McKenzie, Cooper - Winter and His Twins [Welcome to Sanctuary 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (7 page)

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - Winter and His Twins [Welcome to Sanctuary 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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He moved back and forth from cock to cock several times before sitting up and looking at the two men who were now very much awake.

“I’m horny,” he announced with a giggle.

“Like we couldn’t tell,” Garrett returned with a laugh.

“Who wants to fuck, and who wants to get sucked?”

Both men groaned when he reached down with his fingertips and began to play with his own cock. Then in a move so fast he could barely take it in, Garrett pulled him up and turned him around, so he lay on top of him.

“Up on your knees, baby, but don’t hurt yourself,” Hawk instructed as he climbed from the bed.

Winter got into position, bending his knees and resting his bandaged forearms on either side of Garrett’s hips. A moment later Hawk repositioned them so that Winter’s knees were resting on the bed, but his lower legs were hanging off.

“Oh, fuck, he’s got a plug in,” Hawk muttered after brushing one finger down the cleft between Winter’s ass cheeks.

Winter released Garrett’s cock and looked over his shoulder. “I told you I was horny,” he snarked.

“Yes, you did, didn’t you, baby. Relax and we’ll work all that horniness out of you,” Hawk said as he gently pulled the plug out and brushed the head of his cock over Winter’s hole.

“At least for a little while,” Garrett added, his voice muffled by Winter’s cock in his mouth.

Winter moaned and then turned back to Garrett’s cock. Unable to hold the cock and himself up he licked his way around the head then lifted it by taking just the head between his lips. He sucked in a breath when Hawk gently pushed his way through the outer rings of muscle before sliding deep on the first stroke. Pulling out, his next thrust seated him fully inside. The sudden full feeling caused Winter to moan around Garrett’s cock which then had Garrett moaning around his in response, sending even more waves of arousal shooting through Winter.

Then Garrett pulled Winter’s cock from his mouth. “God, that’s a beautiful sight, your cock sliding in and out of our sexy mate,” he said before licking and nibbling his way up and down the length of Winter’s cock.

Hawk held his hips and began a slow, easy stroking in and out. Garrett matched the rhythm and Winter did the same, gently sucking Garrett’s cock, his tongue bathing as much of it as he could.

With men attending to both cock and ass, his need for more quickly grew.

“Faster, Hawk. Fuck me harder,” he said.

He wasn’t sure the man heard him since he still had cock in his mouth until Hawk tightened his hold and began moving in and out of him at a steadily increasing rate. He sucked harder as well, taking Garrett as deep as he could and swallowing as well.

“Shit, gonna come, baby,” Hawk ground out several minutes later, his hips driving even harder and deeper.

“Oh, God, me, too,” Garrett added, reaching between him and Hawk and rolling his balls with gentle fingers.

Winter pulled his mouth of Garrett’s cock long enough to cry out, “Yes, oh, shit, yes!” as his balls contracted and sent his seed pulsing through his shaft and into Garrett’s hot, wet, waiting mouth.

He had just enough time to reclaim Garrett’s cock before jets of semen filled his mouth as Hawk stiffened and thrust one last time before holding himself deep. Winter felt the added heat as he came as well. Winter sucked and swallowed as his hips continued thrusting into Garrett.

His mind went foggy, and he had no idea how much time passed before Hawk gently eased his cock from him and collapsed onto the bed beside them. “Now that’s the way to wake up.” He observed, his voice soft and relaxed.

“Uh-huh,” Garrett agreed.

“Mmmm,” was all Winter could manage as he rolled to lay on the other side of Garrett.

They were still recovering long minutes later when a loud pounding sounded at the door. Winter jumped in surprise, but his men just sighed.

“What?” they yelled in unison.

“Mom said to tell you breakfast is in five minutes, and if you’re not down, she’s going to come up and drag you down in whatever state you’re in,” a deep voice cheerfully blared through the door.

“Thanks for the warning,” Garrett said as the brothers sat up and crawled off the bed. “Come on, sexy. Time to get dressed.”

“But—” Winter wanted to argue, but had a feeling that Bridget was a woman of her word and would drag them downstairs naked if they tarried too long.

While Hawk disappeared into the bathroom to clean up, Garrett pulled him out of bed. “We have the rest of our lives to play, sexy. Right now we’ve been summoned to the table. And Mom won’t hesitate to drag us down naked if we’re not at the table.”

Winter nodded and went to his messenger bag that one of his men had thoughtfully brought with them the night before. Opening it, he grabbed the pair of soft, black cotton shorts he kept tucked in a side pocket. After pulling them on he turned to find both men staring at him. “What?”

“That’s like Mary Poppins’s bag, isn’t it? Bottomless and holds everything and then some?” Hawk asked as Winter pulled his jeans on. He wasn’t teasing. He sounded like he was in awe of Winter’s bag full of essentials.

Winter shrugged. “Not really. But you never know when you’re going to need a pair of clean shorts.”

“I think later on we should see what all that bag does hold,” Garrett said. “Maybe we can put together a daypack for you to carry around here.”

Winter nodded. “That would probably be more practical if we do much hiking and stuff.” Pulling on his shirt he headed for the door barefoot having kicked his shoes off by the front door in what had obviously been an old, ingrained habit. “Come on, all of the sudden I’m hungry.”

“Well then, let’s go,” his mates said as one.

Once they’d descended the stairs, Winter stopped to take a good look around this place where he now found himself. The stairs that led down from two floors of bedrooms were situated in the back corner of the huge room.

To his immediate left was a curtained off area about the side of a room. Walking past it, he found himself in a nice library area with lots of bookshelves lining the two walls and several comfortable chairs. He knew he would be spending time in this area, as he loved to read almost as much as he loved to write.

Walking past the front door he found himself standing at a coffee bar and knew this had to be where Spring spent her time. Everything was spic and span, and he wondered if she had the supplies to make him a chai latte, his favorite coffee bar drink.

Garrett and Hawk let him wander as they headed for the dining area and kitchen that took up another corner of the room. Beyond that was what looked like a traditional living room with couches and a variety of chairs facing a huge flat-screen television that hung over an even bigger fireplace. There was no fire, but the walls and back were blackened with soot, a telling sign that this was not just for show. He continued his wandering and found himself in an area that reminded him of the laundry room back at his apartment complex. Washers and dryers lined the back wall with several long tables for folding divided this area from the rest of the room.

He continued on and found a short hallway with a back door. Two rooms, one marked men, and the other women, created the hallway. Pushing open the door to the men’s room, he found it was more than just a restroom, but a locker room with several shower stalls, a couple of toilets and three sinks.

Returning to the main room, he joined four men gathered around the coffee bar. Spring was in her element, mixing and heating and serving as she’d done for years at her job. He studied her and thought she looked a lot more relaxed than she ever had back home. He wondered if it was being away from the city or the two black-haired men in the kitchen watching her every move. He blinked when she set a mug in front of him though the others had been there before him.

“One chai latte for my baby brother,” Spring said with a smile.

The other men didn’t seem to mind that she’d served him first, but he felt uncomfortable. Taking his mug he headed to the dining area where his mates sat talking to their parents.

“What’s that, baby?” Hawk asked as he sat in the chair between them.

“Chai latte. Not quite the same jolt as coffee, but something a little different,” Winter said, taking a sip.

He closed his eyes and moaned as the hot, sweet, foamy spiced tea caressed its way from lips to throat to belly. He took a second sip before setting the mug on the table. Opening his eyes he found his mates staring at him as if he’d just propositioned them.

“What?” he asked, raising one eyebrow.

Garrett and Hawk swallowed hard and tried to look innocent, but when they shifted in their chairs, Winter noticed the growing bulges pushing at the zippers of their jeans. “Nothing,” they said softly.

“Forgive them, Winter. I tried my best, but sometimes I think they forgot every manner I ever drilled in them,” Bridget said from across the table.

Trying to keep his movements covert, Winter reached out and laid a hand in the center of each man’s lap, earning him twin glances that could cut steel. “But they’re so cute,” he said in their defense.

“Cute? You think we’re cute?” The twins leaned in and growled in his ear.

Winter used his fingertips to pat their erections. “Yes, I think you’re very cute. But I’ll tell you why later.”

All at once he felt happier and more lighthearted than he had in ages. He wasn’t sure if it was being with his mates or being out of the city and away from Scott, but he couldn’t repress a grin. He also had to fight the urge to jump up and dance a jig while singing a happy song.

A moment later the rest of the chairs at the very long table filled up with large pairs of men who looked alike.

“Winter, these are all our brothers. Adam and Brock, who are mated to your sister. Then there’s Cole, Dawson, Evan, and Frank.”

As Garrett made the introductions, each brother raised a hand as his name was called, making each pair easier to identify as they sat next to each other.

Amazed, he looked at Bridget. “You gave birth to four sets of twins?”

She nodded with a smile while her husbands seemed to puff up with pride. “Yes, Sullivan men always come in pairs. Which is why they must find a mate who can love them both equally.”

“Oh, wow,” was all Winter could say. “What about the women? Do they come in pairs, too?”

Michael and Thomas laughed. “Haven’t had a girl born in this valley in twelve generations. Something about the genes only produce male babies,” Michael said.

“That’s why we ended up with eight boys. Bridget was determined to have a girl. After those two,” Thomas nodded to the men sitting on either side of him, “she finally gave up.”

“Twelve generations of males. That has to be some kind of record,” Winter said. “And four sets of twins in one family. You are an amazing woman,” he said to Bridget, in awe as a huge platter of pancakes was handed to him. Instantly his attention was diverted from procreation to breakfast.

Chapter 10

After breakfast the five sets of twins marched down and unloaded the Hummer. Winter tried to help, but nearly dropped a box containing his computer’s hard drive. Instead he directed traffic, telling each man who came in with a box whether it went to the computer room, the bedroom or the kitchen. He’d been touched when his mates packed up most of his kitchen stuff as he had invested in some nice cooking utensils, and when he wanted to, he could cook a really good meal.

Which made the guilt that had been niggling at him poke a little harder. It had only been two days, but he was ready to lose his casts. He wanted to show his mates he wasn’t nearly as needy and leech-like as he’d been since they’d shown up on his doorstep. Sure he found he needed hugs and snuggles from his mates, but it was embarrassing when Hawk had to cut his pancakes so he could eat them.

As his men went to the Wash House to pack up their things and bring them down, Winter prowled the fortress. It surprised him to find that while the exterior of the house may look medieval the interior was anything but.

The first floor was an open layout with twelve-foot ceilings. Several large stone pillars were strategically placed to hold the second floor in place. The kitchen was an open design taking up one back corner with white painted cabinets and granite countertops. Winter was drawn to that area and found himself standing in a chef’s dream kitchen that even had a drawer-style dishwasher and a warming oven.

Walking the rest of the room, he admired the wide-board pine plank flooring finished to a golden glow. The walls had been plastered and painted a pale peach. What surprised Winter was that, except for a card table with two folding chairs flanking it and the boxes of his belongings, the room was entirely empty.

He stood in the kitchen and imagined how he’d decorate the room. A large, round wooden table and comfortable chairs in the area closest to the kitchen suitable for having poker nights or just dinner with a few of the family. He turned to the rest of the room, and in his mind’s eye saw large, well-padded couches and chairs set in at least two conversation groups, but furniture that could be moved around if need be. There would be a bookcase on that wall and more pictures everywhere and area rugs that helped define spaces but without taking away from the beauty of the floor.

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - Winter and His Twins [Welcome to Sanctuary 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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