Read PassionsTraining Online

Authors: Cara Carnes

Tags: #Erotica

PassionsTraining (8 page)

BOOK: PassionsTraining
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“What did you say to me, bitch?”

Tears pooled in her eyes. “Cobra.” Her voice rose.

The man’s hand rose. She winced, her eyes shut and braced for the blow. He always struck hard and fast. No, this wasn’t him. It was someone else. But he was too similar.


She blinked her eyes open, petrified of the man’s intentions. A group of men shoved him backward. Two of them wore black vests emblazoned with the Brigade symbol. Her gaze darted around. Lance wasn’t here.

Why hadn’t he been there?

A tear slid down her face. She gasped lungfuls of air and cringed as someone crouched before her. A warm hand cupped her face and forced her eyes to meet his.

“Hi there, Viviana.”

She’d met him before. Her brain struggled for the name perched on the edge of her tongue. Why couldn’t she remember? She was so freaking stupid.

No. No she wasn’t.

A worthless piece of trash.

She battled the angered words from long ago and took another cleansing breath. The crowd had dispersed. The threat was gone, dragged toward the exit in a frenzy of angered shouts and foul words.

“Thank you, Sir.”

“You are very welcome.” He stood and held out his hand. “I’m Master Lorenzo. Let’s go sit down.”

She nodded and accepted his hand. Her gaze darted around again.

“I was closer than he was.”

Heat rose in her cheeks. Had she been that obvious?

“I suspect from the two men holding him at bay that it was decided his intervention would be a bad way to start the evening. Blood takes too long to clean up.” The teasing voice offered a release of tension in Viviana’s body.

He sat on a leather sofa in a darkened corner and tugged her down until she was beside him. His hand draped over her shoulder, running through her hair. “You were very brave to use your safe word but still comply.”

“I know I said it too early. I was scared. I know he hadn’t hurt me yet but…” She couldn’t explain why terror had seized her. Deep down she knew. The words haunted her, chilling the marrow within her.

Lorenzo scanned her bracelet and moved his fingers along his smartphone. “Had he bothered to follow protocol he would have known he’d violated one of your hard limits.”

“Hard limits?”

“Master Lance and Master Stryker both noted that degradation was a hard limit for you, given your past.”

Given her past? How had they known about her past? Had she entered some alternative time loop? Confusion kept her silent. His calming voice and soothing touched filtered through her fear.

“They are quite intuitive.”

“Apparently so, Sir.” She had a lot of questions for them. She took another deep breath.

“Nights like these try our patience. Too many freaks masking themselves as Doms show up. We try to screen them, but they are cockroaches who find their way in no matter what we do.” Lorenzo grinned. “We aren’t all that way.”

“No Sir.”

“You were quite enthralled with the spanking scene.”

“Yes Sir.” She fought to not look away from his molten gaze. His fingers grazed her lips.

“I remember how envious I was of Lance when he did that scene with you.”

Viviana looked down at her hands and fiddled with the edge of her outfit.

“Your bracelet says if we see you doing that to strip you down to nothing but your sexy smile. I’d hate to be the one to bare those beautiful tits for everyone to see, sweetheart.”

Viviana’s fingers froze. Crap. The bracelet was a computerized Dom of her very own. The thought made her pussy moisten. How detailed had their entries been?

“Keep your hands at your side. Do not rob me of gazing at your beautiful mound.”

She moved her hands. Her heart beat hard in her chest.

“Master Lance is a more generous man than I am. Were you mine to train I would have either kept you in my private dungeon tonight or brought you here with nothing more than your sweet smile and a pretty bow around your neck so everyone knew you were mine.” His finger grazed her knee and wandered up her inner thigh. “Spread your thighs for me, sweetheart.”

His hot breath fell on her ear. She shivered. Somehow her legs moved to comply. He took the knee closest to him and pulled her leg until it was locked between his.

. Lean back against the sofa and relax.” The leather was cool against her back. His hand was warm, gentle, as his fingers splayed on her upper thigh. Moisture pooled between her legs, so close to the taunting touch riddling her senses.

“It angers me to know someone could have been so cruel as to degrade you, sweetheart. Tell me, was it someone you trusted with your heart?”

She tensed involuntarily. She’d never spoken about that bastard with anyone. It had seemed easier to carry the burden of her foolishness alone. At least then no one could tell her she’d been crazy to begin with.

“I was young and stupid. I thought he was the answer to my prayers for a strong, confident man.”

“Many wanting a dominant mistake brutish behavior for what they desire.” His fingers circled, rubbing her inner thigh as he moved upward just enough to make her gasp in anticipation. He paused. “You were a strong woman to leave such a man.”

“I was lucky to have four older brothers ready to kill him.” Viviana grinned. “Not many people are brave enough to take them on.”

“I do not envy Lance and Stryker then,” Lorenzo teased, a grin spreading on his handsome face. Her fingers itched to run through his thick, wavy black hair. “Though I must admit I’d suspect they could wipe the floor with your brothers and not break a sweat.”

“Probably so.” That’s what attracted her most about them so far. They were strong. Fearless. The type of man she’d always been attracted to.

“I am pleased to spend this time with you, sweetheart. I discovered today someone I’ve known for some time was hurt very badly long ago and is now in dire need of someone to help her.” His voice was sad. Concern etched his features. “I am at a loss on how to help without scaring her away. She is all alone.”

Viviana tried to imagine what she would’ve done had she been alone years ago. Her family had been her strength. Her courage. “I’d suspect you intend to be everything she could need.”

“Let us hope she agrees.” His fingers moved upward. “He was right about one thing. You do have a beautiful pussy, sweetheart. Did you know there is a standing order that you come at the hands of three of us tonight?”

Oh sweet heavens.

His finger slid across her wet slit. “Shall I be the first?”

“Yes please, Sir.”

“Very nice,
.” His voice darkened, his breath hot in her ear. “Slip your nightie down to your waist so I may see your gorgeous tits.”

The spaghetti straps slipped down her arms easily. Her nipples hardened as she tugged the thin material down and closed her eyes. Though she was in public and anyone could walk by, she felt secluded in the glass-encompassed area close to the wall. Not that a little bit of exhibitionism would matter much if the payoff was a toe-curling orgasm.

“Good. Now lay yourself across my lap so your breasts and pussy are mine to enjoy.” She understood now why the sofas were deeper than normal. Swallowing her nerves, she maneuvered until her back rested against his thighs. Her head reclined on the sofa, her legs spread with knees bent.

“Very nice,

He palmed her tits and she groaned, writhing into the touch. He squeezed harder and she gasped.

“Have you ever had your breasts tied?”

“No Sir.”

A thumb flicked across a hardened nipple. Fire spread through her, spiraling to her wet pussy. His other hand followed the burning trail downward. He thrust a finger inside her.

“I suspect you’d enjoy it very much.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Have you thought about a man playing with your tits? Whipping them, tying them, sucking and biting.”

Yes, yes, yes, hell yes. The response remained unspoken but the grin on his lips spoke volumes. He knew the answer. She wiggled on his unmoving digit, begging with her body for him to continue.

“Then I shall feast on them and give you a taste of what to expect next time,
.” He lodged a pillow between his lap and her back, raising her upper body slightly. “Do you wish to be restrained? Will knowing you cannot pull away make this sweet pussy of yours melt for me?”

She didn’t trust her voice. She couldn’t. She nodded.

Leather restraints locked her wrists above her head. Lorenzo’s mouth descended. He licked the swell of her breasts. His finger moved inside her. A groan escaped him when she moved her hips to meet his hand.

Teeth scraped her nipple, daring her to move the sensitized flesh closer to him. Brazenly she did, desperate for a taste of what he’d taunted her with. He sucked her nipple, tentative at first then increasingly firmer. She gasped.

His warm tongue flicked and tormented as his finger fucked her pussy deeper and harder. She writhed, wanting more, needing something just out of reach. His thumb rubbed her clit.

He bit her nipple and she moaned. He held his firm hold on her and thrust his fingers into her harder. Heat spread through her. His thumb continued its torment, teasing and toying with her clit. He licked her nipple, allowing blood to bloom in the aching bud. He blew on it.

She shivered and he chuckled. “So sweet. Come for me.”

He bit, his thumb and finger pinching her clit. She screamed her release, a fiery inferno sweeping through her. He thrust harder and deeper as she rode the intense orgasm.

Collapsing against him, she tried to get her breathing under control as she looked up in shock. She’d never thought biting and pinching would make her respond like that.

He leaned down and kissed her cheek. “You are a treasure,

“Thank you, Sir.”

“It is I who should thank you. It is good that you find pleasure this way because I happen to know one of those training you will enjoy it a great deal.”

Her pussy clenched at the idea. Which one?

He chuckled. “That is for you to discover.”

He helped her sit up and adjust her clothing after a few moments of pleasurable stroking and holding. She stood on wobbly legs.

Curiosity piqued in her as he extracted two nipple clamps and showed them to her. “Jewelry to remember me by.” He lowered her negligee past her breasts and placed the clamps on her nipples, setting them to a firm, tight grip that had her pussy wet and ready for more attention. “Beg someone else to remove these, so that they know you gave me great pleasure.”

“Yes Sir.”

He swatted her backside. “Off you go. Master Stryker has just arrived. He will need some attention. Go. Show him you missed him.”

Chapter Eight


They were freaking psychics. It’s the only explanation Viviana had for how Lorenzo knew Stryker was here. She’d wandered around the club in a sensual, blissful haze wondering where he was. Where Lance was.

Finally she spotted Stryker at the bar. He wore leather pants and a black vest with a red Brigade insignia on the back. Her mouth dried. She wanted to kneel before him and suck his cock so bad. She’d spent her alone time earlier in the day checking emails and thinking of what she’d like to do with him the next time she saw him.

That had made it to the top of her list.

Something about being on her knees and taking a man like that made her entire body crumple. Though she’d enjoyed it twice with Lance, she had yet to with Stryker. Master willing, she was about to rectify that, come hell or high water.

She made her way toward him, her gaze cast downward. Getting caught glancing at the wrong person and possibly repeating the horrific event from before wasn’t about to darken her plan. She suspected Lance was steering clear intentionally. He’d made it quite apparent that once Stryker arrived, she’d be spending time with him.

The nipple clamps clawed at her arousal, ramping up her need for relief. Even though she’d just had an earth-shattering orgasm thanks to Lorenzo, she was ready for something more. Her inner slut was running free and she wasn’t about to pass up a second of tonight.

Chase was still behind the bar, standing right in front of Stryker. The two men were deep in conversation and Stryker’s handsome face was drawn. He had a don’t-fuck-with-me-and-you’ll-live look etched on his entire body. She’d recognize that look anywhere since her oldest brother Ryan wore it almost all the time.

She chewed on her lower lip when Chase paused midsentence and his eyes widened. A grin spread on his face.

She fell to her knees before Stryker turned around to see what had captured his attention.

“It appears the little sub spent some quality time with Lorenzo. I hope you put him in a better mood.” Chase chuckled. “Want to try your hand with this one?”

As a matter of fact, she did.

Stryker smiled down at her. She’d pulled her hands behind her back and spread her legs extra wide when she’d kneeled. “Very nice, Jane. Very nice.”

“I missed you, Sir,” she whispered.

“I missed you too, pet.” He held out his hand and pulled out his smartphone. “Let me see your wrist.”

One of these days she was going to hack into this masterpiece of a wrist database and see what the hell they were saying on those things. She could only imagine. She complied and chewed on her lip as his face darkened more—if that was even possible—and he pocketed his phone.

He glanced back at Chase. “You neglected to mention a few things.”

Chase shrugged. “Figured it was best for you to see her first. I kept Lance from getting locked up for murder. I figure that deserves a few moments alone with little Jane here.” He winked at her.

“Later.” His expression softened as he ran his fingers through her hair. “You’ve had a busy day.”

“Yes Sir.”

She wanted to show her new bold outlook. Brazen. Lance had said they intended to shatter her outer shell. Perhaps she could use a hammer and handle some of that herself. “I’d love it if you would feed me your cock, Sir. I’ve longed for its taste all day.”

Brutally blunt. The truth. Viviana held her breath and kept her gaze on his.

Chase spewed liquid across the bar and coughed. His eyes widened as he sputtered and gasped. “Man, if you even
of turning that down, I’ll kill you and take your place.”

Stryker nodded slightly and pointed to a leather pad a couple of feet from her. A metal circular eyehook sat a little farther back, nestled into a nook on the wood flooring. “Knees on the pad, Jane, hands behind your back.”

Her heart hammered in her chest. Holy shit. He was doing this here. Now. In front of everyone. Chase chuckled.

There was a saying about being careful not to poke the tiger. Something told her she’d just shot the tiger and it was about to bare its sexy, sexy claws. She crawled to the space he indicated and knelt on the soft leather pad.

Chase dangled a pair of leather cuffs. Stryker muttered his gratitude and grabbed them.

“What’s your safe word, Jane?”


“Good girl.”

The cuffs clicked into place around her wrists. Stryker held up a bottle of water to her lips. She drank obediently.

“Drink up. You’re going to need it, little one.”

Oh sweet saints.

One hand moved to cup her head behind her ear and the other moved to her breast. He tugged on the clamp. “Nice jewelry. I look forward to playing with you like he did, except I will push you much harder.”

She moaned as he pulled harder and twisted slightly, rushing rivulets of pleasure through her body. “I look forward to it, Sir.”

“I hope that’s true, Jane, especially after what’s about to happen.”

The vague statement set off warning bells in her. He circled her, prowling like the tiger she’d imagined earlier. A dark look set in his eyes. A cluster of people circled them, as if they could sense something about to happen as well. In the melee of people she noticed Lance wind his way through to stand at the front of the crowd. Curiosity and amusement flashed across his face.

“I see you’ve decided a demonstration is in order.”

“Our little Jane here decided it for me, I’m afraid.” She had? How? He ran his fingers across her cheek. “Topping from the bottom is a very bad habit to get into. Perhaps this will break you of it.”

Topping from the bottom. Viviana replayed the last few moments and groaned as her brazen words recycled in her brain.
I’d love it if you would feed me your cock, Sir. I’ve longed for its taste all day.

Okay, that hadn’t been the wisest way to gain his attention apparently. Oh, she’d gotten his attention all right. His, and everyone else’s.

“Something in particular in mind or are you simply latching her down?”

“Strappado.” His voice was low, husky with hunger. A prominent bulge beckoned her attention. Her words had affected him. That alone made whatever he was about to do worth it.

She wasn’t sure what strappado meant, but hushed whispers carried the word within the crowd until it echoed around her like a fateful warning of what was to come. She should’ve researched into BDSM more. Perhaps then she would share the lusty fascination the cluster of people around her had.

Lance disappeared into the crowd.

Chase laughed and jumped the bar. “That’s one way to stop drink orders from coming in. Want help?”

“We’ve got it covered. Sit back and enjoy.”

“No doubt about that.” He winked as he walked past her. Leaning in, he whispered, “Next time don’t make your need sound like a command. Some of us Doms don’t take those too well, in case you haven’t noticed.”

Lesson learned.

Lance returned with a duffle bag. It thudded to the floor at Stryker’s feet.

“When training a new submissive it sometimes becomes necessary to give her what she needs above what she wants.” Stryker maneuvered behind her, his voice booming easily over the crowd. His hand ran down her back as he crouched. Hot breath fell on her skin. “If the submissive is particularly needy, there are a few techniques to make her more manageable.”

The hook in the floor snapped off and he hoisted her arms up. Her body followed suit as discomfort built in her shoulders.

“Strappado bondage is binding a person’s arms behind their backs, usually by lifting them up until you force the submissive to bend over in order to avoid pain.” He demonstrated. She gasped in shock as she found herself bent at the waist, her upper torso now parallel to the floor.

Her pulse raced. Her breathing grew ragged as adrenaline surged within her. Though the sense of falling overpowered her, she fidgeted her lower body, determined to figure some way out of this predicament.

Stryker hooked her wrists to something heavy dangling from above. His hand settled on her waist. “There are a few ways to further impede their movement should they be particularly wily.”

Several observers chuckled since she was flapping around like a fish out of water when he’d made the statement. A strong arm wrapped held her against him.

Shame skittered across her as the laughter reverberated within her. She closed her eyes and focused on Stryker. The sensation of being at his mercy. To hell with the other people. They don’t matter.

“Deep breath, Jane.”

Hah. Easy for you to say. Don’t even think of saying anything.
Now wasn’t the time for a clever retort. He didn’t seem to be in the mood for her banter.

“One possible way to impede body movement is with a chain linking a neck restraint to the submissive’s ankles.” He stepped back slightly and ran his hand down her thighs. “But it would be a shame to have her neck movement impeded since sweet Jane here made her wants quite well known.”

The crowd laughed.

Crap. Had her statement been heard? Had she been that loud?

Okay, the bar had been busy.

Heat crept up her face. That probably hadn’t gone over very well. He probably had a reputation to uphold, after all.


Guilt kept her gaze cast downward as her breathing became more erratic. The downward-facing position made her breasts hang. The clamps placed on her earlier dangled, forcing her nipples to follow suit. The added sensation curled arousal within her.

“My preference is a spreader bar. It restricts leg movement, but leaves your sexy sub’s body fully open for your pleasure.”

Stryker crouched behind her. She blinked and watched him lock a wide metal bar between her legs with leather ankle cuffs locked around her. She had to spread her legs wide to accommodate the implement.

“This type of bondage should only be used if your submissive can physically handle the burden this creates on their arms and shoulders.” His hands ran along her shoulders. “Always use caution and never leave her in this position for long.”

He moved to stand in front of her. The cock she’d demanded the right to suck taunted her. His fingers wrapped around her chin, holding her face against his groin in a clear display of control.

She became molten. A hunger crawled within her. Footsteps echoed behind her.

“It’s best to multitask if you have a desire to play with your submissive.”

Chase chuckled at Stryker’s words. Someone was behind her but she couldn’t see who. Was it Lance? Where had he gone? The position limited her vision. So did the hand curled around her chin and neck.

“The possibilities are endless on ways to enhance the experience for your submissive. Master Lorenzo was kind enough to add clamps to Jane’s beautiful nipples earlier. As you can see, they are no doubt pulling on her in this position. Weights can be added to amplify the sensation.”

Please, dear sweet saints, no more to the nipples. They were already needling rivulets of hunger through her.

“Blindfolds add sensory play to the mix and can be quite pleasurable. There’s also the dreaded ball gag, but there are much more fun ways to use a submissive’s hot mouth, right?” His voice was a husky torment. He released his hold on her face and took a step back. “Do you still want me to feed my cock to you, Jane?”

Yes. No. Who the hell was she trying to kid. “Yes Sir.”

He emitted a guttural sound, a heady mixture of a groan, a growl and a grunt. His hands made quick work of opening his leather pants. With her focus on the feast being unveiled before her, she jumped as someone touched her thigh. Then pinched her ass.

Something trailed across her skin. Her breath hitched. Strands of leather. She swallowed the moan the action dragged from deep in her gut. Stryker’s cock nudged her cheek as he pulled her face against him.

“Open for me, Jane.”

Her lips parted. She didn’t bother to stifle her soft moan when the tip of his cock slid into her mouth. Her tongue darted across the impressive width of the head and licked pre-cum off. He tasted better than she’d imagined.

That sound came from him again. Fingers twisted in her hair, holding her in place as he pressed into her mouth. Shards of awareness crackled across her ass. Her skin burned, sizzled under the sensual sprinkle of blows to her ass and thighs. Sensation flowed within her, from her heated backside to the agonizing thrusts of Stryker’s cock into her mouth.

Her body was on sensory overload and she was unable to do anything but accept it. She sucked and moaned against his thick shaft as fire continued to pelt her backside. The blows ceased and she gasped as hands rubbed and stroked. She shivered under the gentle touch—hesitant at first, then firmer, more demanding.

Fingers probed her wet slit, plunging into her wet pussy with fervor. They fucked her in the same wild, relentless rhythm Stryker used. His husky voice floated through her, a thin strand of reality lost in the sea of blissful pleasure she was floating in.

“Your mouth feels good around me, Jane.” His fingers ran across her cheek. “We’re almost there, little one.”

BOOK: PassionsTraining
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