Read Kaden's Breeder Online

Authors: Emma Paul

Kaden's Breeder (9 page)

BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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Even though Alura and Zya had tried to help her there was only so much they could do, since they needed to help others get the preparations started. Alone she tackled the work no one else wanted

So far, she had managed to not only get the jobs done but done so well that even the other Breeders had to admit the work was good. However this, a day before the actual celebration, was completely unreasonable

She glared at the smirking warrior, “No fucking way! I'm done here, you need a hole dug then here's your shovel and you better take it before I shove it where you don't want it!” She glared at him, trying to burn a hole right through the middle of his forehead.

He gave her a wicked grin. “Very well I will tell Dar-Kaden that his Breeder refuses to honor him by defiling the sanctity of the fertility harvest."

She had no idea if what he said was true and her refusal to dig a hole would shame Kaden. He was going to be the next High Chieftain and this warrior was already using his title. It told her that people were already looking to Kaden for leadership. What if it was true?

Carina grimaced harshly at the still amused warrior. This was just wrong. It was lower than low. What did she do to deserve this? She threw her shoulders back and walked determinedly towards the arrogant son-of-bitch holding her shovel.

She snatched the shovel as she walked past him and went over to the huge pile of dirt, thrust her shovel into it and started to dig.

Damn how she would love to shove the pathetic excuse for a shovel up that Dreg's ass. She looked up and saw him still standing arms crossed over his chest with a satisfied smirk on his face

She glared at him, managing to give him her best snarl. He laughed.


After a while, her arms began to feel like rubber. Carina looked up, wiping the sweat form her forehead. She had barely moved two feet of dirt. Her back ached like hell. She straightened herself and stretched, arching her back.

Alura was sitting across the way in the pavilion weaving baskets. Her brow wrinkled with worry. Carina shook her head as if there was nothing out of the ordinary going on and smiled. She didn't want Kaden's mother to drag Kaden into this. If anything, the less Kaden interfered the better her chances of winning over the other breeders, without appearing coddled.

Zya had told her that people were gossiping behind her back, about Kaden's “unnatural” infatuation with her. It made no sense. Someone was stirring the pot.

Taking a deep breath, Carina turned back to the pile of dirt. She thrust her shovel in as far as she could. Before she hauled up the load, she glanced up to see if the asshole Dreg was still watching her. She gasped.

Kiana approached the warrior and stretched up on her toes to whisper something in his ear. Carina watched as the Breeder snuck into a thickly covered patch of foliage. The Dreg who'd given her assignment, looked around a few times and then quickly joined Kiana

Holy crap! Wasn't Kiana already mated to someone? It didn't take a brain surgeon to figure out what Kiana and ass wipe were up to. Carina unloaded her shovel and resumed digging. Something was going on and she wondered if Kiana had anything to do with it.

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Kaden inclined his head in gratitude to Prince Nal of Elvin. He had called a meeting with Nal, via holo-link in an attempt to get some support from the Galactic Council concerning the Grub and Trellian alliance and potential threat to Yor. Prince Nal was one of the highest-ranking members on the council and a great friend

"I am truly thankful Nal."

"I will do my best. You should have contacted me sooner."

Kaden gave him a tightlipped smile, and nodded in agreement. But he hadn't wanted to get the Elvins involved in his problems.

"Yes, but I am now and anything you can do to get votes on the side of Yor's claim against the Mantra and the Grub would be most welcomed."

"I will be in touch."

Kaden sat back and watched the holo-com blur and eventually disappear altogether. I hope you can my friend.

On the way back to his to his hut where Carina was still sleeping, Kaden's thoughts turned to another matter he needed to deal with. Carina was exhausted when he came back from the training holds. He found out why. It was his fault.

He chose to ignore the rumors about his Breeder, believing people would eventually grow tired with the ridiculous notations of Carina's presence bringing destruction to them all. Unfortunately, this latest trial his Breeder suffered had gone too far. He took a deep breath to calm his growing antagonism, when he reached his hut.


Kaden entered the hut slowly and quietly knelt beside his sleeping Breeder. His mother had informed him of what had happened the day before, while he had been training.

His blood boiled with anger and he would have sought out the warrior responsible for issuing her the task, if his mother had not explained how Carina's determination to complete such backbreaking labor, had endeared her to the other Breeders

To reprimand anyone for it would only make Carina appear coddled. It was important that the other women respected her, if she was to be their leader.

She slept soundly, obviously exhausted from the previous day's work. Many of the other women had offered to do much of her tasks so that she would be able to rest longer

He reached out and brushed her hair from her face. She stirred the moment he touched her. His heart thumped a bit faster. She was so beautiful.

"Mmm, Kaden?” Her eyes focused on his face and she gave him a lazy smile. “What time is it?"

"It is just about noontime."

She sat up abruptly and winced. “I have to get out there to help set up ... I..."

Kaden placed a finger over her mouth. He then smoothed her untamable hair back from her face. “It has been taken care of. Many other Breeders have offered to finish your chores. You need to rest."

He gently pushed her back down and lifted the blanket over her shoulders. “You have done enough. I am sorry that you were treated with such disrespect."

Kaden looked away; he had failed to protect her. The shame was written all over his face. He felt Carina's gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Hey it's not your fault. You didn't know how they would treat me. Besides, it was a hell of a workout."

She smiled brightly at him and his demeanor lightened. “Sleep love, I will wake you for the festivities.” He placed a tender kiss on her forehead before stroking her soft cheek once and then leaving her to rest

Despite her attempt to comfort him, he silently vowed that no other living being or creature would ever treat her with such disrespect again. If ever again, anyone or anything did, they would answer to him ... with their lives.

Zeth was waiting for Kaden outside his communal hut. His Breeder Zya was preparing a stew over the outdoor hearth that Zeth built from gray stone and mica ore his people mined from underground taverns which had once been transport tunnels connecting cities

He had been meaning to build one of his own. It would definitely make it easier for them to cook over an open fire

"Zya is preparing enough degnan roast for you and Carina as well. How is she?” The concern on Zeth's face was genuine

"She is resting, and will be for quite a while I imagine.” his gaze settled on Zeth's Breeder Zya. “Keep watch ensure that no one disturbs her. I want her to be at her strongest for the ceremony tonight."

Zeth nodded and bowed before he stepped aside, so Kaden could leave.

Carina never slept so well. It was already dark when she woke up. Kaden was not there and she felt a twinge of sadness that he had not been laying down next to her when she awoke. It was a disturbing thought, that in such a short period she had become so attached to him

He was so gentle and kind with her. Unfortunately she could never remain on Yor. Odd but that thought was even more discerning

The impossibility of her situation had not been lost on her. Carina knew that the longer she remained on Yor with Kaden; the harder it would be for her to leave. So far, she had not gotten any kind of opportunity to make alternate plans regarding her return to Earth. What if there weren't any?

The celebration was tonight and she wondered how it would all pan out in the morning. Kaden would become Dreg High Chieftain, and she would be his queen. She cursed under her breath.

"Oh Crap, what then?"

If she took the first opportunity to leave when the Mantra came back, how would that look for Kaden as the Dreg ruler? The Dregs took honor and respect extremely seriously. Alura had explained a lot to her about their culture. Leaving Kaden would destroy his credibility with his people.

How can a man rule hundreds, when he can't preserve his relationship with his own Breeder? She could stay. The possibility was always nagging at the back of her mind

Carina sat and started to stand when, Zya entered

Zya smiled warmly, “You are awake. That's good, how do you feel?"

Carina couldn't help but acknowledge her with a smile of her own. “Oh I'm good. Feeling much better. I guess I've been out of it for a while.” She rubbed her neck trying to get the remaining kinks out. Her body felt much better.

Zya approached her and set down a wooden bowl containing an incredibly tasty smelling roasted meat. She went around behind Carina and climbed up on the bed so that she was kneeling behind her

Carina was about to ask what she was doing, when Zya began to do a deep tissue massage on her neck.

"Oh wow that feels like heaven."

Zya smiled and began to alternate her deep massage with circular stroking, down Carina's back. Carina felt like Jell-O as Zya worked her magical fingers into her skin.

Zya's hands moved forward and she began to slide them slowly up Carina's torso, following the tapering contours of her body. “You are very tense. I was sent by Alura to help you relax."

Zya leaned forward and blew warm breath on Carina's neck causing goose bumps to rise on her flesh. “On Zen the women share a special bond.” She leaned down and whispered in her ear, “We learn to comfort each other in times of stress.” She spoke in a throaty whisper, which much to Carina's surprise sent tingles down her spine. Her lower belly began to knot with arousal.

Carina wanted to ask what exactly Zya meant by that, however, the implication was just too unfathomable to question. She hoped it wasn't what her perverted mind was vividly imagining. Or what her body was reacting to.

As Zya's hands began a slow descent down her rib cage and over her hips then back again, Carina tilted her head back a little, turning slightly to face Zya.

The woman's eyes were glazed over with arousal. Oh crap! This was not going to happen because she was not a lesbian! Unfortunately, her skin was so heated from Zya's caresses. Rippling sensations of sexual pulses traveled up her cunt. God she was so wet!

Just as she was about to gently remove Zya's hands from her belly, Zya slid them up, palming her breasts and expertly massaging them. Carina sighed and let a small moan escape. Her hands fell to her sides and she closed her eyes. She no longer cared about the woman arousing her. “Mmm ... Zya ... that feels incredible."

Zya blew hot breath on her engorged nipples. Plucked at them with her fingers, just hard enough to make Carina jump and groan. Using her thumbs, Zya began to massage the sensitive peaks in lazy circles.

The gentle pressure that Zya applied with each stroke of her hands on her body, felt so wonderfully wicked. Her anxiety seemed to dissipate and she leaned back against Zya's bare breasts allowing her friend to sooth her tense muscles. Well at least she wasn't a lesbian in theory.

"Feeling better Carina?” Zya's voice was strained with her own arousal.

Her eyes still closed, Carina smiled, “Much ... but uhmm Zya?"

Zya leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Carina's temple, “Yes Carina?"

Opening her eyes Carina turned her head to look at Zya. “Uhm could you please not let anyone know about this?"

Zya giggled and repositioned herself so that Carina could lie down. She moved to kneel in between Carina's spread thighs

Zya began her luxurious ministrations on Carina's inner thighs, slowly working her way down to the glossy pink flesh between her legs. “Don't worry my friend it will be our little secret,” she smiled seductively as she worked her fingers began their magic on Carina's aroused pussy.

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The warm night air felt wonderful on Carina's bare skin. Zya followed her out of the hut and stood beside her. She glanced at her new “best” friend and felt a warm flush settle on her cheeks.

Zya winked and smiled brightly. “You look beautiful Carina."

They started down the path towards the pavilion. As they passed the other communal huts, people began to pour out and follow them

Carina felt a bit exposed given the fact that she was wearing a very short, very shear sarong skirt trimmed with intricate gold patterns

She wore the same patterned scarf crisscrossed over her breasts, giving an excellent view of her ample assets. Luckily, it appeared that all the other women had on similar and some even more transparent then hers. The closer they got to the communal dining area, the faster her heart pounded

She was about to ask Zya where all the warriors were, when she saw them lined up outside the pavilion waiting for their women to arrive. One by one, each Breeder met with their man and was escorted to a seat in front of a large rectangular platform set up like a high stage

Kaden stepped forward and bowed before her the same way all the other men had with their women. The look on his face when he looked up at her was shear bliss. His eyes slowly traveled her form from head to toe.

He licked his lips.

Carina noticed the bulge in his loincloth grow a bit larger. His covering was the same color as her outfit and laced with the same intricate gold patterns.

He took her by the arm and led her to the front and center chairs where he waited for her to take her seat before he took his own. Kaden never took his eyes off her. The way his hungry eyes watched her, made her feel undeniably sexy.

BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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