Read Saint Or Sinner Online

Authors: Christina Kendal

Saint Or Sinner (5 page)

BOOK: Saint Or Sinner
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He held her gaze, his eyes alight with affection.

         “I’m yours for life, sweetheart. Provided you
continue to allow me my conjugal rights, that is. Especially in the stables.”

He flashed her the wicked grin that always reduced her stomach
to liquid, and she slanted him a flirtatious look from under her lashes.

         “I find I quite like assignations in the stables.
Although we must take care not to frighten the horses, they are quite highly

He chuckled.

         “In that case it appears I may have to gag you in
future, wife. Let’s go inside and scandalise the servants instead, shall we?”

They stood and tidied themselves as far as possible before strolling
back in the direction of the house hand in hand. He fell silent for a few
moments, as though deep in thought.

         “Now you’ve had The Saint, you will still want me
occasionally, won’t you?”

She pulled him up short, wrapping her arms around his waist
and gazing up into his face with a satisfied smile.      

         “I must be the luckiest woman in the world: two incredibly
desirable men rolled into one. Now take me to bed, will you? I want to remind my
husband just how much I love him.”





































































































BOOK: Saint Or Sinner
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