Read Kaden's Breeder Online

Authors: Emma Paul

Kaden's Breeder (5 page)

BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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The soft bedding she was on was little more than a large square slab of stone, about a foot off the ground. The “mattress” was a crude, yet comfortable stuffed pallet.

Carina turned her attention to Alura.

Alura was wearing a halter top that was no more than a single narrow scarf crisscrossed in front over her breasts and tied in the back. It did lift her breasts giving her support, however it left very little covered especially on someone with such large boobs

Carina looked down to her well rounded hips and saw a similar lion cloth the Dregs had worn at the starting stalls. Only hers seemed to be more like a short skirt covering her sex.

She smiled at Carina again.

Carina nodded, more to avoid being rude then the fact she actually understood what was going on. However, Alura's demeanor was so calm and friendly that Carina couldn't help but feel automatically at ease with her.

Her host suddenly stood up

She was tall, Carina noticed, maybe a bit taller than her and her body although plus sized, was still very well proportioned and pleasingly curvy.

Carina felt a little jealous, and then realized it was foolish to feel envious over Kaden's mother. The fact that she cared or even considered being jealous of another woman with access to Kaden, made her less than comfortable.

Crap, she even justified why she didn't have to be jealous and she barely even knew the man. He did something to her. That was it. He did some alien pheromone thingy like all those erotic romance novels she read.

That has to be it.

Carina stared at the bowl she'd been given. It was a soup of some kind with strange bits of colorful vegetables. At least Carina hoped it was vegetables because she assumed she was supposed to eat it.

She gave Alura a nervous smile and took a sip of the soup. It was actually quite good and she took two more sips. On the third, Carina gulped down the rest of the contents as if she hadn't eaten in days, and handed the bowl back to a stunned faced Alura

Her face heated. She looked sheepishly at Alura. “Thank you I was starving."

Alura chuckled softly, took the dish, and walked it over to a large basin built into the wall. She placed it in and faced Carina again. “Do you think you can walk? I would like to show the rest of the Commune and Kaden's habitat."

To her surprise, Carina actually felt very good and energized. Even her scrapes and bruises had nearly all disappeared

Alura noticed her staring at her legs. Her lips twitched as if she were trying to hold back a giggle, “Your body heals faster now than normal. I'm assuming that is why you look so confused."

When Carina only stared at her like an idiot she continued. “The Cleansing Bacterium you were given aboard the Mantra's vessel makes it so."

She smiled and held her hand out for Carina. Once she helped Carina to her feet, she turned and pulled something off a shelf, next to the bed.

She handed Carina two pieces of fabric and motioned her to clothe herself. The “outfit” was the same as Alura's and Carina had to bite her lip to keep from speaking her outrage.

However, she thought better of it since she had been prancing around an alien jungle buck naked the day before. It was ridiculous to get all shy now. Besides, she was thankful that she would be able to cover up the more embarrassing parts of her anatomy.

Once they got outside, Carina was awe struck by the Commune. All the habitats were approximately ten to twenty feet apart and all were identical to one another. They consisted of a hut, a garden that stretched the length of the habitat, and a path behind the hut that led to a small enclosure built into the ground to resemble a natural pool.

As they walked, Alura pointed out the four main routes leading to their commune. “There are five communes. Each named after what direction they face and lead to the Central Commune, East, West, North, South."

Carina noticed that gutters were placed strategically alongside each habitat. “Where does the clean water come from that fill the pools behind each hut?"

Alura motioned for her to step over to one of the gutters. She knelt down and pulled up a steel grill, “Come see..."

Carina knelt down beside her and peered inside the gutter.

"You see those pipes there...” Alura pointed to an intricate system of silver tubing that overlapped and connected in a series of angles that looked way too complicated for her average human mind to figure out.

"They connect to every commune, and lead to a vast underground basin that is continually filled with water from a large reservoir which is located beyond the perimeter of the Dreg jungle. It was once home to the Velix, one of the extinct races that lived on Yor hundreds of years ago."

Carina wanted to ask about Yor's history. However, Alura was busily explaining about daily life on the commune and she didn't want to interrupt. The woman looked thrilled to be the quintessential tour guide. After they did a quick “how to” in the Dreg version of a bathroom, they walked towards, what Alura referred to as the “outer grounds".

Carina was about to ask for a brief history lesson, when Alura stopped in front of a large building that looked like a barrack. Similar barracks that were much smaller surrounded it.

Alura pointed to the buildings. “These are the training holds. The largest building is where the unmated senior warriors reside. The younger warriors not yet squired are housed in the smaller ones. Once a warrior becomes squired, he will move into the large barrack and begin his training."

She motioned for Carina to walk towards the larger building. They approached the entrance.

A groan came from behind the door

Alura opened the door for Carina and stepped aside to let her in. The groan got louder. She looked at Alura who seemed oblivious to the sound. Oblivious or deliberately ignoring it she wondered.

The third time she heard it Carina could not let it go. “What is that? Is someone hurt? Shouldn't we go check?"

Alura's green complexion darkened slightly and she gave Carina a sheepish grin. She looked almost embarrassed. Carina was becoming more and more suspicious of her intentions. She heard Alura mumble something to herself about how of all the stupid requests, why did Kaden have to make her bring his Breeder to the barracks at the midday meal.

Her face actually looked blanched and a few shades darker when she looked back at Carina, “Oh that's nothing really, probably just a young warrior being trained.” Alura bit her lip nervously as the groan turned into a throaty moan

Carina took note of Alura's sudden change in demeanor. Something like embarrassment flashed across her face.

What was she not telling her? Without a word Carina turned towards the direction of the noise. It was coming from the room to her left blocked by a sheer sheet in the doorway

She ran to the entrance before Alura could stop her. “It's okay I'll go get help ... Oh My God!"

Carina stood transfixed in the doorway. Her eyes were so wide they nearly popped out of her head. Never in her life would she have suspected the sight before her, never

A tall muscular male Dreg was hovered over a younger male. His hand was firmly planted on the younger man's head, whose dreads were stroking and undulation between the older Dreg's ass cheeks, drilling in and out of his anus

The younger man was kneeling before the older one, a look of rapture on his face as his mouth rode up and down the other man's long thick shaft. Both men were moaning and moving against each other in climactic abandon

A sudden shudder from the standing man and the long low growl resonating from his chest signaled his intense orgasm spurting into the kneeling man's mouth. The young warrior hungrily drank and sucked on the pulsing cock he had so proficiently satiated

Carina stared at the couple in stunned silence

Alura came to a halt just behind her. “Well I suppose there are some things we should discuss about life on Yor", she cleared her throat and smiled meekly as she took hold of Carina's arm and urged her away from the entrance.

[Back to Table of Contents]


Zeth entered the combat room with an ear-to-ear smile, which made Kaden want to strangle him. Carina had been too exhausted last night for any kind of coupling. Not to mention, she had to heal from all the scrapes and bruises the Trellian had inflicted on her. He growled low at the thought

If it was not bad enough that was unable to claim Carina, the site of a very relaxed and satisfied Zeth only made is aching balls hurt more. His best friend and former training partner stopped directly in front of him. The brilliant smile on Zeth's face made him growl low in frustration. “Must you look so happy?"

Zeth chuckled and took his place at Kaden's right side. They were here to select the new recruits for squire apprenticeship. Several of the older warriors were beginning to take their place in the stands to await the young warriors who would be theirs to train

On the day after the mating hunt, Senior Dreg warriors with only three to five years left of their training would go to the combat arena and watch the younger warriors fight each other. The older men would then bid on which ones they would want to apprentice. Once chosen, the new squire would begin his twelve-year training in the art of war and defense.

Dreg warriors were renowned for their skill and excellent fighting strategies. A race that did not favor technology needed to be strong and fierce in order to defend their planet if the need ever arose. It was secretly known, but not made common knowledge, that the Dregs still possessed all of their military technology. It was a secret well-kept from the Council.

That was why the warriors’ training was so important. Dregs were not ignorant of the threats from other warrior races that would love to plunder and claim Yor for their own. The Council could not be trusted to protect them from such a threat.

Zeth sighed then turned towards Kaden, “There will be a meeting tomorrow with all the communal chiefs. Are you prepared to plead your case?"

Kaden frowned, he didn't really feel like talking about this at the moment, but it was inevitable. “I have...” he faced Zeth, and “my father warned me that the Mantra, have already pleaded their case."

Zeth looked down thoughtfully, his expression was troubled when he eyed Kaden again, “Kaden, I was not supposed to tell you, but a band of our scouts captured another Trellian slaver this morning. Jarrow did not want you to know, until he was interrogated. He feared you would try to seek revenge before we could get any vital information from him."

Strangely, the news didn't shock Kaden. His father was right. He would have been out for blood after what had happened with Carina in the jungle. “This is not the first time Trellians have tried to disrupt the matting hunt."

Zeth nodded in agreement, “No, however it is the first time, the Grubs are involved."

Kaden tensed. Zeth was right, the Trellians and the Grubs were never allies before. The two species hated each other. “What do you suppose is the connection?"

Shaking his head, Zeth leaned forward as if about to tell him a sacred oath, “No one knows, however a holo-recorder was found on the Trellian, Jarrow believes it has vital information. Tomorrow when we all meet, the information will be addressed."

Both men sat in awkward silence. The contestants had lined up in the arena and were about to be announced. Kaden was distracted. However it wasn't the surprising news he'd just gotten from Zeth, his thoughts were on a particular flame haired beauty he left asleep in his hut this morning

As if reading his thoughts, Zeth turned his attention to Kaden; “You have not seen Carina this morning?"

"No, she was still asleep. I left her in my Mother's care.” He gave Zeth a narrowed sideways glance when he heard him cough into, his hand trying not to laugh. Kaden's Mother Alura was quite spirited and very opinionated.

The thought of what she might be teaching his Carina had been at the forefront of his mind since he left them this morning. And now with the news of a possible pact between the Trellians and the Grub, it only added more tension that needed to be released.

There was two ways Dregs, released tension, fighting and sex. At the moment he was hoping for the latter. He looked up at the sun's position through the glass-domed ceiling and realized that it was noonday and his Mother would be bringing Carina to him. His cock swelled at the mere thought of seeing her again.

She was so beautiful. His mouth went dry thinking of her and his hand itched to stoke his thickening shaft. He moaned softly. His locks began to undulate behind him caressing his back. He groaned like an animal in pain, “By Yor's Ancients! Zeth, I must go ... and ... Carina my Mother is on her way with her. You can handle the supervision of the selection?"

He turned to Zeth. It was more of a question then a command. If it were anyone else but Zeth, Kaden would have just delegated the task. However, he was more of a brother to Zeth then his superior.

Zeth gave him a knowing wink and dimpled smile. “Of course, go to your Breeder."

"...Err, so you see, the sex between warriors is not only likely, but well ... necessary as a ... form of ... discipline.” Alura stood wringing her hands, a wide “much too happy” smile stretched from ear to ear.

Carina was speechless. She eyed Alura with complete incredulity

However, she did understand that in a society that had so few females, and segregated the unmated men from the familial commune, it actually made sense. The stuff about it being part of the training was a little hard to swallow but she assumed it more of a psychological way to explain the homosexual practices without guilt

Whatever the reason, the scene she had witnessed had aroused her and that was what bothered her. It was the thought of Kaden as a participant in such acts that had her body humming with pleasant sensations that swelled her pussy with liquid heat. Another inexplicable reaction she blamed Kaden for. Damn alien voodoo shit!

She found it hard to walk with the loincloth rubbing her clit with each step. What else could happen to her today?

BOOK: Kaden's Breeder
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