Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Bryn stuck her hand back in and came up with a box of condoms. Duke was a little boy scout, wasn’t he? She chuckled at the thought of him being a preteen and sneaking out of camp to spy on the girl scouts. Bryn could only imagine what a handful Duke and Des had been to their parents.

Reaching her hand back into the drawer, Bryn felt something hard. It was something still in its package. She brushed up against something cold and heard a jingling sound. Wrapping her fingers around both items, she froze when the light from the lamp illuminated them. Those butterflies that seemed to be around a lot in the presence of Duke and Des took flight in her stomach. She held in her hands a butt plug still encased in its plastic. She’d only ever heard of them, but had never seen one before. The base seemed a little too wide. Women actually inserted these into their—Bryn’s eyes watered as her brain couldn’t finish the thought.
. They seemed so hard and clinical in comparison to a man’s cock. Bryn would have to tell them she’d rather forgo the fake impression and just go for the real thing.

Bryn looked at the other item and saw they were fur-lined handcuffs with metal links in between the leather. She could just imagine them wrapped around her wrists. The fur was a cream color, and Bryn ran a finger through the pelt. It was softer than she imagined and pictures flashed through her mind of her being tied to their bed. Her pussy quivered, indicating that it liked the idea. Bryn decided she’d like to try the cuffs.

Bryn’s curiosity got the better of her, and she wondered what else Duke had in his bedside drawer. She leaned over the drawer and peeked inside. What in the world was that? It looked like a paddle—a real, honest-to-goodness paddle! Did he spank his women? Her panties were starting to dampen, as her pussy really liked what she was finding. Would she want to be spanked? Was it something that she would enjoy? Bryn was willing to find out. With the items she was finding, Duke hadn’t been kidding when he threatened to tie her to his bed.

What was that thing lying next to the paddle? Bryn picked it up by its handle. It felt heavy and had a least twenty thin strips of leather coming out of the handgrip. Bryn had a feeling this instrument was used in a paddling sense, but couldn’t wrap her mind around being smacked with such an implement.

“Find something interesting?”

Chapter Nine


Des pretended to be rubbing his jaw, but instead, he used his hand to hide the smile that cracked on his lips. Bryn’s brown eyes were wide with curiosity, as well as skepticism. The items that lay in her lap were only a few that Duke owned, making Des wonder how she would react to Duke’s penchant for kinky sex.

“Um, I was just looking for oil to give Duke a massage,” Bryn said, looking like she’d been caught with her hand in a cookie jar. He watched as she dumped all of the objects back into the drawer. She slammed it shut. Bryn picked up the bottle of oil that she’d left on the bedside table and stood. “Found it. Um, where’s Spur?”

Des fought off a laugh at Bryn’s attempt to hide the fact that she’d found some of Duke’s sex toys. They’d been with a lot of women in their lifetime and seen women wear cute to sexy lingerie, but nothing was as arousing as seeing Bryn standing in front of him in gray sweats and an overlarge T-shirt. There was an innocence to her that made Des want to show her the heights that he and Duke could take her to.

“I see that,” Des said. He heard Duke making his way around the bathroom. Des had a feeling that Duke would pass on a massage in favor of making love to Bryn. Was she ready for that? He knew that she had performed oral sex on Duke, but what he had in mind far surpassed that. Des crossed the room and entangled his fingers in her hair. He was becoming borderline obsessed with how silky her hair felt. “Spur is sleeping in my bed tonight. I was hoping that I wouldn’t need to.”

Des lowered his head and captured her lips. When Bryn got ready for bed, she must have brushed her teeth, because the fresh taste of mint burst onto his tongue. He couldn’t get enough and deepened their kiss.

“Can anyone join?”

Des felt a jolt go through Bryn and smiled. He knew that although Duke loved to play with his toys, if she felt in any way uncomfortable, Duke would back off in a heartbeat. Judging from the way her eyes dilated and the tremor that shot through her body, Duke had lucked out. But if Des knew his older brother at all, he would bet their ranch that Duke wouldn’t add anything additional to this moment. Duke would want Bryn to get comfortable with them first.

“Only you,” Bryn whispered, her brown eyes melting into a caramel puddle. “But are you sure that you’re up to—”

“The sleep I had earlier, which I might add was pill induced, did me wonders,” Duke replied, crossing the room to where they stood. He came around them, pressing his front to Bryn’s back. “You know what that means, right? It means that we get to concentrate on you.”

“I like the sound of that,” Bryn said, leaning back against Duke’s chest. He was only wearing a pair of jeans. Duke must have replaced his bandage, because the gauze seemed fresh and the tape appeared seamless. Des could tell from the slight strain around his brother’s eyes that he was still in pain, but he knew better than to point that out. Nothing was going to stop Duke from loving Bryn for the first time. “But I think now is the time to confess, that although this is all I’ve ever wanted, I’ve never actually been with two men at once.”

Des had to close his eyes while he savored her words. He was going to love being the one, along with his brother, to introduce her to their lifestyle. Just kissing her elicited a response in her that went beyond his wildest dreams. Nothing pleased them more than a woman who reacted to their touch in such a manner.

“It’ll be our pleasure to be the firsts,” Des replied, sliding his fingers underneath the back of her hair.

“And the last,” Duke interjected, right before Des kissed her again.

Des knew they were taking things rather fast with Bryn, but having her life hang in the balance had provided them with a new perspective on life. Duke wasn’t helping any by declaring they’d be the last men to touch her, but Des understood where he was coming from. Hell, his brother could have been killed last night. That alone was enough to indicate the time they’d been given on this earth shouldn’t be wasted.

Bryn pulled away, and when Des thought she would object to what Duke had said, she surprised him. She reached for the hem of her gray T-shirt and pulled it over her head. She’d exposed her breasts, and all Des could think was that he’d guessed right. They were the most perfect C cups he’d ever had the privilege of seeing. The word flawless came to mind, along with the fact that her skin looked like porcelain. Des wanted to touch them.

Duke beat him to it. His brother cupped them with both hands, making them swell over his fingers. Bryn’s breathing became a little shallow, and her brown eyes connected with his. When Duke rolled her nipples in between his index finger and thumb, her lips parted in a gasp. Duke lowered his head and kissed her shoulder. Bryn hummed. Des adored a woman who wasn’t afraid to show how she felt.

“Des, please undress,” Bryn whispered. “I want to see you.”


* * * *


Bryn’s body felt like it was being electrified. Duke’s grip on her nipples and the way he was rubbing and pinching them between his fingers had her on edge. Maybe her first impression of them had been right, and a simple kiss from them could bring her to an orgasm faster than any vibrator could.

Des stepped back and started to shed his clothes. It was like her own private strip show, but it was hard to concentrate with Duke doing mind-blowing things to her breasts. When Des finally stepped out of his briefs and stood to his six-foot-tall frame, Bryn had to place her hands on top of Duke’s to stop what he was doing. She wanted to soak in the image standing in front of her.

“You’re beautiful,” Bryn whispered.

Des’s blond hair was ruffled as usual with his green eyes watching every move she made. His frame was solid, with biceps larger than her thighs blending into massive shoulders that led to his sun-kissed chest. Bryn figured he worked on the ranch without a shirt due to the heat. A shot of jealousy shot through her at the thought of other woman worshiping his body. Her eyes traveled lower, and she saw that he had a slight dusting of light hair underneath his belly button, leading directly toward his magnificent cock. Duke was wider, but Des’s was long and slightly curved. His sac hung heavily below his dick, covered with a sprinkling of coarse hair. Bryn wanted to touch him.

As Bryn went to move toward Des, Duke tightened his hand on her breasts. A jolt shot through her at his strength and his unwillingness to let her go. A part of her wanted to do as he wanted and another part of her wanted to explore Des’s body.

“Not as beautiful as you,” Duke murmured in her ear, still not relinquishing his hold on her breasts. “And there is still so much more we want to see.”

Bryn couldn’t prevent a squeal that escaped her throat as Duke swung her around and swept her up into his arms. Duke stole a quick kiss as he laid her down on the bed. Bryn scooted up toward the pillows and watched as Duke removed his jeans. He’d been commando underneath, and she watched in amazement as his thick cock couldn’t hold itself up and throbbed in tempo to what she knew to be his heartbeat.

“But I want to explore the two of you,” Bryn said, trying to sit up. She didn’t get far as Duke took ahold of her ankles and pulled her slightly down the bed. He walked around to the end of the mattress, taking ahold of her sweatpants and tugging hard. Bryn laughed as her sweats slid down her buttocks and over her thighs. “Duke, it’s my turn.”

“How do you get that?” Duke asked, leaning on the bed with his knee. His dipped his fingers under her the waistband of her panties and pulled them off of her with one swipe. “If I’m not mistaken, you got to explore me to your heart’s content this morning. If you want to do the same to Des, you’ll have to wait for another time. This night is all about you.”

“Duke is right,” Des said, coming to lie beside her. He dipped his head and captured her nipple in his mouth. The shocking heat from his lips had her calling out his name. Des nipped her with his teeth before pulling back, leaving her nipple swollen and craving more. “This is your night. We want to prepare your body for when we are able to take you together.”

Bryn had been listening to Des and hadn’t realized that Duke had situated himself between her legs. Duke certainly had her attention when his fingers slipped inside the folds of her pussy, exposing her to his eyes. Wait a second, Bryn thought, what did Des mean about

“Des,” Bryn said, moaning when Duke’s tongue licked her pussy from her entrance all the way up to her clit, “what do you mean by—”

Bryn lost her breath when Duke sucked her nub into his mouth, causing blood to rush into her clit. Tiny shocks shot through her pussy, making it spasm and leak out her juices. Bryn knew she’d been about to ask about something, but whatever it was couldn’t be better than what Duke was making her feel.

“I mean for Duke to be able to take your ass while my cock is in your pussy,” Des whispered against her breast. He swirled his tongue around the hardened peak. “Would you like to be able to take both of us?”

As Des asked her that question, Bryn felt Duke gather her juices and slide his finger into her pussy. It felt so delicious and only ended up tantalizing her, making her pussy crave more. Bryn lifted her hips off of the mattress.

“God, yes!”

“That’s right, Bryn,” Duke said, his voice vibrating against her pussy. “Don’t be afraid to tell us what you want.”


Duke slid his finger back out, only to push it back in. He did that numerous times, until Bryn thought she wouldn’t be able to take it anymore. She told him that she wanted more, just like he praised her for. So why wasn’t he doing it?


Des released her nipple with a
. “Duke likes to know what you want, but that doesn’t mean he’ll give you what you want. My brother’s favorite activity is going down on a woman. Well, besides tying her up. And from the look in his eyes, you are the sweetest tasting pussy he’s ever had. I don’t think he’ll be in too much of a rush. Which allows me to play with my favorite part of your anatomy—your breasts. Did I tell you that I was a breast man? I have the most wonderful set of nipple clamps that would look beautiful on you.”

Bryn grabbed ahold of Des’s head and pulled his mouth down to her breast. He was holding one up like an offering as he chuckled and gave her what she wanted. At the mere mention of nipple clamps, she would have sworn her breasts swelled twice their size. She hadn’t seen them in the drawer, but if Des was the one who was a breast man, then maybe he kept them in his room.

“Des, Duke, I need more,” Bryn said, her voice coming out more as a moan.

Duke seemed to take that as a sign and renewed his efforts. Her juices were now leaking out and coating her ass, while her clit throbbed. Duke’s tongue seemed to be everywhere, and at one point the tip of his tongue seemed to have joined his finger inside of her. Des had taken her nipple in between his teeth and bitten just enough to cause a sting. Would that be how the clamps felt?

“I need—”

Suddenly, Duke took her clit in between his lips and started to suckle. Ever so slowly, his pull on her nub became stronger. Her clit extended into his mouth. The pull and release rhythm started to carry her higher and higher as spasms of her pussy caught ahold of his finger and wouldn’t let go. Bryn felt the tingles start in her toes and travel up her legs. She was going to come.

BOOK: Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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