Read Man of the Year Online

Authors: Bianca Giovanni

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica

Man of the Year (6 page)

BOOK: Man of the Year
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“Fuck!” she exhales in cute, soft, whimpery little cries as she trembles and shivers.

I start kissing her neck slowly, making sure to move my lips around to every one of those sensitive places. While I do that, I reach my hand between her legs and start rubbing her clit, which really makes her get loud. Double the stimulation, double the intensity.

“Ahhhhh!” she whines. “Oh fuck! James!” she yelps.

That’s the cue to stop and I slowly turn down the dial as I hold her shaky little body against me. I pride myself on being in touch with her senses and I always know when it’s getting to be too much for her. I’ll take her right to the edge of her pleasure limit, but I’ll never kick her over it.

I use both arms to hold her up as she continues to quake for a little bit longer until she can catch her breath.

“Did you like that, babe?” I whisper in her ear.

“Uh-huh,” she nods, still shivering every few seconds with rogue little twitches.

“Fuckin’ hot, right?” I smile against her neck as I kiss up her spine and into her hair.

“Definitely!” she giggles.

“Now imagine if that happened when you were in a public place,” I chuckle. “How would you try to keep your cool?”

“I totally couldn’t,” she laughs. “I’d be in the middle of a dinner party screaming and writhing on the floor.”

I snicker and tilt her head so I can give her a kiss.

She exhales and smiles. “I think I need to sit down.”

I grin and join her as she takes a seat on the couch and removes the device.

“Now you’ve totally piqued my interest,” she giggles. “What other stuff can we try out?”

Aw yeah!
Clearly her first foray into this shit was a success and now she’s down for more. She’s got a wild side, a part of her that wants to go crazy and get freaky with me, but I don’t think she likes to admit it. She fancies herself to be a good girl, and I think she likes to be in control of how far she goes with sex, so she puts limits on herself when it comes to completely letting go and embracing her dirty fantasies. She’ll get over it. I’ll help her see that I’m down for whatever dirty, kinky, crazy thing she wants.
If it makes you come, Lo, I’ll do it for you.

I rifle through the bag and find some stuff from a more female-friendly bondage company. She seems particularly interested in the long, silk pieces of fabric that I take out. There are two, one black and one red.

“Blindfolds?” she guesses correctly and I nod. “What do they charge for these?” she laughs. “What’s the difference between this and a scarf that you could get for really cheap at, like, Target or somewhere?”

I laugh loudly and shrug. There’s the logic again.

“These are sold along with sex toys, so they mark ‘em way up,” I reply.

“The profit margins on this shit have got to be insane,” she says, completely cracking me up with her sudden business take on bondage. “You know half this shit is made in China for pennies, then they slap a sexy girl on the box and sell it for big bucks.”

I’m laughing so hard I can barely breathe.
Goddammit, I love everything about you, Lo!
Her take on this stuff is always amusing.

She snickers at the way I’m totally loosing it laughing and she holds up the black “scarf”, feeling the fabric.

“So, it could be kind of a multipurpose thing,” she observes. “You could tie someone up with it, blindfold them, all that stuff then?”

“Yeah,” I nod. “It’s kind of Dom/sub, but the lite version. It’s not a punishment thing. It’s about pleasure, not pain. Binding with these doesn’t hurt or anything, since they’re not cuffs or ropes. It’s more of a sensual thing really.”

She pauses and looks them over again. “We should try these,” she says in a sexy, breathy voice.

“Seriously?!” I laugh loudly.
Full of surprises, my girl.

“What’s it like, you know, being tied up and all that?” she asks timidly. “Like, what’s the feeling of being restrained and stuff?”

“A lot of the girls say it’s fun because you give up control and you’re free to just embrace it,” I explain. “I guess it’s kind of a rush because you’re a little bit helpless, kinda vulnerable, you know? And you're sort of forced to let go of everything.”

“Yeah,” she nods her head. “I get that.”

“You’re such a psycho about control that it would probably take some getting used to for you,” I tease.

“I’m not a psycho for control!” she says like she’s outraged before she blushes pink.

“Hey, I’m not saying I don’t like it. That one day when I was watching the Broncos game and you came in, turned off the TV and rode me right there on the couch … totally hot. I like that you take charge. If you wanna fuck me, you fuck me—”

“And I want to fuck you a lot, so…” she giggles.

“I’ve kinda always wanted to try this shit from the other side of things,” I quietly confess.

“Being tied up?” she laughs as she looks at me with surprise.

“Yeah,” I smile. “I’m always the one doing the tying, but I’ve never been tied up or blindfolded or any of that.”

“And you’d want that?” she asks, her eyes still wide.

“A little bit, yeah,” I smile, feeling kind of shy all of a sudden.

“If you tell me how to do it, I’ll tie you up and blindfold you … and I’ll rock your fucking world, too!” she grins.

I laugh hard and give her a little kiss. “How about I try it on you first, you know, show you the ropes, so to speak, and then you do it to me?”

“Ok!” she nods enthusiastically.

I love Lola because she’s so open and she doesn’t have all these weird sexual hangups. Maybe it’s because she’s only ever been with me—and I’ve only ever been about pleasuring her until her toes curl and her eyes roll back in her head.

“So, how do we do this?” she asks, leading me into the bedroom. “Aren’t you supposed to tie me to the headboard or something?”

“Normally, I’d say yes, but this headboard doesn’t have anything we can anchor to,” I chuckle, looking up at the big, cushioned, red slab on the wall at the top of the bed.

“What do we do then? How can you initiate me into the world of bondage if there’s nothing to bind me to?” she says in a sexy giggle.

I laugh and grab her face, overcome with the need to give her a quick kiss. She’s still giggling when I back away.

“I think, for now, I’m just gonna have to tie your wrists and you just pretend like you’re tied to the bed or something,” I offer.

“Ok,” she nods. “And if I move are you gonna spank me?”

She’s joking, I know it. If I know anything about Lola, it’s that she definitely wouldn’t be down for a spanking, at least not the kind I used to give. Maybe a little smack on the butt every now and then, but if I slapped her ass like I used to do to the girls in my movies, she’d probably turn around and slap me right back ...
which could actually be kind of hot, now that I think about it

“No spanking, young lady,” I laugh.

“You gonna make me call you Sir?” she teases again.

“I’m gonna make you come so hard you’ll call me Master of the Universe,” I grin.

“Yeah, I don’t doubt that,” she giggles with a shrug.

“And are you ok with the blindfold? I think it’ll be hot,” I grin.

“Sure,” she nods. “Do we need, like, a safe-word or something?”

“Nah, baby,” I smile and kiss her softly. “This isn’t a Dom/sub thing. We’re just fuckin’ around. You say stop and I’m stopping—and do not hesitate to say stop if you’re not digging it.”

“Right,” she nods. “Ok. So, how do you want to start?”

“First off, I wanna take your dress off,” I whisper to her seductively. “I want you totally bare—being exposed like that will enhance it because you’ll feel more vulnerable.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “You want to make me feel vulnerable and helpless, eh, big man?”

I snicker and kiss her forehead. “I never want you to feel helpless, Lo. It’s just about the mindset, you know? Like, you’re supposed to feel like I’m in control and you have to trust me to do stuff to you.”

She pauses and gives me the sweetest, most innocent smile. “I always trust you, James.”

It warms my heart to hear her say that, especially in a situation like this. She trusts me because she knows I’m going to treat her body with the utmost tenderness and that I'll never, ever, ever try to push her to do something she doesn't like.

“I’m gonna take care of you, Lo,” I whisper as I reach for the zipper on the side of her dress.

I slowly slide it down and let it fall at her feet. I take a glance down at her body and then kiss her as I unhook her bra and let that slip off her shoulders. Her panties are on the floor in the living room somewhere, so that makes this process go even faster.
Step one: get her naked. Check!

“I know I say this all the time and you think I’m bullshitting, but you really are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” I smile at her. “You’re fuckin’ perfection, Lo.”

She gets all demure and she blushes.

“Let me look at you for a sec, sexy girl,” I say in a husky voice.

She’s still got her stilettos on and it’s making her legs look extra long. I glance appreciatively over her lean thighs, softly curved hips, narrow waist, full boobs, perky nipples, elegantly slender neck, pouty lips and into her beautiful, golden, honey-brown eyes.
You, my love, are fuckin’ breathtaking.

I run my hands up and down her back as I lean forward and kiss her neck. My touch is soft and light, making sure she knows that I’m going to be gentle with her once I tie her up. This isn’t about kink, it’s about trust, about her trusting me enough to know that I’ll not only take care of her, but that I intend to make her come about a zillion times tonight.

“Hop up on the bed,” I say, pointing to it. “I’m gonna put the blindfold on and then I want you to lay back and I’ll tie your hands up above your head. Cool?”

“Ok,” she nods, taking a seat.

I get the black blindfold—it’s classier than the red and she deserves some class with her kink—and I gently wrap it over her eyes, making sure not to catch her hair in the knot as I loosely fasten it behind her head.

“Ok so far?” I say.

“Uh-huh,” she nods cheerfully. It's so rad that she’s comfortable and excited about this.

“Alright, beautiful girl, I’m gonna tie you up now, but I’m gonna keep it loose so you can slip out if it starts to freak you out.”

She nods and gives me a smile as she raises her arms above her head and puts her hands together.

I smooth the red piece of silky fabric around her wrists and make a loose knot, wrapping the long pieces around a couple of times to make it feel more restrictive for dramatic effect. She doesn’t seem to mind and she’s relaxed and ready as she keeps her arms above her head and takes a deep breath.

I kneel between her legs and look her over.
Beautiful body. Beautiful girl. The most beautiful girl.

I lower myself down and kiss her neck, which she always loves. I want to pay attention to all those sensitive, erogenous zones on her, so I kiss onto her collarbone, then down the middle of her chest, over her bellybutton, then back up to give some attention to those beautiful, perky, pink nipples. She moans when I kiss and suck them and I like hearing her pleasure sounds.

She exhales when I kiss a path down her body again and start brushing my lips up and down the insides of her thighs, behind her knees, across her hip bones and down, going really lightly when I get between her legs.

She makes a little whine when I move back. She’s a pretty big fan of my tongue and she’s eager for it, but she’s not going to get it yet. Instead, I trail the tip of my index finger very lightly up and down her slit, just barely grazing her. She moves her hips a little to try to get more contact, but I anticipate it and move back.

“You gotta be patient,” I chuckle. “This is all part of it.”

“Your teasing is killing me! I’m so turned on right now that I feel like I could set the room on fire,” she giggles.

I laugh loudly and rest my other hand on her pelvis to steady the little, pleading thrusts of her hips as my finger continues skimming over her in feather light strokes.

“Just wait for it. It’ll pay off, I swear.”

“Fine,” she pretends to pout, which makes me snicker.

“Greedy girl,” I playfully reprimand her. “This is exactly why you could never be a sub, Lola, because you have to get what you want all the goddamn time.”

“Fuck yeah!” she laughs.

I use my left hand to brush my fingertips up and down her stomach, across her boobs, down her hips and over the insides and outsides of her thighs. With the way her body switches on, I know this’ll drive her wild.

Her lips look all full and soft as they part and she starts breathing harder.

“You see, Lo,” I explain in a slightly cocky tone, “the whole point of this is to get you where you’re so fuckin’ ready that even the littlest touch could make you come, but to only let you come when I decide you’re ready to come. The blindfold helps because it takes away one of your senses and makes you concentrate on how this feels. Being tied up helps because it makes you feel like you can’t get what you want right away and it shows you that it’s my decision.”

“That’s all good, but decide soon!” she giggles.

“It’s just as torturous for me as it is for you,” I say.

“I highly doubt that,” she laughs.

“It totally is,” I reply. “Believe me, cupcake, nothing in this whole world puts a fuckin’ smile on my face like making you come. I want to do it just as bad as you want me to do it.”

“Well, nothing’s stopping you, stud,” she smiles widely.

“No patience, I swear to God,” I laugh and press harder, letting my finger rub her a little firmer.

Her mouth opens wider and she moans softly as I make little circles around her tender clit.

“You just have to have everything your way,” I tease, slipping my finger inside her in an intentionally slow movement.

“Deeper. Just a little deeper, please,” she breathes.

Oh, I like that,” I grin. “It’s kinda hot when you beg me.”

“Just remember, I’m going to be doing this to you next, and payback is a bitch,” she laughs.

BOOK: Man of the Year
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