Read Outlaw Rose Online

Authors: Celeste Rupert

Outlaw Rose (2 page)

BOOK: Outlaw Rose
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Caught up in planning, she jumped when she felt his hands on the bare skin of her thighs. He’d disposed of her petticoat and firmly moved her knees apart with his rough, warm hands. She reared up as he slid one thick finger deep inside her without warning.

“Ah,” he said, as he drew the finger slowly back out again, making her shudder. “All wet and ready for me.” He leaned over, pressing her back into the ground as he trailed his finger over her sensitive tissues, making her buck against him. “And I thought you were only doing this so I would spare your life.”

She opened her mouth to reply, but instead let out a sharp cry as he began a lazy circle around her swollen sex and her hips rocked towards him of their own accord, trying to follow his hand as he pulled it away. She hardly had time to miss it before he grabbed her, dragging her towards him and up onto his lap. Her legs were spread wide by the width of his body, the sharp edge of the butt of his gun digging into her upper thigh just before he let go of her with one hand to guide himself into her in one long, solid thrust.

She gasped as her sensitive inner tissues stretched. He paused once he was seated deep within her to adjust his grip, his fingers biting into her as he began to move. Rose flailed her arms, searching for something to grab onto, clawing handfuls of dried grass, the only thing within her grasp. She couldn’t touch him, couldn’t sit up with her head down, her hips up on his lap. She couldn’t even see him as he surged into her in the darkness, but she could hear him as he breathed in rhythm to his thrusts and she whimpered as the pressure built.

He released his hold on her and leaned over her, his hands braced on the ground either side of her as he increased the tempo, shifting to rock into her at a deeper angle. She reached for him, grateful for something to hold on to as she planted her feet on the ground and lifted her hips to meet every pounding thrust. He dropped his head, sucked hard on a nipple and she arched up with a moan, tangling her hands in his hair. He switched to her other breast and she bucked beneath him as the tug of his mouth added to the rolling sensation of his fast, hard thrusts and pushed her over the edge. She heard a long, keening cry and realised it was coming from her and she clung to him, riding out the waves of her climax as he gave another deep thrust, stiffened, then let out a shout and collapsed on top of her.

Her body gave a final twitch and she let her arms fall to her sides as she struggled to catch her breath. His body was a solid weight on top of her, his face buried between her breasts as he sucked in air and she could feel the puffs of breath on her wet breast. Her nipples were painfully hard.

His voice was muffled when he spoke. “You’re something else, Miss Bank Teller,” he said. “I’m glad I didn’t shoot you.” He lifted his head and pushed himself up, giving the nipple a pinch that made her gasp before he pulled slowly out of her, her body clinging to him. She threw her head back as residual sensation coursed through her.

“You’re a bit of a surprise yourself, Mr Bank Robber,” she said, mocking his name for her even as she caught her breath. “You sure you don’t want to keep me for yourself?” She trailed one hand up between her breasts and he froze on his knees beside her, his gaze focused on the path of her fingers as she circled the nipple. “You don’t have to tell the others about me. I’m sure we could work something out.” She pushed her breasts together, her back arched.

He reached out to touch her, his big, warm hand barely brushing the sensitised tip, when there was a crashing in the bush and he froze.

Chapter Two




“Tucker? You out here?”

She looked over to see two shadows stumble towards them, and hurried to cover herself.

“Here!” the man who’d just extricated himself from between her legs called, then lowered his voice so only she could hear. “Sorry, Miss Bank Teller. So much for keeping you to myself.” He met her gaze for a moment and, caught by the intensity in his dark eyes, she believed that he really was sorry.

The two newcomers were nearly on top of them before they stopped.

“Well, well, Tuck, what did you find?” It was the shorter of the two men who had spoken. In the darkness she couldn’t make out his face.

Tucker stood up, buttoning his pants. “This here is the teller from the bank we hit yesterday. Turns out we managed to dodge the posse, but not her.”

The man who’d spoken before laughed. “And you thought you’d teach her a lesson.”

“No.” Tucker’s voice was firm. “I was trying to decide how to get rid of her. Can’t have her running to the sheriff and telling them where to find us. This”—he gestured at her, still lying in the dirt and grass, clasping her ruined dress to her chest—“was her idea.”

“Seemed like you was having quite a time. Could hear the two of you clear to camp.” The short, wiry man’s voice turned serious. “Was you planning to share, or keep these spoils all to yourself?”

“Only just finished up.”

She could hear the smile in Tucker’s voice, though she couldn’t see his face.

“As you heard. Next stop was the camp.” He reached down and clamped a hand back on her arm, lifting her to her feet. She lost her grip on the torn edges of her dress and her breasts swung free, bouncing as she struggled to keep her feet under her on the dark, uneven ground. Her head spun. She’d known what she was getting into when she’d agreed to this deal and the gold was worth it, not to mention her life, but she hadn’t expected to enjoy it like she had. She was acutely aware of Tuck’s movements as he walked beside her, his firm grip on her arm.

The fire came into sight, casting a flickering light over the campsite. Three bedrolls lay haphazardly around the fire, and she could hear the horses cropping grass just outside the firelight’s glow. For the first time, she could clearly see the faces of the bank robbers—they’d worn masks the day before, when they’d forced her to open the vault.

There were three men altogether. A small, wiry man with a weather-beaten face and a tall, skinny kid who didn’t look old enough to be robbing banks—not that there was an age limit on law breaking—and Tucker, whom she already knew…
There is an understatement
. Her body still throbbed from the recent encounter.

“So.” The shorter man walked forward. “My turn, then, is it?” He unbuttoned his pants as he went.

“Hold it, Shorty,” Tucker said, and Shorty turned in surprise. Tucker spread his hands wide. “Take it easy, there’s no rush. She’ll be here in the morning.”

“Wait till morning?” Shorty snorted. “After I got all riled hearing you two going at it? After I got a good look at those tits? Look here.” He nodded down at his crotch, where he stroked himself as he spoke. “Does that look like I could wait till morning?” He took a step closer to Tucker, squinting up to look down his nose at him. “You trying to keep her all to yourself or something, Tuck?”

Tucker’s eyes flickered to her face for just a second before he replied, lifting his hands in defeat. “Nah, I just thought she could use a break. I rode her pretty hard out there.”

Shorty scoffed. “I’ll show you both what rode hard really is.” He watched Tucker walk away and sit on the ground nearby, his back against a tree and his long legs stretched out in front of him.

The third man stood just inside the glow of the fire, watching as though he couldn’t bear to look away.

“You just watch me, Junior. You’ll see how it’s done.” He turned back towards her, his cock still in his hand. “Now as for you, missy, it seems to me you’ve got far too many clothes on. You might get away with that with Tuck over there, but I like my women bare.” He shoved the ruined dress off her shoulders, tearing it further to push it off her hips. It pooled at her feet, leaving her completely naked. She felt the gazes of all three men on her but it was Tucker, over in the shadows, whose she felt most intensely.

 She dragged her focus back to the man in front of her. He would have had to look up to look her in the eye, but he didn’t, instead he stared at her body with a hot intensity.

He reached out and cupped a breast, as though weighing it in his hand. “This is our lucky night, boys.” He pinched the nipple and used it as a leash to guide her towards him. “Come along, missy, my bedroll is over here.”

She hurried around the fire, trying to minimise the pull on her sensitive breast. When they came to the pile of dirty blankets he brought his hand down, and she cried out as she crouched, then fell to her knees. He didn’t stop there, tugging the nipple forward and down until she was on her knees, her face in the musty smelling blanket. He gave the nipple a final tweak then released it.

“Spread your knees,” he demanded as he moved behind her.

She lifted herself up on her hands and knees.

His hand came down on her ass with a crack that echoed through the darkness and left a stinging hot pain. “I never said you could lift your head up,” he growled in her ear as he grabbed the back of her neck and forced her head back down. “If you can’t listen, you’ll have to be punished.”

She could tell he was enjoying himself. Her bottom stung from his slap, the tingle igniting other sensations. She knew Tucker was watching, a shadowy silhouette, and that was exciting too.

“You want to make me happy, don’t you?”

“Yes, yes, I want you to be happy.” She spoke in a tremulous voice, sensing her new partner would enjoy himself more if she played up the fear. A tremor of excitement went through her, and she was surprised at the intensity of her arousal, at her body’s reaction to the pain, her awareness of Tucker watching. Did he like watching her submit to another man? She lifted her head again as she spread her knees apart, as ordered.

His hand crashed down on her other ass cheek. “I told you to keep your head down.” He shoved her face back into the blankets and he moved one booted foot to stand on her hair. “I guess you do want to be punished.” He began raining blows down on her bottom, each slap stinging more than the one before.

She cried out and bobbed her hips to try to avoid them. “Stop, please stop,” she cried, throwing herself into the role he wanted her to play and intrigued by the sensations, the interplay of pain and pleasure. “I’m sorry, I’ll do what you say. I’ll do anything you say.” She saw Tuck start to move, and winked deliberately in his direction, her stomach giving a happy jump that he was willing to come to her rescue against his partner.

He stopped at her wink and she got a quick glance at his hot gaze before he slid back into the shadows.

The spanking stopped and he ran his hand gently over her hot, tingling cheeks, kneading softly. “That’s what I like to hear. A woman who wants to please a man. Now keep your head down.” He gave her face a final shove. She heard him kneel down, felt his hands on her thighs has he moved her legs farther apart. She adjusted her balance on her elbows, careful to keep her face in the smelly blanket. His fingers found her opening and spread it wide. She felt the head of his shaft probing for entry and cried out as he entered her, landing a simultaneous slap on her tender bottom. He began to work in and out with a guttural moan. “You like that?” he asked. Another slap. “Do you?”

“Yes,” she said, panting.

He picked up the tempo. “I’m gonna make you scream.” He grabbed a handful of hair, pulling her head back. “I’m gonna make you scream louder than Tuck did.”

She heard Tucker’s deep chuckle, and the awareness that he was there, watching her, made her tremble.

“You want it harder?” The man dropped her hair to grab her hips, anchoring her as he pounded into her. “Tell me you want it harder.”

“Harder.” She could feel his balls slapping against her with each thrust, his hands painful as they dug into her hips, the exquisite friction as he pounded into her again and again. In front of her she could see Tuck, in the shadow of his broad-brimmed hat, and she was as acutely aware of him watching her as she was of the cock that pounded into her. She squeezed the blanket in her fists. “Oh please, harder! Faster!”

He grunted with the effort of each stroke. Her mouth was open, her breath coming short. She heard another voice behind her but didn’t make out what it said. He released her hip without interrupting the hard, fast rhythm, and reached beneath her, into her slippery folds, rubbing hard, roughly over her most sensitive tissue. She moaned, then as the pressure built to the breaking point she felt the scream as it was torn from her throat.

No sooner had her climax hit her than she found herself flipped onto her back. He knelt on either side of her head, sitting on her chest. “Suck my cock.” Sweat streamed down his face as he stuffed his shaft in her mouth. He pumped in and out of her, until her eyes flew open in alarm and she struggled for breath. “Swallow,” he said, his eyes closed as he panted. He held her head still, and came, spewing semen into her mouth. He drew out and she coughed and spluttered, trying to catch her breath.


Chapter Three




Shorty grinned across the fire towards Tucker. “See—told you I’d make her scream.” His chest heaved as he got to his feet. “Junior, she’s all yours.” He stumbled away, teetering as though he’d been drinking, and she struggled to sit up, trying not to look in Tucker’s direction… The gold, the gold was all that mattered. She scanned the campsite looking for it, but her gaze fell on the third man first.

He stood exactly where she’d last seen him, the whites of his eyes reflecting the firelight. He was young, maybe eighteen or nineteen, and he looked terrified. Her gaze drifted down his body. Based on the impressive-looking bulge in his pants, while he may have been scared, he certainly wasn’t uninterested.

“What’s the matter, Junior?” Shorty was still out of breath as he lowered himself to the ground near Tucker to watch. “What are you waiting for?”

Junior licked his lips nervously but never took his eyes off her. “I’ve never…” His voice was barely a whisper.

Shorty laughed delightedly. “Well, then this is a big day for you.”

“Don’t worry, kid,” Tucker said. “She’ll show you what to do.”

She looked over at him, surprised. Tucker met her gaze across the fire, unrelenting. He was right, of course—it was the only way they’d ever let her go, and the only chance she had to get the gold. She got to her feet and walked towards Junior. She didn’t think his eyes could get any wider, but they did as she drew closer. His gaze flickered from her breasts to her face and back again so quickly she wasn’t sure he was able to see either. She didn’t stop until she was standing right in front of him.

BOOK: Outlaw Rose
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