Read Lady's Minstrel Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Romance

Lady's Minstrel (4 page)

BOOK: Lady's Minstrel
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He kissed her temples, her cheeks, her nose, and her chin. Taking his time, he worked his way down to her collarbone. By then she was a mass of writhing need. Her cleft was wet and aching to be filled by him.

But Reys was in no hurry.

Sliding her hand down his chest, she marveled at the strength of him. He was thinner, yes, but he was still so strong. The head of his shaft bumped her hand as it drifted below his bellybutton. She clasped her fingers around his cock and gently squeezed.

“Alicia.” Her name was a raspy groan, torn from her husband’s lips. She felt liquid seep out of the slit at the crown and wet her hand as she continued to stroke up and down the length of his shaft.

Reaching down, he grabbed her hand and pulled it away. “Not this time, my sweet. I am too close.”

Reys focused his attention on her breasts, plumping the twin mounds in his hands before lapping at the tight nubs. Alicia’s skin was on fire, her body quivering with unrequited love and lust. It was a heady combination.

She clasped his biceps, feeling the play of muscle as he shifted his attention from one breast to the other. As he plucked at her nipple, sensation burst between her thighs, hot and thick. Tilting her hips, she rubbed her cleft against his cock. Panting hard, she did it again, crying out when his shaft stroked the tight bud of nerves at the apex.

A low growl vibrated in her husband’s chest as he left her breasts and shifted his attention lower. Her nipples were damp from his ministrations and the cool night air made them pucker even tighter. The ache, low in her belly, grew stronger. Her inner muscles contracted, desperate to hold him.

Reys lapped at her belly, his teeth grazing her hipbones. His tongue swirled inside her bellybutton, teasing and tickling at the same time. Perspiration dotted her skin as the inner heat threatened to engulf her in its embrace.

He lay between her thighs, all his attention focused there. Her folds were slick with cream, every nerve ending tingling in anticipation. His breath was warm on her sensitive flesh. He blew softly, sending a shower of goose bumps down her arms and legs.

He surged upward and rolled onto his back, taking her with him. Their positions were reversed and she was lying on top of him, her legs tangled with his. “I want you too badly.” She could see the dots of perspiration on his forehead. A muscle ticked beneath his right eye. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

Tenderness flooded her. She loved this man so much. Leaning down, she kissed him lightly on the lips, across his stubborn jaw and down the strong column of his neck. She kneaded the muscles of his arms and chest as she licked a trail down the center of his stomach. She knew what she wanted.

Reys stilled, every muscle in his body tense as she blew on the head of his cock. It jerked upward, as though reaching toward her. “Alicia.” Her name was both a plea and a warning. Lowering her head, she swirled her tongue around the tip. She could taste his essence—musky and male, more potent than the headiest ale.

She closed her mouth, savoring his unique flavor. It had been so long. His shaft twitched, brushing her cheek. Smiling, she gripped the lower part of his cock with her hand and began to pump. Opening her mouth, she took him inside. His hips arched off the bed, his fingers tangling in her hair. Alicia took as much of him as she could, gently skimming her teeth over his hard length.

Reys swore and thrust his hips up twice more before pulling her mouth away. She released him with a wet pop and a groan of displeasure. She wasn’t done yet.

“Not this way,” he gasped, his chest expanding and contracting with each huge gulp of air he took. “I want to be inside you.”

His eyes were darker, like a stormy sea at night. She knew what he needed. Still holding his cock in her hand, she straddled his hips.

Reys was a hairsbreadth away from spilling his seed. Having Alicia’s mouth on his cock had been both heaven and hell. The feel of her soft tongue bathing the head of his shaft was the sweetest torture he’d ever endured. Another time he wouldn’t have stopped her, but this time, this first time, he needed to be inside her. Needed to feel her soft, welcoming flesh grip him as they both found release.

Like some erotic nymph, she sat up on her knees, his cock in her small hand. Her thick brown hair tangled around her face and shoulders, tumbling around her back and down her chest. A lock tickled his stomach. He wanted to wrap himself in her hair, feel the silken locks against his skin.

Her breasts were perfectly shaped and large enough to fill his hands. Nipples the color of ripe raspberries begged to be plucked. He reached out and strummed his thumbs over them. Alicia gave a throaty cry of pleasure, her head tilting back.

He closed his eyes and tried to concentrate on something else. Anything. But nothing could distract him from Alicia. His eyes flew open as she moved, shifting so that the head of his cock was pressed against her slit.

Poised over him, she stared down at him and smiled. “Welcome home.”

Her words shattered him. Gripping her hips, he thrust hard, burying himself to the hilt. Her heat surrounded him, accepting him, bathing him in her healing warmth. She rose up on her knees again and he felt his shaft sliding out of her warmth. His fingers tightened around her waist. He would not be denied.

But his wife had no intentions of denying him. She lowered herself over his cock and rotated her hips. Reys saw light flash behind his eyes as she did it again. Her breasts swayed as she rode him hard.

He could feel his balls drawing tighter to his body. He was so close. Straining, he reached for completion but it danced just out of reach. He needed to get closer.

Lifting her, he withdrew from her hot depths. She cried out as he shifted her position until she was on her hands and knees on the mattress with him crouched behind her. Alicia spread her thighs wide, offering him a glimpse of her engorged, slick folds. He bent down and lapped at her hot cunt.

Alicia cried out, her legs trembling. Swearing, Reys positioned himself at her slit and drove his cock deep. His head fell back and the cords of his neck tightened. “Yes,” he hissed. This was what he wanted.

Capturing her breasts with his hands, he began to fuck her. Short, hard jabs followed by long strokes. He varied them until he thought his head would explode. Alicia was whimpering beneath him, her inner muscles contracting tighter around his shaft with each stroke.

Releasing one of her breasts, he slid his hand between her thighs and touched her. Her back bowed and she cried out. Her sheath clamped around him so hard he couldn’t move for several seconds, trapped in her sweet embrace. Her heat flooded him and he pumped his hips hard, short, deep thrusts that finally pushed him over the edge.

His cock jerked as he filled her with his seed. Her cunt milked him dry, pulling every last drop of him into her. Alicia collapsed onto the mattress and he followed her, his large body covering her much smaller one. He shifted to the side to keep from crushing her, but he didn’t withdraw from her silken depths. He wanted to stay there as long as possible.

He must have dozed because the next thing he knew Alicia was shivering beneath him. The room seemed much cooler now. Forcing himself to move, he sat up and lifted his wife, pulling the covers out from under them and settling her beneath them.

He sighed as he pulled her into the curve of his shoulder. She rested her head against his heart and draped a silky thigh across his much larger and hairy one. Her hand rested on his scarred chest, her voice but a whisper when she spoke. “I love you, Reys of Hawkspoint. Welcome home.”

He tightened his arms around her, unable to speak. When he knew she was finally asleep, Reys closed his eyes and wept.


It was the heat that woke her. Alicia started to push back the covers only to find she couldn’t. She was held captive by a pair of strong male arms. Alarm shot through her, quickly followed by the memories of the night before. Reys. It was Reys in bed holding her, warming her. She tilted her head back and opened her eyes. Even asleep, the lines on his face were evident. His scars, a testament to the horror he’d survived. His hair was slightly longer too, falling to below his shoulders. On some men it would have made them appear older. But not Reys. Even injured, he looked as handsome as ever to her.

His fingers began to play along the curve of her spine, drifting up and down. She sighed and arched into his touch. “Have you been awake long?” The low rumble of his voice made her toes curl.

“Not long.” He opened his eyes and she was captured in their blue gaze.

“I thought it was naught but a dream until I woke to find an angel snuggled in my arms.” He kissed the top of her head, his fingers not stopping their rhythm as they stroked her back.

His touch was making her skin tingle and not just on her back. “It wasn’t a dream. You’re home now.”

“Home.” There was a wealth of emotion in that one word.

She cupped his jaw, the thick stubble scratching her skin. Leaning up, she placed a kiss on his cheek. He turned his head, capturing her lips. There was no rush this time, no sense of urgency. He lifted her leg over his thigh and slid into her. She was wet and ready. Staring at her husband’s face, she held on to his broad shoulders as he rocked them to completion.

Resting in his arms, she heard the sounds of the castle stirring for the day. Sun was shining in through the window, brightening the room. “William will be along soon,” she warned. “He will not wait much longer.”

Reys chuckled. The sound was rusty, not the loud, lusty laugh she was accustomed to. Still, it warmed her heart.

Rolling out of bed, he padded to the hearth. Crouching down, he stoked the embers, adding several more pieces of wood until there was a cheery blaze. Alicia sat up in bed with the covers tucked around her, admiring the play of muscles in his back. Scars marred his flesh, but that did not detract from the strength of the man, only added to it.

He grabbed the pitcher of water that sat on the hearth and poured it into a wooden basin and began to wash. She watched, enjoying the flex of his buttocks and the sheer joy he took in washing. She imagined that was a luxury after being imprisoned.

“I’ll have the men drag up the large wooden tub so you can soak this evening.”

Reys turned his head toward her and smiled. “I would like that.”

Sliding out of bed, she went to his side. Taking the cloth and a sliver of soap, she began to wash his chest. When she was done, he took the cloth from her and used it to wash her from head to toe. He found every curve and crevice. When he was done, her skin was rosy and her breathing was ragged.

He tossed the rag away and reached for her just as a knock came on the outer door. “My lady.” It was William.

Giving her husband an apologetic smile, she shrugged. “I told you he would not wait much longer.”

“So you did.” Smiling, he patted her on the behind. “Get dressed, I’ll deal with William.” Totally unconcerned by his nakedness, Reys strode to the door, opened it a crack and spoke to the captain.

Realizing she was simply standing there watching him, Alicia scolded herself and went to her trunk, rummaging around until she came up with a clean shift and her best gown. It was the one she was married in. A deep stormy blue, it matched her husband’s eyes. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to wear it after he’d left. It reminded her too much of his absence.

When she was dressed, she reached for her brush. She sensed Reys behind her before he reached around her and plucked the brush from her hands. “Let me.”

A quick glance showed her that he too was dressed. He’d gone to his trunk and found clean clothing. The fine linen tunic hung slightly on his shoulders and the chausses and braies were a little loose, but she thought him incredibly handsome. She’d never thought to see him wear those clothes again.

With his dagger strapped to his waist, he was an imposing figure. He looked every inch the lord of the castle. And now the lord was waiting to brush his wife’s hair. She handed him her brush and closed her eyes and sighed with pleasure as he drew the bristles through her hair.

“I love your hair.” He ran his fingers through the locks, smoothing them down her back to the curve of her behind. “I dreamed of your hair.” The brush followed, working out the tangles from the night before.


“Oh yes.” He tossed the brush aside and sifted his fingers through the thick, brown mass. “I dreamed of being covered in naught but you and your hair.” Tilting her head back, he kissed her. “Thank you for making that dream a reality.”

She smiled. “My pleasure.” Her breasts were swollen, her nipples outlined against the fabric of her dress.

The corner of Reys mouth curved upward as he slid his hands around her shoulders and down to cup her breast. “Maybe you’ll fulfill a few more of my dreams later.”

Her chest was heaving now as she sucked in air. “Perhaps I will.” She sounded breathless and wanton. “But unless you want William and half the keep as witnesses, I suggest we go downstairs.”

Reys laughed and the sound wasn’t quite so rusty this time. He turned her in his arms and stared down at her, his gaze growing solemn. “I will never leave you again. This I promise you.” Slowly lowering his head, he touched his mouth to hers, sealing his promise with a long, tender kiss. “There will be adjustments. I am not the man I was when I left here. You are changed as well. Stronger. More independent. Opinionated.”

BOOK: Lady's Minstrel
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