Savage Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Savage Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance
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His bad boy image was more than just an intense stare and some inked skin. She knew he had personal demons, and her friends were right about him being dangerous. He often sought out physical altercations, and she knew he’d been arrested at least once.

The list of reasons to stay away from him were all valid, but none of them seemed to matter. Loving him wouldn’t be easy, and yet she still wanted him with all of her being.

As if he’d read her thoughts, Jared looked up and met her stare with his angry one. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t look away from his dark, livid eyes.

“Hey, do you want to dance?”

“No thanks,” she said, smiling at the cute guy she’d danced with earlier. He was a welcome distraction, but her thoughts dwelled on Jared and she didn’t want to dance anymore. “I need a little break,” she added, and then took a sip of her water for emphasis.

“No problem,” he said. “Maybe next time.”


She smiled and turned back toward her friends.

“I saw that, and you can stop it right now,” Meg said.

“Yeah, honey, no,” Jessica chimed in. “Get that man out of your head.”

“I don’t know what you guys are talking about,” Leah lied.

She couldn’t fool them though, they knew her too well.

Luckily, the men in the booth were smart enough to keep their mouths shut, but once the conversation turned toward Jared, none of them would look at her. The way they all avoided eye contact gave her the impression they, too, feared the man behind the bar.

“That innocent smile doesn’t fool me for one second,” Jessica said. “There’s no denying he’s hot, but he’s just not worth it. You don’t need that kind of trouble in your life.”

“He’s dangerous, Leah,” Tiffany worried quietly. “I’ve heard he’s killed, and he’s always looking for fights. You have to stay away from him.”

“Please,” Meg added. “We don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I know,” she said. “I won’t. It’s just…I’m drawn to him. I know it doesn’t make sense, but—”

“Oh, it makes perfect sense,” Ashley said laughing, “but what you feel is lust; pure and simple. It’s a normal reaction to someone who looks like him, but that’s all it is. Pick another guy, any other guy, and forget that man.”

“I understand what you guys are saying, but no,” Leah said, shaking her head. “I don’t want to do that. I’ll get over him, it will just take time.”

A loud growl sounded from behind her and goosebumps broke out all over her skin. Even without the frantic looks on her friends’ faces, she would have known Jared anywhere. He stood close enough that she could feel the heat from his body, but he didn’t touch her, and he didn’t say word.

Slowly, she turned to face him, and the deathly glare pointed at her friends alerted her to the fact that he’d heard their conversation. Which part had he objected to? More importantly, why was he breathing down her neck as if he owned her?

“Jared,” she said, drawing his attention away from the group.

He turned his dark orbs on her, but he remained silent.

“Did you need something?” she asked.

“You,” he said.

She couldn’t have heard him right.

“Excuse me?”

He cleared his throat.

“I need to talk to you outside.”

“Okay,” she nodded. “Sure.”


He immediately turned and started walking toward the door, and she did the only thing that made any sense.

She followed him.

Meg and Tiffany called her name, and Jessica reached out to stop her, but she easily dodged the woman’s outstretched arm and ignored her other two friends.

Nothing would stop her from finding out what Jared had to say.

Chapter Two


Shit! What the hell?

Jared cursed as he stormed through the building toward the front entrance. The crowd literally scrambled out of his way, and he was grateful for the ability to make a hasty exit. He knew he was being rude by not waiting for Leah, but he needed air and a moment to clear his head.

He burst through the door to the parking lot and sucked in a huge gulp of the evening air. Several scents filled his nose, but none of them could mask the scent of his mate.

He turned around and found Leah watching him intently.

“Everything okay?” she asked.

“Yeah,” he lied. “Let’s talk over here.”

He walked halfway down the building to buy time and give them a bit of privacy. Leah followed and leaned against the wall with her hands behind her back. She studied his movements carefully, but to her credit, she seemed to understand his need to gather his thoughts. He placed his hands on his hips and stared at the asphalt.


His bear roared beneath the surface, and the urge to dominate and claim her rode him hard. Fated mates weren’t supposed to exist for them, but after watching Lucky and Gabe with their women, he knew that wasn’t entirely true. What he hadn’t considered, was that there could ever be someone out there for him. Fate was a fucked up bitch if she planned to saddle a woman with him, and yet the moment he stood behind Leah and inhaled her sweet scent, everything clicked into place.

He now understood why his bear roared and clawed for her, even when she was on the other side of the room, and why his dick hardened as soon as she looked at him with those perfect, piercing blue eyes. She smelled like strawberries and honey, two of his favorite things, and he longed to slide his tongue over her lips and taste her.

Doubt wiggled its way into his already muddled brain, and suddenly, he wasn’t sure if his plan was such a good idea. He’d been prepared to get Leah out of his system in the easiest possible way, but now his bear threatened his plan.


He silenced the animal and strengthened his resolve.

We can’t have a mate, but we can have some fun!

“Sorry about that,” he said, raising his eyes to hers.

“No problem,” she said. “What happened to your hand?”

“Huh?” He looked at both his palms and remembered the beer bottle. “Oh, I…”

He hesitated, but only for a moment. She already knew about his reputation, she might as well know the truth. He pushed his non-injured hand through his hair and sighed.

“I smashed a bottle,” he finished. “It’s taking a bit of time to heal.”

“You smashed a bottle with your bare hand?” she asked. “Like crushed it?”

She held out her hand and closed it around the evening air, as if mimicking his ill-planned outburst.


“Wow,” she said. “I don’t know whether to be impressed, or to lecture you on the dangers of cut glass.”

“Be impressed,” he told her with a straight face. “Izzy already gave me the lecture.”

Her laugh echoed against the building and seemed to wrap around him, hardening his cock and inviting him to crowd her against the wall. He took a step back instead.

“Anyway,” he changed the subject. “Thanks again for earlier. I just needed a minute to clear my head. Your friends don’t like me much do they?”

“Um, no, they don’t,” she said. “I’m sorry you had to hear those things, but I don’t think you were too surprised. Isn’t that your plan? To get everyone to fear you?”

How could she nail him so easily in two short sentences?

“Yeah, something like that,” he confirmed. “So why didn’t it work with you?”

“I don’t know,” she smiled. “Maybe I look deeper than everyone else.”

“Maybe your lust blinds your judgement like your friends said.”

“Maybe,” she agreed. “But I think there’s more to it.”

“Like what?”

“I’m not sure.”

He couldn’t get her hopes up.

“Look, I’m attracted to you,” he started, “there’s no denying that, but I don’t date. I’d like to spend some time with you, but there’s no future with me. I don’t do commitment.”

“So basically, you just want to hook up without anyone knowing.”

“I don’t like people in my business,” he said, “but I won’t deny fucking you if someone asks. I’m not ashamed of you, if that’s what you’re worried about, but I won’t be your boyfriend either. Don’t expect me to change the way I treat you in public, and don’t expect me to change the way I treat anyone else. I’m a fighter, I always have been, and nothing is ever going to change that.”

“So, just sex then?”

“Basically, yes.”

“Why chose me?” she asked. “There are at least a dozen girls in the bar that would kill for a chance to be with you.”

“They’re not you,” he said honestly. “You’re the only one my bear and I both want.”

He hadn’t meant to be so candid, but her smile made his admission worth it.

“Okay,” she said.


“Yeah,” she nodded. “When do you want to get started?”

“Tonight?” he asked. “If you’re ready, I’m off now.”

“Okay,” she said, pushing off the wall. “Give me ten minutes and I’ll be right out.”

He wanted to escort her back inside, but he had a feeling she’d need some alone time with her friends. All the things the women had said about him were true, but Leah had still defended him in her own small way. He briefly wondered if they would be successful in talking her out of leaving with him, but deep down he knew the truth.

She would return in ten minutes like she’d promised.

He scanned the parking lot, looking for signs of trouble, but his heart wasn’t in it. The only thing he wanted to do was sink his cock into Leah’s warmth, and the realization was startling.

He couldn’t wait to get her out of his system for good.




They’re not you. You’re the only one my bear and I both want.

Leah replayed Jared’s words over and over in her head as she walked back toward her friends. She might be a complete idiot, but she believed his words meant more than he let on.

If she was wrong, at least she’d have some fun before he let her go.

When she’d turned around earlier and looked up into his dark brown, almost black eyes, she’d nearly melted on the spot. From across the wide countertop, he was handsome and sexy, but nothing could have prepared her for the vision of him up close.

At six-feet, three-inches tall, he towered over her five-foot-six frame. Even though she carried extra weight, his big muscular body made her feel small and petite.

He wore a black t-shirt that had the words
Wild Bear
stretched across his chest, and the tribal skull tattoo on his forearm looked sinister up close. The angry skull seemed to mimic his usual hard, tense expression, but she still wanted to run her tongue over the design and inspect his body for more.

Hell, she’d lick him everywhere if he let her.

She felt her cheeks heat a moment before she stood in front of her friends’ table, and she wished she’d been paying attention to her surroundings instead of daydreaming.

“Oh my god. What did he want?” asked Jessica.

Eight pairs of eyes locked on her, and her cheeks heated again. It seemed even the men were interested in her interaction with the dangerous bear now that he was safely locked outside.

“He wanted to ask me out.”

Sort of…

It wasn’t the complete truth, but she’d never tell them his true intentions. 

“What did you say?”

“Please tell me you let him down easy.”

“No way.”

Each woman broke into a monologue, talking to the others, their man, and no one, all at the same time. She’d known them all a long time, and she had two choices. She could either sneak away without them knowing, or put her foot down and stop them.

“Stop,” she said, holding out her hands. “I said yes.”

“Oh Leah, no,” said Tiffany.

“Are you sure about this?” Jessica asked.

“I’m sure,” she smiled. “I love you guys and I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

“Okay then,” Jessica said. “Be safe.”

“Have fun,” Ashley added.

“And be prepared to tell us

Meg stretched out the word and winked, causing everyone to laugh, and she used the moment to make her escape. They knew her well enough to know when she’d made up her mind about something, and though they didn’t agree with her decision, she knew they’d respect it.

She glanced at her phone and hurried toward the exit.

She burst through the door and found Jared waiting exactly where she’d left him.

“Thanks for waiting,” she said, breathlessly. “I’m ready now.”

“How did it go?” he asked.

“Good,” she smiled. “They know when to back off.”

He nodded and changed the subject.

“Where’s your car?”

“Second to the last row,” she said, pointing in the direction of her vehicle.

“I’m on this side,” he said. “I’ll drive you over, and then you can follow me home.”

“Sounds good.”

She followed him across the parking lot, and tried not to act surprised when he held open her door and waited for her to climb inside. The metal frame of the truck wasn’t new, but the durable model suited him. Like the outside, the interior was clean and well-cared for, and she imagined doing all kinds of naughty things on the bench seat.

Wordlessly, he started the engine and drove to the aisle she’d pointed to earlier.

“It’s this one on the right,” she said, pointing out the window.

“When we get to my place, I’ll show you my space in the lot, and then park on the street.”

“Okay, thanks,” she smiled at him.

When he didn’t smile, or reply, she let herself out and moved to her own car.

After turning the key three times with no success, Jared knocked on her window.

“Pop the hood.”

“No, that’s not necessary. It will start.”

She turned the key again, and the engine roared to life.

“How long have you had this problem?” he asked.

“I don’t know,” she said. “It doesn’t do it all the time.”

“You need to get it looked at.”

“I did, but when I took it in, it started fine,” she explained. “They couldn’t find a problem.”

He narrowed his eyes, and grunted, but he didn’t say another word about her car.

“Okay, follow me.”

He climbed back into his truck and led the way out of the parking lot and across town to his apartment building. She parked in his space as he’d instructed, and waited for him on the walkway in front of the building.

“Hey, beautiful, how are you doing?”

Leah turned to see one of the men she’d danced with earlier walking toward her.

“Hey, how are you?”

“Doing good, babe,” he said. “What brings you down this way?”

“I’m visiting a friend,” she said.

“Well, maybe when you’re done visiting with your
, you could come over and visit me. I’m in number twelve.”


A loud, angry growl filled the night air, and Jared appeared from the shadows like a warrior searching for blood. His big, tense body advanced toward them like a skilled predator, and somehow she knew his animal side fought for control.

To his credit, the man from the bar only backed up two steps before he held his ground.

Jared stood beside her with his chest heaving and his hands balled into fists. Though she really wanted to see his next move, she wanted to see him with his clothes off more, and she didn’t want the other guy hurt for talking to her.

“Thanks, but no thanks,” she said, breaking the silence.

“Gotcha,” he said, walking around her. “See you around.”

Jared took a step in the man’s direction, but she placed her hand on his chest to stop him. His obsidian eyes searched her face, for what she didn’t know, and his heartrate pulsed wildly below her hand.

“Later,” she called after the man, and Jared narrowed his eyes.

“He’s just a guy from the bar,” she said. “Let it go.”

He covered her hand with his, took a deep breath, and then laced their fingers together.

Hand-in-hand, he guided her to his apartment.

BOOK: Savage Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance
4.36Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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