McKenzie, Cooper - Winter and His Twins [Welcome to Sanctuary 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove) (6 page)

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - Winter and His Twins [Welcome to Sanctuary 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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* * * *

Winter looked around the meadow in disbelief. “It looks like the back lot of a movie set,” he said. “Which house is yours?”

“Our house is that one.” Garrett leaned between the seats and pointed far to their right.

“You live in a castle?” Winter asked.
He stared at the two-story stone building with a flat roof and squared turrets at each corner. It stood a little apart from the other buildings and looked like it should be on a hillside in England or Ireland or some other exotic, medieval setting. What made it even more amazing were the satellite dishes and antennas that topped one of the turrets.

After taking in his new home, he then turned his attention to the rest of this place his mates called home.

Closest to the parking lot to the left sat an ornate Victorian house painted peach with hunter green and navy blue trim. Fancy gingerbread trim covered the wraparound porch and a three-story circular tower. It reminded Winter of some of the historic homes he’d seen on visits to Savannah and Atlanta.
Next to the Grand Victorian stood the biggest, reddest barn he’d ever seen. Three stories tall, at least, it could house a dozen horses with quite a bit of room to spare. There was a wide, two-level deck in front and lots of windows on all three levels. If it was a barn, it had to be the fanciest one he’d ever seen.
To the right of the barn stood three log houses all with wide front porches. They looked like houses typical of the mountain region.
Then Hawk drove the Hummer slowly into the parking lot and pulled into a space next to what looked like an apple green UPS delivery truck. There was room for at least a half dozen more cars. On the uphill side of the parking lot was a garage big enough to hold an eighteen-wheeler or quite a few smaller cars.

“This place is incredible,” Winter said as Hawk parked and turned off the engine.

He struggled with his seat belt and finally gave up. “Help, please,” he said, leaning back and lifting his hands to shoulder height.

Garrett reached between the seats and pressed the button that unlocked the straps holding him prisoner.

“Thank you,” Winter said, turning to look between the seats. Feeling a little silly after his nap, he pursed his lips and sent Garrett an air kiss.

Garrett leaned in and gave him a quick peck. “Be careful, or you’re going to find yourself dragged into the woods for more than just a kiss.”

Winter grinned. “Can’t wait.”

“We’ll hold off on any kinky, in-the-forest sex until after you’ve gotten those casts off. Besides, you’re going to be busy directing the integration of your computers into our system and teaching us how we can help you do your job while you’re laid up,” Hawk said, sounding more like a parent than a lover.

“Yes, mate,” Winter said with a sassy grin. “Now can we go show Spring that I survived Scott almost intact before you give me a tour of my new home?”

As they climbed from the Hummer and started up the path, the silence of the early evening was broken by the sound of a large animal barking fiercely. The animal sounded like it wasn’t far away. It had barely finished when others responded as if passing along news like a telegraph system each one sounding a little further away than the last.

Winter moved to stand between the large forms of his men as he shivered in fear. “What the
was that?”

Chapter 8

Garrett wrapped his arms around his mate. “Sounds like our brothers overdid the caffeine again.” His cock immediately hardened as Winter snuggled deeper into his embrace.

“Your brothers?” Winter rubbed his cheek back and forth against his chest. He seemed unaware of the affect he was having on Garrett.

“Yes, our brothers. Too much caffeine winds us up, and we go a little wild,” Hawk explained as he stepped closer to press against Winter’s back.

Before Winter could respond, a woman’s voice interrupted, causing their little mate to jump and tense. “Are you three going to stand there making out all night, or do you plan on joining the rest of us for cake?”

Garrett brushed a kiss on the top of Winter’s head. “What do you say? Join the parents for cake or ignore them and go check out our house?”

Winter dropped his head back and looked up at him, arousal evident in his eyes. “Though I’d like nothing more than to get alone and naked with you again, I am a little hungry.”

Garrett nodded, knowing he also had to be tired. They’d loved him hard today with little thought that he was still recovering from his ex’s attack just the night before.

“Okay, then, meet the parents it is.”

Releasing Winter was one of the hardest things he’d done in awhile, but Garrett managed to pull his arms back and instead linked arms with him. They turned toward the path that circled in front of all the buildings before ending up back at the parking lot again. A glance told him that Hawk had done the same with Winter’s other arm.

Two men and two women sat in rocking chairs on the porch of their parents’ home. Several oil lanterns provided light and Garrett saw the women were knitting. Spring’s needles moved fast and confident while their mother’s hands moved slower, and she concentrated hard on what she was doing. The dads were talking quietly, their hands unusually still. Normally they’d be whittling one of the little wooden animals they then sold to a gift shop in Boone to keep the house from filling up with them.

Garrett and Hawk released their mate at the bottom of the stairs. When he didn’t move, Garrett patted Winter’s ass, earning himself a dark look. But Winter climbed the steps to the porch as Spring set her knitting aside.

“Oh, my God, are you all right?” Spring asked as she wrapped Winter in a hug before releasing him, looking him up and down and then hugging him again.

“No, but I’ll heal,” Winter answered gently though he sounded like he was gritting his teeth. “It’s my own fault. I should never have gotten involved with Scott to begin with, but it’s in the past now.”

“But your hands? How can you work? And your writing?” Spring finally released him. Leading him to her chair, she pushed him, so he was forced to sit or fall on his ass.

Garrett had to grin at how his mate let his sister fuss over him when he’d had a hard time letting them fix him a sandwich earlier.

Winter saw his expression and shrugged. “I’m only five years younger than she is, but she has always treated me like I’m about six years old.”

“Most of the time you act like it. Are you hungry?” Spring scolded gently.

“Yes, we are,” Garrett answered before Winter could speak.

“I’ll go up to the Wash House and fix us something,” Hawk offered and practically ran from the porch.

Garrett thought as he watched him move even faster once he was back on the path. Hawk always did hate emotional confrontation.

“Stay away from the coffee bar. We’ve already got six dogs hyped up on caffeine, we don’t need any more,” their mother ordered gently, reminding Garrett that they weren’t alone with Spring.

“Mom, Dads, this is Spring’s brother and our mate, Winter Ryan. Winter, these are our parents, Bridget, Michael, and Thomas Sullivan.” He made the introductions gently.

Their parents had always known they were gay, even before the twins themselves did, but to bring home their mate, a gorgeous little man who happened to be the sibling of their brothers’ mate seemed more than a little strange. Now that they were faced with the reality of their sons’ sexual preferences, how would they react?

Bridget laid aside her knitting with what sounded like a relieved sigh. She stood and approached Winter slowly. Spring stepped back as she walked up and took his hands in hers. “Welcome to Sanctuary and the Sullivan family, Winter. I’m so happy my babies found you and were able to take care of you when you needed it.” She then leaned in and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you, ma’am,” Winter said, sounding more than a little amazed at the warm greeting.

Once Bridget stepped aside, her husbands each stepped in and added their welcome with a warm embrace. Though relieved that his parents accepted Winter so easily, Garrett found himself fisting his hands. He didn’t want anyone touching his mate, even his family.

“Relax son, he’s all yours,” Thomas, the more empathetic of the two dads, said with a chuckle.

“Yes, sir, he is.”

* * * *

Meeting the parents did not go at all as Winter had expected. But then he wasn’t sure how such a meeting was supposed to go. After all, none of his other boyfriends had ever offered to take him home to mama before. And now to know that they would all be living in the same valley was a bit overwhelming, especially given what he wrote. Should he share that little tidbit of information or keep it a secret? Not even Spring knew exactly what he was writing though he had shared that his electronic books were selling way better than expected.

By the time he’d eaten a sandwich and a piece of cake with a large glass of milk, his eyes began to droop, and he began to yawn. “I’m sorry,” he apologized for the third time after not being able to keep his mind focused on what Bridget was saying. “I don’t know why I’m so tired. I slept the whole way here.”

“No, we’re sorry. You should be in bed, resting,” Bridget enunciated as she sent telling looks to her sons. “Resting, not messing around,” she stated when both his mates set their dishes aside and stood up.

“Yes, Mom,” they answered in unison.

“Thank you,” Winter said as he brushed a kiss on Bridget’s cheek.

“For what?”

“For accepting me so easily into your family,” Winter said, still a little amazed at the ease with which they’d taken the news that their sons’ mate was a man.

“Son, it’s not for us to judge. For shape shifters, wolves, tigers, bunnies, dragons, or wolfhounds, Fate decides who we spend our lives with. It’s not about looks or money or any of the things that young people these days think will make them happy in a partner,” Michael said, his tone gentle. “And unlike those young people who change lovers like they do socks, shape shifters mate for life.”

Winter nodded. “Still, thank you anyway.”

The parents laughed. “You’re very welcome,” Bridget said. “Now go on up to the Wash House and get some rest. Tomorrow we’ll unpack the truck and get you settled in the fortress.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Having dealt with Southern mamas and the way they ruled their families with iron fists covered in love, Winter recognized when he’d been given his marching orders. Looking at Garrett and Hawk, he raised one eyebrow. “Which one of you wants to show me to the Wash House?”

“I will,” the brothers answered in unison.

“Very well. Good night to all of you,” Bridget said. “We’ll see you for breakfast then, and you can meet the rest of the boys.”

Winter nodded and allowed his twins to lead him off the porch and up the path to the barn-like structure next door. Once inside he didn’t have a chance to look around as they hurried him across the main floor and up two flights of stairs then to the first door down an open balcony that looked out over the main room.

Once they were closed in the twins’ bedroom, he looked at the two full-size beds. They barely fit on his queen-size bed. There was no way the three of them could share a bed tonight. “I guess I’m sleeping on the floor.”

He squeaked when Garrett grabbed him. “No way, sexy. Now that we’ve got you, we will always,
sleep together from now on.”

“Just give us a minute to figure this out,” Hawk said. He brushed a kiss over Winter’s lips before turning his attention to the bed situation.

Winter watched wide-eyed as the men went to work. Hawk moved the nightstand from between the beds and pulled the comforters from the mattresses. Then the brothers shoved the two beds together. Then Hawk laid one comforter over the two beds to hide the split in the middle while Garrett moved the pillows so they would lay across the two beds and no one would fall in the center if the beds shifted apart.

“Wow, you guys are good,” he said once they stepped back, pleased with the result of their handiwork.

“Just a different kind of creative thinking,” Garrett said with a shrug. “Not nearly as impressive as the books you write. Now, strip and get into bed, so we can snuggle since Mom outlawed sex.”

Chapter 9

Winter woke horny and wanting. He was snuggled between his twins. He carefully worked his way free and after using the bathroom, dug into his bag for the lube he’d stashed there while the twins were packing up his office. Bending over the counter in the bathroom, he tried to prepare himself, but found it difficult. Instead he pulled out the large plug and slid it in before returning to bed.

His mates were still sleeping, having rolled onto their backs, each sporting an erection, the sight of which made his mouth water in anticipation. Crawling back onto the bed, Winter maneuvered himself between their thighs. Taking Hawk’s cock first, he licked up the underside before taking the hard length deep into his mouth.

He heard Hawk moan just before fingers combed through his head.

He bobbed up and down several times before licking across the head and releasing Hawk. That earned him a whining, wordless protest as he turned and gave Garrett’s cock the same attention. He wasn’t surprised to receive the identical response from the other man. They were, after all, identical twins.

BOOK: McKenzie, Cooper - Winter and His Twins [Welcome to Sanctuary 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour ManLove)
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