Read More Than I Wanted Online

Authors: Ava Catori

More Than I Wanted (3 page)

BOOK: More Than I Wanted
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should be going; I’m probably keeping you awake. I have trouble
sleeping these days, and I forget other people need to sleep on a
schedule.” He stood, and I hated to see him go. He explained
how his sleep schedule got messed up when he’d do a tour, and
coming home it always took him awhile to get back into a normal

stay, just a little while longer,” I was afraid that once he
walked out the door he wouldn’t be back.

didn’t try to kiss me, and oh how I wanted him to, but he
didn’t. He was a perfect gentleman, talking, and really seeming
to need a friend. He told me stories of his tour, pranks they’d
play on each other, and his desire to retire from the military. He
was good and ready to get out. He thought this would be his last
tour, was pretty sure of it, and that suited him fine.

he talked about his time overseas a little bit, he didn’t go
into detail. The most he’d tell me was that his sleep patterns
were off, and he had nightmares time to time, but other than that, he
didn’t fill in the details. I knew it was wrong of me to ask,
since we were only getting to know one another. I just let him talk,
which he obviously needed to do.

the night wore on, more and more time passed, and soon it was close
to two o’clock. I could barely keep my eyes open, but didn’t
want him to leave. At some point, I’d changed my position, and
we went from sitting on two sides of the sofa to me leaning into him.
It felt so natural, and yet he still didn’t make a move. He
simply lifted his arm to the back of the sofa and let me rest my
head, as I was getting sleepy.

woke in his arms on the sofa about five in the morning. He was
sleeping, his head tipped back, and with a small smile I tucked my
head back into his chest and closed my eyes. I knew at that moment I
wasn’t going to work in the morning. I wanted to spend it here
with Austin.

my gosh, my breath. I don’t want him to wake to my morning
breath! I snuck off and brushed my teeth, before coming back and
snuggling in. He sighed and shifted in his sleep, wrapping his arms
around me like a stuffed toy. It was heavenly, whether he was aware
it was me he was holding or not.

woke around seven, as we both started shifting. I knew I’d be
tired later, but it was so worth it. I got up and make a quick call
to work, begging off with a stomach ache, and said I’d be back
in tomorrow. Turning around, Austin was behind me, stretching and
smiling. He was so damn cute.

I guess I made myself at home,” he said after a wide yawn.

fine, I enjoyed your company.”

you mind if I grab a drink?”

my guest,” I said pointing to the fridge.

perused it and picked up a bottle of water, downing in almost a
single guzzle.

watched him, waiting. “You’re welcome to stay for
breakfast,” I started.

imposed enough,” he said stretching again.

like it if you stayed.”


nodded, hoping he’d take me up on the offer.


I said, feeling my face flush hot.


you kiss me?” The words were out before I could take them back.
Did I just say that out loud? Oh crap. I really did! I hoped I didn’t
freak him out.

smile spread across his face and he moved in close, not waiting for a
second to pass. Walking me back to the wall behind me, he pressed me
gently to it and pulled my hands up over my head. Leaning down into
me, his chest against mine, his lips brushed my own. My knees went
weak; his lips were tender and soft. Austin gently licked my lips and
then parted his own. Standing there in my kitchen, he gave me the
most amazing kiss. I didn’t want it to stop – ever.

melted feeling his body pressed to mine, and his warm, wet mouth
against me. The steamy kiss lasted all of a minute, and then just
like that he stepped back. “Like that?” He asked with a
smile on his face.

nodded, barely able to speak. “Do it again,” I whispered.

he leaned back in, I picked up the slightest hint of cologne that
still clung to his body. His hand drew up to my face, tilting it up
more, cupping my chin. Looking into my eyes, Austin stood before me
and made me feel like I was the only person in the world. Nothing
else mattered.

long smoldering look was between us, and ever so gently he lowered
his mouth to mine once again and kissed me. His lips were soft, and
his tongue was hungry. No one else existed in that moment, and
dreamily I got lost in our kiss.

could almost hear my heart beating, and the second hand ticking on
the clock. We were silent, but lost in a magical moment. Everything
slowed down, and as Austin kissed me passionately, I knew something
was happening between us. After another delicious kiss, we broke for

just wow.

for breakfast?” he finally asked, breaking the silence. I was
stunned, still standing there, lost in the dream that was his kiss.

I wore a goofy smile.


laughed, “Oh yeah, that. I hope eggs and toast work; I don’t
have much more, other than cereal.”

great,” he said, “how can I help?”

down.” I said pulling out a chair, “I’ll take care
of it.” I was deliriously happy.

was standing at the stove, watching the eggs when the phone rang.
“Just let it go to the machine,” I said, letting him know
he didn’t have to answer it. I had no interest in talking to
anyone. If it was important, they’d leave a message. I monitor
my calls half the time anyway. Most of my friends call my cell, so
when my house phone rings, it’s usually not important.

the voice came over the voicemail, I lunged for it, but it was too
late. “It’s Nick, I miss you. Call me back when you get
home from work.” Shit, shit, shit. He usually called my cell,
figures he’d call my house phone, now.


grimaced, “Old boyfriend. He doesn’t get that we’re

I have one of those. Well, an ex…” he said, stumbling
over his words. “Should I be concerned?”

depends. Were you interested in coming back sometime?” I said
playfully, praying it wasn’t a mistake to ask.

long as Nick isn’t still in the picture, I’m interested,”
he answered.


right then, let me call Nick.”

My eyes went wide.

this his number here?” He was looking at the caller ID.

gulped, “What? I’ll take care of that.” I felt a
sudden panic rush through me.

me,” he smiled, picking up the phone dialing. I about died on
the spot.
Who does that?

Nick? Yeah, Austin here, I just wanted to let you know that Kate is
no longer available. There’s no need for you to call back, bro.
Yep, no worries, take care.”

hung up the phone; just stared. Did that just happen?


didn’t know what to say. I just looked at him.

not interested in you sharing those kisses with him any longer,”
he smiled. “I’ll take a few more if they’re

was stunned. Happy and confused, but stunned.

Chapter 5

he calls Nick right then, like it’s no big deal!”

out, really?”


did Nick say?”

don’t know, I only heard one side, but Austin goes, “She’s
not available any longer”, and told him there was no need to
call back. I couldn’t believe he was doing that. I didn’t
know how to react; I just stood there completely and utterly

one for Austin,” Heather said.

about died,” I whispered. “I have to go; he’s
almost out of the shower.”

call me after he leaves.”

heard him whistling when the water stopped. Coming around the corner,
“Thanks again for the use of your shower. I feel like a new


we could do dinner tonight? A nap may be in order, since I kept you
up half of the night,” he said, his hands running through his
short, cropped hair.

sounds nice,” I said, unable to wipe the grin off of my face.
He still hadn’t put his shirt back on. It was thrown over his
shoulder like a hand towel. He stood barefoot, and in jeans zipped
up, but not yet buttoned. I tried not to stare. Hell, who am I
kidding, I couldn’t not stare. He was gorgeous.

watched him finish dressing, and made small talk as he headed for the
door. Following him to it, I stood against the door frame. Leaning
in, Austin cupped my face gently and gave me a sweet, gentle kiss.

he walked to his car, I closed the door and leaned in behind it, my
heart beating fast. I waited for him to pull away before calling
Heather back on her cell. I was careful not to call her work line,
since I’d called out earlier.

just left,” I said, “and he wants to go out to dinner

great, Kate. I can’t talk right now, but I’ll call you
back later,” she said, before letting me go.

was floating, and I’m pretty sure this smile was now
permanently pasted to my face. I hadn’t felt this way in
awhile, and knew I had it pretty bad for him. I was smitten!

up on the sofa, I smiled thinking about that first kiss and Austin
pressing me to the wall, his lips brushing against my own. Mmm, and
then the second kiss, he was deliciously sexy. I wasn’t sure
what I thought about the Nick incident, but the final result is that
Austin and I are going out for dinner tonight. I took it as a win,
and then after a leisurely nap on the sofa, I found my way to the

in the shower, I thought about this seemingly perfect guy, okay,
incredibly sexy guy I haven’t gotten to know well enough yet,
but regardless, I couldn’t stop smiling. It was the first time
in a long time and it felt nice. I wasn’t exactly planning a
picket fence and babies yet, but lingerie and hot sexual encounters
were high on my list of things to do with Austin.

humming turned to off-key singing as I planned my outfit for the
evening. I was amazed we were even going out, after our first
encounter at the barbecue seemed to have left him flat. Whatever
happened between now and that time, I was grateful for.

through my underwear drawer, I found a lacy red bra and panty set to
slip on, just in case things got spicy later. I felt a little naughty
thinking such racy thoughts about him all ready, and knew I’d
probably halt things before they went to far, but it made me feel
saucy and happy getting ready, so I stuck with my original choice and
continued to my closet.

stood there consumed with dissatisfaction. I didn’t have
anything to wear, well nothing sexy anyway. I realized how bland my
closet had gotten over the last year or two, with a mix of sensible
work garb, running gear, and a dress or two that were way too dressy
for a simple night out. Crap, now what? I didn’t want to go
through the process of trying to buy something last minute, so I
stood staring at my mix of clothing.

were going to a local pub, just a low key night of sandwiches and
beer. He said it was one of his regular haunts, but he hadn’t
had a chance to go back since he’d come home. Austin raved they
had the best roast beef sandwiches around, and the beer always seemed
a few degrees colder than other places. He promised a more romantic
dinner out later.

all honestly, we were still finding out exactly what we were
together, if anything. I knew what I hoped the outcome would be, but
I was getting ahead of myself. It seemed pretty apparent in the
kitchen earlier that he was on the same page as I was, but it’s
always awkward early on, wondering if you’re both thinking of
being monogamous or dating others. I hate the early dance of a new
relationship, trying to figure out where the other person stood.

had a horrible habit of moving way too fast or way too slow, and was
still trying to find that middle ground. I feared I’d jump in
with both feet in this case and scare him away.

coaxed me through some of my clothing choices over the phone. I
finally settled on a pair of gray slacks with a black short sleeve
sweater. I added a thin belt to emphasize my waist. The v-neck in the
sweater showed off my other assets, while the slacks tapered the
extra weight I carried in my ass.

Austin showed up, I took a deep breath before answering. Standing in
the hallway, I waited an extra minute so I didn’t come off too
anxious. Finally opening the door, I smiled at the man before me.

made casual look so damn good. Dressed in jeans and a gray t-shirt
that clung perfectly to his body, I swooned quietly in my head. Those
lips, those eyes… and dear goodness, those shoulders, he was

exchanged the usual pleasantries. He told me I looked great and gave
me a small kiss. I followed him out to his car and couldn’t
stop grinning. It was almost embarrassing how big my smile was –
my cheeks were all ready sore.

in his car, I took note of tiny details. He’s not a neat freak,
check, but not a total slob in his car. The music on was a classic
rock mix, nothing too heavy, nothing too light. I felt comfortable
with his driving, but wondered if he was keeping it in check because
I was here. Did he normally drive fast and aggressive, or was he
always this laid back?

looked over at Austin and took in his profile. His nose was a
straight line, angled perfectly. He was newly shaven, and his cheeks
were free of stubble or even five o’clock shadow. I guessed he
came in just under six feet tall, but not by much.

BOOK: More Than I Wanted
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