Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (7 page)

BOOK: Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Bryn tried to look as innocent as a virgin, hoping that he wouldn’t catch on to what she had planned. She wanted—no, needed—to touch him in a way that would show him she wasn’t just leaving to never come back. Bryn would be back once this killer was caught, and they would be able to resume what they started. But she also didn’t want their first time to take place when he was hurting. Sometimes, concessions needed to be made.

Duke gritted his teeth, but after a moment of silence, nodded. Taking that as consent, Bryn continued to stroke his legs, loving the feel of his coarse hair that abraded her fingertips. Upon taking his jeans off, Bryn had opted to leave his white briefs on and was pleased that she’d made that decision. It was like opening up a present on Christmas morning.

In normal circumstances, Bryn would have been nervous about taking the lead. And in that situation, she would have made it worse by rambling on and on to try and cover that apprehension. But as it was, Bryn felt nothing but arousal and the need to please. She knew it had everything to do with who was underneath her.

“Bryn, I’m not sure how much of this I can take,” Duke murmured. He was looking at her through hooded eyes, although the green was still very noticeable. “If you don’t do something quick, I’m going to have you naked in three point one seconds.”

“I haven’t even touched you yet,” Bryn exclaimed, wondering how she could have made him reach arousal so quickly.

“You’ve been running your fingers up and down my legs for what seems like forever. That is touching, in my book,” Duke declared.

Did she truly have that kind of effect on him? A heady feeling washed over her, making Bryn want to see how far she could push him. Her creative mind immediately popped up a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. The angel was reminding Bryn of what her mission was, while the little devil was rubbing her hands together and encouraging Bryn to see how long it would take to break him.

The angel won out. Bryn had a feeling that Duke wasn’t one to mess around and could turn the tables on her in the blink of an eye, injury and all. Her fingers ran underneath the elastic band and lifted the stretchy material up and over her present. Bryn’s mouth watered at what she revealed. At least ten inches of cock lay swollen against his stomach, looking angry that it wasn’t getting the attention it deserved.

Bryn was happy to be situated on her knees in between his legs. Her muscles went weak at the sight of his cock. Her pussy quaked, letting Bryn know that she wanted to be filled by such a massive dick. Seeking relief, Bryn rubbed her clit on her heels through her jeans. It didn’t even come close to scratching the itch.

Pulling Duke’s briefs down until they were right underneath his balls, Bryn left them there to concentrate on bigger things. She was lucky if the size of his sac fit into the palm of her hand. Bryn couldn’t help herself and tried it out, letting his two balls find a home in the center of her palm. His skin was hot, so much so that Bryn thought her hand would catch fire.

“Bryn, I’m giving you one more warning,” Duke said gruffly.

Not wanting Duke to stop her exploration, Bryn leaned down to where her breasts lay against her knees. She brought her mouth down to where her hand cupped his sac and licked the large globe. Bryn felt his testicles move against each other. Separating them with her tongue, Bryn drew one of his balls into her mouth and suckled. Tingles shot through her body as Duke moaned. It was an intoxicating feeling to know that she aroused him.

“Your mouth feels like paradise, Bryn,” Duke uttered, causing her to look up at him. He was staring at her with his green eyes and making her feel sensual in the act she was undertaking. “Take me in your mouth.”

Bryn released his ball and slowly licked her tongue upward, over his shaft and his tip, eventually reaching his slit. His flavor burst over her taste buds. The order he gave caused desire to travel over every inch of her skin. She’d only been with two men previously, and neither one of them really spoke during sex. It was either his voice or Duke’s demand she take him in her mouth that got her juices flowing, but as long as the police caught this killer, she’d have plenty of time to find out which. Her panties were wet, her nipples were hard, and her breathing was labored.

Not wanting to disappoint him, Bryn widened her mouth and slowly sucked his cock in her mouth. With each inch, her mouth became fuller. She flattened her tongue to fit more. Bryn wanted as much of him as she could get. His tip hit the back of her throat, causing her to pull back a bit. She’d never been good at deep throating, but by the sounds emanating from his throat, Bryn would be willing to learn.

“More.” Duke seemed to choke his words out.

Knowing she’d made his shaft wet, Bryn wrapped her hand around the middle of his cock and started pumping. With her hand sliding over his skin, Bryn timed it so that when her hand was lower, her mouth closed over his tip. When she brought her hand higher, she released him but dragged her thumb across the sensitive underside. Bryn had only repeated the action twice when she felt Duke’s fingers grab ahold of her hair.

“Deeper. Tighter.”

Looking up at him through her lashes, Bryn saw that Duke was using his right hand. It made her remember what she was doing and why. She redoubled her efforts and tightened her fingers, obtaining the response she wanted. Duke let out a groan, and her eyes watered a bit as his fingers tightened on her hair. Taking her left hand, Bryn manipulated his balls in between her fingers to add to the stimulation.

“So close, Bryn.”

Lifting her index finger, Bryn made more room for her mouth on his cock. Using her tongue, she stroked it back and forth over the area she knew was most responsive. Pumping at the same time, she maintained a rhythm and didn’t stop, even when she felt his sac draw up into his body.

Bryn heard him scream her name right before his seed spilled into her mouth. He tasted like the salt of the ocean, and it brought to mind the relaxation she experienced visiting the beach one summer. The breeze coming in off of the waves while the sun shined down, warming her skin. She drank down every drop he gave her, not stopping until his body sagged beneath hers.

Bryn finally released his cock and readjusted his briefs before crawling up his chest and snuggling in against his heat. She made sure to lie against his right side, not wanting to cause him any pain. The square white bandage taped over the front of his left shoulder stood out like costume jewelry at Tiffany’s. Bryn knew he was going to try to please her as well, but pushed her neck against his right arm.

“Rest, Duke,” Bryn whispered, knowing it was only a matter of minutes before the pain pill he took earlier would kick in.


“Duke, I wanted to taste you. I wanted to please you,” Bryn said, placing a kiss on his chest. “We have all the time in the world, but I’d rather know that you weren’t in pain while we made love. Now close your eyes and rest.”

“Stay,” Duke murmured, slowly fading into that place where his body would start to heal.

Bryn used her fingertips to trickle circles around his nipple, loving how sprinkles of blond hair circled around it. She kept up the motion, even after his breathing evened out, indicating that his body had sought the rest it needed. She figured he maintained his muscular form from working on the ranch. His frame was larger than Des’s, but she had no doubt that Des had a marvelous body. Bryn wondered where he was. Did he know that she was in here with Duke?

As if Des had heard her ask the question, Bryn picked up a creak near the door. Lifting her head, Des stood in the doorframe with slightly damp hair. He was dressed in a black T-shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. Between the sight of him and the feeling of Duke against her body, would she really be able to bring herself to leave?

Des indicated that he would be downstairs and that she should join him. Bryn nodded her acknowledgement. She raised herself up on her elbow and looked down at Duke. His features were relaxed, unlike earlier when they were tightened in pain. She stroked his cheek. She loved the whiskers that had grown in overnight. They made him look like he’d spent the day loving on his woman and not worrying about the mundane things of life. Bryn wanted to be that woman.

“Don’t give up on me,” Bryn whispered. She leaned down and gently kissed his cheek. “I can’t have someone take this from me before I even have a chance to experience it. Once he’s caught, I’ll come back.”

Chapter Seven


“Is that everything?” Des asked.

Bryn nodded as she took her keys out of his hand, unsure of what to say now that he’d taken her luggage out to the car. Once she’d left Duke’s room, Bryn had gone back into the bathroom to finish packing. She’d only brought in her small suitcase with her essentials. It took less than a minute to gather her shampoo and conditioner, along with her toothbrush. She’d only made it halfway down the stairs when Des made an appearance and took the luggage from her. Now, they stood in the kitchen staring at one another. Bryn could see the disappointment in his green eyes.

“Des, this guy not only promised to come back for me, but he threatened to kill you and Duke if you two got in his way. I won’t be responsible for—”

Spur came out of nowhere, breaking the tension in the air. Like a speeding bullet, he flew into the kitchen and snatched her keys from her hands. Bryn yelped in surprise, trying to get them back, but Spur was way too quick. She would swear there was a smile on his face as he barreled through the screen door of the kitchen, which obviously hadn’t really latched itself when Des had come in from outside.

“Looks like someone else doesn’t want you to leave either,” Des laughed, although the sadness still lingered. “Look, Bryn, we can’t force you to stay. If I thought you wouldn’t hate us for it, I’d lock you upstairs in my bedroom and keep you there until they caught this guy. And after what you just shared with Duke, he just might end up doing that if you don’t leave before he wakes up.”

“You saw that?” Bryn asked, unsure of how to react to that news. Would he be jealous or had he gotten aroused from what he’d seen? “Des, I—”

“Yes, I watched,” Des confessed. “And I loved seeing the gratification you got from pleasuring Duke. You wouldn’t have done that if you didn’t feel the way we do. Which is what makes your decision to leave and place your life in more danger so puzzling. We can protect you.”

“And who protects you? Me? That’s laughable, Des, because I was scared shitless last night. Please trust me on this. I think we should put some distance between us, just in case this guy comes after me. I’ll be careful. If I think he’s anywhere near me, I’ll dial 911.”

“And what if they never catch him, Bryn? Will you never come back? Will we fade in your memory and just become those two guys who you had coffee with because of a dating website?”

“You will never be those two guys, Des.” Bryn took a hesitant step forward, not knowing how receptive he’d be if she came too close. She didn’t have to worry, because with her forward movement, Des closed the distance between them. Taking her into his arms, he tucked her head underneath his chin and held her tight. “What I did with Duke, I’m not the kind of woman who—”

“I know, Bryn. I didn’t mean for it to come out that way,” Des murmured against her hair. “I just feel helpless that you’re leaving.”

“I’ll call every day.”

They fell into silence and just enjoyed each other’s embrace. Knowing if she stayed any longer, she might not leave, Bryn pulled away and gave him a small smile. Des took her hand and led the way to the kitchen door. They had a dog to find.


* * * *


Des couldn’t help but laugh as Spur sat in front of Bryn’s car with her keys dangling from one side of his mouth while his tongue was hanging from the other. Before he could warn Bryn that if she tried to get her keys, Spur would take off, she leaned down with her hand out. Spur took off like a rocket.

Des whistled, hoping that Spur’s training would kick in, but he should have known better. Bryn started to chase him, and Spur then decided this was the best game ever invented. With Bryn behind Spur, the two of them started circling the car. Des leaned up against the tailgate of his truck, enjoying the show.

How could he just let her go? If Duke had been awake, there was no way in hell his brother would let her leave this ranch. But Des wasn’t one to infringe on her ability to make her own choices. He hoped that Duke understood his reasoning why, or he would make Des’s life a living hell until this guy was caught. Shit, Duke would probably track the killer down himself.

Bryn stopped abruptly and crouched down behind the front of her car. Spur kept running and, as he came around the trunk of her car, placed his paws in the ground to break. Cocking his head to the side, Spur lifted his ears a bit more to listen for any sounds of where Bryn might be. Wagging his tail, Spur took a couple steps forward. Bryn mistimed her movements, and when she sprinted out from the front of car, Spur took off in the other direction.

Bryn threw her hands up in the air. “I give up! How do we get my keys?”

Before Des could answer her, he spotted Sheriff Whittington’s patrol car coming down the lane. Des straightened his frame and took a step forward, holding out his hand to Bryn. She closed the distance, although he could see the question in her eyes.

“Someone is coming in behind him,” Des said. “It looks like an unmarked car.”

BOOK: Potential Match [Ménage.com 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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