Read Protecting Rose Online

Authors: Cheryl Yeko

Tags: #Romance, #ebook

Protecting Rose (17 page)

BOOK: Protecting Rose
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“Here, let me do that.” He took the towel from her hands. “Why don’t you go take a nice hot bath while I start a fire?” She had goose bumps on her arms from the chill in the air.

Rose sat back on her heels and pushed her damp hair away from her face. “Okay, but don’t you dare make dinner. Tonight’s my turn.” She scowled at him, although her eyes held a teasing glint.

“You got it, babe.” He admired the graceful sway of her hips as she left the room.

By the time she finished her bath, he had a fire going. When she stepped into the living room wearing the same white nightgown from the night before, his blood heated and his groin grew hard. He chuckled and shifted to get comfortable. She had no idea how sexy she looked in it. Although it adequately covered her, the fabric flowed over her feminine curves to give her an air of innocent sexuality, which was a temptation for any red-blooded male. And after all...wasn’t he both red-blooded, and male? He ran his fingers through his hair. It seemed like a good time for a cold shower.

When he stepped out of the bathroom twenty minutes later, he found a platter of small square-cut sandwiches, chips, and a beer waiting for him on the coffee table. He grinned. She’d cut the crust off all the sandwiches. Cute.

He sat down in front of the fireplace. With a groan of approval, he grabbed the beer and tipped it up for a long drink. It was from a local micro-brew. Rose had chosen it for its colorful packaging and catchy name. He snorted as he eyed the flowers that covered the black and gold label. But he had to admit, it had a satisfying, rich flavor.

“I take it you approve of my dinner choice?”

He glanced up. Rose stood in the kitchen doorway with two saucers filled with a generous portion of strawberry short cake and whipped cream. Nate tipped his beer up to her in a salute. “A woman after my own heart,” he said with a wink.

She hesitated. For an instant, desire flashed across her face before she continued over to place the saucers on the fireplace mantle. It was getting harder and harder to keep his hands off her now that he knew she wanted him right back.

The image of her curled into a ball with fear in her eyes wasn’t something he’d soon forget however. And not something he ever wanted to see again...or be the catalyst for. He clamped his jaw tight.

“Dessert.” She sat down and reached for her beer. “Since I don’t believe I can cook to your standards, I thought the least I could do was provide a decent beverage.”

Nate popped one of the sandwiches in his mouth and washed it down with another swig of beer. “This is perfect,” he assured her. Actually, he couldn’t think of a better way to spend the evening.

His brain tried to run interference with his emotions, reminding him she wasn’t his, and couldn’t be for the foreseeable future. Not until this screwed-up situation was resolved. He enjoyed his time with her, and didn’t want to think about the possibility of losing her when she regained her memory.

The storm raged outside as they enjoyed a leisurely meal. Nate found a silly board game tucked amongst the toys and they killed a few fun-filled hours discovering that Rose definitely had a competitive streak. Until sleepiness snuck up on her and she turned in for the night.

Nate wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep before he awoke to the sound of Rose’s cries. The sound of a nightmare.

He leapt from his bed, hurried to her room, and pulled her into his arms. He held her close, whispering words of comfort. Her tears dampened his chest and he ached to ease her pain.

Her crying stopped and she suddenly melted against him. Need shot through him when he leaned back and looked into her passion-filled eyes. His groin twitched and his arms tightened around her. He knew the right thing to do would be to return immediately to his own room. But his feet refused to cooperate with his brain, which was now being driven by a different part of his anatomy.

He was in serious trouble when she reached up and grasped the back of his head, and pulled him down until his mouth pressed against hers. He met her lips in what should have been a brief kiss, but instead blazed into an inferno that left him shaking with need.

He told himself that
would be a good time to get his ass back to his own room, even as her lips parted and allowed his tongue access to heaven. He lost all honorable intentions and buried his fingers into her hair, deepening the kiss. With a groan, he sought her sweet secrets, tasting her, savoring her, trying to capture her very essence with his mouth.

Lost in a haze of desire, he gently pushed her back onto the bed and covered her body with his, raining kisses down her delicate neck and back up to her sweet luscious lips. He explored her graceful curves through the fabric of her nightgown, touching, caressing, and worshiping her body, pausing at a magnificent breast. With a groan of appreciation, he filled his hand and lowered his head to suck on a pert nipple through the thin fabric.

Rose moaned again, and Nate stilled. Images of her scrambling away from him like a frighten fawn still churned his gut. This was exactly what he’d sworn he wasn’t going to do. The possibility that his actions could cause another flashback was too great.

Not going to happen again.

With great difficulty, Nate reined in his nearly out of control need to possess her. Regretfully, he pulled away and met her liquid eyes.


Okay, Stone. Do the right thing here.

“Rose. I’m sorry, I got carried away.” He was giving her, and himself, an out. One of them needed to be strong enough to take it.

She placed her hands on his chest. He sucked air through his teeth and his body went taut as she stroked and caressed her way down to the top of his sweatpants, up his back, and to his shoulders. His body burned from her touch and wanted more.

He was a goner when she reached up and brought his mouth back down to hers.

“Please,” she pleaded against his lips.

Now, how was a guy supposed to say no to that?
For Rose
. He groaned.
This is just for Rose
. He lowered his head and took her in a long, hard kiss as his conscience fought with his horny devil.

His hand somehow found its way under her gown. Pushing the fabric aside, he stroked her smooth leg and up to her slender waist, until he was able to fill his hand with a naked satiny breast. With a growl, he lowered his head and twirled his tongue around the velvet peak until it was rosy and taut, before capturing it between his lips.

She wriggled beneath him. Her soft moans blinded him with lust.

But he wasn’t convinced he wouldn’t cause another flashback if he took her the way he wanted. His better angel managed to take center stage as he focused on what she needed.

He moved to her other breast, took it into his mouth and lavished it with all the attention it deserved. She tasted like everything good in life. Sex, apple pie, sunshine, and woman. Sweet, sweet woman.

Rose gasped, buried her hands in his hair and held him against her. “Oh, my,” she purred.

Nate chuckled. He slid his hand into her panties and captured the prize between her thighs. A surge of triumph rushed through him when he found her wet and ready.

Placing his palm against her center, he rotated in small, circular motions until she moved against him. He moved his fingers to the hard bud between her folds, his intimate caress bringing her closer to the peak. At the sound of her passionate response to his touch, a growl of satisfaction burst from him. He could feel her tension as she reached for release, her body arching off the bed with her need for fulfillment.

Lifting his head, he whispered in her ear. “Come for me, babe.”

Nate inserted his finger into her warm heat and gently moved his thumb against her sweet spot. Her body trembled and hovered on the edge, driven by his finger’s slow, rhythmic thrusts. He lifted his head to watch her and nearly lost control at the sensual sight of her passion.

He lowered his mouth to her breast for another taste before returning to her sweet lips. At the sound of her needy moans, his groin pulsated with desire. He inserted two fingers into her moist heat and she fell over the edge. Her body convulsed around his fingers like a tight glove and she stiffened with a keening cry.

Nate smiled at the sound of her pleasure. She was both beautiful and a screamer. His hands continued to roam over her body as she trembled with the aftershocks of her orgasm. He loved the feel of her soft body, the sound of her moans of completion. Filled with satisfaction at the pleasure he’d given her, he buried his hand into her hair for a long kiss. Determinedly keeping his horny devil firmly caged.

Nate held her close and rolled her to the side where she cuddled against him. “Try and get some sleep.” He gave her a chaste kiss on the forehead, although his erection still pressed eagerly against her silky thigh.

She peeked at him with shy, sated eyes from under her lashes, a soft blush on her cheeks. “What about you?”

“Believe me, babe, I’m good.”

He reached out to cradle her cheek in his palm, then leaned down to kiss her soft lips. “I’m also a patient man, Rose, and you are definitely worth the wait,” he said huskily.

He fully intended to have her. His need for her was a hunger that gnawed at the center of his gut. But he was determined not to impede the fragile healing process she’d entered into.

“But now is not the time.” He smiled as her eyelids fluttered closed. “Now why don’t you get some sleep? You have a big day tomorrow.”

She gave a soft sigh of contentment before she fell into a deep, peaceful slumber. He smiled and continued to hold her close, long after she fell asleep before he finally joined her.


Rose purred with pleasure the next morning. Remembering the way Nate had touched her sent butterflies rioting deep in her belly, his sensual promise still ringing in her ears. He’d spoken like a man who intended to make love to her, which only deepened her resolve to make this session with the therapist a productive one. She knew he would not cross that line unless convinced she was ready. And her body burned for him.

Nate had breakfast ready by the time she dressed and joined him in the kitchen. Her cheeks heated every time she looked at him. An answering heat flamed in his eyes whenever he glanced her way.

“I spoke with Rick this morning.” He began to clear the breakfast dishes. “He’ll be bringing the therapist out on Friday around noon to meet with you.”

“Oh.” Her heart sank. “I’d hoped to meet with her sooner than that.” She bit her lower lip and frowned, glancing down at the fading bruises on her wrists. She wanted to know what had happened to her.

In deep contemplation, she didn’t hear Nate’s approach and jumped when he caressed her cheek. Her heart fluttered when he took her hand and kissed the inside of her wrists where the rope had burned—first one, then the other.

His clear blue eyes overflowed with tenderness. “It’s going to be all right. We’ll get through this together.” He cupped her cheeks and tilted her head back. “Are you okay?” A frown creased his forehead.

Rose stared back at him, determined to get her memories back. One man had already died protecting her, and until she could remember, everyone around her was in danger. The possibility that Nate might be hurt protecting her sent a shudder through her. Whatever the therapist asked of her, she would do.

“Yes, I’m fine.” She smiled. “Really. I’m fine,” she assured him.

Okay, if you’re sure?” He gave her an assessing look before he took her hand. “Come on then, there’s something I want to show you,” he said with a grin.

Rose stepped outside and took a deep breath of fresh morning air. The early morning sun shone brightly, drying any dew that lingered from the night. A light breeze blew across the yard, while the early morning melodies of the songbirds floated through the air. Even with the dire situation, she found herself, she felt almost...carefree.

It had to be the gentle warrior at her side. She’d learned she could trust Nate not only to protect her from harm, but to protect her heart as well. Over the last week, he’d saved her life more than once and then gone out of his way to make her smile.

Her cheeks heated and her body tingled when she remembered the way he’d touched her the night before. He’d put her needs above his own. Even if she couldn’t remember anything before last week, she doubted most men were that selfless.

BOOK: Protecting Rose
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