Melting Steel: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (9 page)

BOOK: Melting Steel: An Alpha Billionaire Romance
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Her words are like a smack to the face. I know she’s hurting, that she’s confused, but for a moment I actually think she believes it.

“Fine.” I shove my hands in my pockets and narrow my gaze. “You want to walk out that door.” I tilt my head towards the exit. “Go ahead.”

“I will,” she says coldly, but there’s a hesitation in her voice and she doesn’t move.

“Then go.”

I can see the uncertainty in her eyes, the vulnerability and despair. It’s all I need. Because even if she tried I know there’s no way in hell I’m letting her walk away.

With three long strides, I bridge the gap between us and wrap one arm around her waist, the other hand behind her neck, forcing her to look at me.

“Let me go,” she whispers halfheartedly. Her gaze rests on my mouth and her tongue pokes out, running across her bottom lip.

A low rumble catches in my throat, and I’m unable to stop myself from what I do next. I drop my mouth to hers, crushing her lips against mine, knowing that with the kiss I’m taking the last remaining fight from her. It’s dirty using her attraction for me as gain. But right now, I don’t fucking care. She’s mine, and she needs to remember it.

“You don’t want to leave,” I growl against her lips.

“No,” she whimpers, hands resting on my chest. “But I know I should.”

I can tell the admission takes everything from her.

“Stay.” It’s not a request. I’m not giving her that option.

When she nods, I know I’ve won. She may not fully trust me, and that damn steel cage is back up around her heart, but at least she’s still here, in my arms, and as long as she is with me, I know there’s still hope for us.



Chapter 17




“Keeley, look at me.” His fingers graze my cheek, soft, yet so full of power and possession that it’s impossible to turn away.

My entire body melts into his, seeking the warmth and protection he’s offering. I hate how defenseless I am around him.

I try to resist the heat that pours through my veins, the desire that pools between my thighs, but it’s no use.

“This is insane. Everything that’s happened…” I shake my head, feeling like my entire world has been flipped upside down. “I don’t know what to do.”

“You’re going to let me take care of things. Take care of you.” Despite the gentleness of his tone, there’s a certainty in his voice that doesn’t leave room for argument.

I’ve never been one to let other people take control, and no matter how easy it would be to let him, I just can’t.

“I don’t need anyone–”

He stops my words with a single look, brows raised, gaze steady.

“Everyone needs someone, Keeley. Even you. It’s not weakness to let people help you.” He places his palm on my cheek and I can’t help but rest against it.

Maybe he’s right. Or maybe I just want to believe him because I’m so freaking tired, physical and mentally.

A small yawn escapes my lips.

“Come on. Let’s get you back to bed.”

His hand rests on the small of my back, and when he starts to lead me back to his bedroom, I don’t resist.

So many questions flood my head. There’s still so much that we have to talk about, but I don’t know where to start. And right now, I too tired to even form a cohesive thought.

“Get undressed,” he orders, pulling one of his large t-shirts from his dresser. “You’re not sleeping in your clothes.”

I pull my shirt over my head and take the t-shirt he offers. Henry helps me with my jeans, then pulls the comforter down.

Tears prick the back of my eyes and I don’t know why.

“Hey,” he says, reaching out, wiping away the tear that falls over my cheek. I try to turn my head away, but he doesn’t let me. “Everything’s going to be all right, sweetheart.”

“You don’t know that.”

“This is where you belong. With me. I swear to God I’m going to keep you safe.” He cups my chin and forces me to look at him. “Just promise you won’t run again.”

It’s a big promise. One I’m not sure I can make.


He smiles sadly, then kisses my forehead.

I lean into his chest, resting my head just below his chin, and his arms wrap solidly around me.
Warmth and strength

“I won’t run from you,” I whisper, looking up at him. “Just don’t keep things from me.”

He presses a kiss to my hair and I can feel him nod. “Okay.”

“Okay,” I repeat, knowing it goes both ways. If he’s really going to help me, I need to be honest as well. Tell him everything I know. I take a deep breath, then say wearily, “Drew owes money. A lot of it.”

“I know.”

I shake my head. “No, it’s worse than I thought. I don’t know how he did it, or why, but it isn’t just the money he stole from Jax.”

“I said I know. And I’ll take care of it.”

I pull back, frowning. “Take care of it how?”

“I have money, Keeley.
A lot of it
.” His lips twist up, but there’s no humor in his eyes, only resolve. “We’ll pay off his debt, and once he’s safe, we’ll get your brother into a good rehab center. Make sure this shit never happens again.”

It’s more than I expected. More than Drew deserves. And even though my initial urge is to fight him on it, I know this is my only hope.

“Thank you,” I whisper.

He kisses my forehead, then ushers me into bed, pulling the covers over me once I lay down.

“You need to sleep, and I need to make a few phone calls.”

I grab his hand. “Wait.”

“Do you need me to get you something?”

“Just you,” I croak, the words coming out more desperate than I intended. But God it’s the truth. I need him more than my next breath, more than the very air I breathe.

His eyes go dark, and he gives a small knowing nod. “Okay.”

Relief floods through me. I don’t want to be alone right now. 

His deft fingers meticulously working their way down the buttons of his shirt. In the dim light, the shadows cut deep, defined edges in each of his muscles. He’s so damn gorgeous, I can’t help but stare.

“You can always have me, Keeley.” His gaze is locked on mine, as he unbuckles his belt. “I’m yours.”

. The thought makes my insides turn to liquid heat.
My knight
. A small chill races up my spine remembering the promises he made me twenty years ago.

He crawls into bed beside me, gloriously naked, and lays on his back, pulling me against his chest. I expect him to take me, but instead he just holds me, like the first night we met. Patient and gentle. Thinking more about my own needs than his own.

I rest my head in the nook of his shoulder and listen to the steady sound of his breathing.

“I’m lost in you,” I admit.
So completely lost that I don’t know if I’ll ever find my way out.

He shifts slightly, so that he can see my face. “Is that a bad thing?”

“I’m not sure.” If he ever decided to walk away, it would break me. I trail my fingers over each one of his defined abs. “The past week has been a whirlwind. I don’t know what’s real and what’s not.”

He tilts my chin with his thumb and presses a soft kiss on my forehead.

“This–” He kisses my nose. “Is–” Then his lips are on mine, and he all but growls the last word against my mouth, “Real.”

“Yes,” I moan, needing the confirmation of his words, the confirmation of his body. My hands run over the tense muscles of his back, fingers clawing at him, wanting him closer.

“You need sleep,” he says huskily, his teeth raking against the curve of my jaw, down my neck.

“I need

He tenses for a brief moment, then lets out a low guttural growl. “Good.”

A second later, my t-shirt is off, his hands are buried in my hair, and his lips are possessing mine with a hunger so fierce I feel consumed by it.

The kiss burns through my senses, and I’m desperate to hold onto the bond between us.

This is real.
His words undo me, and make me want to surrender completely. He said he’s mine, but I know the truth,
I’m his

Each kiss, each touch, only confirms what I already know. He’s marked me. Mind, body and soul. With or without him, I’ll never be the same again.

Henry nips at my lips, a harsh groan rumbling in his throat. Then his mouth slides from mine, rasping down my neck, to my breasts, focusing on the tight, sensitive peak of my nipples. His hands stroke up my thighs, my hips, my ass, each caress pulling me deeper into a vortex of pleasure.

He’s between my legs, his hard cock wedged between my thighs, and I’m almost dripping with need to have him inside of me. I lift my hips, trying to get closer.

“Not yet.” He pushes my thighs further apart, but instead of sinking deep inside me, he lowers  himself. Pure, wicked lust gleaming in his eyes as he descends between my legs.

“Henry,” I say his name as a desperate plea.

A moan of tortured pleasure rushes from my lips when his tongue lashes out across my clit. I swear I’m so close to coming that the room seems almost alive with the energy pulsing between us.

“What do you need, Keeley?” His fingers move up my thigh, stroking the sensitive flesh. “Tell me what you need and I’ll give it to you.”

“You,” I cry out. Knowing I’ve lost myself in the confession. That part of me that I’ve always kept aloof, caged, and protected is open and vulnerable –
and his
. “I need all of you.”

He moves quickly, and with a single hard thrust,  buries himself inside me.

“You have me.” His hands grip my wrists, pulling them above my head, as he pulls out, then sinks in slowly, filling me completely, so that our bodies are molded together.

We stay like that for a few moments, gaze locked together, nothing separating us. My heart beats faster as I stare into his eyes, overwhelmed by the dark, shadowed emotions I see there.

“I love you, Keeley,” he says, resting his forehead against mine and closing his eyes. “You’ve been mine since the moment we first met.”

I suck in a breath. I’ve never believed in the illusion of love. Lust, yes, but not love. My mouth opens, then shuts on the words I know he wants me to return. It’s too soon. There are still so many things I don’t know about him. Things that could change everything between us.


“I don’t need you to say it back.” He nips at my bottom lip, and gives a small thrust, making me moan. “This is enough –
for now

His lips are on mine, tongue slipping past, and he lunges deeper inside of me. Each hard thrust reinforcing his words.
I love you.

I’ve never been loved before. Not really. Not by my parents, not by Jax, not even by Drew. I can’t even remember a time when someone said the words to me. Maybe when I was little, but whatever my mom felt for me, it was anything but love.

I cling to Henry, wanting to believe in his promises, wanting to believe in

His hips slam into mine, flesh pounding against flesh, and I can feel the rise of my orgasm building within me. Tremors race through my body, and a strangled cry erupts from my throat.

A shattering explosion rips through my body, sending me blindly over the edge, and I clench around him until I feel him coming hard inside of me.

It isn’t until I feel hot semen between my thighs that I realize we forgot to use a condom.




























Chapter 18




I rise quietly from the bed, careful not to wake Keeley. She fell asleep in my arms moments after we finished making love, and hasn’t stirred for the past few hours. I hate leaving the warmth of her body, but I still need to talk to Michael to see what else he’s learned.

Running my fingers through my hair, I glance down at her, hoping to hell she’s not going to be pissed that we didn’t use protection. I’m never that fucking irresponsible, but if I’m honest with myself I didn’t want anything between us. I never want anything between us again.

She’s on the pill, I’ve seen the little package in her make-up bag, and we’re both clean. But I know we still have to talk about it when she wakes up.

I pull on a pair of cotton pajama bottoms and a t-shirt, then move into the kitchen, flicking on the lights. The sky is still dark, but I reach for my phone and dial Michael’s number.

“It’s late,” Michael’s grizzly voice says on the other end.

I glance at the clock and wince. “Or early, depending on how you look at it.”

He huffs. “I sent you an email with the files and reports.”


“That bastard, Jax Williams, was right. The kid racked up over a hundred grand in debt. Most of it under the table.”

“I want it paid off.”

“You sure you want to do that, boss? The minute these guys know the kid has a benefactor, there’s no saying what–”

“This is just about the kid. I don’t want anything that could threaten Keeley.”

“We can keep her safe.”

I blow out a breath, knowing he’s right, but also knowing that Keeley would never forgive me, or herself, if anything happened to her brother.

“Just pay it off.”

“All right.” I hear the creak of the bed in the background, then a few seconds later the tapping of a keyboard. “It’ll be done today.”


“There’s something else I found that I didn’t add to the report, but I thought you should know. I checked into the medical reports.”

“And?” I grit my teeth, hearing the concern in his voice.

“And there’s multiple references to personality disorder, bipolar, possible schizophrenia.”

“She killed her own kid, that’s not really surprising.”

“I wasn’t talking about the mother. It seems that Drew was flagged early on, which is one of the reasons he was shipped between so many homes. Behavioral issues, social anxiety, aggression, mental instability…it goes on. I know you probably don’t want to hear this, but the file on the kid, it’s pretty similar to the one on Abby.”


“You need to hear this,” Michael says tersely. “Personality disorders are often genetic. If he is John Sullivan’s kid, then–”

“I said don’t,” I growl into the phone, fingers tightening painfully around the receiver.

“You read Abby’s report.” His voice is low, calm, as if to placate me, but all I can hear is a roaring in my ears as tension builds inside my head. “You know what her therapists said. She was suffering from delusions for months, maybe years before she took her own life.”

“If there was something wrong with her, I would have known.” It was just another way for her parents to shift the blame onto someone or something else. Sure, she was a bit quirky, and she had some anxiety, but nothing like her parents tried to make it out to be.

Michael sighs heavily on the other end. “I’ll send you the report. Take a look at it.”

“I will,” I say, praying to God that he’s wrong. “Just find the kid, so we can get him whatever help he needs.”

“And Sullivan? What do you want me to do about him?”

“Nothing for now.” I rub my temples and close my eyes. As much as I want to expose the bastard, doing so will only bring unwanted attention to Keeley.

“Becca’s wedding is next weekend,” Michael says evenly. “You saw the guest list?”

“Shit.” I’d forgotten the Sullivan’s were invited. “I’ll deal with it.”

I hang up and immediately send a text to Becca, demanding that she remove them from the list. Because there’s no way I’m going to let Keeley spend even a second in that man’s presence.




BOOK: Melting Steel: An Alpha Billionaire Romance
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