Read Outlaw Rose Online

Authors: Celeste Rupert

Outlaw Rose (4 page)

BOOK: Outlaw Rose
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As soon as the horses had drunk their fill she picketed them on fresh grass and returned to the side of the pool. The water was so inviting. With quick fingers, she unbuttoned the shirt and let it fall then untied the rope she’d used as a belt and the far too big trousers slid to the ground. She gathered the collection of pistols and laid them carefully atop her clothes, within easy reach of the edge of the pool. She dipped her toes into the cool water, then stepped in, moving slowly. Soon she stood on the bottom, the water hitting her at waist height. She held her breath as she paused to let her body adjust to the temperature. Goose bumps broke out over her flesh and her nipples peaked. Better to go under quick, she decided, and steeled herself for the dunk.

A rustling in the trees made her freeze. The horses’ heads came up and the pack horse—the one carrying the gold—nickered. She dived for a gun just as the horse and rider came into view.

It was Tucker.

He looked hot, dusty and exhausted. She levelled his own pistol at him and the edge of his mouth turned up in a half smile as he saw her standing there, naked in the gently lapping water. He pushed the brim of his hat back and wiped the sweat from his forehead. Without a word he dismounted, tipped his hat to her and led his horse to the water’s edge. Tucker knelt to the ground to drink alongside his horse, and she used the opportunity to climb back onto the bank. Tucker let the reins drop and his horse trailed over to join the other two. He stood facing her, his gaze raking over her from head to foot, his face inscrutable. The water dripped down her legs.

“You caught a horse,” Rose said.

He gave a mirthless chuckle. “The other two weren’t so lucky. You sure played us, Miss Bank Teller.”

“And now you’re here to take back the gold?”

“That’d be the plan,” he said, “but right now you seem to be holding all the cards.”

She tipped her head sideways, looking at him from head to toe the way he’d looked at her. His worn clothes fitted him well, enhancing rather than disguising the lean, muscled body underneath. Stubble shadowed his jaw and his lips were still twisted in a half smile as he met her gaze. He was so calm, standing there facing down a pistol. So calm, after he’d ruined her plans by stealing the gold. He’d distracted her from her goal with his hot mouth and his rough hands, and, even after all the trouble he’d been, she still felt a twinge of longing just looking at him.

A drip of water fell from her knee to the top of her foot.

And he’d interrupted her bath.

She was annoyed. How dare he stand there so calm and collected? She’d get away with the gold, but first, she’d see to it that he lost his cool. She watched his eyes widen ever so slightly, alarmed by the smile that had spread across her face.

“Turn around.”

He started slightly at her command, but slowly did as she had said. Keeping the gun and one eye trained on him, she scooped up the rope that had served as her belt. She walked behind him and jammed the barrel of the pistol into his back. “Your hands. Put them behind your back.” Awkwardly, trying to keep the gun in hand, she tied his wrists together. She was good at knots. Once she was satisfied he was secure, she gave his elbow a tug, spinning him to face her. She placed the barrel under the edge of his jaw hard enough that he tipped his head back, away from its pressure. She leaned against him, feeling the roughness of his shirt on her breasts and remembering his touch. “You interrupted my bath.”

His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed. “My apologies.”

She could see the twinkle in his eye. He still wasn’t taking her seriously, but he would.

“You can just set down by that tree there while I finish.” She backed him towards the tree in question until he bumped into the strong, young trunk. “Sit,” she ordered, and he bent his knees and slowly lowered himself to the ground.

As soon as he was settled, his back against the truck, she trailed her free hand down his front. He drew in his breath as she reached his belt, the pistol still under his jaw. She unbuckled it one-handed and slowly slid it free from the belt loops. She moved behind him and pulled the belt through the rope binding his hands and around the tree, buckling it securely.

“There,” she said, satisfied with her handiwork. “That should keep you out of trouble while I enjoy a leisurely bath.” She turned and headed back for the water, dropping the pistol with the others. Just as she reached the water’s edge she turned back and looked at him thoughtfully. “It is hot today, isn’t it?” She walked slowly back towards him, aware his eyes followed the sway of her breasts. She bent close to him. “Let’s just make you a little more comfortable.” One button at a time, she opened the front of his shirt, then spread it wide to expose his muscled chest, lightly furred with hair. She ran her palms over his skin, pausing to give one flat nipple a pinch that made him twitch, though he never made a sound. She looked into his eyes as she unbuttoned his pants. It would be much easier to keep an eye on how she was affecting him with all of him exposed—his poker face could only go so far. His eyes drifted shut for a moment as her hand closed around him, pulling his cock free from the trousers. She dropped him then returned to the pond without a backwards glance.

She slid into the water slowly before turning to watch her captive audience as she gradually sank beneath the surface. His hot gaze was on her as she gasped when her breasts touched the cold water. She didn’t stop, ducking her head under before standing up again, her wet hair sticking to her. She ducked under again, leaning back to let the water pull her hair away from her face. She floated face up, enjoying the warmth of the sun and the coolness of the water as it washed away the dirt and grime from the long, dusty trail. She let her arms float out to her sides and sighed in contentment.

Rose was reluctant to move, but she figured she’d better check on Tucker. She wouldn’t want him to feel neglected. She sat up, letting only her head emerge from the water and looked over at him. She couldn’t see his eyes under the shadow of his hat—she should’ve taken it off. Not that it mattered much. Based on the state of his arousal his attention was firmly on her, just where she wanted it. She stretched her arms over her head and stood, the water sluicing off her body as she climbed out of the pool. She smiled down at Tucker as she took his hat, flinging it to the ground. “Enjoying yourself?” she said, giving a pointed look down at his lap.

He gave her a broad grin. “Come to think of it, I guess I am.”

She frowned. “That wasn’t the idea. This is supposed to be my good time.”

Chapter Five




She stepped across him, placing a foot on either side of his hips and leaning towards him. He tipped his head up at her and she looked down into his face. “Do I need to go get the gun?” Rose asked, grabbing a handful of his shaggy hair in each hand
to direct his face between her thighs. She felt his chuckle, his breath cool on her wet skin. He darted his tongue out to touch her and she bent her knees to give him better access. He ran his tongue along her cleft, slippery and hot after the cold water. She caught her lower lip between her teeth. Over and over he stroked her, until she had to let go of his hair to brace herself, the bark digging into her palms. Her knees were weak as she pressed herself against his face. The pressure built and built and built until she was rocking against him. He latched onto her and began to suck. A moan was torn from her throat as she began to shake.

He sucked harder, the pressure exquisite and unbearable. She wrapped her arms around the tree—the bark pressed roughly against her breasts as she struggled to stay upright as the first wave of her climax hit her with a force that left her gasping for air. Tucker didn’t stop, sucking hard, his tongue working, and she screamed and ground against his face before collapsing in a heap, one leg across his lap. She noticed his chest was heaving against her hand and looked up to see him fighting for breath as desperately as she was.

“Am I wearing you out already?” she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

Tucker laughed, low in his chest, and licked his lips deliberately, making her pussy throb again. “Not yet.” He raised an eyebrow and she followed his gaze down to his lap. His erection lay between them, straight up against the ridged plane of his belly, the thick head against his belly button.

“Oh,” she said, sitting up. “You don’t look worn out at all.” She closed her hand around his shaft and watched as his eyes closed and he tipped his head back against the tree. She didn’t move her hand, just left it closed snug and hot around his cock.

After a moment he lifted his head, looking at her curiously. She smirked at him. His eyes on hers, he began to rock his hips, thrusting into her hand. She held still, making him do all the work. His hips moved up and down and a sheen of sweat broke out across his chest. He tensed and thrust even faster, ready to come.

She released him and he opened his mouth in a gasp, his eyes questioning as his hips bucked against nothing.

“Why?” he breathed.

She ducked her chin and smiled before running a single finger around the head of his cock and watching as he rocked his head back, his teeth digging into this lower lip. “I told you, this is my turn.”

His eyes flew open as she moved to straddle him, bracing herself against his sweat-slickened chest as she reached down to guide him into her with her other hand. He held her gaze as she settled over him. She slid her hands up his chest, over his shoulders, and laced her fingers behind his neck, beneath the damp, shaggy hair at his nape.

She began to move, slowly, pausing at the end of each stroke. He writhed beneath her, struggling against his bonds and trying to arch up. “Oh, God, please.” His eyes bored into her. “Please.”

She smiled. He wasn’t so cool now. “We’ll see.” She kept the rhythm slow and steady, enjoying the feel of him hot and thick inside her. She adjusted the angle, moving faster.

The tendons stood out on Tucker’s neck, his mouth was open as he panted beneath her. He licked his lips and she moaned, leaning forward, her breasts pressed to his face.

“Suck…” she started to say, but didn’t finish—the rest of her command lost as his mouth closed over her nipple. He drew it into the heat of his mouth and he wasn’t gentle, pinching and rolling the sensitive tissue between his teeth. A cry caught in her throat in response to the exquisite pain, then he started to suck, hard. She could feel the pressure of his mouth through her entire body and realised she was pumping her hips against him faster, harder.

He released her breast and moved his head, trying to capture the other one. His breathing was ragged and loud, then his mouth closed around the tip of her bobbing breast and she couldn’t hear anything but the roaring of her blood in her ears.

She rocked against him fast as a moan was torn from her, then his voice joined hers as she closed her eyes. Her muscles clenched and lights flashed against her eyelids. She collapsed to his chest, sucking in air as he thrust up into her once more before he stiffened and yelled as she felt his release.

She didn’t move off him, her cheek to his broad shoulder and her breasts against his chest as she focused on getting air into her lungs. She could feel his heart pounding.

“You know, Miss Bank Teller,” Tucker said, his voice rumbling in his chest, “we seem to make a pretty good team.”

She pulled back to look at him.

He grinned and cocked an eyebrow. “I mean imagine how great we’d be together if we were both willing participants.”

“Don’t try to tell me you weren’t a willing participant.” She rolled her hips, reminding him he was still inside her, and was rewarded with a groan.

“Fine,” he said. “Now please sit still for a minute, I have a proposition for you.”

She worked her hips back and forth, and felt him begin to grow thick and hard again. “Talk fast.”

Muscles worked in his jaw before he continued. “You seem to feel mighty proprietary towards that gold.”

“I had a plan. If you and your boys had showed up a day later, that gold would’ve already been gone.”

He grinned. “I thought as much. Got the teller job just to get close to the gold?”

She nodded.

“Clever girl. I knew I liked you. What were you planning to do once you got the gold?”

“Head for California. Start a new life. One where I don’t have to work so hard. I’d be halfway there by now if you hadn’t come along.” She wiggled against him and he groaned.

“Right now, I find it hard to feel sorry about that.”

She started to rock. “I believe you said something about a proposition.”

“Sit still and I’ll tell you.”

She settled down around him, feeling smug and enjoying the length of him inside her.

“I’ve always wanted to see California.”

She froze.

“I suggest a partnership.” She didn’t say anything, so he continued. “Be a lot easier to settle into a respectable life as a rich woman if you were a rich woman with a husband.”

She stiffened, surprised.

“I think we could pull off Mr and Mrs Tucker quite well if we put our minds to it.”

She considered. He was right, it would be easier for her with a husband. But could she trust him?

He watched her anxiously.

“You know,” he added, “there is one other advantage to this idea.”

“What’s that?”

He pulsed up against her and she grinned. “That’s all well and good, but how do I know I can trust you?” Rose asked.

The look on his face was positively evil. “Because there’s no downside for me. I get to live off that gold and the possibility of this”—he rocked his hips again—“on a regular basis. Why would I give that up?”

She laughed and leant back, bracing herself on the ground between his knees with one hand and extending the other in his direction. “You’ve got a deal.” He raised an eyebrow at her and she giggled. “Oh yeah, you’re a little tied up right now.”

“Yeah,” he said, “about that.”

She lifted herself slowly off him, watching as his eyes closed and his head fell back. She untied the rope with shaky fingers then stood back to watch as he got to his feet, stepping out of his boots and trousers. He rubbed his wrists, rolled his shoulders, and turned to reach for her.

BOOK: Outlaw Rose
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