Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (5 page)

BOOK: Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Shh, Mother, there’s no need to—”

“Let me make my peace with you.” She needed to talk. The world as she knew it was crumbling around her. Her mother was dying, and there was nothing she could do.

Annie Allen spoke again, “I know I was cold, but I’ve always loved you Madison. I need to tell you that while there’s still time. I’ve only ever wanted what was best for you. My ambitions for you may have seemed harsh, but I know what it feels like to have nothing, and I didn’t want that for you.”

“Momma, I love you, too.” She squeezed her mother’s hands and gently kissed her forehead.

“Madi, don’t be sad. I’m happy to go. I know your father is waiting for me. I see him in my dreams.” Her mother chuckled. “He’s getting really impatient, and wants me to hurry up and join him.”

Madison knew it was the drugs talking, but it seemed to comfort her mother. She went to move, but her mother whispered.

“Rest here with me, Madi. You’ve been up all night. Just rest…a while.” Madison lay on the bed and held her mother’s hand. Her breathing had become difficult and labored. She knew the time was near.

“I won’t leave you, Mother. Remember I love you, always. Sleep tight.”

* * * *

Annie Allen opened her eyes as a beautiful white light filled the bedroom. She looked around feeling strength and vitality surge into her bones. Her daughter lay on the bed, her legs curled in sleep. She stroked her hand over her hair. Madison always had such beautiful hair.

A shaft of light so bright splayed out and refracted like glistening shards of glass. It was so intense it hurt her eyes. She squinted, just making out a figure as it slowly emerged from the giant beams. “William is that you? Is it time?”

“Yes, darling. Are you ready?”

She reached out her hand, smiling at her husband. He looked young again, and the pain in her body had suddenly gone. “William, I feel wonderful.” He helped her from the bed, and as she looked back, she could see her own withered self, lying still and unmoving with her daughter by her side.

“William, what about Madison? I can’t leave her.”

“You’ve made your peace with her. Madison doesn’t need us anymore.”

“But, I have to tell her something. She’s so unhappy.”


Annie Allen leaned over her daughter. She kissed her cheek and then whispered in her ear. “I love you, Madison. Follow your dreams. Live life to the full.”

* * * *

Madison stirred awake as a slight cool breeze disturbed her cheek. She fancied she could hear the words,
“I love you, Madison. Follow your dreams. Live life to the full,”
whispered by her mother. Had she been dreaming? It took her a while to realize her mother couldn’t speak, and had stopped gasping for air.

With acceptance, she lifted her mother’s limp wrist and felt for a pulse. A teardrop slipped down her cheek as it slowly dawned on her. Her mother was dead. Annie Allen was no more. Her indomitable spirit had finally succumbed to the ravaging disease eating its way through her body.

She leaned forward and kissed her mother’s cool forehead, brushing the hair from her eyes. “Rest now. Sleep well, my darling.”

Chapter Five

Eight days later

With her mother dead, Madison felt like she was functioning in a haze. A mist of unreality hung over everything. She’d coped, of course. Her mother had instilled self-reliance from an early age. She’d dealt with the funeral arrangements on her own, and had contacted any living relatives who wished to see her mother laid to rest. The house had filled to bursting with family and friends she’d not seen since her father had died some five years before.

Eventually, the day of the funeral passed, and she was finally left on her own. Now she had to decide what she was going to do with the old house. It was a beautiful character property, but it was far too large for a woman on her own, and of course, she had her apartment in Washington to consider.

Madison scanned the dining room. It looked much more comforting now she’d removed her mother’s bed. Now it felt like the dining room she played in as a small child. She touched her fingers to her cheek, remembering lying next to her mother on the bed. The day her mother had died she’d had the weirdest sensation that she’d whispered something soothing in her ear. So much so that she’d immediately woken up. She shook her head. It had just been a dream, nothing more. She’d thought about those words a lot lately. Surely she had to follow her dreams and live life to the full? She couldn’t keep dwelling on the past and her failed relationship with Carson.

The heart-to-heart with her mother brought comfort, too. It gave an insight into why her mother had acted so coldly over the years. The revelation that Annie Allen came from humble beginnings was confirmed when she saw her mother’s birth certificate for the first time. It had been hidden amongst a bunch of legal papers in a dresser drawer. Her grandparents on her mother’s side were ranchers from a small community near Lubbock, Texas, and not the high-flying doctors from New York, as she’d always been led to believe. Now she would have to reassess her own origins. Just who was Madison Allen? Maybe she’d take a trip to Lubbock and find out for herself. It came as a shock to find that she was just as ordinary as the people she’d disrespected over the years.

When the doorbell chimed, she went to answer it. It took all her effort not to let her jaw drop open. Two of the hottest cowboys she’d ever seen stood on the porch. They both wore dark gray suits, and held their hats to their chests. Gabe and Tyler Hayes were certainly a welcome distraction from her inner reflection.

“Howdy, Madi,” Gabe muttered, using the shortened version of her name. Strangely, it didn’t irritate her as much as it had. “Just thought we’d come ’round and pay our respects. Your mother was a strong woman.”

“Yeah, we’re real sorry about your ma.” Tyler spoke, holding his hat tightly to his chest. “We didn’t want to intrude earlier. What with your family all coming to visit.”

“Thank you.” Her gaze wandered over both men. They might be wearing suits, but they still had their cowboy boots on. She guessed no amount of spit and polish would change the fact that they were cowboys through and through. Rough-and-ready came to mind. Just that one thought made her heart beat a little quicker. She could do with a little rough-and-ready, like right now. She mentally chastised herself. She’d been without a man for far too long. Tyler and Gabe were cowboys. There was no way she’d even entertain the idea, even if they did look hot. Their hair shone raven black and moved in the hot breeze. Couple that with amber eyes and powerful physiques, and they were simply riveting.

“I suppose you’ll be selling up and moving back to Washington.” Gabe’s gaze traveled to her cleavage as he spoke. It felt sexually empowering as he lingered on the low-cut white blouse that she wore.

With her heart beating even faster, she retorted, “Gabe, I haven’t decided what I’m going to do, so please don’t speculate.”

His mouth broke into a sensual smile as he raised his eyes to hers. Her panties immediately moistened at the predatory look she saw in his gaze. It took all her effort not to believe he could read every thought inside her head. If he could, he’d know she wanted his body just for a round of hard, fast sex—nothing more. She certainly wasn’t looking for a relationship. She’d had enough of relationships, enough of marriage to last a lifetime.

“If there’s anything, anything at all you’d like us to do for you, Madi, we’re just across the way.” Tyler grinned. He had the same intense look as his brother.

Madison smiled sweetly, trying hard to quell the image of the two brothers seeing to her every sexual need. There was just something about them that piqued her interest. She had the distinct feeling they did everything together.

“Well, gentlemen, if there’s anything I can think of, I’ll be sure to let you know.”

“You do that.” Gabe smiled.

They made to leave, and she called after them, “Tyler, did you say the roof needed repairing?”

“Yep, you’ve got quite a few slipped tiles that need fixing.”

“Would you know of someone round here who could fix them?”

“Why sure, Madi. I hear the Hayes brothers do a real good job.” Tyler turned to his brother. “Isn’t that right, Gabe?”

“Sure thing, Ty. I’d be happy to give a helping hand to this little lady.” She knew from the way Gabe spoke the words that he was talking about far more than fixing the roof.

Madison realized it was time to move on and start living again, and if she could have some fun on the way, all the better. “When can you boys start?”


* * * *

One week later

Tyler stretched his arms above his head and eased his neck from side to side. The sun baked down on his body as he stood precariously on the edge of the roof. Both he and Gabe had been fixing it for the past three days. He looked down at his brother as he climbed the ladder from the balcony with yet another batch of tiles.

“This roof really should be completely replaced,” Tyler grumbled. “Most of the slates are past their best.”

Gabe smiled and handed him the water canteen. “Don’t worry, you’re doing a great job. It looks really neat. Why don’t you take a break and let me have a go.”

Tyler moved to the side and perched on the apex of the roof. From up here he had a good view of the land around Madison’s house. He could clearly see the large garden with the tennis court, stable block, and swimming pool. As he opened the flask, his gaze sought the kidney-shaped shimmering water. Madison was there sunbathing in her bikini. Just as she had on all the other days they’d been working here. Wearing a pair of designer sunglasses, she opened a bottle of sun lotion and began applying it to her creamy bare skin. Sensuously rubbing it into her full breasts and down her smooth long legs. She did it so slowly, making sure every square inch of her naked flesh was covered.

Madison had the perfect body. Full, luscious tits, ripe and thrusting in the yellow bikini top. Just a tiny yellow G-string covered her pussy. He licked his lips and chuckled. “Gabe, I swear she’s doing it on purpose. How come every time I look over there, she’s rubbing lotion into that fuck-me body of hers?”

“Even at school, Madison was a prickteaser. I guess she’s just perfected the art over time.” Gabe laughed.

“Well, she’s driving me fucking crazy.” Gabe was right. His cock was as hard as the nails he’d been banging into the roof. Tyler took a generous swig of water from the canteen, and then poured some over his head. He flicked his hair, sending spray in every direction. It felt wonderful as it dripped down his body, cooling everything except the prominent swelling in his jeans that just wouldn’t quit.

Gabe moved higher up the roof to get a better view, pretending to be measuring. He stood leaning against the chimney. His older brother certainly didn’t have a fear of heights. That was for sure. Gabe winked at him. “We should play Little Miss Pricktease at her own game.” His brother wrenched off his T-shirt, and stood naked from the waist up. He beckoned with his hand. “Toss me the water.”

Tyler threw him the canteen, and Gabe drenched himself in the cooling liquid. As he shook his head, the water cascaded down his naked chest in shimmering rivulets.

“You think she’s gonna be impressed by you posing on top of the roof, Gabe?”

“What you have to understand, Ty, is the modern woman thinks the same as a man. She’s interested in sex just as much as we are.”

Tyler nodded. “You’re probably right, but Madison is just prick-teasing us.”

Gabe touched his temple. “I’m telling you, I know. I’ve seen it in her eyes. She just wants to get laid, with no strings attached. Why do you think she’s stretched out there by the pool, giving us hard-ons when we’re trying to work?”

BOOK: Knight, Kayla - Her Long Hot Surrender [Raw Texas Heat 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
4.95Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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