Read Lady's Minstrel Online

Authors: N.J. Walters

Tags: #Romance

Lady's Minstrel (2 page)

BOOK: Lady's Minstrel
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“It is supposed to hurt,” she gasped. Her mother was dead, but her nursemaid and companion, Greta, had explained to her what would happen. At this point she didn’t care if it hurt. She was poised on the edge of something. Something wonderful, but it was just beyond her grasp.

Reys smiled and inserted a second finger. Alicia moaned as the sensation, part pain, part pleasure, spiraled higher. He slowly slid his fingers back to the opening of her cunt. She squirmed, crying out, not wanting to lose his touch.

He shoved them back in. Deep and hard. Lowering his head again, he lapped at the sensitive bud of nerves as he continued to work her with his fingers. Her breasts ached so she covered them with her hands.

“Touch yourself,” he encouraged her. “Feel your nipples tighten beneath your fingers. See how they pucker with need.”

Past all embarrassment, she did as he instructed. “Ooh,” she moaned as she took each berry-red nipple between her thumb and forefingers and squeezed. Her hips bucked.

“Reys,” she whimpered. She felt as though she was sick with a fever, hot and slightly delirious.

“Come for me,” he ordered, plunging his fingers into her hot, warm core again and again.

She wasn’t quite certain what he expected her to do. The heat inside her was gathering in her core until she thought she was going to explode. Then she did. Crying out, she let go. Her sheath clenched his fingers as cream slipped from her core. Heat filled her, leaving her feeling weak and strong at the same time. Her arms and legs quivered until finally she sank back into the mattress. Replete.

Reys shifted until he was lying on top of her. She could feel the press of his cock against her opening. “From this moment on, you are my wife.” He surged forward, driving himself deep.

Alicia gasped and then moaned. He was so big it felt as though he was splitting her asunder. He stilled, holding himself above her. Unmoving. Sweat beaded on his brow as he waited for her to become accustomed to him.

Gradually the pain faded, replaced by a growing sense of need. Her eyes widened as the now familiar sensation began to gather low in her belly. Reys leaned down and kissed her. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she held on tight as he began to move.

Slowly at first, but gradually getting faster and faster. He pounded his cock into her and she welcomed him. “I can’t wait any longer,” he ground out from between clenched teeth.

Reaching beneath her, he tilted her hips up so that each stroke intensified the sensations. He was hitting a spot inside her that made her want to weep with pleasure each time he touched it. His chest rasped her nipples in a delicious caress.

“More,” she gasped.

He laughed and the motion of his hips quickened. She felt herself going over the edge of pleasure once again. Heard Reys shout, quickly followed by a pulse of hot seed within her.

He collapsed on top of her and she took his weight, loving it as it pushed her deeper into the mattress. He rolled to the side, taking her with him and keeping himself locked inside her.

More content then she’d been in her entire life, Alicia thanked the heavens for bringing Reys into her life. He didn’t seem to mind that she wasn’t beautiful. Here in their bed, he made her feel special…


A log snapped, sending an ember flying to the stone floor in front of the hearth and bringing Alicia back to the here and now. Her cleft throbbed with an aching need that hadn’t been appeased in years. She ignored it, as she usually did, until she could bear it no longer. Then, and only then, would she pleasure herself. It gave her some release, but always left her yearning for Reys even more.

She had bittersweet memories of the months that followed that night. Reys had instructed her in the mysteries of lovemaking, teaching her about her own body and needs. There wasn’t a reserved bone in his body and he had been insatiable. He’d been just as likely to toss up her skirts and take her in the stables if he caught her alone. He’d cornered her in the buttery once, bending her over a table and taking her from behind. They’d barely finished before someone caught them. The memory made her breasts ache.

Thankfully, he’d also taught her everything she needed to know to become lady here. That had been a blessing and a necessity when he’d departed on crusade to the holy land. They had only been wed six months when she’d stood on the front steps and waved a tearful goodbye.

Alicia was grateful that Hawkspoint was isolated and that Reys had left a garrison of loyal men guarding her and the castle. In the years that followed, they had supported her unquestioningly. Their lord had chosen her, so they had accepted her. In turn, she had asked for and taken William’s counsel on many occasions. Now, she was as much a part of them as they were of her. Neither could remember the time before.

Alicia rose from her chair, her peace shattered by her memories, and prepared for bed. She stripped her gown off and folded it carefully and packed it away. There was money for new gowns, but she was loath to spend it in case she needed the funds to ransom her husband from some foreign prison. But, as there had been no word in five years her hopes were waning. None of the returning knights had word of her husband and Alicia had had Father Edmund write to them all.

Alicia knew it was only a matter of time before the king, who had returned to England, would marry her to someone else in order to give Hawkspoint a new lord. She would not let that happen. If only she’d had a boy child, Hawkspoint would not need a new lord. But their time together had not been blessed by a child.

Not bothering to brush out her hair, Alicia left it in two long braids as she climbed into her large, lonely bed. She pulled the covers over her head, ignored the aching needs of her body and allowed the feather pillow to muffle her tears.

Chapter Two


The next morning, Alicia was up bright and early. There was always so much to do. The fall harvest was almost upon them and once the vegetables and wheat from the fields were stored for the winter and the orchards were picked bare, then they would begin to slaughter some of the animals and preserve the meat for the coming winter.

Alicia conferred with the steward on the state of the castle’s stores, the cook on the next day’s menu, the laundress on what linens needed replacing, and made a list on what storage rooms needed to be cleaned and scoured before the new harvest was brought in. There were candles and soap to be made, rushes gathered and a myriad other tasks, all needing her attention. As she worked, Alicia was often struck with the feeling that someone was watching her. On several occasions, when she looked around, she caught the minstrel watching her from a distance.

The fact that he had traveled to their remote castle and taken a keen interest in the running of it bothered her. His curiosity about her made her suspicious. Alicia had spoken to William this morning and they were both in agreement—it was time for the minstrel to leave. She planned to question the traveling troubadour tonight before she asked him to depart. She wanted no trouble or spies in her home.

The hours flew by quickly, as they always did. There was always so much to be done no matter how hard she worked. It was never-ending.

When the day was done and the evening meal finished and cleared away, Alicia bid her people good night and retired to her solar. Taking a seat in her favorite chair beside the fire, she waited. She wore the same faded green woolen gown she’d worn the night before and had tucked her jeweled eating dagger in her belt. Sitting tall, she hoped she had an authoritative look.

She nodded at her captain as he escorted the minstrel into the room. Alicia felt better knowing William would be waiting outside the door to escort the musician back downstairs as soon as she was finished questioning him.

The minstrel strode into the room and gave her a short bow of respect. As always, his cloak covered him from head to foot. He stood in the shadows, a silent specter, waiting for her to speak. Once again she was struck by the sheer size of him. Tall, but lean, he was an imposing figure. Swallowing her unease, she stared into the hood of his cloak, hoping to glimpse his features. He stood patiently and said nothing.

Gathering herself, she began to question him. “Why do you hide yourself, and why are you asking questions about Hawkspoint?” Alicia hoped her forthright manner would surprise him into answering.

He was as still as a statue for so long that Alicia feared he would not answer her. When he finally spoke, his answer shocked her. “I have news of your husband.” The minstrel’s voice was raspy and low.

Alicia gripped the arms of her chair until her knuckles turned white. She wanted to grab the cloaked figure and shake him. She’d been waiting years for news of Reys and the minstrel had been here at Hawkspoint a fortnight. A fortnight! How dare he hold news back from her!

Outwardly, she remained calm. Inwardly, she was a mass of swirling emotions. Hope and despair both battled for supremacy. She was almost afraid to know the news. As long as she didn’t know for certain what had happened, she had hope. Taking a deep breath, Alicia faced her deepest fear.

“What do you know of my husband? Is he alive?” She bit her bottom lip, and the pain helped keep her tears in check. Under no circumstances would she break down in front of this stranger.

The minstrel took several steps forward and reached out his hand. Catching himself, he let it drop back to his side. “I will tell you all I know.”

Her eyes never left him as he began his tale. “Your husband was captured and imprisoned by a heathen Saracen warrior. For several years he lay rotting in prison, tortured and forgotten with many other knights and men.”

Alicia felt a tear roll down her cheek. Blinking hard, she took a deep breath. The minstrel paused, but she nodded at him. “Please continue.”

He inclined his head and resumed his story. “Your husband befriended another man who was deathly ill from too many beatings and lack of food. He kept this man alive, not knowing that this man’s family was of royal blood. When the man was ransomed, he arranged for your husband’s release.”

Unable to stop herself, Alicia reached out and grabbed the minstrel’s hand. It was large and calloused and warm. “Where is my husband?”

The minstrel turned her hand until he held it gently in his. “Your husband had been much changed by years of hard imprisonment. He was ill and took many months to regain his health and his strength. In that time he thought much about his young wife and why no one had ransomed him.”

She could not bear the thought of Reys being sick and alone, believing no one cared about him. “But I wrote everyone I could think of, knights returning from the holy land, clergy, and even the king, but none could give me any hope or information. I even sent a missive to the pope in Rome.” Her distress was a living thing. Her insides churned, her skin felt clammy and her throat tightened, making it hard for her to speak.

Alicia pulled her hand away from the minstrel and gathered her tattered dignity around her like a cloak. Straightening her shoulders, she forced all expression from her face. When she spoke her voice was cold. “You are from this other lord then. Tell me how much to ransom my husband from him and I will pay it.”

The minstrel cocked his head to one side as if amused by her boldness. Then he named an amount that made her pale. It would take everything they had to pay that kind of ransom. She steadied herself and spoke. “I will have the money and goods ready to go in two days time. Father Edmund and I will accompany you to my husband.”

“You love him too much.” The minstrel’s voice held a note of scorn.

“What do you know of love, minstrel?” Her hands were shaking, so Alicia clasped them in her lap, not wanting to show any weakness. “He may have been my husband for only six months, although we have been married these six years, but I have never met a man more deserving of love and respect than Reys of Hawkspoint.” Alicia stood to indicate that the interview was over. “You will excuse me as I have much to do.”

The minstrel dropped to his knees in front of her. His arms banded around her waist as he buried his face in the folds of her dress. His voice was muffled when he spoke, but his words were plain. “I don’t deserve you.”

Shocked by his actions and words, Alicia tentatively pushed back the hood that covered his face and stared down in the scarred face of the minstrel. He was much changed, but she knew the face of the man she had married, the man she’d loved these long, lonely years.

His face bore scars on the left side, some of them particularly long and deep. It was a wonder he hadn’t lost his eye. As it was, the skin around his eye was puckered and it drooped slightly on the outside corner. His once dark hair was now shot with silver. But it was the expression in his eyes that moved her to tears, for they were full of shadows and despair. Unable to stop herself, Alicia bent down and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, another upon his scarred cheek and, finally, on his lips.

Reys moaned as if in mortal pain, but one of his arms tightened its hold on her. His other hand moved up to the back of her head where he held her gently captive while his lips carefully explored hers. The kiss went on and on until Alicia’s head was spinning. When Reys finally pulled back Alicia’s joy quickly turned to pain.

She tried to pull away from his embrace but he would not release her. “Why did you not tell me instead of skulking around the keep like some thief in the night?”

BOOK: Lady's Minstrel
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