Read Protecting Rose Online

Authors: Cheryl Yeko

Tags: #Romance, #ebook

Protecting Rose (18 page)

BOOK: Protecting Rose
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They stopped at the weathered red barn. Nate reached into a flower-filled bucket, brought out a key and unlocked the full-sized double door. He threw the two sides open and Rose stepped inside.

It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the dim lighting. The barn overflowed with equipment, cars, and snowmobiles.

She spotted a dark green Mustang in the corner. It reminded her of a car she’d recently seen in some movie on Turner Classic. “Wow, impressive.”

Nate seemed pleased. “Thanks.” He walked to the Mustang to stroke the hood. “This one’s my baby. I bought it about five years ago, and I’ve been restoring it ever since. At the moment, I’m rebuilding the carburetor. Well, at least I was before I went under cover.”

“How long were you undercover? No, never mind.” She snorted on a laugh. “If you tell me you’ll have to kill me, right?”

“That’s right, ma’am,” Nate deadpanned with a wink.

Rose counted five snowmobiles, including one child-sized machine and a motorcycle. She admired the gleaming black motorcycle. “What a beautiful bike,” she exclaimed. “Do you think we could take a ride?” She glanced at him hopefully.

The low sexy rumble of his laugh sent tingles down her spine. “That’s my brother Jerry’s Harley. But I’m sure he wouldn’t mind if we took it for a quick spin.”

Nate went to a cabinet on the wall and opened it to take a key off a hook. He picked up a red helmet from a bench on the way back and handed it to her. Then he retrieved the black helmet off the back of the bike and put it on before checking that hers was on properly. He tightened the strap securely under her chin and tweaked her nose with a grin.

“Are you ready?” His eyes gleamed with laughter and excitement.

Rose filled with anticipation as Nate lifted the bike off its kickstand and wheeled it outside before throwing his leg over the seat. It took only a moment to start the bike. The rumble of the powerful engine shook the air. He grinned and held out his hand to her.

The butterflies in her belly stirred. She placed her hand in his and swung her leg over the bike to settle behind him.

Nate reached back, placed his hands at her thighs, and pulled her close, until she was pressed intimately at his back. “Hang on tight, babe,” he said above the roar of the bike’s engine.

Rose wrapped her arms around his waist as they drove away from the barn. She burst into laughter with unrestrained delight when he pulled out onto the road and picked up speed. She couldn’t imagine ever being happier than she was right now. Even if she managed to get her memory back, she doubted anything in her life could top the excitement and sheer thrill of this moment in time. Her arms wrapped around this incredibly sexy man, her body pressed against his, sent her senses soaring.

The freedom of the open road felt sensual, liberating, intoxicating! So many exciting emotions filled her, pushing aside the terror and fear that had overwhelmed her over the last week. The wind ripped around her, and she was ready to take on the world...with Nate at her side.

Chapter 11

Nate grinned, an adrenaline rush shot through him at the sound of Rose’s vibrant laughter. He wasn’t sure if it was the wisest move to take her away from the safe house, even for a short ride. But when she’d asked him so sweetly with those big beautiful brown eyes of hers full of anticipation, he hadn’t had the heart to refuse.

He knew the perfect spot to show her. A few miles past the campground along Highway 22 was a spot offering a scenic view of rolling hills and valleys. With the blossoming spring colors, the view would be breathtaking about now.

As he rounded the corner, Rose tightened her grip at his waist. The music of her laughter pierced his heart, and he was on top of the world. Everything else faded away except him, the beautiful woman at his back, and the exhilaration of the ride. The feel of her arms wrapped around him and the warmth of her body pressed against him filled him with a sense of rightness.

Nate had never wanted a woman more than he wanted Rose. With nothing more than a sweet smile and a kiss, she had shattered all his defenses. Now all he wanted was to keep her near and keep her safe.

Like an old-time movie reel, images flickered through his mind. He remembered the first time he’d looked into her warm chocolate eyes after pulling her from the burning car. How she’d woken up in the hospital with no memory and turned to him for comfort. Admiration filled him at her strength and courage as she’d faced the danger around her. His heart raced recalling how passion filled her eyes when he touched her, the taste of her so sweet and delicate.

Like a light going on, an epiphany struck him. All lingering doubts he had regarding his feelings for her blew away in the wind. She filled him up with love, life, and possibilities. With Rose at his side, the future shone bright. He loved her femininity and her fragility, as well as her feistiness and inner strength. Nate never wanted to let her go. He wanted to devote the rest of his life just making her happy.

But first, they needed to get her memory back and find out who wanted her dead. He needed to eliminate any possible danger to her. Images of Rose’s injuries and the memory of her fear tore through his mind. His fingers tightened around the handle grips and his body tensed. Whoever had hurt her would pay dearly.

“Nate,” Rose yelled over the wind. “Are you okay?”

He forced his body to relax. “Yeah, babe, everything’s fine.”

When they reached their destination, he parked the bike and took off his helmet to hang on the handle grip. He glanced at her over his shoulder and held out his hand to help her off the cycle.

His heart warmed to see that her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were flushed with excitement. Below the helmet, her long beautiful hair was adorably tangled from the ride. The sound of her breathy laughter made him smile as she took his hand and stepped off the Harley.

“That was fun.”

“I’m glad you liked it.” He swung his leg off the bike.

He removed her helmet and placed it next to his, before turning back to comb his fingers through her windblown hair to tame it, then cupped her cheeks with his palms. She shivered and her eyes flashed with awareness. He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers in a soft kiss. The knowledge that she wasn’t immune to his touch gave him hope that he would be able to capture her heart, given time.

Nate needed her to want him for the right reasons, not because she had some kind of misplaced feelings due to her memory loss and his protection of her. More than just being her hero, he wanted to be her best friend and lover. He wanted a lifelong commitment that could withstand the passage of time. He wanted forever.

He stifled a groan. Love sure had a way of sneaking up on you when you least expected it. With little more than a fleeting twinge of nostalgia, he said goodbye to his carefree bachelor days. From here on out there was only one woman for him. And that woman was Rose. He met her smiling eyes and warmth spread through his body. Now he just needed to win her heart.

Nate took her by the hand and led her across the road. They stood silently for a long time, just enjoying the scenic view below. A warm wind blew lazily across the trees, and the birds floated on wings of air. Summer’s bouquet permeated the valley with its sweet fragrance. Rose sighed as peacefulness enveloped them.

“So.” She turned to him with one delicately raised brow. “When do you expect to have your car done?”

He grabbed his chest in mock horror. “That’s not just a car, sweetheart.” He grinned. “It’s a ‘65 Mustang Fastback with a hopped up Cobra engine. It’s a classic.”

“Oh.” She giggled. “Excuse me. So, when do you expect to have your ‘65 Fastback done?”

“It’s hard to say. Every time I think it’s done, I find something else I need to do. That’s the way it is with boys and their toys.” He winked. “We’re always striving to make ‘em bigger and badder than the next guy’s.”

“Well, I don’t know about that.” She flashed him a smile. “But it certainly is pretty.”

Nate groaned. “Pretty wasn’t exactly what I was going for, babe. Now if you said it was sharp or badass—then we’re talking.”

“Well, it’s definitely badass.” The sound of her laughter echoed over the valley.

“That’s more like it.” He chuckled.

Nate’s cell vibrated in his jacket pocket as they were heading back to the bike. He flipped it open. “This is Nate.”

“Hey, buddy. I have some good news for you,” Rick said.

Nate tensed. “Yeah, did you get the shooter?”

“No. Not that good.” A low chuckle floated over the phone.

They reached the bike and Nate handed Rose her helmet to put back on. “Do you know Rose’s identity?”

Rick snorted. “No, and we haven’t found the leak yet either, smart ass.”

Nate laughed ruefully. “So what then, did I win the lottery or something?

“Well, that depends on your idea of a good fortune, buddy. Sheila Williams had a cancellation and she can come out and see Rose tomorrow. We could be there around noon.”

Rose watched him expectantly. Yes, that was a good fortune after all. Maybe tomorrow they would finally learn something to help solve the puzzle of Rose.


Rick hit the end button as he drove into the parking lot of a burger joint. He was scheduled to meet up with J.D. and go over the progress in exposing the traitor. He knew he could trust J.D., one of only a handful of individuals who knew of the condominium’s hidden exit. If he’d been the traitor, that exit would have been blown up as well. Not that he had ever really suspected him. As a single father raising two young boys alone, Rick had nothing but respect for him.

Rick spotted J.D. in a corner booth when he entered and strolled over to slide onto the bench across from him.

“Hey, buddy, thanks for meeting me.”

“Sure thing, Rick. I’m as anxious as you are to find this guy. So what do you have in mind?”

“Well, I think—”

“Can I take your orders, gentlemen?”

A pretty little buxom waitress stood at their table...pretty being an understatement. For a moment, he had half a notion to flirt with her until he noticed she only had eyes for J.D., who was all but oblivious to her interest. He hadn’t dated anyone since his wife’s death a few years back, and Rick figured it was time to give him a nudge.

After they placed their order and the waitress had left, Rick reached out and lightly punched him in the arm.

“Hey, what the hell, man?” J.D scowled.

“What the hell is right.” Rick chuckled. “She wants you.”

J.D. glanced at the door where the waitress had disappeared. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he growled.

“I think I do,” Rick said. “Don’t you think it’s time to give yourself a break? It’s been over two years since Sherrie’s death. You should start thinking about dating, and that pretty little lady who took your order is most definitely interested.”

J.D. glanced back at the door, and then to Rick. “I don’t have time to date. I have the boys to think about.”

“A lot of single parents manage to date, buddy. Don’t sell yourself short. You deserve your chance at some happiness.”

“I’m happy.”

“You know what I mean, but it’s your call. I’m just sayin’...”

“Thanks for your concern. I’ll think about it.” His eyes narrowed. “Now, how are we going to get this guy?”

“I planted a false lead.” Rick placed a file folder on the table in front of J.D. “Here’s the information. All we need to do is sit back and wait.”

J.D. picked up the folder and flipped through it. “This should do it. Information like this would be too hard for any rat bastard to resist.” J.D.’s eyes snapped with anger.

Rick grimaced. “I know this sucks, man. It’s hard to believe one of our guys is dirty.”

“Yeah,” J.D. agreed.

The waitress came to their table with the drinks. She placed Rick’s glass in front of him and turned to J.D. with a smile. She leaned down just enough to show off the tops of her sexy breasts and placed his drink in front of him. “Can I get you anything else?” She looked into his eyes and wet her lips with her tongue.

Rick choked back a laugh and raised a brow in J.D.’s direction. He could have sworn that was a blush he saw creeping up his friend’s face.

“No, I’m good for now. Thank you,” J.D. said.

When she walked back to the kitchen, Rick couldn’t help but notice the way J.D. watched her swaying hips with a look of interest. He hoped he was finally ready to move on with his life.


Rose tossed and turned, unable to sleep. The loud tick tock of the antique clock echoed in the room, reminding her of the late hour. After the motorcycle ride, they’d come back to the house for supper and played some silly card game before bed. It was almost midnight, and she was in her room, unable to sleep. Nate moved around the house for a long time before he’d finally gone to his room. She’d wanted to ask him to let her sleep in his bed with him again, but was unsure about their relationship and too shy to ask.

That had been hours ago. Rose was wide-awake, staring at the ceiling, fighting the urge to bite her nails. Her stomach churned and her mind raced as she contemplated the upcoming counseling session. The door to her room opened and Nate walked in.

“Can’t sleep?”

Rose shook her head, her heart fluttering. “No, I’m sorry, did I wake you? I’m a little nervous about tomorrow. I can’t seem to get to sleep.” She wet her lips.

“Yeah, me, neither,” he said with a low chuckle. “Move over.”


Nate raised an amused brow. He reached down and tugged the blanket off her. “You heard me. Now, move over. We both need to get some sleep, and the only way that’s going to happen is if we share a bed again.”

Rose found herself scooting over to make room for him as he lay down next to her. He swept her into his arms until her body molded to his. His scent enveloped her and calmness washed over her.

“Better?” He nuzzled her hair.

Rose nodded against his bare chest and splayed a hand over it with a sigh of contentment. She smiled at his sharp inhale. He wasn't unaffected by her touch.

BOOK: Protecting Rose
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