Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

BOOK: Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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Gabe smiled, folded the newspaper, and then placed it on the coffee table. “That’s too bad. I would have loved to help out our damsel in distress.” He sighed. “She’ll come ’round eventually.”

“If you say so, but don’t act like you’re missing out. I’m the one who’s gotta go and fix her roof in the pissing rain.”

Gabe shook his head. “Do you really think that’s why she’s invited you over? If you do, you’re even dumber than you look. I’m guessing she just wants your company.” He pointed outside. “I bet she’s just scared of being alone in this storm. You see if I’m right.”

“You may be, but Madi is never gonna forgive you.”

“Oh, she will,” he said with an assuredness that came from always being right. It was an uncanny knack his older brother just seemed to have.

On this occasion he reckoned he’d be proved wrong, and he voiced his thoughts. “Gabe, I think you should realize that Madi is way out of your league.”

“Wrong. She just needs a little coaching in the right direction.”

Tyler shook his head. “Maybe you should get some rest, Gabe. Your brain isn’t functioning right.” Quickly he grabbed the keys and made his way outside. The heavens were pouring down. He dashed over to the barn and found the heavy-duty tarpaulin, then threw it into the back of the pickup. The rain drummed loudly on the cab roof as he eased himself inside. The windshield was simply awash with water. He set the wipers in motion and began driving over to Madi’s, wondering if he’d drawn the short straw yet again.

When he pulled onto her drive, his opinion changed. Madi was sitting under the canopy of the porch. Her arms were clasped around her shins as she rested her chin against her knees. Wearing just a simple red dress, and with her blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, she looked stunning.

Tyler had never seen a more beautiful woman in his life.

Chapter Nine

Madison breathed a sigh of relief as Tyler parked the pickup opposite the porch. Some help at last. When he emerged from the cab he quickly grabbed the tarpaulin from the back of the truck, and then ran for cover from the torrential rain.

Droplets of water wet his hair and dripped down his handsome, manly face. He looked gorgeous. He wore a pair of hip-hugging jeans and a tight-fitting black T-shirt, too, which showed every delicious contour and muscle of his chest and abs to perfection. Madison could feel herself becoming sexually aroused just looking at him. A man with such a body could do things for a woman. When his amber eyes connected with hers, a pulse of pure pleasure surged through her veins, and her panties moistened with desire.

Then reality struck home. She was in no doubt that Gabe had told Tyler what had happened between them. Maybe that was why he looked at her as though he wanted to eat her alive. Better to play the hard bitch, rather than show them what she really felt.

“I hope you don’t mind getting wet, Tyler, but the roof is leaking badly.”

“No problem, Madi. I can cover the hole with this tarpaulin. That’ll keep the house dry until I can finish the job properly.”

“Good,” she answered abruptly, trying to keep her distance. Keep aloof and out of reach. When she stood, she felt incredibly small beside Tyler as she led the way into the house. “Your ladders are still in place. That should make it easier for you. Is it a big job?”

“No need to worry yourself. I’ll have it fixed in next to no time.”

Madison watched Tyler run up the stairs, two at a time. He definitely had a lot of stamina. She almost regretted calling him over in the rain. She knew he’d get wet through, but it was too late to back down now. His brother had made a fool of her, used her, and treated her like a common whore.

Feeling a little guilty, she followed him upstairs and pulled two warm towels from the cupboard. At least he’d be able to dry himself when he’d finished securing the roof.

After about twenty minutes he reappeared on the balcony, soaked through. His hair was plastered to his head, and water streaked down his face and dripped off his nose. Madison handed him a dry towel as he came through the French doors and into the bedroom.

“Thanks,” he said, taking it from her outstretched hand. He immediately rubbed it over his hair and face, and then down his arms. “It should hold for a while. I can come back and fix it properly tomorrow. That’s if you want me to.”

“Please, I’d be grateful. Being a woman on my own isn’t easy. I’m sorry you got wet, Ty. I know I can be a selfish bitch at times. I guess it could have waited until morning, or at least until the rain had stopped.”

He stared at her, perhaps trying to second-guess what she was really thinking. “It’s done now.” He looked down at where he stood. Water pooled at his feet, marking the plush cream carpet. “I’d better go, before I ruin anything else.”

As he made his way down the stairs, she called after him, “Would you like a drink? It’s the least I can do.”

He stopped at the bottom, his gaze caressing her from head to toe. She knew he wanted to fuck her as much as his brother did. That thought alone made her panties moisten even more.

His voice was deep and lifted the hairs on the back of her neck as he answered, “If it’s no trouble, Madi. I will.”

She led the way into the kitchen and pointed at the table. “Please take a seat, Tyler.” He settled into the wooden chair and continued to dry himself. “I can offer you a coffee, or would you prefer something stronger?”

“Coffee will be great. It’ll warm me up.”

Madison felt like she should explain her actions. When around the Hayes men she just seemed to misbehave. “You’ll have to forgive me for sending you out into the rain. I’ve been on edge ever since my mother died. All sorts of things have come to light, things that have shocked me. Things that I didn’t know about.”

As she made the coffee, Tyler spoke, “I know. When Pop died we learned a few things, too. He’d been a secret gambler for years. Found a large sum of money he’d been saving for a rainy day, stuffed into the back of an old wardrobe. Of course, that rainy day never came, and he never got to enjoy the benefits. Sad, really. But Gabe and I put it to good use. We invested heavily in the ranch. It’s making a good profit now.”

“Good for you. Maybe something good will come of what I discovered.”

“Do you want to discuss it? I’m a very good listener.”

Madison relaxed and smiled. Tyler was very easy to talk to, but the timing just wasn’t right. She’d barely come to terms with the fact that her mother had lied to her all these years. She certainly didn’t want to discuss it right now. As she placed his cup of coffee in front of him, she shook her head. “That’s very sweet of you, but I need more time.” Without thinking she touched his shoulder. His T-shirt was soaked.

“You’re wet through. I’m so sorry.”

“Madi, you don’t need to apologize. I blame Gabe for most of this.”

Feeling defensive, she replied, “I suppose Gabe told you what happened?”

“Gabe didn’t say a word.”

“I can hardly believe that, considering he said you share everything, including women.”

“Madison, I promise it’s the truth. Gabe doesn’t take much seriously, but I can assure you, underneath all his bravado and devil-may-care attitude, he’s a regular stand-up guy.” She watched Tyler drain the last of his coffee and place the cup back on the table. “Thanks for the drink. I’d better be going. I need to change out of these wet things.”

“Of course you do.”

She walked with him to the front door. “Thanks for coming, Tyler.”

“You’re welcome.”

Her heart beat frantically in her chest. Just what was it about the Hayes brothers anyway? Her body couldn’t help responding sexually to them, whether she wanted it to or not. It was as if an electric current were drawing her to him. When she looked up at him, their eyes connected, and her breath caught in her throat. She knew that look. As if in a trance she watched as Tyler reached out and tucked a stray hair behind her ear. That simple gesture melted her heart. It didn’t come as a shock when he twisted his hand into her hair and pulled her into his embrace. His other hand cupped her chin, and as she looked into his amber eyes, she knew she was lost.

“I like you, Madi. I like you a lot, and I think you like me. If I’m overstepping the mark, you let me know. Slap my face if you must, but I sure want to kiss you, lady.”

* * * *

A stinging blow whipped across Tyler’s cheek. The blood rose in his veins. Madi looked as stunned as he felt. Her beautiful green eyes flared wide. When she raised her hand to strike him again he caught her wrist.

“Does that make you feel better?”

“Yes. Don’t you ever disrespect me like Gabe did.” Her voice was breathy, and charged with raw emotion. Her breasts heaved with excitement and anticipation as she stared into his eyes. Then she pulled his head down to her level, pressing her lips hard against his. Her fingers threaded into his hair.

Taken aback, he angled her face and kissed her back, forcing his tongue between her lips. He figured Madi was a sexually charged woman, looking for physical release.
My God, she’s hot.
No wonder Gabe hadn’t said a word. He’d never have believed him anyway.

Her fingers sought his T-shirt, pulling it from his jeans. He helped her remove the sodden cloth, and as he flung it on the floor, her fingers smoothed over the naked flesh of his chest. A need so primal surged through his body. He twisted his hand into her beautiful blonde hair, pulling her head back to expose her throat. He feverishly licked her throbbing pulse and bit into the tender flesh. Her whimpers of satisfaction made his cock hardened steel.

“You want me, Madi?” he whispered against her ear, nuzzling her neck once more.

“Yes,” came her breathy answer.

“I’m gonna fuck you right here.” He pressed her back against the wall. His cock twitched appreciatively in response to her passionate mews. If ever there was an aphrodisiac, the soft purring of a beautiful woman was it.

“Do it now. Fuck me now.”

He stared down at her breasts, which heaved so fucking sexily in her tight red dress. Not wanting to wait, or caring about the consequences, he clasped the neckline in his hands. Then he ripped it open, exposing her full breasts to his gaze. The sound of tearing material filled the hallway, drowning out the incessant noise of the rain that pounded against the roof and flowed down the windows. He roughly pulled the ruined garment apart. Somehow he knew he’d pay for that, but for now, Madi said nothing.

She just cried out, “Yes.” Her back arched as he licked her areola. He sucked her nipple hard, nipping it with his teeth. She tasted so fucking sweet and feminine—pure ambrosia.

Frantically her fingers slipped inside the waistband of his jeans, popping the button. She began sliding the zipper down. He guessed by the expression on her face she liked the sound it made. “What have you got hiding in here, cowboy?” Her eyes held his as she spoke.


Madi bent down slipping the jeans from his hips, letting the damp material drop to his ankles. “Plenty? That’s an understatement, Ty.” Her gaze feasted on his fully erect cock. Her whole body writhed, and a soft moan escaped her lips. Tyler stroked a hand over his ramrod-hard shaft. “It’s all for you, honey.”

Madi grasped his cock, wrapping her hand tightly around it, before vigorously pumping the swollen shaft. “My fingers won’t meet.”

Tyler breathed in, trying to control his obvious arousal. He didn’t want to spill his seed in her hand. He wanted to be inside her, to feel his cock slide into her warm wet cunt, but not yet. With a flick of his wrist he dispatched her panties, tearing them from her trembling body. Madi was compliant as he pinned her back against the wall. Their skin melded together, flesh on flesh. His heat mixed with hers. His erection sandwiched between them, pushing and twitching restlessly against her belly. The moisture from his bell end wept into her navel.

BOOK: Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
2.81Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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