Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series)

BOOK: Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series)
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Book 3 in the Brooklyn Series




First and foremost, I need to thank my fans! Because WOW. Did I make y’all wait for this final book or what?!

For a while there I didn’t think I would ever finish this damn book. LOL  because Dixon and Brooklyn are the most stubborn couple I’ve ever written and for a while they refused to speak to me.

But I’ve finally conquered Beaumont. The book is FINISHED! I hope you all love it. I’ve poured my heart and soul into this story for the last four months trying to get it perfect. No other book has stressed me out and sent me on the emotional roller coast like this one has.

Thank you to my original street teamers and supports, Kayden’s Angels and Dixon’s Darlin’s. You girls are the reason I wrote so many Savannah books and why Brooklyn ever got a series in the first place. Now because of your support and love of these characters I’m plotting out a standalone for Xander and Jax! Eeekk!!!

OMG I can’t even begin to thank Danielle’s Dames. You ladies are my everything. Without y’all I would disappear into oblivion in this book world. But you ladies work your asses off every single day keeping my name out there in the book world. Especially a huge thank you to my team captain Traci Hyland. I cannot say enough how much I appreciate every single thing that you do. You ladies over the last three years have become some of my bestest friends, not just fans. I appreciate everything you have done for me <3

My always FANTASTIC BETA Readers! Amy, Tammi, Emma, Sophie, Charity, Danielle and Tabby I can’t thank you girls enough for all that you do! The most important one being supporting me no matter what I decide to write. You girls are always my biggest cheerleaders. So thank you! Your support and friendships mean the world to me.

I cannot say thank you enough to my bad ass author friend and editor Silla Webb who kicked ass whipping this book into shape for me! You are a rock star! You kept me from completely giving up on this book. Because of your support and encouragement its finally finished.

I need to give a big thank you to my family. My husband, for supporting this dream and doing everything from housework, to cooking, to traveling with me to signings, and patiently waiting every night for me to finally make it to bed after a long day of writing.

My girls, Madison and Bailey, for being such big helpers! They help so much with chores and helping keep Finn happy. I don’t know what I’d do with my amazing girls who are mommy’s biggest cheerleaders.

A shout out to my bestie Sophie Monroe who is always there whenever I need her. No matter the time or day, if I text you and need you to cheer me up or whip my ass into gear, you’re always there for me.

To Danielle #2 AKA Danielle Pearl. I met you in Ft.Lauderdale at the Wicked Book Weekend signing and ever since you’ve been an amazing friend to me. Your support and encouragement means the world to me.

I especially want to say THANK YOU! To every single one of you who support me and purchased this book! You will never know how appreciative I am for the support I receive from every single one of you.

If you can please rate and review this novel on Goodreads and the site you purchased it from to help share Brooklyn and Dixon’s books with the reader world, I would truly appreciate it.


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.


The characters, places, situations and events of this story are developed materializations of my imagination and, therefore, belong entirely to me. Distribution of this story is only permitted with my written consent, and any use of the aforementioned factors must be approved of also. Please do not steal; I shouldn’t be punished for your lack of originality and dedication.


I don’t own any of the name brands i.e. Nike, Victoria Secret, etc. that might appear in the story.



Betting on Beaumont

Book 3 in the Brooklyn Series


Betting on Beaumont is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


2016 Danielle Jamie eBook edition

Copyright © 2016 Danielle Jamie Wright

All Rights Reserved


ISBN-13: 9781524240240



Published in the United States by Danielle Wright, Mineville NY


Cover Design by: Perfect Pear Creative Covers

Edited by: Silla Webb- Masque of the Red Pen


Follow me on Social Media!

Snapchat: DanielleJamie85

More Books by Danielle Jamie


The Savannah Series:

Irresistible Desire

Inescapable Desire

Indestructible Desire

Infinite Desire

Southern Desire

Savannah’s Desire


The Brooklyn Series:

Wasted Love

Heart of Dixon

Betting on Beaumont


Tempt Series:

Tempt My Heart

A Tempting Christmas

Rebel Hearts (coming 2017)


The Stepbrother Series:




Coming Soon a NEW Stepbrother Series book 1 Treacherous


Sweet Home Alabama Series:

Mine Would Be You

Just South of Heaven (Emelyn and Lawson’s wedding & honeymoon available now in the Mouth 2 Anthology)

Playing With Fire (Tucker’s book out this fall!)


Happy Endings Resort Series:

*Each book can be read alone there’s TONS of books in this series from many authors*

Book 2 in the series is Anywhere with You

a standalone by Danielle Jamie


Christmas Wish
- a Holiday Standalone


Tease Me

A collection of Firsts in a Series sneak peeks from Danielle Jamie


Chasing Carolina Series

Just for the Summer

Tan Lines & Salty Kisses


Wishing for Tomorrow (a new standalone out this summer)

Chapter 1




The last few days I’ve tried to work up the courage to finally tell Jax that I just want to be friends. He’s so sweet, so the last thing I want to do is hurt him. I’ve spent the entire flight from Los Angeles to Las Vegas trying to work up the courage to finally talk to him. I’ve done well avoiding this topic at all costs since returning from Hawaii.

It makes it even harder when I can’t talk to Savannah about it. After the way things blew up between Dixon and I, she’s been all ‘Team Jax’. I’m afraid that she’ll be disappointed in me for giving Dixon another chance.

I’ve battled with myself for a week over this decision. Sure, when I balance the pros and cons of Jax and Dixon, the smart choice is Jax. He’s the safe choice. But when I listen to what my heart is telling me, it’s saying that it wants Dixon. All of this is so new to me. It’s like I’m venturing into unknown territory here. I’m used to casually dating guys. With that, you don’t have to deal with all this crazy drama. If Dixon didn’t make me so damn crazy without him in my life, I’d cut my losses and move on. But no matter how hard I’ve tried, the man is simply impossible to move on from.

He’s been blowing my phone up ever since I texted him, informing him that Savannah and I were flying to Vegas to track down Kayden. He’s relieved they’re going to kiss and make up because he said Kayden’s been a miserable asshole since the day Savannah left. It didn’t take long for the conversation to swiftly shift to Jax. He’s adamant that as soon as I land in Vegas, I’m to find Jax and break things off with him.

How the hell did I get myself into this situation? Being shoved into a damn love triangle between two friends— no less— is not how I imagined my life. I don’t want to hurt Jax, but I feel like that’s what is going to happen once I break it to him that I’m not into him that way. I dread confessing to him that I want to see where Dixon and I go from here.

It’s all one big mess, and I find myself wishing I could climb back onto the airplane, go back to my parents’ house and hide out in my blanket fort. Where I can pretend that my life isn’t a big freaking mess.

Since I can’t do that, instead I’m diving head first into the sand as I put off talking to Jax as long as I can while I focus on helping Savannah fix things with Kayden. Once things with them are smoothed over, then I’ll tackle the situation of talking to Jax.

“Wow. Talk about swanky.” I find myself getting dizzy as I try to take everything in as we enter Kayden’s penthouse. This place is hands down the nicest suite I’ve ever stepped foot in. He’s slumming it compared to his Penthouse suite back in Houston. I don’t even want to think about the amount of money it would cost to book this suite for a night.

Shutting the door behind her, Savannah lets out a sigh of relief. “It is really nice. Being Vegas it’s no shocker that it’s this over the top. I’m just glad the guys are all out so we have time to clean up. I feel like I smell like airplane food right now. I’m going to take a quick shower. How about you?” she asks as she walks across the marble foyer, wheeling her luggage behind her that the bell hop brought up for us.

“Once we find the showers, I’m definitely taking one. Then after we get all dolled up, Mission: Reunite Kavannah will be set into motion.”

Savannah cracks up laughing as she raises her eyebrows up toward the ceiling. “Kavannah? Did you just try to
Kayden and me?”

Shrugging my shoulder’s, I give her a questionable look as I furrow my brows together. “What? You don’t like it. What about Savayden? It has a nice ring to it, too.”

“How about neither. But it did feel good to laugh just now, though. So thanks for that.”

“I’m glad I made you laugh. Just my opinion, I really like Kavannah.”

Shaking her head, Savannah walks through the suite as she attempts to find a bathroom.

“With your love life recently, you’d have a handful of stupidly-cute nicknames. Brookxon or Dixlyn for you and Dixon. Jaxlyn for Jax or BroJax is kind of funny, too. Ohh and we can’t forget bad boy rocker, Xander.” She glances at me over her shoulder before turning the corner and walking down a long hallway filled with doors. “You two could be Xanlyn…I can’t think of anything else because his name is too hard to rhyme things with.” The amusement and sarcasm in her voice is evident.

“You have quite the knack for coming up with these celebrity couple nicknames. You should so do an article in Envy about the crazy and cute couple names in Hollywood.”

Rolling her eyes and making a gagging sound as she dramatically sticks her tongue out, she tells me, “How about not.”

After walking around for a few minutes scoping the place out, we finally find the master bedroom and an unoccupied guest room so we get cleaned up.

Before climbing in the shower I send Dixon a quick text:


We just got into Kayden’s penthouse. This place is off the hook. I don’t think I ever want to leave! Where u guys at?? We’re going to shower quick then try to find u guys.


Not wanting to waste time waiting to hear back from Dixon—because let’s face it—they’re in Vegas! I won’t hold my breath on hearing right back from him. I texted him this morning on our way to the airport and it took him almost an hour to get back to me because they were all out to breakfast at the restaurant downstairs and he’d forgotten his phone in his room.

Stripping out of my leggings and top, I toss them onto the floor and turn on the shower. Climbing under the warm, relaxing spray of water, I try to push the racing thoughts of Dixon and Jax from my mind. I’m going to drive myself crazy if I don’t stop stressing over this.

I try to let the music playing from my phone distract me, but I swear every damn song that comes on reminds me of Dixon.

There’s no denying it. I have it bad for him. Which screams DANGEROUS in bright neon fricking colors.

Letting him have this kind of power of my body and emotions is risky. Because with Dixon, you never know what you’re going to get. I’m terrified that this is going to blow up in my face somehow.

There’s just something about Dixon that makes me think ‘proceed with caution’ every time I’m around him. I’ve never given a man my heart because I’ve never had the desire to. But for the first time in my life, I think I may actually be falling in love.

Of course, I have to fall for the biggest player of all time who has the power and the ability to shred my heart to pieces.


BOOK: Betting on Beaumont: A Brooklyn Novel #3 (The Brooklyn Series)
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