How in the hell did she sleep so long? Sarah jumped in the shower and washed as quickly as she could. Her hair took the longest, but in record time, she was running to her closet to find some clothes. A knock on her door caused her to groan.

“First date in years and I fuck it up.”

Throwing on her robe, she walked to the door. Slowly, she opened it only a few inches. Her jaw dropped when she noticed it wasn’t Gavin, but Devon standing there.

“How did you know where I lived?”

His smile made her stomach tighten. “I noticed your car. I live three doors down,” he said pointing. “Since the parking spaces are marked it wasn’t hard for me to figure out which one you lived in.”

“Well, I’m getting ready for a date. I know we need to finish our talk, but right now really isn’t the time.” The shaking of her body increased the longer he stood staring at her.

The smile faded from his face and an unexplainable feeling stabbed her heart. “Sarah, I know I don’t deserve to be forgiven for what I’ve done, but if you’ll just hear me out, I’ll leave. If you don’t want to see me again after that, then, it’s up to you.”

“Couldn’t we do this later? Really, I’m running extremely late. Gavin will be here any moment.”

Devon pushed his way inside at the mention of Gavin’s name. “You act like I haven’t seen you naked before. I’ll tell you as you get dressed.”

“You are not seeing me naked! You are not allowed to leave this living room. Talk loud.”

Sarah ran to her room, not wasting any time. She quickly pulled on her white lace panties and bra. Looking around the room for her hair clip, she noticed Devon wasn’t talking. Her eyes landed on the dresser mirror, and she could see him watching her from the living room. She froze.

“I didn’t see anything other than what you’re wearing now. I promise.”

She stalked to the living room until she faced him. “You want me to believe that? You were watching me get dressed.”

“Sarah,” he whispered huskily.

Immediately, a pull made her lean closer. “Devon, I think you should leave.” She could barely talk, let alone fight what her mind kept telling her to do. The urge to touch him made her pussy ache. Flashes of them together all those years ago refreshed in her mind. Fuck, he was an amazing lover, even back then when they were so young.

Fingertips trailed along her bra strap down to the swell of her breast. “You don’t know how many times I dreamed of you, just like this. The smell of your skin still haunts me.”

Sarah was pulled gently into his arms. The heat coming from his body was so inviting, she wanted to snuggle in closer. Just like him, everything about them together plagued her life.

“Kiss me, Sarah. Please, let me taste you.”

She jerked back so suddenly she fell on her ass. “Get out, right now. I don’t know what your intentions are for coming here, or doing what you just did, but I don’t have time for this shit. Date, remember?”

He smiled and tipped his cowboy hat. “No, I don’t think I could forget the fact that my future wife is about to date one of my rivals, but go ahead. I hope you have fun.”

“Future wife! You have lost your mind. Get out!”

BOOK: Saving Sarah
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