Read PassionsTraining Online

Authors: Cara Carnes

Tags: #Erotica

PassionsTraining (9 page)

BOOK: PassionsTraining
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Fingers thrust deeper as the second man massaged her clit, sparking a frenzied burst of pleasure that made her entire body tremble with her release. She clenched and milked the fingers buried in her as she gasped on Stryker’s cock, moaning and screaming against him as what grip on reality she had shattered and she surrendered to the euphoric haze overtaking her.


Stryker groaned as the residual vibrations of Viviana’s screams forced his own release. Her knees buckled and he stifled his curse, thankful when Lance’s arm wrapped around her waist, supporting her body as she was lost in subspace. Concern knotted in his gut as he withdrew from her and accepted the blanket and towel Chase tossed his direction.

Lorenzo and Gabe were directing the gathered crowd away to offer some semblance of privacy for Viviana, even though Stryker doubted she’d be drifting out of the heady incoherence that the rush of endorphins and other chemicals created in reaction to a scene. Had this scene been in his dungeon, away from watching eyes and leering lustful gazes of non-Brigade members, Lance and he could’ve demonstrated how to prolong subspace.

But the little sub now bundled in a warming blanket and locked in Lance’s embrace had experienced enough for now. Fuck, she’d blown his mind. Literally.

Her lust for submission leaned more toward the rougher, darker aspects of the scene he’d initially been concerned she wouldn’t have a taste for. Both he and Lance enjoyed the full gamut of BDSM play and suddenly realizing she could handle more than he’d initially considered amassed a possessiveness he’d rarely experienced.

One look at the dark expression on his friend’s face and Stryker knew Lance was going through the same shocking need. She’d been so lost in the scene Stryker doubted she ever realized Lance was the one behind her.

She’d trusted him.

He fell onto the sofa behind him and accepted the weight of Viviana’s body as Lance set her down on him. She wiggled her ass against his thigh and grimaced slightly. Her head snuggled in the crook of his arm and she sighed in contentment.

Lance sat beside him and expended a deep breath. “Gotta say, man, not sure I can top that demonstration-wise.”

Stryker chuckled. “Indeed.”

He parted the blanket. Lance stroked her legs, drawing them over his body. Stryker contented himself with the smell of her hair and the soft sounds of her breathing.

Her eyelids fluttered open. She smiled up at him. “Hey there.”

“Hey yourself.” Stryker ran a finger across her lips and leaned down to taste them. “How are you?”

“Great.” She stretched and curled her toes. “Hi.”

“Hey.” He ran his hand up her thigh. “You were hotter than hell in that scene.”

Her eyes widened. “It was you behind me, wasn’t it?”

Lance nodded.

She chewed her lower lip and looked up at Stryker. “Sorry I didn’t think earlier when I approached you.”

“You understand why I responded the way I did?”

She nodded. “I think so. I mean, I know people probably heard me and I didn’t show the proper respect. And I’m here to learn about that.”

“That’s true.” Stryker stroked her cheek. “I also did it because I hoped you’d enjoy it.”

Pink stained her cheeks. “I guess we know how that went.”

“I guess so,” Lance stated.

She snuggled down again.

“Rest, little one. You’ve had a long day.”

“Just for a minute.” She sighed and closed her eyes. Soon her breathing was slow, steady as she surrendered to her need to sleep.

“She was remarkable,” Lorenzo stated as he paused before them, his arms crossed.

Stryker pulled the blanket apart enough to run his fingers across her nipples. He kissed her ear, “Take a deep breath for me, sweetheart. This may shock you.”

He removed the first clamp and rubbed her nipple. Her hiss made his body tense with hers. It had been foolish not to remove them during the scene. Guilt flogged his thoughts.

Repeating the process, he cooed into her hair and rocked her back and forth until she drifted asleep once again. Holding out the clamps, he looked up at Lorenzo. “We good, man?”

The man nodded. “She’s a treasure.”

“That she is,” Lance stated.

“Chase granted her a two-week membership?” Lorenzo asked.

Stryker nodded, not wanting to consider what would happen after that. Membership into the Brigade was exclusive. And pricey. At least three of the four founding members had to be willing to accept an entrant into the resort’s private nightclub. Though anyone could come to the resort for training and dabble with BDSM and the Brigade members, few made it into this sector.

“I see you still have a way of causing chaos in here.”

Stryker glanced at Kade as he moved to stand beside Lorenzo. They all needed to get the fuck away and let him deal with Viviana. But he knew what they were doing. He and Lance weren’t exactly known for their incredible bedside manner, and the scene had been epically out of character for them both. Public scenes were never their thing and to do strappado bondage with someone as new to the scene as Viviana had been risky.

“Checking on her?”

Kade grinned. He motioned toward Autumn. “You could say I was nudged to do so.”

Her cheeks blushed as Autumn knelt beside Kade. “I hadn’t ever seen anyone react like that so intensely.”

The confession was a whisper, and not surprising to Stryker. Autumn was about as vanilla as a member of the Brigade could get. Though she’d embraced the lifestyle with open arms and was in the process of being trained by a protective Kade, her knowledge of things was still limited.

Quite frankly, Stryker thought Kade needed to pull the stick out of his ass and start using it a little more on sweet little Autumn. Her gaze was hungry as she glanced at Kade, then over to Viviana. Her arousal was clear, as was Kade’s acceptance that the scene had ignited the submissive’s curiosity.

“I see I have something else to add to Autumn’s list of things to try.”

“You can thank us later,” Lance said.

“Bring her to the lawn tomorrow afternoon. We’re having an impromptu barbeque.”

Barbeque translated to a get-together with all Brigade Masters currently at the compound and any outsiders supposedly interested in the scene. Stryker hated the annual event almost more than Lance. As far as he was concerned, a truly interested person would cough up enough money to come to the resort—especially since most of the money went to charity anyway and the rates weren’t much more than a stay at a four-star hotel.

But Kade and Lorenzo were determined to keep the annual tradition alive—even if it equated to torture as far as most of the Brigade Masters were concerned.

“Son of a bitch.” Lance shook his head. “I swear, if just one freaking curious vanilla-minded fucker asks me anything about my dick, I’ll…”

Realizing arguing was a moot point, Stryker chuckled. “We’ll be there.”

Chapter Nine


“Fidget one more time and I’m going to drag you behind the tree over there and swat that sexy ass of yours.” Lance nipped her ear and grabbed a cucumber slice off her plate as he made his way to a cluster of people on the other side of the large lawn.

She’d woken up in Stryker’s bed—alone, again—after an amazing night at the club. They’d had work to do to help prepare for the barbeque, so she’d checked emails, caught up on work and done anything she could to avoid the delicious tendrils of awareness cascading within her.

She was a submissive.

Before she’d entered the masquerade she’d suspected, avoided the reality for some strange reason she couldn’t fully comprehend. Perhaps she’d been going along with the status quo for so long appeasing those around her she didn’t want to be different.

After last night there was no way to avoid the inevitable—she’d awakened a part of her she’d locked away far too long and there was no caging that side of her. More importantly, she couldn’t imagine continuing this journey of discovery without Stryker and Lance.

The two men complemented her needs. Neither were overly tender, but both very aware. Even when she was working alone she knew they knew where she was, probably what she was doing. They’d given her space to think and figure out for herself what she thought so far.

That hadn’t stopped the two lousy freaks from shoving a huge plug up her ass though. She fidgeted again, adjusting to the full sensation of the device she knew meant she was now one step closer to having the two men claim her like that. A shiver ran down her back at the thought.

Both men stood amongst a horde of women, all of whom wore visitor passes. They’d grumbled all morning about this event and the lame questions they’d have to field about body parts and other stuff. There’d been a vow cast between the two that they’d stay together and fend off the stupidity and judgment.

For all their grumbling, though, the two were at ease with the throng of people drifting in. Security had been tightened. Several men wearing Brigade t-shirts stood in a loose circle around the open area. As more people entered the melee, the men grew tenser in their stances.

Jealousy kept Viviana’s gaze riveted on Stryker and Lance. She wasn’t exactly liking all the touches they were getting from the women, but she didn’t exactly have the right to go over and beat them all down. She narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips as a busty blonde-from-a-bottle bitch ran her nails down Stryker’s back, then squeezed Lance’s biceps.

Stabbing a defenseless pickle, she winced at the masculine chuckle behind her.

“I suspect Autumn here would probably help you hold them down.” A man held out his hand. “I’m Kade. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Viviana.”

A beautiful blonde slapped his arm. “Do not tease me. That woman was groping you.”

Kade chuckled and put his hand around Autumn’s shoulder. “Viviana, this is Autumn.”

The names seemed familiar, and she suspected she’d actually seen them last night, after the whirlwind scene.

The woman smiled and hugged her. “Welcome to The Brigade. I know this place is rather…overwhelming.”

“To say the least.” Viviana diverted her gaze back to the gaggle of women. “So, how often is this thing done anyway?”

“Just once a year.” Autumn took a deep breath. “Most are just looking for an excuse to talk about whips and handcuffs. Then they’ll scurry back to their Bible study groups and pray for our lost souls.”

Kade cleared his throat. “While those two are being successfully overrun, I wanted to speak with you a moment.”

Viviana swallowed the apprehension in her throat. She couldn’t think of many reasons why Kade Berges would need to talk to her. Oh dear, was he kicking her out? Withdrawing the temporary membership?

“I wanted to let you know that Lorenzo, Chase and I decided earlier to extend a permanent membership to The Brigade to you, should you wish. Though The Brigade is meant primarily for Masters, we do extend membership privileges and use of the resort and all amenities to special submissives we wish to consider as…” he hedged, clearly determining a proper choice of words.

“Brigade property,” Autumn finished. “He worries you’ll run backward hearing that, but it’s the flat-out truth. If you accept, all the Brigade Doms will look after you like you were their own private treasure.

“And don’t jump into this blind. Let me tell you. It means you have every single Master in The Brigade monitoring your behavior no matter where you are.” She glared at Kade.

“That is not up for discussion. You lied to me.”

“He was for a bachelorette party.” Autumn rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “I was in New York at a dear friend’s house at an innocent party and two baboons twice as handsome as that poor, terrified guy we’d hired barge in and haul me out and onto a jet back to Austin.”

“You understood the rules when you agreed to membership, Autumn. There will be no secrets between us. You failed to share your agenda for that weekend with me. I trusted you and you violated that trust.” His voice lowered to a husky warning. “Do we need to discuss this again in private?”

Autumn gulped and looked up at him as she shook her head violently. “No Sir.”

“That’s what I thought.” He kissed her forehead. “That week of restriction was harder on me that it was on you.”

“Sure it was.” She rolled her eyes. “Do not ever, ever go on orgasm restriction. It is a hundred times worse than a hard flogging.”

Even though the woman’s voice feigned resentment, her body nestled into Kade’s embrace. Adoration softened his features as he looked at her. Viviana sighed.

Being a member would have its privileges. “Does that mean I could return to The Playground after the two weeks is up?”
Could I see Lance and Stryker again?

“Yes.” She sensed he recognized the underlying question from the intensity in his eyes. “Think on it. We did not discuss this with either Lance or Stryker, in the event that you do not wish to be a member. If you wish to part ways after the two weeks, I will take full responsibility for you not being a member.

“But should you wish to make a firmer commitment, it requires haste if we are to follow certain protocols. This annual ball is one of the only times we have enough of our membership here to make certain decisions. Again, I have discussed this with no one and will take full responsibility if you choose not to follow that path.”

An out. This man she didn’t even know was giving her a safe,
run for the freaking hills if you’re scared shitless of this place
pass. The protective gesture humbled Viviana. She’d grown up surrounded by a loving, overprotective family. From the moment she’d made the decision to experiment with BDSM she’d felt isolated.

Knowing she wasn’t meant more to her than anything else could have. Though she hadn’t met many of the infamous Brigade Masters yet, she suspected they would all be as protective and willing to offer their help as the man standing before her.

“Thank you, Sir. May I get back with you on it later?”

“Of course. Think on it and we can discuss specifics later. But we only have a few days, Viviana. Otherwise, I couldn’t provide you with full membership for several months.” He gestured toward the crowd. “I’d better go tag them out. They’re getting restless.”

Autumn grinned as he hugged her.

“Besides, my sweet little sub here just gave me a marvelous idea for the demonstration scene we are to do.”

Autumn’s eyes flared. She looked up. “You wouldn’t. Please, not that.”

“Oh, but sweetheart, I think after this little discussion a friendly, heartfelt reminder would do your memories on that party wonders.”

Autumn gulped. Viviana’s insides trembled along with the woman.

The two made their way across the immaculate lawn. Kade paused to speak with Lance and Stryker and then acknowledge the cluster of women. Pleasure pooled between her legs as Stryker and Lance made their way to her. Their hands settled at her waist. She could feel the heat of their bodies as they sandwiched her between them.

“You have a choice to make right now, Viviana.” Stryker’s lips hovered near her ear. “You can either remain here, watch Autumn not come, or you can go back to my place with Lance and I and we’ll make you come so hard you pass out.”

She had to be missing something, because there was no choice. Hands down she was following them to the ends of the earth. She knew her exploration was only starting, and that she’d eventually have to make some critical decisions. For now, though, she intended to enjoy the two men cocooning her. Everything else could wait.

“Let’s go.”

Lance captured her lips with his the moment they entered the living room. Pinned against Stryker’s body, she surrendered to the onslaught of hunger as they guided her down the hallway and to the bed she’d somehow managed to sleep in alone for two nights so far.

Stryker pulled her red top over her head and tossed it to the floor, exposing her breasts. She still couldn’t believe she’d agreed to go to the barbeque without underwear. His hands cupped her as Lance undid her skirt. She kicked her way out as Stryker drew her head back to kiss her.

“This afternoon was hell. I wanted to spread you out on one of those tables and feast on you so bad.” Lance ran a finger across her bare mound. “I hope it’s feeling better today, sweetheart, because we aren’t going to wait any longer.”

Neither could she. Though they’d given her the most intense orgasm of her life last night, she’d woken up this morning wanting to feel them buried deep inside her. Watching the other women fawning over them hadn’t helped. She moved to face them both and reached for their shirts.

She clawed at them but bit the order perched on her tongue. She fisted the material and closed her eyes, silently wishing they were naked. Her nails needed to scrape their skin. Her fingers grazed their stomachs as the memory of the bitch’s talons on them scorched her insides.

Stryker tweaked her nipples. “Do you have something to say, little one?”

Last time this hadn’t gone so well. She eyed the two of them skeptically. “I didn’t like her scraping her nails against you.”

Lance chuckled. “Are we supposed to know which
you’re talking about?”

“That bleach bitch.” Anger punctuated her words.

The men chuckled. Stryker removed his shirt. Corded muscle greeted her fingers. Fortunately Stryker followed suit and her nails ran across his chest. Stryker’s chest was wider, but Lance’s body was leaner, more honed. Both men didn’t have an ounce of unfit flesh on them.


“Yes Sir.” Her nails ran across their stomachs and traced their waistbands, an unspoken plea. She knelt before them.

Stryker shook his head as he reached for his pants. “On the bed. On all fours. Let us see that sexy ass of yours.”

She crawled onto the massive bed, her body dipping into the thick comforter. Lance stroked her backside. “Your sweet ass took the flogger well last night. I look forward to playing with you on a cross. Would you like that?”

“Yes Sir.” She spread her legs wider and leaned on her elbows to raise her ass higher in the air.

“Very good.” Stryker set a trash can beside the bed. “Did you enjoy having this inside you?”

“It made me feel full and I kept thinking about your cocks there. Inside me.”

“Lift your left leg, sweetheart.” She complied and Lance slid under her. She gulped as she feasted on his thick, hard cock. When had he stripped? His hand massaged her thigh as he maneuvered her to straddle him. Condoms landed on the bed beside them.

“Give me those sweet breasts of yours. I want to taste you.”

She leaned down. Warm lips surrounded her areola. His tongue flicked across the pebbling tip, worshipping its response to his commanding mouth. His other hand palmed her other breast, kneading the flesh in an exquisite blend of pain and gentleness.

The bed dipped with Stryker’s weight.

“Kiss me,” Lance ordered.

She dipped her head down and grazed his lips with hers. They parted under her tentative exploration and she swirled her tongue in, surprised he was allowing her to take the lead.

Stryker’s hands roamed down her thighs and around to her pussy. He stroked her labia and groaned. “I love you bare.”

Anticipation bolstered her courage. Muscles flexed under her explorative touch. Lance’s chest was a feast for a goddess, and Viviana felt like exactly that. She reached her other hand behind her and ran up the sinewy flesh of Stryker’s thighs until she grasped his hard shaft with her hand. The angle was awkward, but the reward was worth the effort.

Her senses constricted until only the two men existed. She surrendered to their caresses, the sensations their gentle exploration of her skin created.

Stryker moved her hand away from him and leaned her down until her breasts touched Lance’s chest. Probing fingers touched the tip of the plug buried in her ass. Her breath hitched.

“You’re ready for me now, little one.”

She shivered as he pulled the toy out. A loud clanking sound startled her, but then she remembered the trash can he’d set beside the bed. She swallowed her apprehension and focused on Lance’s hooded gaze on her. Her fingers wrapped around his cock. She wet her lips.

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