Read Saint Or Sinner Online

Authors: Christina Kendal

Saint Or Sinner (2 page)

BOOK: Saint Or Sinner
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Chapter 3



Their paths didn’t cross for several days afterwards and her
mind was constantly revisiting their eventful encounter on the beach. It seemed
that everything had changed between them in just a couple of short hours and
she needed time to readjust and examine her feelings. And then there was The
Saint, of course. She couldn’t forget either his kiss or his shocking revelation,
and the more she considered the evidence the more she became convinced that it had
the ring of truth. She avoided Sir Horace Trelawney as much as possible, afraid
that her expression might give her away and using a persistent migraine as an
excuse to keep to her room for a day or two.

They were invited to dine with a near neighbour later that
week and she knew Philip would be among the guests and couldn’t resist the
chance to renew their acquaintance. She wondered how he would be with her,
whether the barriers between them would be back in place again and their
previous intimacy forgotten. It had been surprising to see such a different
side to him, and she found herself wanting to get to know him better as a
result. It seemed oddly ironic that until that fateful morning she’d experienced
more intimacy with a stranger in a mask than a man she’d known for several




There were a number of people dining that evening, and
although she and Philip had exchanged a conspiratorial smile she hadn’t yet had
a chance to speak to him. He was seated at the far end of the long table, and she
watched the older women on either side of him simpering and flirting even
though they were both under the watchful eye of their husbands. He bore it all
patiently enough but she managed to catch his eye and give him a knowing smirk,
and he responded with a slight frown and a twitch of the lips which told her
everything she needed to know about his state of mind.

After the meal was concluded the ladies withdrew, leaving
the men to their brandies, and Sarah found herself surrounded on all sides by
gossiping, twittering women. Eventually the level of noise became too much to
bear and she wandered out onto a small balcony to find some peace, taking deep
breaths to clear her head. It was a balmy night and the heady fragrance of the
roses twining around the old stonework filled her nostrils along with the fresh
ozone tang of the distant ocean. She closed her eyes, simply enjoying the
solitude, until a deep male voice broke the silence from somewhere below.

         “Meet me by the fountain, Lady Sarah. I’ll be waiting.”
She recognised the distinctive northern accent immediately but when she opened
her eyes and gazed around her there was no sign of him: he’d melted into the
shadows like a ghost. Heart pounding, she slipped out into the garden, her feet
crunching on the gravel of the path as she walked swiftly towards the little
arbour which was home to the fountain. Bending down, she trailed her hand
through the cool water before peering out between the trees, wondering which
direction he might approach from. It hadn’t crossed her mind not to keep the
appointment, she had no fear of him even after so short an acquaintance.

Without warning a pair of strong arms encircled her from
behind and she felt the heat of his mouth against her throat, causing her to
cry out in alarm. He chuckled, his breath warm against her ear.

         “Did I startle you, sweetheart? A little bird told
me you’d be here tonight and the temptation of seeing you again was too much to

He began to nibble on her ear lobe and she sighed, leaning
back into his embrace, the sensation sending delicious shivers down her spine.
He released her then, brushing his lips across her knuckles before leading her
to a nearby bench.

         “I heard what happened on the beach. Are you fully

His pale eyes gleamed in the light from the rising moon and
the trees and bushes cast long shadows around them giving the moment a strange
dreamlike quality. His knee brushed against hers and she jumped, clearing her

         “I’m well, thank you. I wasn’t harmed, just very shaken.
As luck would have it, Philip Hunt happened to be riding at the same time and he
came to my rescue.”

Was that a brief grimace she spotted? He couldn’t be
jealous, could he?”

         “So I heard. I hope he behaved like a gentleman, he
has a bit of a reputation when it comes to beautiful women.”

She smiled inwardly. That was the second time he’d called
her beautiful.

         “Actually, he behaved impeccably. I dread to think
what might have happened had he not been there. Do you know him, then?”

He looked down at his feet, pausing as if choosing his words

         “Let’s just say I am … somewhat acquainted with the
man.” He changed the subject. “Have you had any dealings with Sir Horace since
we last spoke? I should warn you my spies report that he may have designs on
you, and that’s why he wants your father so much in his debt.”
Her jaw dropped, and an unpleasant shudder ran through her at the thought.

         “But he’s more than twice my age and he looks like
a toad. Surely he cannot think I would ever seriously consider him?”

The Saint’s eyes glittered behind the mask.

         “He’s unscrupulous and immoral, and believe me, he
has no conscience. Be on your guard, Sweetheart, I wouldn’t put anything past
him. And now I must go, there’s another consignment due in tonight and we have
important work to do.”

He helped her to her feet and then without warning his mouth
was on hers, stealing her breath and turning her legs to jelly. She couldn’t
help herself, melting into his kiss, clutching at his broad shoulders for
support as an impassioned moan issued from her throat. He broke away with
obvious reluctance and she buried her face in his chest, hearing the rumble of
his deep voice close to her ear.    

         “The sooner you’re married the better, Sweetheart.”

She looked up into his face in puzzlement.

         “I’m far too much of a gentleman to seduce a
virgin, but a married woman is fair game.”

He smirked at her shocked expression, and she threw him a
haughty stare.

         “And what makes you so certain I’d succumb, Sir?”

         “Oh, I can be very persuasive when I put my mind to

His lips captured hers again, his kiss demanding,
possessive, all-consuming, and she couldn’t help but respond with equal
enthusiasm. And then his hand slid slowly up from her waist to her breast and
she gasped as his thumb skimmed over a nipple and a bolt of raw desire shot
through her. Her eyes flew open in surprise and she stepped back, raising a
hand to slap him, but he was too quick, grabbing it and kissing the palm while
he tugged her back into his arms. She tried half-heartedly to resist but he was
much stronger, pinning her back against the trunk of a tree while his mouth
ravished her throat, her collarbone, the exposed curve of a breast. A reluctant
whimper escaped her lips and he raised his head to gaze down into her flushed
face, grinning wickedly.

         “You have a passionate nature, Sarah. Why fight it?
I could give you so much pleasure without stealing your virtue if you’d just
say the word …”

She hesitated for a moment, not entirely sure what he meant
but sorely tempted, and he saw her uncertainty and pressed his advantage.

         “Think about it, sweetheart. I give you my word as
a gentleman to leave you your virginity. Until the next time we meet.”
He kissed her softly on the mouth and then he was gone, swallowed up by the
shadows again, leaving her breathless, confused and thoroughly aroused.
are no gentleman
, she thought, but her mind was filled with the memory of
his hungry kisses and the touch of his warm fingers against her skin. She
shivered, wondering whether she would be able to resist him the next time their
paths crossed. Or, indeed, whether she even wanted to.




She’d lingered for a while in the garden, her mind in a
whirl, and as she made her way slowly back through the house she was startled
to hear Philip’s voice directly behind her.

         “Good evening, Sarah. I trust you are fully
recovered now?”

She spun around, her heart skipping a beat as his piercing
blue-eyed gaze met hers.

         “I’m very well, Sir, thanks to you.”

He studied her intently.

         “You look a little flushed, sweetheart. Would you care
to take the evening air with me?”

He led her out onto the balcony and offered her a chair,
seating himself opposite her before leaning forwards to take both her hands in

         “This is the first chance I’ve had to speak to you
all evening. Have you been enjoying yourself?”

Was that a slight twitch of the lips she wondered, hoping he
hadn’t spotted her returning from the garden.

         “I think father and I would both have been a great
deal happier in your company, Sir. The conversation was a tad dull down our end
of the table.”

He smiled, clearly pleased with the compliment.

         “Believe me, I would much rather have been seated
with you than with Lady Carlyle and her equally ‘charming’ sister.”

He rolled his eyes and she smirked.

         “But they both appeared to be having such a
wonderful time. Your conversation must have pleased them greatly.”

He quirked an eyebrow and leaned in to whisper.

         “Really? That seems highly unlikely, given the fact
that neither of them stopped talking long enough for me to get a word in

She giggled, shivering at the feel of his warm breath ghosting
across her skin. He fell serious again, and she flushed under the intensity of
his gaze.

         “Sarah, will you ride with me tomorrow morning? I’m
betting you haven’t been on horseback since the incident. Am I right?”

She nodded, shuddering when she thought back. His gaze held
hers, full of sympathy and understanding.

         “You love it though, don’t you?”

         “I did.”

He squeezed her hands.

         “Sweetheart, you need to get back in the saddle and
soon, or this may well become a fear you won’t be able to overcome. I’ll take
good care of you, I promise.”

         “Philip, I know you’re right, I’m just so afraid. I
keep going over and over it in my head …”

The tears sprang to her eyes and he pulled her into his lap
as he had done that day in the cave, stroking her hair while she buried her
head in his neck. How did he manage to make her feel so safe? Her body was
still in a state of high arousal and the musky scent of his cologne in her
nostrils was definitely not helping. He lifted her chin, his gaze dropping from
her eyes to her mouth, and for a second she held her breath wondering if he was
going to kiss her. Then he recollected himself and smiled down at her.

         “I’ll take that as a yes, then, shall I?”

Chapter 4



Philip was already waiting for her when she arrived at the
stables the following morning, his stallion eagerly pawing the ground in
anticipation while a groom saddled her mare.

         “Talk to her, Sarah. See how calm she is today? If
you ride close to me I’ll keep a tight hold on your rein so there’s no danger
of her bolting again.”
He smiled at her reassuringly and squeezed her free hand while she stroked the
mare’s forehead with the other. She was shaky, but determined to take his advice
and get back in the saddle again. He was right, if she didn’t do it soon she’d
lose her nerve completely and she enjoyed her daily rides too much to let that

He helped her up, making sure she was settled before
climbing back onto his own mount and gripping her reins alongside his. They set
off, so close their legs were almost touching, and her confidence increased the
further they progressed. Somehow she always felt so secure in his presence,
trusting that nothing untoward could happen while he was watching out for her.

They made small talk on route to the beach and she realised he
was keeping up a stream of light-hearted conversation in an attempt to distract
her from her anxieties, but in no time at all she found herself beginning to
relax and just take pleasure in the outing. It was a glorious summer’s day: the
distant ocean sparkled like a strand of sapphires, the shimmering white sands
stretched out ahead of them, and his eyes were so dazzlingly blue they almost stole
her breath away.

Pausing for a while, they let the horses wander and graze on
the sparse grass at the edge of the beach while they sat on a flat rock
together. He offered her his hip flask and she threw him a flirtatious glance,
her eyes sparkling with mischief.

         “So it appears I was right, you are determined to
get me drunk, Sir. Call yourself a gentleman?”

He pretended to sulk, pouting attractively, and she found
herself gazing at his lips and wondering what it would be like to feel them
pressed against hers. The thought was a very pleasant one, she had to admit.

         “And this is all the thanks I get for assuming a
bit of Dutch courage would be called for today?”
He grinned at her before sobering again, his intense gaze holding her captive.

         “Are you glad you came, Sarah?”

She nodded without any trace of hesitation.

         “Very. And you were right, if I hadn’t done it
today I might never have plucked up the courage again. As it happens it was
easier than I expected, but that’s probably because I always feel so safe when
I’m with you.”

He pursed his lips, adopting a suitably crestfallen

         “Hmmm. I suspect most men would not choose to be
described as ‘safe’ while in the company of a pretty woman. Exciting, maybe.
Dashing, quite possibly. Handsome, most definitely …”

She giggled.

         “And you’re all of those things also. But safe was
what was called for today. Thank you, Philip. I really couldn’t have done it
without you.”

Their gaze locked and held for a moment, and then his eyes
dropped to her mouth. Her breath caught in her throat as he slowly dipped his
head and touched his lips to hers, tentatively at first but with increasing
confidence when she didn’t put up any resistance. She sighed with pleasure, her
fingers threading through his silky hair, neither of them pulling away until
they were both dizzy with the lack of oxygen. He held her close, resting his
chin on the top of her head, and she buried her face in his neck, intoxicated
by his unique masculine scent. For a brief moment she was put in mind of a
different man, a moonlit garden and a dangerous seduction, and then she dismissed
the thought firmly. She was happy right here, right now, wrapped in Philip’s
warm embrace. She felt the vibrations of his deep baritone voice resonating
through his chest.

         “I’ve been wanting to do that for a very long time.
And may I say it entirely exceeded my expectations.”

She flashed him a seductive smile.

         “I think I’d quite like to do it again some time

He leant down to whisper in her ear, the sensation of his
warm breath fanning her skin sending a shiver of desire skittering down her

         “Oh, I think that can be arranged …”

And then his mouth captured hers again, and she was lost.




When they returned to the house her father was waiting to
greet them, shaking Philip gratefully by the hand and inviting him to stay for
some lunch. He accepted, but she detected a certain hesitation in his manner
and thought she could probably guess the reason. She spoke in a low voice so
her father didn’t overhear.

         “It’s alright. Sir Horace is away on business for a
few days.”

He looked surprised that she’d read his thoughts so
accurately but he nodded in gratitude, surreptitiously squeezing her hand.
She’d observed previously that his manner to their host was somewhat cool and
made a note to ask him about it sometime. It appeared The Saint was not the
only one Sir Horace had offended.

The meal passed very pleasantly and then she and her father
both escorted him to the door, watching as he leapt easily into the saddle and
rode away with a wave and a smile. He’d arranged to take her riding again the
next day, and her father stroked his chin and cast her a knowing look.

         “Very charming young man indeed, and he seems to
have developed quite a regard for a certain young lady. You could do an awful
lot worse, m’dear.”
He smiled affectionately, seeing the colour rise in her cheeks. He didn’t think
it would be long before Philip made her an offer and he’d be very happy to see
her safely settled. His face clouded for a second when he thought about Sir
Horace: he couldn’t fail to notice the way he’d been looking at her recently,
the old lecher. As if he’d ever force his only daughter into a loveless
marriage just because the man in question was as rich as Creosus. The sooner
young Mr Hunt snapped her up the better, in his opinion.



Philip took her riding every morning that week and she found
herself enjoying the time spent in his company more with each passing day. And
then there was the physical contact too: they spent much of the time wrapped
blissfully in each other’s arms exchanging increasingly heated kisses. So far
he’d behaved like the perfect gentlemen although she was sure it cost him to do
so, and she knew she could trust him completely even if she wasn’t entirely
sure she could say the same for herself. The more time they spent together the
more her attraction to him grew, and she yearned for the soft caress of his
lips and the sensual touch of his fingers whenever they were apart.

One morning he presented himself at the usual time but
seemed more than a little preoccupied, allowing her to make most of the
conversation and often giving monosyllabic answers in reply. After a while she lapsed
into near silence, becoming quite concerned when they paused and he didn’t
enfold her in the usual passionate embrace, choosing instead to pace up and
down nervously.

         “Philip? Is something the matter?”

         “Sweetheart, sit down for a moment, would you?”

She did as he asked, blinking up at him in some confusion
from her position perched on ‘their’ rock. He came to a sudden halt and then
took a deep steadying breath before sinking down on one knee, and her mouth
dropped open in surprise as he clasped her hand tightly in his.

         “Sarah, I know this may seem sudden but I’ve
admired you from afar for so long and more recently I’ve come to care for you
deeply. Would you do me the great honour of becoming my wife?”

A lump formed in her throat as she gazed down into his handsome
face, seeing hope and uncertainty battling for supremacy there, and she
realised for the first time how much she’d come to love and trust him. And want
him, she thought, drowning in the intensity of those piercing blue eyes with
their impossibly long lashes. A huge smile lit up her face, and tears of joy
welled up in her eyes and spilled freely down her cheeks.

         “Oh Philip. Of course I will …”    

And then she was wrapped in his arms and he was kissing her
with a hunger she’d never experienced before, igniting a fire in her as his
lips worked their way down from her throat to the exposed curve of a breast. She
moaned wantonly, pulling his head in closer, and suddenly he recollected
himself, setting her at arms length. He was visibly shaking, his breathing

         “Jesus, sweetheart. If we don’t stop now I won’t be
able to and I intend to do this properly. Right now I need to go and ask your
father’s permission, and get a date fixed for the wedding as soon as humanly possible.




She could tell her father was both relieved and delighted at
the news. He couldn’t keep from shaking Philip by the hand and patting him enthusiastically
on the back, and he was very agreeable to arrangements being made swiftly,
smiling at them both in a conspiratorial manner.

         “In my day a long engagement was the thing, the
anticipation made a young man even keener. But I suppose if you really can’t
wait …”

Philip winked at him, a little smirk tugging at his lips.

         “I just want to get a ring safely on her finger
before she has a chance to see what I’m really like, Sir. Too late to change
her mind then.”

He pressed a tender kiss to her palm, and her father smiled

         “No chance of that, m’boy. I’m not blind, I’ve seen
the way she looks at you.”


Sarah blushed prettily and both men chuckled at her outraged
expression before her father went off to break the glad tidings to the rest of
the household, leaving the two of them alone. Philip pulled her into his arms, staring
down into her flushed face, his eyes searching hers for reassurance.

         “Is he right, sweetheart? You really do love me?”

She reached up to stroke his cheek, her gaze unwavering.

         “With all my heart. Do you doubt it?”

He gave a heartfelt sigh, dipping his head to capture her
mouth in a passionate kiss that made her head spin, but she realised afterwards
that he hadn’t actually answered her question.

BOOK: Saint Or Sinner
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