Melting Steel: An Alpha Billionaire Romance (13 page)

BOOK: Melting Steel: An Alpha Billionaire Romance
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Chapter 26




I feel my heart shattering in my chest as I make my way through the long corridors.

There’s a burning sensation deep within me, and I press my palm to my chest and push at the pain, unable to catch a full breath. The throbbing ache is almost unbearable.

My vision clouds with moisture. I shouldn’t have run. I made a promise that I wouldn’t. But Henry was right. I’m scared. Terrified. But the more distance I place between us, I don’t know what I’m more frightened of, having my heart broken or not being with him.

I hate that I’m pushing him away, when all I really want to do is wrap my arms around him, bury my face in his chest, and hear his deep, rich voice reassure me that everything will be okay.

Not looking where I’m going, I collide with a hard body as I turn the corner. Large hands grab my arms, steadying me.

“I’m sorry,” I mutter, pulling away, but the hands don’t release me, and when I glance up, I’m staring into shocked blue eyes.

I suck in a razor-sharp breath and freeze as a cold chill slides down my spine.

It’s been years since I’ve seen his face, but I recognize him instantly.

My father.

“What are you doing here?” Anger and alarm taint John Sullivan’s words, as he pulls me around the corner and away from the crowd of people filing into the room where the ceremony is to be held.

“Let go of me.” I peel his fingers off my arm.

“I asked you a question.” His nostrils flare, every deep-set line in his face clear. A face I’d hoped never to see again.

“You know who I am?” My body vibrates with energy. Rage rather than fear rushes through me. Pure, all-consuming rage, that blazes through me like a wildfire.

“Of course I do. You think I haven’t kept an eye on you and your brother after that shit he pulled a couple years ago.” He leans into me, face red, eyes furious. “If you think you’ve come here to humiliate me–”

“You weren’t supposed to be here. I would never have come if I’d known.”

“Bullshit.” His face is pinched, and he gives a harsh, disbelieving shake of his head.

It’s then that I see it. Etched in the curve of his lip, the disdain in his eyes, a belief that I’m unworthy of him. I remember that look. It’s the same look he gave my mother every time she begged for more.

“Why?” Hatred thuds through my veins. “What were we to you? What was she? Just a casual screw, or did you love her?”

“Lower your voice.” 

“No. I can’t imagine you’ve ever loved anyone but yourself. Was there any guilt, when you found out what she did? Did you ever blame yourself that your child and its mother were dead because of you?”

His face blazes with fury. “The woman was insane. I’m not responsible for what she did.”

“She begged you. Came to you and told you how desperate she was. I was there that day, when you tossed her away like garbage.”

“You want more money? Is that it?” The accusation is thick, coated with malice.

“More?” Something sinks inside my chest. “I’ve never taken anything from you.”

His hard eyes glint with something spiteful.

“Your brother signed a contract two years ago saying he’d never contact me again. The money he received–”

“You gave Drew money?” Bile burns my throat, souring in my stomach as I swallow it down.

What else don’t I know?

He chuckles darkly. “Half a million dollars. Looks like the greedy little bastard played us both.”

Nausea swelled and a rush of dizziness hits me.

“I’ve paid the price for my sins. Now it’s time for you to leave before I call the police and have you carted out of here with a restraining order.”

“Your sins?” Overwhelming emotions slam into me. Anger. Grief. Outrage. “Is that what we are? What Lily was?” I steel my spine and fist my fingers at my side.

He looks at me coldly, nothing but spite in his gaze. No regret for a family he destroyed. Just concern for himself.

I’d always known the man was a monster, abandoning us the way he did. But I never imagined anyone could be so completely remorseless.

“I feel sorry for people like you.” I’m trembling, but I clench my jaw, not willing to show him the pain he’s caused. I push past him, and he grabs my wrist, but this time his large fingers crush down brutally.

“I don’t know what game you’re playing, but you can’t stay here.” He pushes me towards the exit, like he’s ready to throw me out of the building. “The minute my wife sees your face, she’ll ask questions.”

People are looking at us now.

“Because I look like Abby,” I sneer.

The color drains from his face.

A bitter laugh tickles my throat. “I know all about her. Seems like it wasn’t just us you were a shitty father to.”

I barely register his hand, before it cuts across my cheek in a stinging slap.

“John,” a woman’s small voice echoes behind us. “What’s going on?”

The color drains from the man’s face, and he turns, shielding me from the woman’s sight.

“You’ll regret this,” he hisses, releasing me.

“John?” The woman’s voice is shrill.

“Just business, darling.” He turns her away from me, but not before I see her eyes widen as her gaze lands on me. But she’s quickly guided away through the large double doors, despite her audible protests.

My face throbs, and blood stains my fingers when I touch my lip. I stand there. Shocked. My cheek burning, mind racing. Old, unrelenting pain stabs like an icepick at my heart, and a numbness settles over me.

I swallow the unpleasant taste in my mouth, unable to move.

“Miss. Are you okay?” A younger man dressed in a tux tilts his head towards me, brows furrowed.

Shakily, I exhale the breath that I’ve been holding in, and blink at him. 

“They’re going to be starting the ceremony soon. If you’d like to take your seat, I’ll–”

“Thank you, but I’m not feeling well. I’m going to get some air.”

With slow, deliberate steps, I walk through the atrium and out the large wooden doors towards the front garden.

I find a bench and sit down heavily, gathering my thoughts. Twisted memories slam my mind, pouring into me like poison. A childhood polluted by anger and abuse that no one should ever have to endure.

Bitterness threatens to cripple me, to eat away at my last ounce of hope.

How much rejection can one person endure?

Like a beacon in the abyss, one memory sustains.
My dark-haired boy, and his promise to find me, to protect me
. It was the first time I’d believed that there was something other than darkness in the world.
My knight
My protector. My champion.

A small laugh builds in my throat as I realize that he’s still all those things.

Guilt clutches at my throat for insinuating that he was anything like my father. I don’t know all of his secrets, and maybe I never will, but I know

I know I love him

The fortress I built around my heart was shattered the moment he touched me. I’ve just been too scared to allow him to claim it fully. My chest is pressed full with the emotion that grips me.



I’m ready to give the last broken pieces to him.

No more fear

Gathering my courage, I take a deep breath and start to stand. I have to go to him, make things right.

A hand, warm and large, rests on my shoulder stopping me, and I release a shuddering breath.

. But the weight isn’t right, and there’s no heated energy pulsing from the touch. Unease flashed and fired at my nerves, and I feel the shift in the air.

Slowly I turn, looking over my shoulder, knowing in that split second that I am one hundred and ten percent screwed.

Jax tilts his head, a terrifying smile playing across his lips. “Now, where do you think you’re going, princess?”


Chapter 27




From the back of the hall, I scan the crowd for any sign of Keeley, and curse under my breath when I don’t see her.

“What’s wrong?” Becca asks, placing her arm in mine as the first bridesmaid starts down the aisle.

“Nothing. Are you ready?”

She gives a nervous little smile, and fidgets with the bouquet she’s holding.

“Do you see Keeley?” Becca stretches her neck, peering into the hall. “I hope she’s not upset with me for ruining the surprise. When you told me you bought the ring I thought you’d already asked her.” She looks out into the crowded room and she sucks in a breath. “Oh no.”

“What?” A knot forms in the pit of my stomach at the look of horror on Becca’s face.

“The Sullivan’s are here,” she whispers, her voice tight.

I follow her gaze, catching a glimpse of John’s profile.

“You told me Asher uninvited them.”

“He did.” She licks her lips. “I mean, he told me he did. Why would he lie?”

“Dammit, Becca.”

One of her bridesmaid’s raises an eyebrow at me.

I shake my head and try to hold back my anger. It’s her fucking wedding day, but all I can see is red.

“What are we going to do?” she asks.

I have no fucking clue. My first instinct is to find Keeley and get her the hell out of here.

The last of the bridesmaids starts her walk down the aisle.

The music cues. Becca places her hand on top of mine and with clear tension between us, we start our walk to the front of the hall, where the weasely looking Asher waits with a smirk-like grin plastered on his face.

There’s still no sign of Keeley. Where the hell is she? Did she see Sullivan and leave? A million scenarios, all ending in me putting my fist through the man’s face, run through my mind.

“I’m really sorry, Henry,” Becca whispers through the fake smile she gives the onlookers.

“We’ll talk about it later.”

“I’d never hurt you, or Keeley. Not on purpose.” Emotion chokes her words and she looks as if she’s ready to break down.

“I know. It’ll be all right.”

She nods and blinks away tears.

When we reach the front, the minister steps forward and asks, “Who gives this woman to be married to this man?”

I glance at Asher, the same uneasy feeling creeping into my chest as it always does when I’m around him. The man seems to be gloating. I wince and feel an animal-like growl stir in my chest.

“Henry?” Becca says softly, when I don’t answer the minister’s question.

I look down at her, holding her gaze.
My baby sister
. The overprotective brother in me hangs close to the surface, ready if she says the word, to call the whole wedding off.

“I want you to be happy,” I say, low enough that only she can hear.

“I will be.”

I don’t know if I believe her, or even if she believes it herself, but this is what she wants, and I won’t stand in her way.

With a heavy sigh, I nod, and turn back towards the minister.

A ripple of foreboding clenches my gut. Some primal instinct that tells me something is wrong.


“Henry.” Becca nudges me.

I’m about to say the words when the room explodes in chaos.

Someone shouts. A shot fires, shattering one of the crystal chandeliers above, and sending tiny pieces of glass raining down on the people below.

Asher dives behind Becca, using her like a shield.

I shove him away, pulling Becca behind me, and guiding her behind the large wooden altar.

People are screaming, racing to the exits, and all I can think about is Keeley.

Fuck. I knew something was wrong. Felt it in my chest. I should have gone after her. I don’t know what the hell is happening, but I have no doubt she’s involved.

“Stay here,” I order.

“Henry, wait.” She grabs at my sleeve.

“I have to find Keeley.”

She gives a small nod, and lets me go.

Crouching low, I move around the altar, scanning the room.

Where is she?

Awareness, like a tiny prick at my consciousness pulls my gaze to her, and the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

Even from this distance I can see that her lip is swollen and bleeding. I’m going to kill whoever put their hands on her.

I see the gunman then.

Chills skate across my skin.

Standing in the shadows, dark hoodie pulled over his head, I recognize him from the pictures Michael sent me.


His weapon is trained on another man, kneeling in front of him, hands on the back of his head.

Shit. It’s John Sullivan. His wife Sarah is beside him, crying hysterically.

“Shut up, or I’ll shut you up,” Drew screams, pointing the gun at the small, middle-aged woman, who visibly shrinks at the threat. 

“She hasn’t done anything,” Keeley pleads. “Let her go. Let them both go before this goes any further. You don’t have to do this. We can leave now, before–”

Drew mumbles something that I can’t hear, but whatever it is  I see Keeley pale, then her gaze darts around the room until she finds me. The terror in that single look undoes me. What the fuck did he say to her?

When I start towards them, Keeley shakes her head for me to stop, and I see her mouth the word,

Like fucking hell, I will.

“Put the weapon down, Drew.” The command is halting, even to my own ears, and I see the kid hesitate briefly, before redirecting his aim at me.

“Stay back.”

Darts of fear pierce me. But not for myself. For Keeley.

“You don’t have to do this. I know you’re in trouble, but there’re other ways to solve the problem. Let me help you.”

“Help me. Like you’ve helped Keeley, by turning her into a whore like our mother.”

I see Keeley flinch, and it takes all my strength not to tear into the little bastard.

“I love your sister, that’s why I want to help you.”

“Bullshit. You’re just like him.” Drew points the gun back at John.

“We had a deal,” John hisses.

“You’re deal is shit. I want more. And you’re going to give it to me.”

“What’s your plan, Drew?” I ask, taking slow, even steps towards him. “As soon as you fired that shot, someone called the police. The entire place will be surrounded within minutes.”

“Stop talking,” Drew hits his head repeatedly. “I can’t think when you’re talking.” He points the gun at Keeley and I swear my heart stops in my chest. “Make him stop talking, or I will.”

“Okay.” She gives me a sidelong glance. “He’ll stop. Just tell us what you want. Because I know you don’t want to hurt anyone.”

“You don’t know what I want,” he screams, pointing the gun wildly between us.

“Then tell me.” Keeley puts her hands up, and I don’t know how she keeps her composure. But her voice stays calm, steady. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want him to pay, to suffer like we suffered.” With rage in his eyes, Drew marches towards John, and with the heel of his boot, kicks the man in the face.

John falls backwards, blood instantly gushing from his nose, now bent unnaturally.

“Drew. I know you’re angry. So am I. But this isn’t going to fix anything.”

“Listen to your sister, kid,” John bites out, spitting blood.

“You don’t get to speak.” Drew jams the barrel of the gun into the man’s temple, then takes a step back, eyes wild and frantic. He runs a tattooed hand through unruly brown hair, then glances around the room as if looking for someone. “I can’t. Can’t do this.”

“You don’t have to.” My heart nearly stops when Keeley takes a step towards him.

Air rasped from my lungs. I want to scream at her to stay back, but she just keeps moving towards him.

“Please, Drew. You know how this will end.”

John stands unsteadily, and wipes the blood from his face. He’s bigger than the kid by three or four inches, and outweighs him by a good fifty pounds. At full height, John Sullivan is a powerful and intimidating man, and Drew visibly shrinks back.

“You won’t shoot me. Will you, son? Now give me the weapon before anyone gets hurt. We can pretend this whole thing never happened.”

For a moment, I actually think the kid might hand over the weapon. Then like a caged animal, Drew shrieks. A pained and crazed sound that shreds my senses.

Both Keeley and John draw back, and I take the moment to rush towards Keeley, pulling her behind me.

Drew keeps screaming, eyes closed on whatever demon is torturing his soul.

“Go. Get out of here,” I say harshly between gritted teeth. “I’ll deal with your brother.”

“I can’t.” She shakes her head franticly. “Please, just go before–”

“Before what, princess?” A grizzly laugh echoes through the hall. “Did you really think I’d let him walk out of here?” Jax moves from the shadows, gun trained on me. “No. I think it’s time we all had a little heart to heart.”

Real fear seizes me when I see the look in his eyes. Eyes just as wild and crazed as Drew’s. Worse. Because there’s also an emptiness in them, a void.

Fear slicks my flesh, clammy and cold, because I see it in his eyes – he has no intention of letting
any of us
leave here alive.              



BOOK: Melting Steel: An Alpha Billionaire Romance
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